Cupid's Arrow (Rosé x Fem Rea...

Por LittleRed11204

102K 5.2K 2.8K

Cupid being the god of desire, love, attraction, and affection has the biggest part in everyone's lives. Dete... Más

The Beginning
School Cliques
A Much Needed Conversation
Just In Case
Status Update
New People
The Calm Before...
...The Storm
Crumbling World
A Little Later
A Long Time Coming
Only Two Weeks
Jennie The Knowing
Taste Of Her Own Medicine
Back In Seoul
One Single Question
The Moon And Sun
Everyone Finds Out
Escape Room
In Her Dreams
Sunshine And Moonlight

Change Of Scenary

2.8K 150 29
Por LittleRed11204

Y/n was back in Melbourne, Australia inside her apartment as she watched the World Cup on her TV. They were entertaining ones and she wasn't booked or busy, so she spent time yelling at the best of the best athletes as if she could do their sport better than them. With the time zone difference from where the games were actually being held, she was up at some ungodly hours to watch men kick around a damn ball. But she loved it.

The hot November air was not doing y/n any good either as she had to keep her AC on the entire time in her apartment. That wasn't too kind on her wallet, but she needed to do it in order to just survive. And she knows that it's just going to be getting hotter as the months continue to fly by.

Her phone rang and she panicked as she saw that it was the realtor that she's been working with back in Seoul. She didn't question why the hell they were also up at an ungodly hour. Y/n had been looking for an apartment over in Seoul for the last few months because staying in hotels every time she goes there is getting tiring. Plus a majority of her friends are idols, so she'll just end up living in Seoul and selling this apartment. Y/n will be taking multiple flights back to Australia though a year because her parents are getting older and she still wants to spend time with them.

But she's going to start a new chapter of her life.

"Hello?" Y/n answered the phone and she started to fidget with her fingers, hoping that the realtor would be bringing good news.

"Hello Miss y/l/n, I have some news for you about the apartment you put an offer in for." The realtor said casually as y/n was trying to figure out if it was good or bad news.

"Okay, lay it on me." Y/n said as she closed her eyes and crossed her fingers, hoping to hear that they took her offer.

The apartment market in Seoul right now is insane. Even the shitty apartments are selling for so much. It was funny because Seulgi said that there was an open apartment in her building, but she forgot that y/n is only a choreographer and not some famous idol. Those apartments are in the millions and that's way out of y/n's budget. But she did appreciate how Seulgi was looking out for her.

"They decided to accept your offer and you can fly here as soon as you can to get the papers signed. Congratulations."

Y/n couldn't believe that she was picked to get the apartment. It was only 20 minutes away from the SM building, so she could either walk or bike there during the summer. Obviously winter is quickly approaching there, so those aren't an option right now, but she's still extremely excited.

"Thank you! I'll uh– I'll get on the soonest flight to Seoul. Thank you once again!" Y/n said as she then hung up the phone and sprung up from the couch, doing a little happy dance. She then fumbled to open up her laptop that was on the coffee table to book herself a flight to Seoul. She was looking and saw that there was one that was going to leave at 7am.

It was currently 5:48am.

She didn't even think twice before buying a ticket and sprinting to her bedroom to get changed and get her bag. Thankfully since y/n is always flying, she has a bag that is always ready with all the essentials she needs. So y/n was out the door and driving to the airport by 6.

"Call 'Dumbass'." Y/n instructed the car as the sound of ringing started to echo in the car. She tapped her fingers happily as they picked up,

"Why the fuck–"

"SEULGI! I don't care that it's 5am, I GOT THE FUCKING APARTMENT AND I'M DRIVING TO THE AIRPORT NOW!" Y/n practically screamed in her car, making Seulgi groan at how loud she was. But soon the words sunk in and she was also super excited,

"REALLY?! Oh my god that's amazing! I can't wait to have sleepovers with you and everything!"

"Looking forward to that. But I'm going to need one of you girls to pick me up from the airport since I don't want to bug an SM employee."

"I'll just make Sooyoung do it since she loves driving. She'll talk your ear off about interior design as well, so she can give you some ideas about how to decorate your new apartment." Seulgi said with a groggily voice, chuckling a little too.

"And that's completely fine by me. I'll make sure to text her when I land. I'll let you go back to sleep, have a good night!"

The drive to the airport was a short one since speeding is a thing y/n does quite often. She parked her car and then rushed inside the airport with her single backpack, ready to go through security and get to Seoul. The flight was going to be a long one, but she'll watch some movies and brainstorm ideas on how to furnish her new apartment.

Rosé was putting in her in-ears for sound check at Madison Square Garden for their once again sold out show. She was humming to herself and making sure that the mic pack was secure on the waistband of her sweats before making her way over to the stage lift. The other girls soon followed and they could hear the cheers of the blinks that had gotten tickets for sound check.

Smiles were plastered on their faces as they were raised up to the main stage. The crowd went wild as their new title track started to play. Lisa went right to interacting with the fans while Jisoo sang the opening of the song. Jennie was doing a little dance and Rosé went over to grab a small camera to capture this moment. She had her back to the crowd and took a selfie with them, throwing up a peace sign.

As sound check went on, the girls kept waving and dancing along with the fans, having a great time with them. They also gave a little speech before they went off stage and back to the changing rooms to get ready.

"Y/n isn't answering her phone." Lisa complained as she had tried to call y/n to just talk with her.

"I'm sure there's a reason she isn't answering her phone, so chill out." Jisoo told the girl as she was getting her makeup done.

The members of Blackpink (minus Rosé) all kept y/n close in their lives; whether that be calling or texting frequently. Over the months, the girls had tried to get her and Rosé to have a one on one hangout, but every time they tried to come up with some sneaky plan, y/n was either working nonstop in Seoul or all the way back in Australia. The only text message Rosé had received from y/n was when she sent a text to congratulate her on their comeback.

Rosé had tried other times to get her attention or call her, but the girl never picked up or just left her on delivered. She knows that y/n doesn't have her read receipts on, so she's probably just leaving her on read.

"But she told me yesterday that she's going to be watching the World Cup like all the time because she isn't scheduled." Lisa said as she sighed, trying to call y/n again. Jennie reached over and hung up the phone,

"Lisa stop fucking calling her. She's gonna see 20 missed calls from you and think you're in trouble." Jennie scolded her girlfriend as she whined, wanting to talk with one of her best friends. So instead she dialed Seulgi's number and put it on speaker, fully knowing that it was around 7am in Seoul now. But if she remembers correctly, they are preparing for a comeback, so she'll be up. And after two rings, Seulgi picked up the phone.

"SEULGI!!" Lisa shouted excitedly as she heard the girl laugh on the other end,

"Hello to you too. Man, I am one popular person early in the morning." She joked as Lisa furrowed her eyebrows,

"Who fucking else is calling you? Do you have someone else?!" Lisa dramatically said as she flopped down onto the small couch, throwing an arm over her face. The three girls looked at her through the reflections of their vanity mirrors and chuckled.

"Y/n called me at like 5am, interrupting my beauty sleep." She grumbled as Lisa gasped hearing y/n's name; the other girls now intently listening in as well from their seats.

"Y/N!? You talked to her?" Lisa asked right away as Seulgi answered,

"Uh, yeah. She is my best friend after all."

"Well how come I can't reach her?" Lisa questioned as Seulgi hummed,

"She's on her flight now, so it'll probably be a while until you can talk with her."

"Ah, comeback stuff I'm assuming," Lisa said knowingly. But then she remembered that y/n said she had some time off, "wait, no she fucking doesn't."

"And you would be correct. She probably wants to tell you guys this herself, but I don't really give a fuck. SHE GOT THE APARTMENT IN SEOUL!"

Lisa screamed after hearing that and Jisoo and Jennie had bright smiles hearing that y/n would finally be living in Seoul. They too knew about her hunt for an apartment, so they're happy she finally got one. Rosé's eyes were wide and her heartbeat sped up knowing that she'll probably get more chances with the Australian.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I'M SO EXCITED!" Lisa yelled with a giant smile on her face.

"Me too! I can't wait to be able to bug her constantly in person!"

"That's a great idea! I can join you when you bug her!" Lisa suggested as one of the staff members motioned for her to wrap up the call because they had to finish her makeup and get her ready for the concert, "ok, I'll talk to you later. See ya!"

"Bye Manoban!"

The concert was full of energy the whole time. The crowd was so responsive to the girls and it just made the whole thing ten times better. Even though the fans didn't know Korean and were just singing, it still meant the world to Blackpink. The encore stage was amazing and they truly didn't want to leave after their nearly 2 hour long show. But the final notes of their last song were playing and the four of them quickly stood on top of the stage lift that would lower them under the stage.

"Bye Blinks! We'll see you soon, I promise!" Rosé said into her microphone as she waved to the crowd. Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo also said their goodbyes to the crowd and soon they were lowered and out of sight from the 20,000 screaming fans.

The second they were out of sight, they took out their in-ears and let the exhaustion set in. They always give every show their all, so they are extremely tired. The staff helped them to their dressing rooms and the girls collapsed on the couches for a little rest before needing to take showers.

And at the early time of 1:34am, the girls were on their way back to the hotel already in their pajamas ready to sleep. Lisa and Jennie were cuddled up with one another in the back seats fighting to keep their eyes open. Jisoo was smiling down at her phone looking at all the posts from fans who were at the concert. And Rosé was also looking down at her phone, reading the last message y/n had sent her months ago.

Y/n/n: congrats on the comeback,
it's a great one

It wasn't a direct compliment to herself, but she still took it like that to make herself feel better. She sighed and turned her phone off, opting to look out the window of the van to watch the city that never sleeps. The soft music coming from the radio made the atmosphere calming which she was thankful for.

At least the outside world was calm; a full 180 from what it was like on the inside for her.

Y/n touched down in Seoul and she called Joy right away, asking where she was. The girl said she was over near terminal B and that she was just in her own car. Y/n strolled through the giant airport, scanning the signs for terminal B parking. Once she found it, she had to find Joy's car in the mess of the parking lot.

"HEY MORON, OVER HERE!" A voice yelled as y/n whipped her head around to see Joy waving her hand out the window with a wide smile. Y/n rolled her eyes, but still had a bright smile on her face as she walked over to her.

"Hey Sooyoung." Y/n said as she opened up the passenger door and got in. Joy immediately started to back out of the spot and drove away. Y/n had checked what hours the realtor offices were open until and they were shockingly open until midnight. So they'll probably get there around 8:30pm ish and hopefully have enough time to finish everything. It's most likely open that late because the appeal of living in Seoul from foreigners is high right now, so they account for time zones rather well.

"Why hello to you too. I can't believe you got the apartment! I have so many ideas for the place and you're going to love them," she reached for her phone and unlocked it at a red light, "go to the photo album called 'y/n's apartment'. There's a billion photos in there from the internet, Pinterest, magazines, and plenty more places."

Y/n tapped on the album and gasped as she saw that there were well over 1,000 photos in this single album. She glanced over to Joy,

"How long did this take you?"

"Honestly less time than I anticipated." Joy admitted as she continued to drive to the realtor's office. Y/n scrolled through the photos, asking questions as she went to know why Joy chose certain things. All of the pieces and decorations that Joy had were beautiful and y/n did really like a majority of them. But one thing she was scared about was the prices that these items would have because they did not look cheap in the slightest.

"Sooyoung, can I even afford any of this?" Joy glanced over to y/n,

"Yes you can. And if you don't feel like spending money, I'm literally right here." Y/n gasped and shook her head,

"No! I am not using you for money!"

"I won't even mind because I'll be over your place a lot with the girls anyway. Think of it as a housewarming gift." She explained as y/n thought of it that way. She squinted her eyes at the girl driving,

"Fine, but I'm going to come up with a limit for you."

"Ugh, fine." She sighed as y/n rolled her eyes. Sometimes she can't believe how rich her friends are. From being idols to ambassadors of luxury brands, the money flows in quicker than it can go out. And for y/n it usually is the opposite, but she's gotten a lot better at saving.

The two girls soon pulled up to the real estate office and y/n hopped out, leaving Sooyoung in the car. She doesn't really know how long everything will take with the paperwork, but Sooyoung can keep herself entertained with her phone or something.

Y/n went over to the elevators and went up to the 6th floor where her realtor's personal office was. She waited patiently and the doors soon opened up for her. She walked up to the small diagram on the wall that was the overhead layout of the floor. Each of the offices had the person's name inside of it, so she looked at the names and found the one she needed. She smiled and started to walk down the multiple hallways, sending a few strangers smiles as they passed one another.

The walls were glass, so when she started to approach the office, her realtor must've noticed movement and they glanced up. They smiled and waved y/n in before spinning around on their chair and searching in a filing cabinet for the papers.

"Hello, I got here as quickly as I could." Y/n said politely as she took the seat right across from their desk.

"Ah, no need to be so formal y/n. And I'd say you got here right on time, so don't feel bad or anything. I'm actually surprised you got here this quickly." They replied as they finally found the file folder they needed. They spun back around and placed it on the desk. Y/n slightly gulped seeing the at least 20 pages she'd have to read and go over with the realtor.

"So uh, how long will this take?"

"Eh, maybe 3 hours?" They responded as y/n asked if she could text someone real quick. The realtor didn't mind as they still needed to get a pen or two and get the papers in order. Y/n frantically texted Joy telling her that she could go home for a couple of hours and that she'd text her to pick her up when everything is done. She responded right away and said that she was going to go apartment shopping for one of her best friends. There are quite a few furniture stores that are open late because the amount of drunk people that splurge on expensive furniture is a lot.

Me: u better not spend
much sooyoung, i swear
to god

joyful bitch: blah blah blah,
housewarming gifts,
remember those are a thing?

Me: whatever

Me: can we go get food
afterwards tho?

joyful bitch: sure, i'll pay ;)

Me: fuck off

"Sorry, I just had to text my ride that this'll take a while and that they could do something else instead of waiting in the parking lot for hours." Y/n told the realtor as she stuffed her phone back into her pocket. The realtor shot her a smile and pushed up their glasses a bit,

"That's completely fine, let's get started then, shall we?"


Y/n read over the final line and then signed her name on the last line, sitting back in her seat with a smile. She glanced at the clock and saw it was almost midnight. Y/n apologized to the realtor, but they quickly told her not to worry because they're happy that everything is settled.

"Drive home safely." They said as they handed over two keys to y/n's new apartment with a wide smile. Y/n mirrored the smile and couldn't contain her excitement, so she gave them a hug before exiting the building to see the waiting Sooyoung in her car with multiple bags and boxes in her back seats. She wasn't even mad because her mind was only on the two small pieces of metal resting in her hand.

"It's done!" Y/n shouted happily as she rushed over to Sooyoung's car, opening the door and climbing in, "don't tell me what you bought or how much you spent, just go get food and we can see the apartment together. Maybe we can even have the first meal there on the floor."

"Well shit, why not invite the other girls and have a whole family dinner?!" Joy suggested as she started to drive to a 24 hour ramen shop. Y/n snapped her fingers and sent a text to the group chat, sending her new address and telling them that they can have the first meal in her new apartment together as a family.

true british girl: awe, we r
ur family? so sweet (and pathetic)
just get my usual :D i aint paying
either so....

maple leaf: ofc we'll be there!

rbf: we'll take seul's car and
be there in about 20

rbf: also yeri, u are paying
for ur meal, i taught u better

dumbass: i'm driving?! why
do i have to?

Me: idgaf who's driving,
just get urselfs over there
and we can all have ramen on
my wooden floor

true british girl: oooo,
sounds like a date ;)

true british girl: this can be
soo's late bday present for
me irene, so no paying HEHEHE

Me: sooyoung told me to say
that she'll snap ur ariana
vinal in half if u don't stfu

dumbass: FIGHT FIGHT

rbf: there will be no fighting,
now fucking pick us up seulgi

true british girl: HA, get
fucked seul

maple leaf: guys, stop arguing

maple leaf: also seulgi hurry up,
i'm hungry and wanna see her
new apartment

dumbass: YAH, I THOUGHT

Me: ooo, get backstabbed

true british girl: now THAT
could start a fight

Me: my money is on seulgi,
sorry wendy, ily

rbf: i will make sure both
of ur ramen's 'accidentally'

true british girl: YOU WOULDNT

Me: i have a feeling she
def would yeri

Joy pulled up to the small shop and turned her car off, hopping out and starting to make her way to the entrance. Y/n followed after her and she didn't even need to tell her everyone's order because they go here way too often. Honestly y/n wouldn't be surprised if all the staff and chefs have it memorized too.

The wait wasn't a horrible one and soon the two girls were walking back to the car with two bags of freshly cooked ramen. One thing that was amazing about her apartment was that it was maybe a 5 minute walk away from the ramen shop, so y/n will be their number one customer soon.

They noticed Seulgi's car parked in the apartment complex's parking lot as they pulled in. Joy pulled up right beside them and locked eyes with Yeri, flipping her off first thing. Everyone got out of the cars and Irene took one bag while Wendy took the other bag of ramen. They debated about bringing anything from the back seats of Joy's car right now, but decided against it.

"Okay, I can't believe the apartment is mine." Y/n gushed as all 6 of them piled into one elevator going up to her floor. All the girls were chatting amongst themselves and the elevator rang; the doors opened up onto y/n's floor. She led the way to her apartment number 1120 and got one of her keys out to unlock it.

"I'll probably give all of you a copy of my key because I'll be too lazy to get the door for all of you every time you come over, which I know will be a lot." Y/n joked as she then pushed the door open, quickly flicking the lights on.

The apartment was a simple two bedroom one bath with a smaller kitchen and decent sized living room. The view from the window wall was not a bad one, but there was no view of the Han River. If there was, the apartment would've been a whole lot more expensive. It was a great space for a single woman who is doing their own thing.

Everyone took their shoes off and Yeri went to run and slide on the hardwood floor in her socks. Irene scolded her because she could get hurt or crash into the window wall. There were no obstacles in her way, so it was either the walls would stop her or gravity would have its way with her.

"So this is my new home." Y/n announced as the girls rushed off to explore the small apartment. Irene and Wendy put the food on the countertop and also explored, so y/n got everyone's food out and set everything up in a circle on the living room floor.

"So much of the stuff I bought will look great in here!" Joy squealed happily as she exited what would be y/n's bedroom.

"I'm glad." Y/n said with a smile as she was the first to join y/n on the floor. The other girls soon sat down as well and they all clinked their bowls together as a sort of toast.

It was the first meal that y/n was having in her apartment and she wouldn't want it with any other people.

thank u guys for waiting, i know yall didnt want to lol. but now y/n lives in seoul... i wonder what could happen now :) hehehhehehe. i also love the contact names i made for RV lmao. i hope u guys enjoyed this chapter and i cant wait to see where this story will go. hopefully youll all be there when this story eventually comes to an end. ill see u all in the next chapter and I LOVE U ALL <3

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