Marriage and other threads

By Goerks97

22.7K 1.5K 2.1K

This story is a vampire/ werewolf au. Where reader is a werewolf and has arranged marriage with a vampire. Th... More

The meeting
Hurt Feelings
A short conversation
The wedding
A new beginning
The grand tour
A dinner with Werewolfs
Full moon
A meeting with the alpha
A strange feeling
Vampires and Werewolfs
A unexpected turn
The plan
No risk no fun
Time to heal
Time to heal part two
The library
Old memorys
Sadness and cuddles
The door
Hanging out with friends
The fight
A sad story
Back to normal
Sweet gestures
Another plan?
The barn
Treason and bloody hands
I love you
The ex-girlfriend
A new case
A proposal
First practice
The silver book
A moment of doubt
The need to talk
The deepest trust
The gift
A nice dinner
In the library part one
In the library part two
Bad news
The sweet sound
Nightmares or Visions?
Hard decisions
The date
We need answers
Fear and guilt
Leave her?
The search
Hard times
Stress and fear
The white room
On the inside
A light in the dark
The cathedral
What's next?
Hurt and comfort
A promise
Look inside my heart
The Queen
Save you
Take me back
Back to life
My universe

You are never a bother

163 14 30
By Goerks97

Y/n's pov:

It was a rainy day. You looked out of your new office window and immediately had Dami on your mind.

"She will for sure lay in the backyard right now and enjoy the rain that falls on her face." You whispered and turned back to your work.

The past few days were stressful, but you and your employees were finally able to finish some of the projects. Your father had offered you the big office and you had moved all your stuff there. Now you had much more space for blueprints and other stuff you needed for the projects. It was a lot brighter in the big boss's office and you liked it. It seemed to be an enjoyable Friday morning without any deadlines you had to worry about.

"Thanks to Sua and her skills, otherwise I would drown in work right now." You thought.

She had managed to help you so much and you were glad to have such a capable woman as your right hand. Being CEO was not easy and you knew that. You always asked your father for his input and he gladly gave you some advice. In the past few days, you had learned so much. It was so fun to learn all these new things, but at leading you still struggled a little. Suddenly the door to your office opened and someone barged in. On another day you would've screamed at them in anger, but not today. You were calm and even your anxiety wasn't as bad as just a day ago.

"Y/N! We need to talk." The voice of the Alpha reached your ears.

You looked up in confusion. He never visited you at work without making an appointment first.

"Okay? Do you want to sit down or maybe have a coffee?" You asked kindly and stood up.

"I want to make this quick." He replied and crossed his arms before his chest.


Dami's pov:

With a tiny plant under her arm, she was on the way to Y/n's office. She wanted to give her wife a plant for her office and choose one of the backyard.

"Y/n liked them and will for sure be happy to have one in her office." Dami thought.

The elevator came to a halt and the door opened. The Vampire girl was excited to see her wife. Y/n had made good progress with her mental health lately and Dami was proud. She greeted some of her wife's employees, as she walked through the open space of the floor to Y/n's new office. The door was open and she could hear some voices.

Y/n's pov:

"I'm listening." You said a little scared.

"You need to take over the Alpha title. NOW." He explained.

You were shocked by his words. He never talked with you like that. The warm tone of his voice had disappeared.

"Can we wait a little longer? I have so many things to think of and being the Alpha would only distract me." You replied.

"NO. We waited long enough. You have to it right now." The Alpha said.

"I'm flattered by your offer, but I fear that I have to decline. Please find someone else." You said and tried to sound calm, but in your voice swung panic.

"Only you can be the next Alpha. You are the chosen one. You are the one that is able to read the last page of the silver book." Your grandfather said.

"The chosen one? Me?" You panicked even more.

"Listen I don't want to be the next Alpha. I struggle enough already." You tried to make him understand what you felt.

"You don't understand. It has to be you. You are the only one who can read it. I'm sure of that and if you decline it now, a lot of people could die. You have to do it. Namjoon and Solar had pulled you into the painting for a reason. They knew that you are special." He said.

You started to get a little angry. No one seemed to understand what you are getting through right now. The permanent stress you were put through every day. It made you angry. You could feel losing your control. It might be the full moon that was close or it might be the lack of understanding the Alpha had right now, but you had enough of people telling you what to do.

Dami's pov:

She could feel the insecurity. The fear and panic that took over her wife's body were accompanied by anger. Dami stood next to the door and listened to the conversation.

"He wants to force Y/n to accept the Alpha title." Dami thought and was about to step in, when her wife's voice reached her ear.

"No, it's you that don't understand. All of you want to do make me do things that I don't want to do. I never asked to be the next Alpha and I never asked to be the chosen one. I never wanted to get pulled into that fucking painting. Do you think I have nothing better to do than search for some unborn child's soul? I'm not special. I'm just Y/n and all I want is a normal life with my wife. Why is nobody understanding under how much pressure I am? The only one that does is my wife and I feel sorry for her." Y/n had started to yell.

Her voice echoed in the hall and everyone looked at the open office door.

"She always needs to be so strong. I know she struggles too and I want to be there for her, but I can't. I can't because of my fucking mental health. I can't because all of you pressure me to do things. All of you trigger my anxiety every day and you don't care about it. You have no idea how I feel. Only Dami does. Only she could see into my heart and soul and see how broken I am deep inside. She tries to fix me every day, but she can't put all the broken parts together again and when she is close to finally doing so, someone comes to me and breaks all the parts down, so she has to start all over again." Y/n said.

Her voice was a little bit lower than before, but still loud enough for everyone to hear. Dami knew damn well that her wife had a mental breakdown right now.

"Thank you, but you have to search for someone else to be your next leader because I won't do it. I can't bear this on Dami again, because at the end of the day, it's her who put my broken self back together and I can't burden this on her. I want her to enjoy her life with me and not worry about my mental health every day." Y/n voice sounded like a mix of anger and sadness.

Her words made Dami cry. Y/n had let all her feelings out in her speech. Under other circumstances, Dami would've been proud, but not now. Y/n's was at her lowest point and her grandfather had triggered it.

"You will do it." The Alpha said in a threatening tone.

"Maybe one day, but not now. I have to focus on my mental health and my wife's well-being. I'm sorry but she comes first." Y/n replied a little calmer than before.

"Y/N! There is a lot at risk right now." The Alpha pointed out.

"I know, but I still decline. If you want me to do it, you have to force me right here and now, otherwise, I advise you to leave." Y/n sounded angry.

"What did you just say?" The Alpha asked a little surprised.

Y/n just had disrespected him and he was not taking it well.

"I SAID LEAVE!" Y/n yelled.

All her emotions were chaotic right now. Dami could feel it in her chest. The Alpha didn't reply anything and stormed out of Y/n's office. The Vampire girl wanted to greet him, but he walked right past her without noticing anything. Dami waited a few moments so it wasn't obvious that she had witnessed any of the conversations between her wife and the Alpha. Her gaze landed on Y/n. The Werewolf girl stood with her back turned to the door and one hand was massaging her forehead. She seemed to be deep in thought and didn't notice her wife coming closer slowly. Y/n's eyes were closed and tears streamed down her face. Dami could feel how her wife's heart pounded fast in her chest without even touching her. Using Bloodrage had made her senses stronger over time and she was able to feel Y/n's heartbeat when she was close enough. She could also feel how the blood rushed through her wife's veins when she touched her.

"Hey, baby," Dami said softly.

Y/n jumped a little but turned around. She faked a smile and brushed the last tears away from her face.

"Is something wrong?" Dami asked as if she hadn't have witnessed anything.

"I'm fine," Y/n assured her, but the Vampire girl knew it was a lie.

"She doesn't want to burden it on me again." Dami thought sadly.

"Are you sure?" Dami asked again.

"I will tell you later. I promise." Y/ns said and this time her smile was genuine.

"Okay, but don't bottle it up again. I know that you struggle with the CEO stuff." Dami replied and pulled her wife in a tight hug.

Y/n closed up to her again, but Dami knew her wife needed time to process all of what happened earlier.

"Why does my lovely wife visit me at work?" Y/n asked and pulled back.

Her face looked normal, but deep inside of her, the emotions ran wild. Dami pretended that she didn't feel anything of Y/n's struggles. It was better to let her come and talk when she was ready than to push her.

"I'm here to see you, but the main reason for me to be here is this." The Vampire girl said and presented her wife the plant.

"A plant?" Y/n looked a little skeptical.

"Yeah, I thought it would be nice if you have a friend in your office. Something you can take care of." Dami explained and put the plant on one of the shelves.

She searched for the best spot where the plant would get a lot of sunlight and when she was finished she turned around to face Y/n.

"That is so thoughtful of you." Y/n smiled.

"All I want is to see is your smile." Dami thought and pecked her wife's lips.

"But I think it will die if I have to take care of it." The Werewolf girl chuckled.

"Just give it some water from time to time and it will be alright," Dami replied, as she gently stroked Y/n's cheek with her fingers.

The smile Y/n had on her face was all Dami cared about.

"I need to distract her from the Alpha thing." Dami thought and a plan already formed in her mind.

"Is it from the backyard?" Y/n wanted to know and walked to her new friend.

"Yes, you told me that you liked it the other day so I thought it might keep you company while you are at work," Dami explained.

"I recognized it by the tiny leaves. They look so cute." Y/n said and touched one of the said leaves.

"The plant is called schlumbergera. It belongs to the family of the cactus. They bloom around Christmas time. I think this will have pink blossoms. It's the perfect plant for a beginner." Dami pointed out and walked closer to Y/n.

"They bloom?" Y/n asked but didn't look away from the plant.

"Yes they do, but only if you don't forget to give it some water." The Vampire girl replied and nudged Y/n in the side.

"Don't worry. I will look after my new friend." Y/n said as a tiny smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

She looked happier than before and her eyes scanned the plant carefully.

"Thank you." She said and pulled Dami into another hug.

"You are welcome," Dami replied and snuggled her face in the crook of Y/n's neck.

"I love you," Y/n whispered and pulled her closer.

"I love you too." The Vampire girl replied and smiled.

She kissed her wife's neck a few times and pulled back.

"I hope I didn't bother you for too long." Dami pointed out.

"You are never a bother." Y/n smiled and grabbed her hand.

Suddenly Y/n looked sad again. Dami knew what the reason was. Y/n had said it earlier. The Werewolf girl didn't want to be a burden to Dami, but Dami couldn't comfort her without telling Y/n that she had heard everything and Dami was sure Y/n's words were not meant to be heard by her.

"Are you sure that everything is alright? You seem to be a little distracted and you look sad." Dami pointed out.

"I will tell you later." Y/n faked a smile again and started to play with Dami's fingers.

"Okay, then I will leave you to your work." The Vampire girl said and kissed her wife before she left.

After that visit, Dami didn't go home as she had planned. Y/n needed to get all of this off her mind and Dami already had a brilliant plan to do so.

"I hope Y/n will like it," Dami mumbled and looked back at the office building.

A small smile was on her lips. She will need to make some preparations, but in the end, it will be worth it.


Y/n's pov:

A long day at the office came finally to an end and you made your way home. It was Friday night and you hoped that Dami had cooked something delicious for you. Of course, you were still struggling with the thing that had happened in the office with the Alpha this morning. It had kept your mind occupied.

"He wanted to talk me into it. Was it wrong to decline it?" You thought and parked your car in front of your home.

There was no light in the windows and you thought it was suspicious. Dami was for sure at home. Her car was standing at its usual spot.

"Maybe she is in the backyard." You mumbled and opened the front door.

The walk to the kitchen was short and when you entered you saw a small box on the table. On it was a letter. Carefully you opened the letter and started to read.

Dear Puppy

I know you struggled lately and I organized something for you. Please meet me at 45 Crimson Street when you are ready. There is also an outfit in the box for you and I would be the happiest girl if you wore it. I bet you will look beautiful wearing it. Love you.

Your panda girl

PS: If you don't want to wear it, you can pick something else.

Dami's neat handwriting got blurry, as you teared up.

"She organized something for me? Just for me?" You asked yourself and got excited.

You found the latter and put it in your pocket. Curiously you opened the box and laid eyes on a beautiful dress. It was in your favorite color. A smile covered your face, as you pulled it out. You were not the type of woman who wore dresses, but it wouldn't hurt to wear them for your wife. After a quick shower, you dressed yourself. Dami even bought you new sneakers. She knew damn well that you would probably break your ankle if you tried to walk in heels. To your surprise, they got along with the dress really well. The last thing you put on was a silver necklace that was also in the box. It was a thin chain with a silver panda pendant that held a golden tiny heart in their paws. It was an adorable gift and you loved it almost, as much as your wife. You didn't want to make Dami wait for longer and make your way to the address she had given you.


Handong's pov:

They had read every scroll and every book from the Skugga hideout but found nothing. Around lunch time the Alpha came back home in the worst mood ever. Y/n didn't want to accept the Alpha title and it got him so angry that he looked himself in his office.

"I wonder what she had said to make him so upset." Handong thought and looked at her wristwatch.

Gahyeon had asked her to hang out and Handong had agreed. The blonde girl looked forward to seeing her girlfriend. Unfortunately, her chest had healed quickly and Handong had no longer an excuse for Gahyeon to put some salve on her chest. Handong grabbed her coat and left to pick up Gahyeon. They wanted to go to the cinema and watch one of the latest movies. Arrived in her car, Handong's phone rang. Without looking at the caller ID She picked up.

"Hello?" She said.

The only thing she could hear was loud sniffs from the other end.

"Gahyeon? Is everything alright?" The Werewolf girl asked.

"N-no." The other girl sniffed.

"What happened?" Handong started to get nervous.

"M-my a-apar-rtment-" Was all Gahyeon could manage to say.

"Are you there? Don't move. I will be there shortly." The blonde girl said in a calm tone, but on the inside, she was concerned.

"Please hurry." Gahyeon sniffed and ended the call.

Handong was scared. What did happen and why was her girlfriend so upset? As fast as possible she drove to Gahyeon's apartment building. Her heart was racing and she never felt this scared before.

"Is she okay? Is she in danger?" A million questions roamed around in the blond girl's head.

As she drove closer she could see a few firetrucks and the police were also there.

"Oh no." Handong gasped, as she saw the building or what was left of it.

It almost completely burned down. A few firefighters were still trying to put out the last flames and the police interviewed some witnesses. Handong parked her car and searched for her girlfriend. The poor girl was sitting on the sidewalk with her face covered with her hands. The smell of ash and burned wood filled her nose, as she stepped out of the car. Handong quickly walked over to her girlfriend and crouched down.

"Hey, sweetheart." The blonde girl said softly and touched her shoulder.

Gahyeon looked up and realized who it was. Without a word, she wrapped her arms around Handong's neck and cried uncontrollably. Handong didn't know what she should say or do. She had never been in a relationship before and comforting others was not her strength, so she pulled Gahyeon closer and held her in a warm embrace. Soft-spoken words came out of her mouth, as she tried to comfort her girlfriend. After a few moments, Gahyeon's sniffs got quieter.

"Everything is gone." The Vampire girl pointed out. "Everything I owned burned in the fire."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I know this must be hard for you." Handong said as they were still hugging.

"What should I do now? I have nowhere to stay. I don't even have clothes or anything else." Gahyeon sniffed.

Handong would invite her to stay at her place, but no one else was ever in her house.

"I don't know," Handog replied.

She pulled back and brushed away the tears from the smaller girl's face. Pity filled her heart, as she saw the sadness and fear in her girlfriend's eyes.

"I have to invite her, but what will she think?" The blonde girl thought, as she leaned closer and placed a soft kiss on Gahyeon's forehead.

They never hung out at Handong's place and Gahyeon knew nothing about her life so far. Handong didn't want to scare her away.

"How about you stay at my place for a while? Until you find something else of course." Handong hesitantly said.

"No, I can't take advantage of you. I know you are a private person and I feel like I would invade your comfort space. I will stay at a hotel." The smaller girl pointed out.

"I can't let you stay at a crapy hotel when I have an empty house available," Handong replied and stood up.

She pulled Gahyeon up with her.

"Are you sure? I don't want to bother you." Gahyeon said.

"You could never bother me." The Werewolf girl replied and took Gahyeon's hand.

"Okay." The Vampire girl nodded and both walked to Handong's car.

"I hope this will turn out good, otherwise she would for sure run away." Handong thought as she got in her car.

Gahyeon's pov:

The car ride was silent, only the music could be heard from the speakers and the steady hum of the engine. Gahyeon eyed the other girl and for a small moment, she thought she saw concern on her girlfriend's face.

"You don't have to do this if you feel uncomfortable," Gahyeon said in a quiet tone.

Handong said nothing. She just laid her hand on Gahyeon's thigh and let her thumb stroke it. The Vampire girl didn't know what this was about, but she sensed the Handong was nervous, so she laid her hand on top of her girlfriend's. It seemed to work and Handong calmed down a little. The Werewolf girl parked the car in front of a giant house. It was surrounded by a tall hedge. From what Gahyeon could see, the house was not in very good condition, but it looked inviting. Both girls stepped out of the car and Handong walked over to a small iron gate. She opened it with her key and turned back to her girlfriend. Gahyeon stood behind her and gave her a soft smile.

"Listen, sweetheart, I'm not here often so it isn't very clean. I  even avoid sleeping here if I can. " The blonde girls said and looked on the ground.

"You are not defined by your way of living. I know you are an amazing person. I will not judge you." Gahyeon replied and interwinded their hands.

Handong nodded and opened the gate. Gahyeon was excited, She had never been to Handong's place. They stepped in and the Vampire girl laid eyes on a big yard. It was overgrown and in a really bad condition. Even the pathway to the house had weeds growing everywhere. Now that Gahyeon had a closer look at the house she could see that ivy covered most of the facade. It even had reached the roof at some points and some windows were covered by it, but still, the house had a good charm. It reminded Gahyeon of an old farmhouse like the one Dami lived in. Handong guided her to the backdoor and unlocked it. The blonde girl breathed in deeply and opened the door. Inside the house it was dark, but thanks to her Vampire genes Gahyeon could see clearly. Dust flew through the air, as they stepped in. The room appeared to be a big kitchen. It was not often used. Gahyeon could see that, because of the dust on the countertops. Handong guided her to the entrance hall and kicked off her shoes next to the stairs. Gahyeon could see that every other door except the kitchens was closed and on the floor was dust. Only the path they had walked to the stairs wasn't covered with it.

"If I knew that you would come I would've cleaned a little," Handong explained quietly.

It seemed that she was embarrassed.

"I see," Gahyeon replied and her voice echoed through the empty entrance hall.

The Vampire girl also kicked off her shoes and they made their way upstairs. Handong quickly walked to the only open door and down the corridor, as Gahyeon tried to keep up with her. Every door they passed was closed. Suddenly the Werewolf girl stopped and opened one of the doors.

"My room." She explained and let Gahyeon enter first.

In the room was only a bed. No decorations or other things, not even a wardrobe or a drawer. The bedsheets were gray and the curtains were closed. A door was at right hand of the room and Gahyeon figured it was either a bathroom or a walk-in wardrobe. Handong walked past her and opened the other door. She disappeared quickly into that mysterious room and turned back holding neatly folded clothing.

"You can have some of my clothes for sleeping." She pointed out and handed Gahyeon the pile of clothing. "The bathroom is down the hallway last door on the right if you want to wash yourself."

Gahyeon just nodded. She was a little surprised that this seemed to be the only room that Handong used in this big house.

"Thank you," Gahyeon mumbled and excused herself to the bathroom.

Handong's pov:

While her girlfriend was washing herself, she decided to change clothes.

"She must think I'm a psycho," Handong mumbled.

She laid down in her bed and started to get nervous again. After a while, Gahyeon turned back wearing Handong's clothes. They were slightly oversized and made the Vampire girl look cute.

"Is this the only room you use?" Gahyeon asked as she slipped under the covers.

"Mostly yes," Handong replied and stared a the ceiling.

"Can I ask why? I mean you have so much space, but you only use one room and the bathroom of course. A pretty big bathroom by the way." Gayheon chuckled and wrapped her arm around Handong's waist.

"It's a long story." The Werewolf girl pointed out.

She didn't want to tell her girlfriend about her parents and about how she still suffered from it to this day.

"Okay, maybe we can talk about it when you are ready." Gahyeon offered.

"Sure," Handong replied.

"I would love to know more about you, you know?" The Vampire girl said and pressed a few soft kisses to Handong's neck.

"You don't think I'm weird because of this?" Handong wanted to know.

"Why would I? It's your way of living and I respect that." Gahyeon replied and snuggled closer. "And I kinda like it." She added.

A small smile appeared on the corner of Handong's lips and she closed her eyes. She was glad that her girlfriend didn't judge her for living like his.


Dami's pov:

Never in her life, she had felt this nervous. Not even on her wedding day. Dami hoped that Y/n would decide to put on the dress.

"She probably won't. She never had put on a dress since I know her." Dami thought and fidged with her fingers.

It was not hard to organize this, but she still put a lot of effort into it. Her only concern was if Y/n would like it. She knew that her wife sometimes struggled to go out in public. Y/n's social anxiety stood in her way. Nervously Dami looked at her wristwatch and started to count the seconds.

"Will she even come?" Dami mumbled and faced the window.

Y/n hated to do things like this. The Werewolf girl always planned everything and doing something spontaneous was not something she was a fan of. Dami was still scared that Y/n wouldn't even show up. Maybe the Werewolf girl was too scared or too tired to come. Dami was so distracted by her concerns that she didn't hear the door open. She jumped at the voice that sounded so close to her.

"Hey, panda girl." Her wife husked into her ear, as her arms slowly wrapped around Dami's waist.

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