Venom// Minsung FF

By BTStangirl

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When his sisters boyfriend steps through the door, he has no idea how he's going to live without him. A chanc... More

Authors Notes
Chapter One: That Girl
Chapter Two: The Boyfriend
Chapter Three: Stand Off
Chapter Four: Selling Out
Chapter Foive: Leeknow's Intention
Chapter Six: Losing It
Chapter Seven: Games
Chapter Eight: Vulnerable
Chapter Nine: Falling
Chapter Ten: Play With Me
Chapter Twelve: Game Over
Chapter Thirteen: Free Falling

Chapter Eleven: Stay Away

409 14 13
By BTStangirl

(This is for you itssimplykpop because I haven't spoken to you in way too long and I miss you.)

"I'm telling you Jin, he's fucking weird." I hissed quietly as we sat at the large library table. I was pretending to study, whilst he actually was. Leeknow had been dancing around my mind for the last week, and no matter what I tried, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him.

Like he was hiding something.

"Jesus Jisung, and what on Earth are you going to do?" He asked with a dramatic tone that let me know, loud and clear, he was being truly sarcastic.

"Will you take this seriously?!" I asked much more loudly than I should have. A few irritated, stressed students shot me daggers, and I bowed my head slightly as way of an apology.

"So what?" Jin finally snapped the book shut and placed it down in front of him. His long delicate fingers balanced on top of it, and drummed at the hard leather case slightly as he mulled over the information I had given him. "Your sisters boyfriend, who is your girlfriends brother, is trying to get in your pants? Whilst simultaneously trying to get into your sisters pants? Do you know how ridiculous you sound?"

"Exactly!" I threw my hands up in the air and sat backwards. "Which is why he's done it! Because no one, not even my best friend, would believe it." He raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me as he examined my face. Looking for signs of me faltering.

As if his ears were burning, he appeared. His confident strides, as he strolled by with his group of friends and the small smirk he shot at me as he passed, let me know we were about to engage in battle again.

"Look at the little nerds!" Changbin shoved my shoulder and ruffled my hair roughly as he seated himself on the edge of the table. He was a new transfer, along with Leeknow and Chan. They had all begun making their presence known around the school and the town. They're names had become synonymous with trouble.

"Piss off." I muttered as I shoved his hand away and smoothed my soft messy strands back down. Despite what everyone else thought, I wasn't afraid of him. I could feel his eyes burning into my skull as he watched Changbin, toying with Hyunjin and I.

"Look at this pretty little boy." Chan sounded snide as he poked Hyunjin's cheek and wrapped a well toned arm around his shoulder. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"야 ( Yah, hey,) ugly. Leave him out of this. You only stopped here because of what that sorry excuse for a human has been telling you." I nodded towards Leeknow without taking my eyes off of Chan. I wasn't afraid of these meat heads, and I certainly wasn't afraid of Leeknow. I could take them, and I knew it.

"That's big talk from such a cute little baby." Changbin jeered as he pinched my cheek roughly, causing a jolt of pain to spread through my face. I yanked away from him, and glared ar his hand as it stayed put in mid air.

"Come on guys, we have class." Leeknow finally spoke. His soft melodic voice sent an unsettling chill down my spine, as he continued staring at us.

"We were just starting to have fun though!" Changbin whined loudly.

"Oh don't worry Binnie, we can have some fun another time. When we're not in public." Leeknow rested his hand on Changbin's shoulder and leaned down so his lips were next to my ear. My eyes met Hyunjin's and widened as I stared at him, slightly afraid of what was coming next.

"See you later sweetheart." He whispered seductively before placing the smallest kiss on my cheek. He nodded to the others and they began walking away, laughing and joking about how nervous we were.

"OK. That was weird." Hyunjin mumbled, seemingly accepting that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't totally crazy.

"Thank you! This happens all day every day with him. Honestly... There's something weird about him Jin."

"So tell your sister!" He encouraged loudly. I shook my head firmly and pursed my lips together tightly, grimacing as I did so.

"What would that achieve? I tried once and she didn't speak to me for a week. I need proof." We began packing our things. Neither of us daring to say a word. I was far too nervous about this coming evening. He was staying the night. Mom had insisted he was in my room because she didn't want 'any unplanned grandchildren appearing' which was typical. We got on when we were alone.

Maybe a little too well. That prospect scared me more than having Leeknow as my enemy.

I huffed as I walked through the door and dumped my bag next to my desk. I wasn't excited to get home tonight and I knew school was going to drag.

"So today we'll be discussing composition." The lecturer began. I zoned out and entered my own world as usual. This was all stuff I knew. I had been working on music for years and self taught myself almost everything I needed to know.

"Hello cutie." Felix sat down next to me, and bowed to the lecturer for being late. I half smiled at him and put my pen down next to my empty notepad. Felix's arm landed on my shoulders as we sat and stared into space.

"You're late." I murmured as I glanced sideways at him. He shrugged squeezed me slightly.

"I always am. Jin said you're having guy problems. But I thought you had a girlfriend." He whispered so as not to draw any unwanted attention to us.

"It's not that kind of guy problem." I stated factually. "He's just an asshole who is hell bent on making my life harder." I mumbled as I rubbed my face in despair and tried to concentrate.

"If you say so Hannie." He smiled sweetly and turned his attention to the lecturer once more. I was willing the day to go as slowly as possible. I didn't want to deal with him.

"Ah, yes, come in. Sit in that seat." The teacher pointed to the chair next to me. I didn't pay attention to whoever had just walked in. I wasn't interested. I was far too wrapped up in my woeful life to care.

"And who is this?" My heart lept into my throat and my head snapped around.

Why was he here?!

"Noneya." I replied quickly as my eyes narrowed and settled on that sharp jawline my eyes were drawn to like magnets.

"Noneya who?"

"None ya business." He rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Come now Hanji, we're friends aren't we?" I scoffed slightly and moved closer to Felix. Leeknow reached out and slapped his hand gently, replacing Felix's arm around my shoulders with his own. I flopped my head down and groaned into my arms quietly. Why was he doing this to me?

"I'm Felix."


Was he really going to involve himself in every aspect of my life now?

"Tell your friends to stay away from me. I don't want anything to do with them. If they even breathe in my direction, they're gonna regret it." I mumbled as I tried my best to free myself of his unwanted grasp on my shoulders.

"Awww you gonna fight them Hanji?" His hand clamped down on my arm and he pulled me more firmly towards him, causing my notes to crinkle as I was dragged, against my will, across the table top.

"You're a psychopath." I mumbled as his flowery perfume slowly wound its way into my nostrils, invading my personal space, and letting me know I was far closer to him than I desired to be.

"You have no idea." A violent uncontrollable shudder overtook me as his lips grazed my ears. Almost involuntarily I shot up and slammed my chair hard into the desk behind me.

"Is there a problem Jisung?" Whilst glaring at Leeknow and gripping my notes so hard they were almost ripping, I hadn't noticed the thirty plus sets of eyes now firmly focused on me.

"N-No. 미안해요 (mianhaeyo, I'm sorry)." I forced my stiff muscles to allow me to sink back down in my chair as I tried to gather myself and concentrate on the lecture. Even the sound of his gentle, soft breaths were driving me crazy.

But was I angry? Or.... No. I shook my head and pushed the thoughts away. I wasn't doing this. Everything that had happened up until now was definitely a mistake.

One huge, gargantuan, messy disgusting mistake. Leeknow was truly insane, and I needed to be smarter if I was going to beat him at his own game.

As soon as the lesson ended, I grabbed every item I owned and threw them all into my beaten up backpack before making a swift exit from the room.

Or what I thought would be a quick getaway.

"Oi pipsqueak." A large strong hand wrapped around mine, and I was halted in my stride. I dared to glance around and there they were. In all their muscly glory.

Changbin and Bangchan.

I grimaced and let out a loud lofty sigh.

"I knew today wasn't my day." I murmured to myself.


Sorry for the short update. I wanted to get something out rather than nothing!

I hope everyone is doing OK and I love you aaaaaallll!

I'm going to try and update more and I have some exciting news!

I'll share it in my announcements!

Thank you all for reading! I love you so much 💜

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