Jurassic World: The Final Cha...

By CariadRose

579 12 0

This is a fan theroy. I will be basing this story around Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler and how i feel their s... More

Prologue (2001)
Costa Rica
Here Goes Nothing
Present Day
Catching Up
Department of Prehistoric Wildlife
Early Hours


34 1 0
By CariadRose

"After you"

Alan turned to Ellie and let her through first, he was close behind her followed by Ian. As they reached the bottom of the stairs the man smiled and greeted them.

"Dr's I'm so happy to welcome you to our campus."

The three looked at each other slightly confused.

"Thank you for inviting us, we are delighted to be here" Ellie said, taking the lead and shaking his hand.

"I'm Ramsey, Ramsey Cole, and I have to say you are legends around here, I'm so happy to meet you."

Ramsey was a tall man. He was around his early to mid 20's. He was a little starstruck when he spoke.

"Allow me to take you on a tour."

Then they followed Ramsey round the campus, acting impressed by what they were seeing. Ellie wasn't fooled however.

"So you're planning on using the Dinosaurs to help towards research? Could you elaborate?"

Ellie looked at Ramsey.

"Well we plan to learn from these Dinosaurs, it's that simple Dr. Sattler, we will look at how they react to the different climates and how quickly they get ill, what illness they contract and how their body copes with the illnesses."

Alan and Ian looked at each other. Ellie nodded to Ramsey accepting his answer for now.

"That concludes our tour now if you like you can explore round on your own and we can meet later and discuss any further enquiries you have?"

Ramsey smiled and shook each of their hands before departing. As he departed he looked over a man in the corner and nodded quickly.

The Dr's were left alone in a busy area of the campus.

"Well let's go, I want to find out what's really going on here."

Ellie said with a determined look in her eye.

Ian looked at Alan concerned.

"Ellie we need to be careful" Alan said to her knowing she wasn't listening.

"We need to get to the bottom of what's going on though." Ellie replied frustrated.

"I get that but we got stalkers over there watching us, I agree we need to get to the bottom of this but can we please lose the bouncer first." Ian said, trying not to look directly at the man watching them.

Alan and Ellie nodded to Ian, They then walked down the stairs out of the building in the hope to lose the man following them.

"There looks to be some offices over there. Let's go and have a peek." Ian motioned towards some buildings set aside of the campus.

"I thought we were meant to see the facility? Why are we here at the campus?" Alan said following Ian and Ellie.

"I don't know but I don't like this. Why would they be watching our every move?" Ian looked worried as they looked around before entering the office.

Little did they know they were still being watched. The man on the radio spoke through his walkie talkie.

"Sir, they took the bait heading your way over."

Inside the office building they looked around, searching for anything they could find. Alan stumbled on a locked door.

"Why is it, it's always the restricted doors?" Alan shook his head turning towards the other two.

"We need to see what's in there." Ellie stepped forward and pulled a pin from her jacket. She made light work of the lock and the door opened. Ian and Alan just stood there staring at Ellie.

"What? You think a Paleobotanist can't pick a lock or two?" Ellie smiled as they entered the dark room.

"Anyone else got this feeling? Restricted door no alarms?" Ian whispered as they tried to find a light.

"You may have a point there Ellie, this isn't right." Alan said, trying to see Ellie through the darkness.

"I know but we can't stop now" Ellie said as she found a light switch.

As soon as the light was on the door slammed shut. And over walked a guard holding a gun pointing towards them. They then heard a laugh and a figure walked out of the shadows. Ellie's face dropped when she realised who the figure was.


Ellie slowly stepped back and Alan watched the fear come across her face. He saw in that second what Mark had done to her. Minutes ago she was the Ellie he knew and now she was a shell. Alan slowly made movement towards her. Ian froze watching the guard and his gun.

"Ellie what have I told you? Stop getting into other people's businesses" Mark grinned at Ellie.

"What are you doing here? How did you know I would be here?"

Ellie was scared. She was confused as to why Mark was involved with BioSyn. What did he have to offer them?

"Well as you know I work with the state department, and well I got promoted and now I work with Lewis Dodgson. My good name of course landed me an opportunity I couldn't resist you see. I help Lewis capture these monsters and then have them transferred to BioSyns secret facility where they do tests and whatever they feel to them really. And you, well did you really think you divorcing me was the end? Oh no I bided my time to have my revenge on you my sweet." Mark glared at Ellie smirking as he looked away from her towards Alan.

"Well I must say you didn't waste any time playing her hero did you?" Mark laughed as Alan stood by Ellie.

"Good to see you too Mark." Alan said, gritting his teeth.

Alan anger built up inside knowing how poorly he treated Ellie and the fear in her eyes was enough to make him boil.

"You're just going to stand in silence, sweetie?? Look, your galant Alan Grant by your side again." Mark looked down at Ellie.

Ellie wanted with all her might to stand up to him but something about him made her cower. She looked at Alan silent as she tried to find words, any words she could.

"Mark enough, she's not your sweetie anymore so why this? What's this about?" Alan said trying his best to support Ellie.

Mark scoffed at Alan.

"I'm glad you asked Alan, you see Ellie and I have a little unfinished business to settle don't we?" Mark looked at Ellie and smirked, he was enjoying the fear in her eyes.

"You tried to ruin me, Ellie and I see only fit to return the favour! I will say though I wasn't expecting this treat of taking a lover boy and whoever you are down too." Mark looked over to Ian and dismissed him.

Ian knew to stay silent. He was studying the room and noting where the other 3 guards were. He was trying to find a way out of the room.

"I'm not her lover boy or whatever you think." Alan replied, gritting his teeth again. He made a fist with his hands

"Oh, you're not? I must say Ellie, I am disappointed! When I found out you were coming with Alan I assumed you had run back into his arms again, but alas no. I told you. You're nothing to anyone, you should have believed me..." Mark laughed looking around at the guards he had with him.

"Lads look behold the most pathetic, desperate, excuse for a wom..."

Wham! Alan punched Mark clean to the ground before he could finish.

"Alan!" Ellie finally spoke looking at him.

"What? Oh, a Palaeontologist can't hit right?" Alan smiled at Ellie. They both turned to see a guard helping Mark off the floor. Mark was holding his jaw, Ellie saw blood dripping from his mouth.

He got up and slowly turned to a guard. He took his gun and before anyone could say anything he shot Alan.

"Alan no!" Ellie screamed as he dropped to the floor.

Ellie bent down beside him, his eyes were drowsy, she looked to his shoulder and saw a tranquiliser dart poking out. She breathed relieved it wasn't a bullet.

"You're going to be ok." Ellie said as Alan closed his eyes.

Ian took a step towards Mark and as he did Mark shot him too.

"Right you two grab them." Mark instructed the guards to take Alan and Ian.

Ellie was shocked she didn't know what to do. She got up and walked towards Mark.

"You do I shoot and this one isn't a dart!" Ellie looked as Mark pulled a pistol out of his pocket.

"You're coming with me." Mark grabbed Ellie and escorted her out the back of the building to a plane. Ellie fought back her tears, She tried to look back to see where Alan and Ian had gone.

"Don't worry, I have plans for them too. Sit down, shut up and enjoy the flight, I don't want to get physical now." Mark instructed her to a seat.

Ellie nodded and complied. All she could think of was Alan and Ian. She knew following what Mark told her was for the best. But what she didn't realise was her strength was coming back. She knew she had to be strong if she had any hope of finding Alan and Ian.

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