The little Stark

由 xkmarvelx

31.5K 974 55

Anastasia Stark, little sister to Tony and ex-Red Room trainee, gets along with all her fellow avengers.. exc... 更多

warning for first chapter!! :)
"why so grumpy capsicle?"
"god why are you so.. you"
oh joy.
opening up the past
"well that was .. interesting"
we're gonna be alright
prepare for take off
friendly or friends?
you guys didn't kill each other?!?
"Ta-take me home please.."
aw.. you missed me didn't ya
50 shades of red and pink
digging deeper
"just friends"
out of the shadows
should I stay or go?
yes!! definitely not.
oh boy
chasing a decision
the knowing and the unknowing
"who's ready to PARTAYYY"
getting ready and touching up
a new chapter
don't leave me
Hi, I'm Anastasia
bonding time
lies, lies, lies
I'm not signing it.
want me? prove it
see what happens when you assume?
hamptons and babies?!?
bee vs Sam
babysitting Stas for a day
puppies and adoption
the return
bailey the bimmer
making amends?
happy birthday, Rogers pt1
happy birthday, Rogers pt2
deja vu
"And it fell."
fool me twice, can't put the blame on you
the waiting game
love is complicated
disrespect vs respect
Don't disappear on me
stupid and insane
Just us
I never asked for easy
Who is the fairest of them all?
Halloween pt.1
Halloween pt.2
Super Bowl prizes
1,2,3 not it!
We're okay
you get me.
gifts, attitudes and Ryder
T'was the night before...
Merry Christmas, Steve Rogers
Here comes the bride
fights require a make up
answering our destiny
this is 21
old habits coming back?
What's a man of honor?
dreaming of pink lines
love you enough to let you go
baby Peter
Right back to where we started

losing my goddamn mind.

162 8 2
由 xkmarvelx

"Oooh shit" Bucky muttered to himself quietly as he viewed Sharon and Stas lock eyes from across the room.

He turned to Steve and nudged his shoulder to grab his attention.

"Yeah?" Steve asked with a creased eyebrow then saw that Bucky's gaze was fixed on something passed him.

Steve turned to where Bucky was watching and his eyes widened.

"Oh fuck."

Steve put down his drink onto the bar top and wiped his beard.

"You and Steve are.. engaged?" Sharon asked, eyeing Stassie up and down with a smug look. Once her eyes hit the ring on Stas' finger, she rolled them.

"Yes? Sorry, I wasn't aware I had to inform you." Stassie answered sarcastically.

"No worries. I assumed you did it because you didn't want to face the reality of the past of him and I." Sharon replied flatly before taking a sip of her drink.

"Oh we're still doing this?" Anastasia rolled her eyes.

"Stassie why don't you come with me for a second?" Steve smiled forcefully while ushering her away on his arm.

The further they got away from Bucky who was now talking to Sharon, the angrier she got.

Steve pulled her into a hallway where they could speak. Her scattered deep breaths told him everything he had to know.

"Steve ugh I'm sorry. I really am. I wish there was a way I could be civil with her for you but jesus christ she makes it so difficult." Stas sighed heavily.

"What? You don't have to do that for me. I couldn't care less about her, c'mon, you know that." Steve raised a brow. "Stop having a good heart when it comes to her. She's a bitch and she knows it."

Steve chuckled which caused a smile on his fiancée's face.

"Fight her if you want, I'll be there holding your heels." He winked.

"My number one supporter." She giggled while sliding her hand and interlocking her fingers with his.

The two walked back and Bucky approached them.

"I told her to leave or we would have her escorted. Also, I happened to mention that no further gatherings here or at the tower will have her name on the invite list."

Bucky only watched  Stassie as he let the words leave his lips.

She smiled weakly. Stas knew deep inside that he would do anything for her to make her feel happy, protected and relaxed.

"Thank you, Barnes."

"Not a problem." He nodded and then looked at Steve who was looking around for someone.

"Can I get you anything?" A server walked up to the three of them.

"Three tequila sunrises please." Stas answered and looked at Steve and Bucky. "Do you guys want anything?" She joked.

Bucky laughed then shook his head. "Just two then." Stas smiled at the server.

"We'll see you around, Buck." Steve waved off and walked with his girl at his side.

They sat down at the bar top and talked about anything that came to mind.

"Steve, I asked Coulson to walk me down the aisle."

"I had a feeling you would." Steve grinned, taking a sip of his drink but not peeling his eyes off her.

She was beautiful everyday but something about tonight had her glowing more than ever. Rogers noticed it of course.

"I haven't told Tony yet. I hope he's okay with it."

"Why wouldn't he be? He knows why and how much you despise Howard and he's not around anymore anyways."

"True but.. I don't know. Nevermind."

"You sure?" Steve questioned.

"Mmhm." She put on a fake smile.

Right before Steve was about to interrogate her, Peter came up at the right moment.

"Stassie, we're playing never have I ever with Yelena and Wanda, wanna join?"

Stas turned to Steve for approval, knowing he wanted to continue their conversation.

"Go. Go have fun." He rubbed her arm and told her he'd catch up with her later.

Peter took her to the movie room where Wanda, Yelena and.. Bucky were.

"Wait I thought you said-" She began as she turned to Peter.

"Oh oops. I guess we have another member."

Peter did that on purpose. 100%.

"Okay then."

"Actually I don't wanna play this. Let's go do something else!" Wanda suggested with Lena and Peter getting up quickly.

"Wait what the fu-"

Before they could hear her, the door was locked shut leaving just Stas and Bucky in the room.

"Was this your idea?" Stas asked growing with irritation.

"Just hear me out, okay?"

"Oh my god. Oh my god, Bucky. This is ridiculous."

"What is, Stasia?"

"THIS! Bucky, I'm engaged, okay? I'm engaged. I'm so beyond happy that words can't express it. We can't be anything. This is over. I'm glad we happened but.. I just... I just.. I can't."

He walked up to the girl in front of him who was out of breath and staring a whole through the wood tiled floor.

The room lights were dim and now the only thing they could hear was each other's breathing due to the sound proof walls.

"Look at me." His voice so gentle and quiet.

She shook her head slowly. A sniffle escaped her nose and Bucky took his hands and placed them on her cheeks.

"Stasia, please look at me." 

Her breath was waving and another sniffle let itself out.

He took his hands and slowly brought her face up to look down at.

A tear that was pooled in her left eye, cascaded down her rose powdered blush face.

"I've put you through hell." She whispered, her lip quivered.

"You act like that hasn't gone both ways, doll." He whispered back, looking into her honey eyes.

Her red lipstick, mascara on eyelashes that were sky high, masked how unwell she was.

"You know how well I know you right?" Bucky wiped her tear away with his thumb.

She nodded.

"So you know that I know part of your heart is still mine, right."

She was about to nod and then- stopped.

"Buck I-"

"I already know, Stasia. You can try and lie to me al you want but I know."

"Kiss me." She replied.

"Stasia? I- No. That's wrong. Steve would.. Steve would kill me."

"That never stopped you before. Let's fuck this up. Let's do it together."

"I knew you were drunk but you haven't a clue what you're saying, darling."

"I want you. I want him. I need you both. I don't know how to choose and I'm losing my goddamn mind, Barnes."

"I know that too." He sighed. Bucky pulled her close into his chest.

"Do you hate me?" She questioned after a minute of comfortable silence in his beating chest. Her voice was muffled.

"Absolutely not." Bucky rubbed endless circles on her back and stroked her hair.

"Do you promise?"

"I pinky promise."

She pulled away from his embrace and held out her pinky. He linked his with hers and grinned.

"We have to have a much bigger conversation about this though, Stark. Just.. another day." He sighed slightly trying to ensure she wouldn't see how frustrated he really was.

"We will. I'll make sure we do."

He pulled her to his body once more and kissed her forehead.

"Go have fun, dance and drink. If you need me at all tonight, just let me know."

Stassie nodded and looked into his eyes, their faces were just inches away.

"You're so beautiful, Anastasia. You don't have a single flaw or weakness."

"Yes, I sure do."

"What's that?"


There was a knock at the door.

Bucky left her standing alone to grab the door.

"There you guys are. Nat just had her baby, Bruce called."

"No way!" Stas squealed to Clint who stood tall in suit in the doorway.

"She's gonna be there with Bruce and Cosmo for regular oversight for the next two days but they seem to be in perfect health.

"Oh that's so wonderful! Any pictures?"

"Yeah. Come with me. My phone is in the main area."

Bucky and Stassie followed him excitedly to the couch where the phone was.

There was Cosmo. He weight no more than 8 lbs and had a head full of hair.

"He's precious!"

"Who is?" Steve walked over chuckling.

"Cosmo! Nat gave birth!!" Stas cheered.

"No way. Oh wow! He's already so handsome. Mo has her nose and cheek bones for sure." Steve added while studying the picture.

"I've been thinking." Steve whispered to her with a cheesy smile in her ear.

"Hmm? About what, baby?"

"We get married just the way you want it. Then, we have one of our own and retire after that. We live a calm life out in the Hamptons and don't look back."

She could tell by just looking at him that he meant it all.

The thought of that picture perfect future made her grin ear to ear.


"I think it's a pretty good idea, don't you?" Steve asked nervously.

"Of course I do." She scrunched her nose and kissed his lips.

She could taste the beer but didn't mind it. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that her own mouth didn't taste like tequila.

"I would be lying if I told you I didn't have at least our next five years planned." Stas smirked against his lips.

"Oh is that so?" Steve mirror her smirk.

"It actually is. She told me all about it." Peter laughed.

"Was she sober?" Steve laughed.


"Oh shush guys." Stas chuckled. She leaned on Steve and looked at how their hands fit each other's perfectly. She was made for him and he was made for her. Anastasia knew that.

However, each time she found herself looking into Bucky's gaze, she forgot all about it.

Trying to switch over her thoughts elsewhere, she decided to call Nat and check up on her.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to make a call." Stas smiled and pulled away from Steve.

Stas walked tall up the stairs and to her shared bedroom then proceeded to shut the door behind her.

All it took was one ring, almost as if Nat had been waiting for her call specifically.

"Nat!!! How are you!! Cosmo is the cutest little chunk ever!!"

"I'm so gooooood, Stassie." Nat slurred.

Stas could hear Bruce taking the phone away from Nat.

"Yeah, so as you can tell they have her drugged up on pain killers because she definitely needed them. Cosmo was taking a toll on her."

"Aww. I wish I could be there but they just shut down all the roads due to the storm." Stas spoke into the speaker as she began to wipe off any makeup in her mirror.

"Wait, actually? So is everyone at the party.. staying there?" Bruce questioned.

"Unfortunately. Bucky tried kicking Ms. Wonderful Sharon out but now she's stuck here due to the roads. Isn't that gonna be so much fun?" Her voice in all notes of sarcasm.

"Oh god." Bruce sighed. He wasn't one that could tolerate Sharon either.

"How does it feel to be Steve fiancé now, little Stark?" Bruce changed the subject in favor of his daughter figure.

"It feels like.. indescribable, really. It's all I've been thinking about since I fell in love with him. He's such a dream, Bruce. Every atom in my heart and body longs for him when he's not around." She smiled at herself, now taking her dress off smoothly.

"That's so wonderful to hear, honey. Did you hear that Tony and Pepper are having a girl?"

She stopped in her tracks and eyes widened. "YOU'RE KIDDING!!! How didn't I hear about that!! Oh my god!!"

Bruce chuckled through the phone at her reaction. "Yeah, she told him finally earlier today. I think you and Steve wandered off at that point."

"Aww! So you and Nat, Pep and Tony.. who do you think is next?" Her heels were now in her hands as she walked to store them in the closet.

"You want me to be 100% honest?"


"I think you and Steve."

"Whaaat? No I doubt it. I have too much going on now."

"You never know, little Stark. Everything is given to us at a perfect time, whether we know it then or not."

He was right. The more she thought about it, the more she agreed.

"Can I talk to my girl now?" Nat slurred in the background.

"No, babe, go back to sleep." Bruce replied. Stas could practically hear his smile.



"I am so beyond happy for you and Nat. You two are each other's soulmates and I can't wait to see the family you guys raise."

"Stassie, you know you're still my first kid, right?"

She smiled a big genuine one, you know the kind where your eyes decide to join too.

"I know."

A moment of silence filled the call as she continued getting ready for bed and setting things in order.

"Bruce, I'm gonna let you get some rest okay? It's been a long day for you guys."

"Bye, Stassie. Love you."

"Love you more!" With that, she pressed the red button on her screen to end the call.

Stas brushed her hair into a loose braid and threw on silk pajamas.

As she got into bed, she received a text from Bucky.

Bucky 🦾: You need to come downstairs. Now.


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