[_]The one he spared.[_]

By theonewithmany

83 0 0

"You shall be spared." The creature said in a low demonic tone I had felt like a cold icey claw went down my... More

{|}Chapter 1{|}


52 0 0
By theonewithmany

3rd Person

It was dark and foggy in the forest that was rightfully titled the forest of death. A man around the age of 25 or 26 was walking through the forest. He was a man that never had the fear of dark forests. His hair was a faded golden brown that matched his slightly pale tan skin.

He is alone in this forest. He starts to humm a small tune he's listening to through his ear buds. He stops near a tree to rest, he takes his ear buds out then he hears a voice.

"Help me.." The man looks around to see who said that. The voice wasn't human though. It sounded demonic and distorted. The man didn't follow the voice. He walked away from where he was but he felt eyes on him and he also felt like he was being followed.

He stopped for a moment to breathe but when he did he breathed in a stench that smelled of rotting flesh and blood. He coughed and gagged at the smell, when he regained his composer he decided to follow the smell. After a few minutes of following the smell he came across a body that was torn to shreds. The muscles and tendons were torn in a way that looked like they were cut with a dull knife. The organs of the body could be seen strewn across the forest floor. Maggots were crawling across the body and organs that were rotted, the trees were stained crimson from the blood. He stepped back in horror from the sight he saw.

He felt as if he was going to be sick. He looked around and saw a log with the upper half of the body laying limply over it the body looked as if it was cut in half with a jagged rusty saw. He walked over to the log covering his mouth so he didn't get sick. When he made it over to the log he looked at what was left of the body's disfigured face. It was a teenage girl, she had pale red hair that had dried blood inside it that turned it a dark maroon color, her skin was a sickly pale color from the amount of blood loss she had experienced, her eyes where a lifeless grey color forever stuck looking up, her face had the look of a never ending scream of terror when her life was taken away from her in such a brutal way. The man stepped back again in horror and terror before he spoke "What could've done this?.." He said to himself. He got that feeling again that he was being watched.

He started to walk again but this time faster. He continued to speed walk till he broke into a full on sprint. He heard something running behind him but he didn't look back. He ran out of the woods and to his house. When he stepped onto his old but steady porch he looked over his shoulder to see red glowing eyes stairing at him through the thicket. The eyes then disappeared back to the woods.

He rushed inside his house and closed the door with such force it could've broke in half. He locked the door and leaned his back against the door breathing heavily. He slid down the door and ran his hands through his hair panting uncontrollably. "What was that thing?" He said terrified.

[_/\_]Few weeks later.[_/\_]

After a few weeks the guy known as Christopher was now fearing to head into the woods after what happened. He was in the kitchen making food while listening to the TV.

The news came on in was about a missing girl. "A girl by the name of Poppy Louis had gone missing about four weeks ago after heading into the woods. Authorities are still looking for her. If you have any information about this contact the police immediately." A icey chill ran down Chris's spine when he realized he was looking at the body of that poor girl those weeks ago.

"What the hell killed her?.." He asked himself confused. Little did he know his every move was being watched from the woods.
End of prolog.

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