Can't Fight It

By camilzer

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Camila/You Y/N seems like your typical rock star. She's a tattooed covered badass who loves to party. Camila... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three

chapter tweleve

511 22 10
By camilzer

(a/n): to give a better visual on the time, pictures on the top of the chapter will be from the time stamp below:

August 11, 2016

Camila's P.O.V.

The girls and I were in the United States for a bit and we're currently in Canada. It's safe to say tour is kicking our asses but we all love it. Being away from Y/N has been hard but we still FaceTime and text everyday. When I heard my phone go off with the familiar text tone I have set for only Y/N, I jumped off of the couch in the dressing room to grab it.

my lover❤️: where are you rn?

cami baby 💗🍑: Toronto. i told u that this morning lmao

my lover❤️: no I mean like
my lover❤️: where in the venue

cami baby💗🍑: the dressing room.
cami baby💗🍑: why👀

my lover❤️: I sent u something :)
my lover❤️: go out of the dressing room and past the bathrooms. I had the dude leave it around that corner

cami baby💗🍑: weird but okay
cami baby💗🍑: im passing the bathrooms rn
cami baby💗🍑: im nervous should I be nervous

my lover❤️: 👀

I rounded the corner and looked up from my phone to see Y/N standing there, a wide grin on her face. I ran over to her and jumped in her arms, wrapping my legs around her waist. "Oh my god!" I squealed. "Are you actually here?" I asked, pulling away to touch all over her face, making sure she wasn't just a figment of my overactive imagination.

"Yes, baby." She laughed. "I finished the album and I had some time off so..." Y/N trailed off, shrugging her shoulders. I shook my head with a smile and pulled her in for a kiss. The feeling I get when I'm away from her is almost scary. It's heart wrenching to only be able to see her through videos and pictures. The only other time I was in a committed relationship, I was able to spend all my time with them. I took that for granted and now had to learn how to live away from the girl I love. But, that pain makes the reunion so much better.

I hadn't even noticed that Y/N had me pinned against the wall at this point. Her lips trailed to my neck and my brain shut down. All I could focus on were her lips, her tongue, and her hands. Y/N put me down and dropped to her knees. I gulped, looking down into her lust filled eyes and deep smirk. She pressed her fingers between my thighs, over the fabric of my tour outfit. I bit my lip but began to chuckle when her smirk fell as she realized she can't just pull the fabric to the side. "How the fuck do you take this off?" She asked.

I laughed and reached for the hidden zipper on the side. Pulling it down, she was able to open the bottom half of the outfit enough to get to where we both wanted her to be. Due to the outfit, underwear wasn't an option which made our lives easier. Not wasting any time, Y/N immediately brought her tongue to my center, poking it through my folds. I groaned, tangling one hand in her hair and using the other to grip the corner of the wall. She lifted one of my legs to rest on her shoulder, giving her easier access. My mind was completely foggy and only two thoughts pushed through: the pleasure I was receiving from my girlfriend, and the fact anyone could see us right now, which honestly heightened the first thing.

Dinah's P.O.V

"Where the actual fuck is this girl?" I asked openly into the room. Everyone gave me a shrug, except for Lauren.

"She ran out a few minutes ago. I don't know why though." She replied, sitting still for Carlene as she did her makeup.

I sighed and texted Camila again as I went to go look for her. I hadn't looked up from my phone until I heard a soft moan. Having lived with Camren for years, I knew that moan belonged to Camila. My eyes widened since her girlfriend was thousands of miles away and Lauren was still in glam.

I saw her hand gripping the wall and the mesh half skirt of her outfit poking out from the corner as well. I could only see part of her, but enough to know what was happening. Deciding to be a nice friend and let her finish with whoever she was with, I leaned against the wall and scrolled through Instagram.

While I knew she was getting frustrated being away from Y/N, I didn't expect her to be this desperate. But, she definitely needed this. That girl has been on edge for weeks and she needs a good orgasm. Between that and Lucy joining us on tour, she's been going through it.

Her moans rose in pitch and became more frequent as she got closer. Mentally counting down from five, I smirked as she came undone as I got to zero. Giving them a few seconds, I heard soft muttering.

"God, I needed that." Camila said.

"Oh, me too. I missed the way you taste." Oh shit, I thought. Y/N's here. That honestly makes a lot more sense. Mila isn't capable of cheating.

I heard them exchanging soft kisses and decided they had long enough. "Alright, you two. You've had long enough, let's go." They both jumped and came around the corner.

"Dinah?!" Camila exclaimed. "How long have you..."

"Eh, five minutes? I don't know. I figured I'd let you finish though." I shrugged.

"Hey, Dinah." Y/N greeted, wrapping her arm around Mila as she buried her head into her neck.

"Hi." I greeted lamely. "Mila, let's go." She regained her composure and took Y/N's hand, starting to walk towards me. As we walked together, her blush stayed present on her face. "Relax. It's not the first time I've heard that shit. I've lived with you and Lauren for years."

"Dinah!" She slapped my arm.

"What? It's not like she doesn't know." I said referring to Y/N.

"It's chill. She's not the one making you sound like that anymore." She smirked, kissing Camila on the forehead. I internally gagged, but pushed it away.


Camila's P.O.V.

We had just finished the show and were changing out of our tour outfits in the dressing room. Y/N had gone to the bathroom and my mother went on a drink run for us all, so it was just the girls and I...and Lucy.

She had begun to tag along to all of our shows. It bothered me because Y/N had to sneak in and out and that's only if she wasn't told to physically leave the venue. They weren't even actually dating and got more perks than me and my actual girlfriend.

I was facing away from the girls as I peeled off the one-piece outfit and quickly pulled my underwear on before too long. The girls had seen me naked but not Lucy and I was not about to change that. Thankfully, she was sitting on her phone, only occasionally glancing up at Lauren.

I groaned when I realized my shirt was still in my bag across the room. Covering my chest, I quickly walked over to grab it. As I stood up with my shirt, I heard Normani ask, "Is that a tattoo?" For a second, I forgot I even had one and I looked around to see who she was talking to. That was when I saw everyone, including Lucy, looking at me. Or rather, looking at my chest.

"Oh, uh..." I stuttered through a response. "Y-yeah."

"Since when did you have a tattoo?" Dinah asked. "What does it even say?" She stepped closer to get a better look.

"Uh..." I smiled briefly, remembering how I got this tattoo with Y/N the last time we were in Toronto. Then I realized I was just awkwardly standing there, shirt in hand. I pulled the loose fitting shirt over my head. "Few weeks." I answered, walking back to pull my sweats on. "And it says 'mi alma'." I added quietly.

Dinah and Normani looked at me, still confused as to what it says, Lauren was trying to look anywhere but at me, and Ally just had a perpetual look of shock on her face.

"It means 'my soul'."

Fucking Lucy. I Internally rolled my eyes at her as realization dawned on the two non-Spanish speakers. "Camila, tell me you didn't get a tattoo for her." Dinah looked at me warily.

"Don't say it like that. She got one for me too." I shrugged.

"So?" Dinah exclaimed. "It's only been like a month."

"It's been four and a half..." I corrected. I didn't regret the tattoo but I knew the girls would react like this. It's exactly why I didn't tell them. They were making me feel ashamed about something I wasn't actually ashamed of. Well, they made me feel like I should be.

"That's still not long." Normani added. "Not long enough to permanently mark yourself for someone."

"Not long to who? You?" I was getting fed up now. "Well, that's fine because it's not on your body, is it? It's on mine and I love it because I love her and I know she's the only person for me." I let go of all the anger I had been holding onto. "You guys have never even given her a chance. When she's here you don't make any effort to even try to get to know her. You all disperse like she has the fucking plague! At first I thought it was because she was new and not part of our group. Then Lucy starts tagging along everywhere and you guys welcome her with open fucking arms and she's not even actually dating Lauren!" My chest rose and fell quickly after my outburst. I looked at each of the girls, noticing how they couldn't even look at me. After a few moments, I realized it wasn't because they couldn't, it was because they were too busy looking at Lauren and Lucy who were now both on the couch.

Lauren's face was red while Lucy muttered to her, "You didn't tell her?" She asked. Lauren subtlety shook her head. Lucy reached over and covered her hand with her own. Still refusing to look at me, Lauren accepted her hand and interlocked their fingers.

My mouth fell open and I couldn't bring myself to close it. At the start of our relationship, Lauren and Lucy were best friends. They texted and Skyped all the time, always being a little flirty and it had always bothered me. For a while, I never mentioned it. I mean, it was Lauren's best friend and I didn't want to seem like a crazy girlfriend.

Eventually, it got to be too much and I couldn't help but mention something. It was hard for a while. Besides the issues with our team, Lucy became the biggest problem in our relationship. I had even tried to breakup with Lauren due to it, telling her I couldn't handle it and I didn't want to cause problems with her best friend over it. And, despite my protests, Lauren cut Lucy out of her life. She told me that, given the choice between me and anyone else, she would always choose me. I should have known that I was right. There was something going on between them. Or at least there were underlying feelings there.

My eyes were burning holes in Lauren's head when I asked. "Are you two actually dating?"


"I was asking Lauren." I snapped at Lucy. I heard Lauren mutter something under her breathe. "Look at me." I demanded.

She looked up, knowing exactly what was going through my head. "Yes." I scoffed, grabbing my phone and moving to leave the room. "Nothing happened when we were together!" She called after me.

"I seriously don't care." I told her. And I didn't. I mean, I did. But not because I was jealous of Lucy. It was because I spent years of my life with someone who clearly had underlying feelings for someone else. That, and that they can be open in the public, something I have never been able to do.

Leaving the room, I bumped into Y/N, who put her hands out to catch me. "Hey, you." She smiled before noticing my glassy eyes. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Nothing. Can we just go for a walk?" I asked her, gripping her arm.

"Of course." She nodded, taking my hand.


Y/N's P.O.V.

We had been walking hand in hand for a while, our hoods pulled up and we both wore sunglasses despite it being dark out. I know we probably looked dumb but it was better than being recognized.

Camila had yet to tell me what was wrong and it was killing me that I didn't know. I wanted to know so I could help her. Not knowing means I don't know how to help. So, I kept walking, hoping she would just come out with it and, sure enough, she did.

"They saw the tattoo." She muttered so softly I almost missed it.

"And?" I asked, trying to get her to continue.

"They said it's too soon to get something like that. And I don't regret it, but they make me feel like I should, ya know? Like they make it seem like I did this ridiculously stupid thing. And, on top of that, they don't even give you a chance. They don't even know you and how great you are. But Lucy? Oh, they'll give her a chance right away. By the way, her and Lauren are dating now. Which doesn't bother me aside from the fact we have to hide while they get to frolic around all happy. And I knew Lauren had feelings for her so this just proves it. But either way, they can't just treat you like shit when you've done nothing wrong." She rambled.

"Woah, hey," I stopped walking and turned to look at her, cupping her face. "That doesn't matter. None of it, okay? You know how you feel and I know how I feel. This is for us, not them. You and I know that what we have is real and it's strong and it's not gonna fall apart. I fucking love you. More than I've ever loved anyone or anything. If they don't get that, then whatever."

Camila smiled softly at my words, making my heart flutter. "Don't you care that they don't like you?" She asked, her hands taking their normal place and resting on my forearms, my hands still cupping her face.

"I mean, yeah. They're your best friends and I want them to like me. But if they don't, it's fine. I still have you." Camila leaned up and brushed our noses together before kissing me softly. "Come on, lets go get something to eat." I kissed her again before taking her hand as we began to walk again.

After a couple more blocks, I felt Camila stall slightly. I glanced at her and saw her eyes glued onto a specific store. Smirking, I stopped walking, making her stumble. "Huh? What?" She asked me, coming back to reality.

"You wanna go inside?" I asked, nodding my head towards the store.

"Uh...I don't know." She began to get all shy, making me coo slightly. I followed her gaze as she looked back up at the tall building. It wasn't hard to figure out what it was, across the top read 'WWW.SEDUCTION.CA', followed by 'The Largest Love Boutique in Toronto'. There was even the picture of an apple with a bite taken out of it and 'seduction' written across. Honestly, the place looked sketchy as fuck, but with the way Camila's eyes darkened as she looked at it curiously, I honestly didn't care.

I smirked and pulled her across the street and into the building. The sign was right. This place is huge. We walked the aisles for a bit until Camila stopped to examine something. "Is this a necklace?" She asked, reaching out to grab a package containing beads and two clips.

"Uh, no." I laughed. "It most definitely is not."

"Don't laugh at me." She blushed, swatting me playfully with her hand. "What is it?"

"Nipple clamps." I told her. Her eye brows furrowed in what I assumed to he horror. "It's not like it cuts them off, chill. It just pinches them."

"Oh...have you even used them?"

"Once or twice."

"Oh..." She bit her lip, looking around. "I have no idea what a lot of this stuff is. Like I know the obvious stuff but not stuff like...that," she pointed to a large tentacle looking thing on the wall. "What even is that?"

I chuckled at her innocence. "I mean some stuff is more obscure than others." I shrugged. "Just depends on your kinks."

"Oh," She thought for a second. "Well, I don't have any of those." I laughed loudly at how confident she said that. "What?"

"Baby, I can name five of your kinks right now, just off the top of my head." I told her.

"What are they then?" She challenged me.

I easily began naming them, counting on my fingers. "Dirty talk, biting, spanking, calling me 'daddy' or 'papi', and as of tonight, exhibitionism."

Her face was bright red by now as she looked around to see if anyone overheard. "Whatever." She muttered. "What are yours?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I just like yours." I smirked. The thing is, I had a few things I liked but I didn't want to push Camila into doing something she wasn't comfortable with. If she wanted to try something then I would and, maybe, it would be one I already throughly enjoy.

"I don't believe you." She said. "C'mon, tell me." She pleaded.

"I'm serious. Whatever I do with you is my new favorite."

"You're annoying." Camila sighed, looking around. "Should we get some stuff?" She asked me.

"I mean, yeah, if you wanna then we can. Sure." I stuttered. I never stutter. Especially not with this stuff since it doesn't embarrass me or anything. But the thought of 'getting some stuff' with Camila was overwhelming. "What, uh, what do you wanna get?"

"I don't know." She bit back a smirk, clearly catching on to my flustered state. "I was thinking we could start small."

"Okay, yeah, cool." I mentally smacked myself as Camila chuckled and started walking down the aisle again.

"What do you think?" I heard her ask, pulling me back to reality. I walked forward to catch up with her and found her in front of a shelf full of different sized strap-ons. Like I said, I should just let her pick and hope it's one of the things I like. That seems to have worked out well for me. "Which one?"

I looked at the wall, different scenarios running through my head at every one I looked at. "Have you tried this before?"

"No. But it looks like it could be fun." She smirked. I loved it when she showed this side. It was not only extremely hot, but it showed she was comfortable with me. Camila leaned in to whisper in my ear. "I've always wanted you to really fuck me with one."

I shivered. What is happening to me right now? "You have no idea what you're doing to me." I rasped in her ear, pulling her flush against me.

"Oh, I think I do." She smirked, leaning in to kiss my neck. "I'm so wet right now. Just thinking about all the things you can do to me." She whispered and then backed away, looking back at the shelf like she didn't just cause a complete flood in my pants.

"Alright, well let's start with something smaller." I told her, wrapping my hands around her from behind.

"I don't want smaller, though." She pouted.

"I don't want to hurt you, either." I told her before pointing to one of the ones on the shelf. "Try that one." She nodded, reaching forward and grabbing it.

It was seven and a half inches with a smaller, curved insert on the other end. It was a blue color with a black harness. "This is small? Whatever, it works for me." She shrugged. "What's this part?" She asked, pointing to the small insert.

"That," I kissed her head. "Is for me."

"Ohh..." She nodded. "Okay let's get more."

"More strap-ons?"

"No, more stuff. Are nipple clamps fun?" She asked, walking back over to where we were before and grabbing them off the shelf. "That sign says that they have 'paddles' and 'floggers' downstairs. That's for spanking right?"

"Okay, woah, slow down." I stepped in front of her. "One thing at a time, okay? What's gotten into you?"

"I just wanna explore stuff." She shrugged but she was clearly holding something back. I gave her a knowing look and finally she relented. "I just wanna make you happy. You make me feel so good all the time. I wanna do that for you."

"Camila," I sighed. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. "Baby, I told you, I'm satisfied with whatever you wanna do. You don't have to force yourself to try all this stuff for me."

"It's not that I don't wanna...Some of it I do." She told me, biting her lip. "You've just done all this stuff and I've barely been with two other people."

"So? Camila, I can easily say, I've never been more satisfied than when I have sex with you." I cringed slightly at my words, making her giggle. "What I'm trying to say is, you don't need to get anything special to make me feel good. You already do that on you're own."

"I do?" I nodded. "How? I've never know." I sighed, knowing what she was referring to. She had never gone down on me or fingered me or anything. I've never let anyone do that to me.

"No one has." I told her.

"Really?" She asked me. "Why?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I would just rather give than receive." She nodded. "Besides, I get myself off when we have sex."

"That's lame."

"No, it's fine. I get enough pleasure seeing you get off." I wasn't really keen on carrying this conversation on any further so I changed the subject. "Look, if you wanna get something, we can. Let's stick to one thing at a time, okay? And only if you actually want to."

"Okay," She nodded, looking at me and then to the side before shyly placing the nipple clamps back on the shelf. "I wanna keep this though." She blushed, clutching the strap-on box to her chest. "I meant what I said earlier, when I said I've thought about it."

It was so funny to me how she could go from confident and sexy to shy and blushing just like that. "Alright." I nodded. "Let's buy it and head to the hotel. I don't want to freak your mother out again."


(a/n): fun stuff my dudes

A little more coming to light here. Also I wanna mention (idk if I have before) that the smut and sex in this isn't just for the sake of smut. It plays a big part in this story for both of them.
Notice how Camila mentioned feeling self-conscious since y/n is so experienced.
Also, y/n's touching thing will come back 👀

Any guesses on why the girls don't like

Don't forget to vote
Thanks for reading ❤️

p.s. this is 4000 words and I usually do 1000 work chapters bc I'm lame so ur welcome

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