By babyyawnzzn

17.7K 241 32

[COMPLETED] In which he wouldn't call it obsession, he called it destiny. top!kook ; bottom!tae #1 in the SHA... More

15 & 16


2.6K 36 13
By babyyawnzzn

"What makes you think he can't find a door in the morning, when he found a bed so easily in the dark?"



Taehyung knew the moment he saw her that she'd be a problem.

Click, Snap!

Damn him, what was his obsession with blondes?




Taehyung's fingers tensed against the button of his camera and he clenched his jaw so hard he feared he might've cracked the bone in half.

This was always the hard part, the part that made him violent and want to lash out at anyone who even breathed next to him.

He watched through the zoom feature of his camera, pissed off, irritated and hurt as Jungkook lowered his arm around the blonde bitch's lower back and ushered her inside for what he knew — believe him, Taehyung knew — was a night of hearing her scream; oh god, Jungkook, harder - please!

A night Taehyung would have to suffer through much like he did every night for the past two years until the sun rose, until he'd have to go back home and then to work to relive each detail, until night came again.

Taehyung had a life, a job..... a somewhat boyfriend who hung around him on occasion. His life was normal enough.

By day he was a computer mainframe programmer, or that was the pretty way of saying; a company hacker that got rid of other hackers.

He'd been called a prodigy at some point in his life, having learned how to disassemble and then reassemble any computer or laptop you could mention by the age of twelve.

Some people fawned over him for being able to do that still, despite it being a part of himself he now just grew to hate.

Taehyung hated it because it was boring, uneventful and just plain bleak. He wasn't the one who got the attention, no — that belonged to his sister, Sofia, with her lighter hair and doe eyed charm.

Taehyung was the boy with the soft brown hair, the rounded brown eyes and the wide hips and fat ass that everyone overlooked in exchange for his stick figure sister or men that had looks like her.

Or in this case, girls like this blonde bimbo, Jungkook brought into his house and was leading to his living room. Girls like that were the ones who got the guys like him whilst people like Taehyung watched it happen miserably.

"Fucking bitch," Taehyung hissed quietly to himself, his annoyance growing further when Jungkook took the first corner of his home that temporarily blinded him from his vison.

Taehyung's teeth gritted together and he clenched his hands into fists, jealousy raging fiercely inside him because he knew what happened when that blind spot happened.

The same as always.

It meant that he'd already started seducing the poor tramp and had her pinned against the wall, her hands held at her sides by his, his body pushed up against hers as he kissed her senseless.

"Bitch, bitch, bitch!" Taehyung continued cursing to himself, huffing out frustrated breaths since now he had to move up further and closer to his house so he'd be able to see the rest.

Taehyung knew he was subjecting himself to the torture of this, watching Jungkook play and then fuck all these girls was his own volition, but he couldn't stop.

He was drawn to Jungkook, the way he did everything, the way he kissed, the way his accent flowed smoothly through his lips as he spoke, even the way those same lips wrapped around his cigarettes everyday.

Taehyung imagined tasting Jungkook's lips, having them pressed against his owns as he kissed him much better than he did all the others. They looked soft, not too large, not too small but just right to keep several of the girls and boys coming back looking for more.

Taehyung's imagination also led to fantasies about things like Jungkook's eyes, dark and expressive, locked on his owns as he slipped his hands across his body and made him damn near faint with how well he could touch him with them, his body, his co—

"Jesus!" Taehyung yelped at the sudden buzzing of his phone that vibrated against his lap.

He flinched and ducked, careful and scared that somehow Jungkook would hear him inside his house and reached for his phone, scowling when he saw his sister calling.

He hit decline harder than normal, pissed that she'd call him when he was having a crisis about pretty bitches ruining his life... or well, his entertainment.

She called twice more, both times going ignored by Taehyung until he grew frustrated by her constant calling and smashed his phone against a rock, over and over again until he heard the screen crack and felt the pieces of it start to pop off in his hand.

Looking down at it, Taehyung breathed in relief at the sight, knowing that now she couldn't call him until he got a new phone.

Peace, finally.

But all thoughts of new phones and annoying sisters vanished, and replacing them were thoughts of him moving and getting closer to where he needed to be.

Taehyung stashed his broken phone into his camera bag and after he shoved it across his shoulder and lowered the brim of his hat to cover his eyes more, he was off.

Taehyung ducked as he ran across the property, always glancing over his shoulder to make sure nobody was coming his way and saw him.

Anticipation, adrenaline and that slight bite of fear was always present within him, but he kept on, telling himself that the price was worth the payout in the end.

The wind whipped Taehyung's hair around his face as he breathed heavily and slid under a small blind spot his security guards hadn't caught when gating his home.

The dirt scraped his hands and stained his leggings, but he ignored the pain and discomfort of those things and stood upright, proud that once again he'd gone unnoticed and managed to slip inside.

The hard part being over, Taehyung took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in his throat as he ran his hand across his face and felt his skin flushed with sweat.

It was a muggy, L.A. night with a slight breeze that did nothing to cool him down, although that heat could be subjective to the adrenaline coursing through him.

Taehyung glanced up at Jungkook's house, like always, he was awed by it. If a house could scream money and luxury at all, then Jungkook's was definitely the one.

It rested atop a hill, it's foundation was rounded and surrounded by glass windows that overlooked the property minus a few walls that darkened and gave it the appearance of not being welcome unless you were invited personally.

Taehyung knew from experience that it had a deck in the back, had a rock garden styled pool that connected to a hot tub, both of these having in pool lighting that would cast eerie glows upon his skin when he decided to take late night swims by himself.

Jungkook usually took them after he finished fucking the tramps senseless, so Taehyung hoped tonight wouldn't be any different.

With one final deep breath that he expelled through his nose, Taehyung continued walking towards Jungkook's house, always being cautious just in case.

Jungkook wasn't exactly a well rounded citizen, he had enemies — lots of them and Taehyung had seen several of them leave his home a bloodied and crumpled mess whenever they tried him in any way.

Taehyung had seen Jungkook's fists do lots of talking for him many times before and the sight aroused and scared the hell out of him at the same time.

Not enough to cower away from him or find him less appealing - but Taehyung digressed.

As he came close to the house, he cut through the back, close enough where he could see the pool, the hot tub and the deck that held the glass patio doors that led inside Jungkook's living room where he usually brought the whores if he was feeling adventurous.

It worked out for Taehyung because just by the hinge of that patio door he had a small receiver that transmitted whatever sounds happened inside out to him if he was in a close range.

Taehyung ducked and hid behind one of his bushes, the thick foliage helping in camouflaging him further.

As soon as he was hidden, he opened his camera bag, pulled out his camera and the router that received the transmitter signal and a pair of headphones so he could plug them in and hear without it being too loud, and then he did what he always did, yet dreaded.

Taehyung waited.

Thankfully he didn't wait long, only about five or so minutes more until the transmitter picked up noise, several thumps which he matched to footsteps; the heavy ones being Jungkook's and the high pitched clacks being the blonde's.

Taehyung's eyes narrowed as he glanced into the lens of his camera, the optical zoom making everything that much clearer as if he were in the room with them, the amplified sound not helping the situation either.

His teeth gritted together and he hummed irritably to himself as he heard and watched Jungkook speak, his voice smooth like melted chocolate over ice cream.

"Let's lose these," Jungkook told his whore as he held onto her hands and held her at arms length, his eyes now hooded and focused onto her with obvious lust as he bit his lip.

He pulled her forward, her muffled squeak being cut off by his lips that fell against hers as he kissed her and left Taehyung breathless at the same time. With skilled hands used to beat men senseless and fuck girls just as well, he lowered the straps of the dress she wore, the flimsy material pooling at her shoulders until those same hands followed the curved of her shoulders and tugged it all the way down.

Taehyung's cheeks burned, mortification, shame and lust all swimming in his head at the same time as he watched the scene before him.

The whore whimpered at his touch, her own hands working the buttons of his shirt as he slid his hands across her hips and gripped them as he pulled her closer and lowered his kisses down her neck, no doubt to leave his mark as he did all the others.

Taehyung bit his lip, breathing hard as he watched through the lens, so enraptured by Jungkook and how he handled a person's body that he nearly forgot about the pictures.

Having realized he was slacking, Taehyung clicked each shot in quick succession, capturing every moment whilst his transmitter recorded every whisper and every husky groan that left Jungkook's lips.

It did things to Taehyung to watch Jungkook in action, so skilled and in control. Each touch of his fingers was deliberate to his plan to drive a girl crazy with want much like this one already was with just a few kisses and a fleeting touch or two.

"Jesus," Taehyung whispered raggedly to himself, the heat in his cheeks creeping down his neck as well.

Jungkook's whore stepped out of her dress pooling at her feet and pressed her hand against his chest until shoving him into his couch, his expression amused by her, just like Taehyung was.

This one obviously thought she had a chance at taking charge, much like the rest but she'd learn soon that it wasn't the case.

Even at the bottom, Jungkook still managed to top without actually doing so.

Taehyung's tongue darted across his lips and he groaned as his eyes zoned in on the expanse of his chest and toned stomach visible through the open slit of his shirt.

Jungkook was so... damn fine, Taehyung couldn't believe it most days and had he not seen the proof he was oh so real, he probably would've still been convinced he was part of a dream.

Jungkook continued to kiss the girl as she straddled him, his hands never stoic were always touching her somewhere, be it her chest where he cupped her breasts and toyed with them, or her hips or even her ass, he was always finding a way to control the situation at hand, pun intended.

"Oh, God, baby..." The girl moaned into his mouth and he groaned in response, his hand now at her hips pushing her down as he raised his up and rolled them into her covered sex.

Taehyung might have whimpered himself at that one, but he digressed.

Taehyung's fingers continued pressing against the button, capturing more sets of shots of Jungkook undressing her, using his mouth, tongue and teeth to do so as his slut was on her back, legs spread and taking it all.

Often the urge to just relieve the ache growing between his own legs grew stronger, but Taehyung held it down by telling himself that delayed gratification would be worth it when he got his hands on Jungkook.

Still, the ache in Taehyung continued to grow as he watched, his camera now held tighter — as the girl started undoing the zip to Jungkook's jeans, working them down his legs slowly, his boxers following until his cock came into view.

The camera fell from Taehyung's hands that were now shaking with restrained urges to run in there, grab the bitch by the hair and finish Jungkook off himself.

Mother of god, he was...

Perfect and definitely worth the wait.

Jealousy flared angrily inside Taehyung as he watched her touch Jungkook and him clench his fists in his lap as he looked at her.

This was always the difficult part, having to endure this torture of Jungkook letting all these bitches touch him how they wanted to whilst Taehyung sulked in the shadows suffering it all.

"Shit, babe..."

Taehyung heard Jungkook hiss through his headphones as he watched him brush the girls hair away from her face so he could watch her suck him off.

It fucking angered Taehyung that Jungkook was so into it, so much so that he bit down hard onto his fist when he used his free hand to smooth down her shoulders and hold her there whilst she continued.

Taehyung's stomach retched, bile rising in his throat at the sight of her — just like the others — pleasuring jungkook the way he wanted to.

The sucking noises continued, she was moving her head up and down whilst her other hand held onto his thigh until he opened his mouth to speak.

"Touch yourself, babe," Jungkook grunted, his voice deepened with lust and thickening his already prominent accent... as well as causing Taehyung's thighs to clench together.

Despite the desire Taehyung felt, frustration also brewed inside him the more he watched her do as Jungkook said, no questions asked and tears pooled into his eyes, angry ones that he held back.

Both Jungkook and his blonde bitch's moans and groans only grew louder as they kept at each other like animals, her giving him head and then him reciprocating, all this happening until they were both fully naked and he was sheathing himself with a condom right before he was pushing inside of her.

The tears spilled over and Taehyung bit back a scream at them both, his hands now balled into fists so tight that his knuckles were white from the pressure he gave them.

With each thrust Jungkook gave her and each time she begged for more, Taehyung screamed quietly to himself, his breathing matching theirs that was heavy, all of them in sync without two of them knowing.

Taehyung knew what was coming next, he always knew.

Jungkook was rough with them, always in control, in demand of how their bodies were used for his pleasure only.

Taehyung held his breath, his lungs aching as he watched Jungkook wrap his fist around her hair and pull her up so he could kiss her so hard that she whimpered and it sent a chill up his spine.

Jungkook screwed these girls like they were nothing but a means to an end, a scratch to his constant itch, as if he were an animal that had to be contained or he'd go wild, but Taehyung didn't care.

Taehyung wanted Jungkook wild.

He wanted him with himself.

Taehyung wanted Jungkook to be his.

"Oh God, Jungkook...... harder, please!"

Taehyung's eye twitched and he dug his hand into the grass to keep from yanking the headphones out and screaming.

They always did this, always boosted Jungkook's ego even further than it already was by screaming the house down in their awakened sexual appetite for him once he got them past the front door.

Taehyung hated them because he wasn't in their place, but then again, he pitied them all because of only they knew what Jungkook thought of each girl that left his house after he used them the same way he used condoms; disposal and easy to forget.

That made Taehyung's anger regress itself a bit, the knowledge that these girls weren't anything special and they didn't know Jungkook like he did.

Tawgy knew everything, down to Jungkook's birthday to why he got his first tattoo, to why he dealt with criminals on a daily basis when he was filthy rich and didn't need to dirty himself to even what type of woman he was truly attracted to.

All the secrets Jungkook kept out of reach for the whores, Taehyung knew.

And that made watching him lose himself in another girls body that much more bearable, because soon, Jungkook would be losing himself in Taehyung's, only he'd keep him.

Whether Jungkook fucking liked it or not.

FULL book is available on my BMC account. Link in profile bio :)

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