Infected/Prototype Deku

By Hirakplays

134K 2K 555

In this Multiverse Izuku Yagi or we all know him as Deku was Born into the Yagi family with a terrible fate t... More

Born into happy family but with terrible fate
Nightmares to Beautiful Dreams
Identifying your Nightmares and preparing for the worst
Being the Demise Itself
Getting an Upgrade
Meeting an odd old lady?
A little notice
Meeting a God
gaining a follower
A Dead Child's Childhood
Becoming a student again
Grave Meeting
Rocking on The Mountains
Back Again
Mad Mind
Investigation pt 1
Investigation pt 2 / Preparation
Let's Go Hunting!!
The Problem
Fake Devil's Fake Pawn's FAKE Mayhem
You Can't Stop Me!
I am a fucking New God!
How is this Hammer so Heavy?!
I am a King , I am a God , I am the one who defected all
Where Am I?

USJ Incident

4.9K 78 11
By Hirakplays

Izuku was in his hideout where he was spectating on the villains from the eyes of Kurogiri. He was seeing that the misty man was preparing the so called weapon that is supposed to kill Almight.  A big buffed up purplish creature with a head which was of a bird's with teeth in the mouth. The creature had his brain stick out of the head it wasn't covered with something which immediately came to Izuku's attention that it was the creature's weak spot. He also saw that the villain's had hacked into the USJ's security system to keep the alarm off and also to keep an eye when the class will arrive there. He was about to get out from spectating when he saw that Kurogiri was now opening a portal. All the villains entered the USJ through the portal. Shigaraki went inside the portal and arrived at the USJ.
At the command of Shigaraki all villains started attacking.  Izuku was about to go out when something popped in his mind.

Shigaraki: Attack the heroes and there lousy students!! Kurogiri you know what to do.

Immediately at his command Kurogiri went to the students who were being protected by Thirteen.

Thirteen: Who are you and how did you get inside the USJ without alerting the security system?!

Kurogiri: Ohh let me introduce ourselves.  My name is Kurogiri and we are the League Of Villains. Now where is Almight he was supposed to be here.

While he was talking Katsuki and Katsumi tried to blow him up but all the attacks went through him.

Thirteen: Who is the fastest one here?!

Tenya: I am Mam!

Thirteen: Alright we will give some time to run away from here while we distract him you have to go and get other heroes.

Tenya: No I can't.  I can't leave my friends here! They will be in danger!!

Thirteen: And if you don't go and get some back-ups our chances of survival will be less. GOO NOWWW!!!!

Tenya: ( He didn't argue and used his quirk to get past Kurogiri)

Kurogiri was about to use his warp gates to warp Tenya when Thirteen interrupted him with her quirk.

Thirteen: You aren't going to hurt my students!! ( as she uses her quirk)

      ●● Meanwhile Aizawa was fighting with the other villains defeating everyone with his Martial arts●●

Kurogiri: (was getting sucked into her black hole when he used his warp gate to open two gates one in front of Thirteen and one behind her) you are annoying.

Thirteen got damaged and also almost torned apart  by the her own quirk. She fell down unconsciousness.

Kurogiri: Now you guys. (As he warped almost everyone to different locations of the USJ) I have to report young master. (As he warps away)

Izumi,Asui and Mineta were warped on the water rescue area, Kirishima,Katsuki and Katsumi were warped in the city disaster area of USJ. Shoto , Ojiro were warped on the mountain area of USJ and Jirou, Mom and Denki was warped into the fields area. Only Koda, Rikido , Aoyama , Uraraka and Hagakure was one of the students who weren't warped by Kurogiri.

Izumi:( under water she realized a shark looking villain was rushing at her when a tongue grabbed her and pulled her on a ship) Huh, thanks Asui-san!

Tsuyu: Welcome. Just call me Tsu ( ribbit) .

Mineta: (In the back was crying ) We are going to die!!!!!!

Tsuyu Slaps him with her tongue.

Izumi: I think they didn't know what our quirks are if they knew they would have send Tsuyu-san to the fire zone or city zone far away from water.

Tsuyu: (ribbit) you are right.

Izumi: (She was blasting through her mind when something she remembered 
in Izuku's note books. He always gathered quirk informations on both heroes and villains to know there weaknesses) OK guys what are your quirks?

Tsuyu: Mine is Frog it's a mutation type quirk.


Izumi: And what is yours Mineta?

Mineta: (Still Silent )


Mineta: I can only pop these balls that can stick to anything and anyone.  I know it's a pretty useless quirk.

Izumi: ( hearing the word useless she remembered about her Oni-chan who could make even a quirk like Mineta's to a powerful and useful quirk) No you aren't useless Mineta. (With tears in her eyes)

Tsuyu: Woah Yagi-san why are you crying?( ribbit)

Mineta: See even she is scared for her life!

Izumi:No it's not that I remembered something about someone special to me. (She takes a deep breath)  Alright I have a plan I will smash the boat with my quirks Asui-San you will flee away with Mineta after the smash.

Tsuyu&Mineta: And what about you?!

Izumi: Don't worry about me!( as she prepares her quirks). Detroit smashhhhh!!!!( she punches the boat making a whirlpool in the water because of the impact she was sprung off the boat. As she was falling a tongue grabbed her towards Tsuyu) Asui-San.

Tsuyu: We aren't giving up on you Izumi-San.

Mineta: AHHHH!( as he plucks his balls of his head and throws at the villain)

Like in canon the villains got trapped by the balls and were stuck with each other. The three heroes snucked towards the shore when they saw a bird looking creature was beating their teacher .

Shigaraki was about to touch Asui by the face when he saw that he didn't decayed the girl. Aizawa was using his quirk to protect his students.

Shigaraki: Hooh... Eraser-Head you're really a cool hero even if you are in front of death's door you're still protecting your students.

Izumi was about to punch Shigaraki with her other useful hand with 100 percent when she saw that the bird creature was in front of her tanking the attack easily.

Shigaraki: That would've killed me well whatever Nomu kill them !

As the creature now known as Nomu was about to attack him when the USJ's front doors opened by two figures. Almight and Telinko. Everyone saw that he wasn't smiling rather he was angry.

Almight: (saw that how the children were scared and his co-workers were injured) How dare you villains do this !! ( as he rushes knocking all the front villains and saving Aizawa and the three children. He puts Aizawa to the safe hands of Izumi and the others ) Telinko you go save other children I will take care of these!

Telinko nodes and goes flying towards other sections of the USJ.

Almight: You will pay for your crimes .Because  I AM HERE!!(As he rushes towards Shigaraki when the Nomu appears in front of him and the fight goes as almost Canon except he will not be able to defeat the Nomu)

as the fight goes on Toshinori was getting weaker with his wound caused by the nomu. As it was going a harsh scream was coming from one of the villains.  It was Kurogiri. He was screaming like he was in terrible pain except he wasn't he was controlled by someone and was trying to alert Shigaraki but it was all in vain.

Shigaraki: What is happening to you Kurogiri!?

As he said that a warp gate was opened through Kurogiri's misty body but it wasn't opened by him but someone as that some revealed himself it was Izuku in his hooded thug form. Shigaraki was now confused and angry as why was he here.

Izuku: Nice place if you guys weren't here (as  tendrils come out of his body and the misty guy was all gone only leaving a lifeless body of a person) Oh poor guy he was also a hero in training the quirk and the nomu form of his was keeping him alive I will save you (as he spreads the virus in the man's body then the person's body perfectly turned normal.  But he didn't left behind virus in him only resurrected him from deaths door.)

Izuku:Poor man he had being struggling a lot I think that he will be alright.  I got a lot of information on who did this to him .

Shigaraki was about to attack the man when Izuku grabbed him by the throat.  Shigaraki was trying to decay him when he realized his quirk was working on him.

Shigaraki: H...ow? How are you not dead? Why didn't my quirk worked on you?!

Izuku: I don't know what you quirk and who you are and I don't care.

As he was about  snap Shigaraki when Shigaraki screamed.

Shigaraki:Nomu leave Almight kill him!!!

As now launches at Izuku and grabbed him by his neck then tore his head apart from his body. When this happened a scream was heard from the stairs . It was Momo who realized that the man was her savior and he got killed by the monster.


Shigaraki only laughs when started puking black substance as he was teleported out of there. Almost everyone was thinking what was going on when their attention distracted to the nomu who was sent away towards the jungle section by the headless body of the man whom the Nomu just beheaded a few moments ago. He was standing straight when his head which was on the ground started to turn into liquid  and a new head constructed itself on his neck .

Izuku: You maybe think you're strong but I am stronger .(As he cracks both his hands and neck)

As he activates his claws and started fighting the monster. Ultimately the monster was consumed by him as he gained two new power one was passive
one the Nomu's shock absorption now upgraded to a strong and steady armor and shield and also in those powers he can fully nullify any attack send towards him.

Izuku: Heh... nice. ( He then noticed that Almight was about to punch him when he turned into amor and Nullified it easily)

Izuku faced Almight as everyone's jaw dropped that he easily without even flinching withstanded him. Izuku throws a punch that launched Almight towards the stairs . It surprised him  . As the Nomu's super strength quirk greatly I mean overwhelmedly increased his strength and other stuffs.

As he was about to attack Almight when he was pulled out of USJ by two Whips by two men. He was then grabbed by the bald one and thrown to the nearest forest. It was Heller.

Heller: Let's fuck with this mother fucker!!!

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