The Buddy System. *Complet...

By Caffinated_Mama

3.7K 208 87

Back to Hogwarts, Raelyn felt like she was starting all over again. No family, no friends. She was destined t... More

Cast Ideas
Return to Hogwarts
Conversing with Snakes
The Buddy System
Can't Sleep
Potions Class
Classroom antics
Meeting Her
An Unexpected Meet Up
The Broom Cupboard
Knowing You Better
Getting Out
While I was sleeping
The Makeover
Opening Up
Hanging with Snakes
The Battle talk
The Date - prt 1
The Date - prt 2
Meetings & Greetings
Leap of Faith?
The Memory
Dean Thomas
Initiations to the Snake Club
Morning After
Like Old Times
Seeing Stars
Dearest Azaleah
Dancing in the rain
Love and War
Hexing & Humour
The Party
Preparations for Arrival
Catch Ups
Trying to Understand
New styles and stories
Our Song
The Tree
The prick arrived
Vulgar Talk
Three Letters
A Letters Request
Home Truths
The Real Teeny
Sorting Out Our Issues
More truths
What Ifs
Spice Men
Good Ole Dad
What Needed To Be Said
Christmas Past
Christmas Presents
Castle Escape
Unexpected Meetings
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Getting To Know You
New Years Eve
Party Prep
Happy New Year!
Minister Visit
St. Mungo's
Plot Twist
January Blues
New Term
Hospital Wing
The Tower
You Heard Me
Read My Mind
Trouble Finding Me
Fucking Creep
Imperious Curse
Are They Always Like This?
The Answer?
Lucius Malfoy
A Book
To your health
Getting Organised
First Year
Bed Rest
Heart to Heart
Round Two
A Trip Down Memory Lane
A Trip Down Memory Lane - part II
The Tape
Unusual Proposal
Buddy Session
Future Plans
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2


20 2 0
By Caffinated_Mama

And so the Sunday before school started I was woken at 6am by workers arriving from the Ministry to start work on my house making it bigger like we discussed.

Not massively so but just enough to accommodate the three couples.

But while they were here, the builders created a temporary base in the garden.  It was a large portable cabin.

It was meant to be temporary but as soon as I seen it I knew it would be staying. It was fab!

Thankfully they were finished by lunchtime as the noise was deafening. It didn't even take Narcissa and I an hour to decorate.

I loved magic.

The front of my little house now looked relatively the same only with a few extra bits sticking out. But the back was completely different.

So Theo, Pansy, Blaise and of course Draco all moved in.

So after lunch we headed down to the new cabin to meet the volunteers.

And there was a huge turnout:

Myself          Draco            Narcissa
Kingsley      Andy              Pansy
Blaise           Theo              Azaleah
Harry           Hermione    Mrs Weasley
Bill                Fluer             Healer W        Aurthur        Prof McG
Flitwick       Nate              Laila
Wren           Meyer           Aled

Nicola was missing this meeting to head to St. Mungo's to get vials for me and to turn my office into a hospital wing.

Really it all seemed a little silly as I was feeling good. Great even.

Draco stood up when everyone found  seat and had helped themselves to tea and coffee.

I felt mortified but thrilled that so many people had turned to the meeting. Everyone knew it was a meeting to help me and they all showed up.

I was overwhelmed.

"Afternoon everyone. I want to start off my thanking everyone for coming. It means the world to us that you could take the time to help Raelyn."

He held his hand out for me and I stood up. He wrapped an arm around my waist.

Having no clue what to say - I waved awkwardly.

"Now everyone knows that Rae was hit by a curse during the battle. Its hurting her slowly but because we don't know what the curse was, we don't know how to reverse it."

Everyone nodded along, listening intently.

"Now because we don't know what it is, we need to figure out who cast it. When we fugure out who it was, we can interrogate them for a counter curse to save my girl."

Now I was blushing profusely.

"Now I know what you all have jobs and lives, families, commitments, school so anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated
Even if its just making cups of tea. Every little helps. I know we can work together to save my star. My reason for everything. You are all here because you care about her too and I cannot thank you enough for that."

Everyone gave a small applause as Draco whispered. "Do you want to say anything?"

I gave a small nod as he turned to look and me, stilling holding me.

I took a deep breath.

"You guys have no idea what it means to me that you are all here. I will be eternally grateful and I want you to know that I really appreciate what you are doing. You are giving me a chance. Giving me a chance to have a future. To grow up, get married, have kids, and grow old with my soul mate."

I looked to Draco who beamed.

"This means more than I can put into words." I was a little choked up now so I thought it was best to quit while I was ahead.

"Now I know that Hermione and Professor McGonagall have a few ideas of where to start so I am going to pass you over to them. Thank you again."

I was a nervous wreck speaking to everyone but Hermione was cool and collected as she stood up.

"Folks anyone who knows Raelyn knows she would do anything for anyone. She is the kindest soul and I feel privileged to be able to do this for her.

So where do we begin? Well I have begun to make lists of who was here the night of the battle. I know it's a long shot but it's all we've got to go off.

This list will need added to and I am making a list for both sides of the fight. As we are unsure where the spell came from there is a chance it could just be a stray casting by anyone so everyone is a suspect. No offence meant."

There was a mumble of understanding as Hermione continued.

"This is homework to take away with you. Everyone is to look over the parchment given to see if they can notice anyone who needs added. Write their names and when we meet on Saturday we will compile our lists together and see where we are at."


I was so grateful to everyone here for turning up to help my girl.

It meant so much to us both.

As I stood listening to her I realised how loved she was. She really was a remarkable person and I was so proud that she chose me.

She was mental for it too.

Then Hermione began talking.

So this was how Potter and Weaselbee managed to survive all these years. They had Hermione to plan and anticipate what was happening and how to deal with every situation.

As she spoke she tapped her wand on her parchment and it duplicated several times over, passing themselves out to every member of the audience.

I gave a quick glance over the parchment. There were quite few names missing from the page. I was already scanning through Missing names when an idea hit me.

"Eh Hermione?" I said stepping forward again.

"Yes Draco?"

"I've just had a thought. We could use Theo's memory. Show it to everyone so they have an idea of when the spell was cast and what happened."

"Draco that's a great idea!" Pansy exclaimed.

"You sound shocked Pans," Raelyn smirked as she wrapped her arms around me. 

Pansy rolled her eyes.

"There is a potion what can share a memory rather than us all visiting it individually or in pairs." Professor Flitwick said as he stroked his moustache in thought.

"Filius is right. Not that I remember it but I have come across it."

"I think I know it. It's from a potions book in my lab. I can work on it for the next meeting." Raelyn smiled.

"Excellent. This is all excellent," Kingsley encouraged as Hermione sat down and he stood up.

"I have a few Ministry employees working on it as well to see what we can uncover. Now folks, I think the best course of action is to not tell anyone that we are up to or what we find. Just until we we are equipped to deal with the fallback."

We spent a few hours after that discussing meeting times and ideas for bringing the caster put into the open. Coming up with plans and traps.

It was a very productive first meeting.

And yet the whole meeting. Not once did Raelyn let go of my hand or move away from my side.



Everyone broke into their own little groups to talk, I noticed a few people making their way to me.

First up was Nate and Laila.

"Hey stranger," Nate said as he bent down to hug me before passing me to his wife.

"Hey guys. Thank you for coming."

"Are you kidding. You're like a little sister to me."

"We wanted to help sweetheart. It's awful that this is happening to you." Laila frowned.

"Better me than someone else," I shrugged.

"You are too good," Nate chuckled. He looked to his wife who just smiled. "Actually we have a bit of news."

"You do?" I smiled although I think I knew where this was going.

"Yeah. Laila is pregnant. We are going to be parents. Can you believe it?"

He was beaming and she was glowing.

"That's amazing you guys. How are you feeling Laila?"

"Honestly feel great. I am 16 weeks along and feeling good besides a little heartburn."

No sooner had she said it than she was rubbing her chest. This was followed by an almighty hiccup which was so loud it erupted around the room.

She hiccuped again only this one caused a rather bubble to escape as well.

"There's something you've don't see everyday." Wren said coming to stand next to me.

"That's new," Nate said worried. "Maybe I should ask Healer Wilkson about it." He hurried off towards the Healer as Laila went to talk to Fleur and Hermione.

Draco excused himself to head to the bathroom leaving Wren and I.

"How are you you feeling?" He asked me after a few moments.

"It's strange because right now I feel fine and yet I know I'm not. I suppose I shouldn't complain."

"You of all people are allowed to complain." He shrugged.

"So how goes the plan to meet up with your mystery person from traveling?"

"Actually we had a kind of date last night."

"That's great!"

"It really was. We went to the movies. Do you know what that is?" He looked excited to tell me.

"Well I have seen a film in Teenys house but never in a public place."

I was lying. I had been to a cinema. I had been a couple of times. I also had dvds and a TV. But he was so excited to talk about it and I didn't want to upset him.

He was practically vibrating with excitement.

"It's like a huge...massive TV in a dark room big enough for about 100 people. You get a slip of parchment and it gives you entry to this room. The TV is the full size of the wall. Sound is amazing!"

"Wow that does sound great. I will have to see if I can drag Draco."

"Where am I being dragged to?" Draco asked coming to stand with us again.

"To a cinema. Its like a room with a humongous TV in it and you can watch movies with tye sound blasting and eat popcorn." Wren explained again. "I had a date there last night. It was amazing. You two should go."

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Draco shrugged.

Wren had struck up a conversation with Blaise when Meyer and Aled approached.

"Hey doll," Meyer smiled. I hadn't noticed until now as he was sitting but Meyer was actually walking.

His tall stature made it's way across the room on crutches and he was supported by his boyfriend but he was walking.

"Look at you!" I exclaimed.

"I know I am so proud of him. He has worked so hard." Aled said leaning forward to hug me.

"You didn't have to come to this," I said waving my hand as Draco shook Meyers and introduced himself to Aled.

"Of course we did. You saved my life and its time I returned the favour."

"We can't do much other than research but we want to try."

"And it means a great deal to us." Draco assured them.

"Eh Raelyn, am I allowed to ask what happened with Lucas? He said something about donkey ears and a nose?" Meyer asked.

"A pigs nose and he's lucky that's all he got," I warned. I explained the whole situation to them from the day he followed Pansy and I out of the store to when he last came to the house.

"What a little shit!" Aled sulked. "I can't believe he was so crude and hostile to you."

"Well he can go suck a dick!" Meyer nodded.

This made me snort with laughter.

"Anyone who treats you or any girl like that needs a reality check and an STD." Aled agreed causing me to snort again.

Draco smirked at the men before him.  "I like you two."

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