Hungry eyes ยป vhope [FF]

By wangzico

6.8K 820 848

โ ๐๐จ๐ฐ ๐ˆ'๐ฏ๐ž ๐ ๐จ๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ข๐ง ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ฌ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ๐ฌ ๐–๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ก๐ฎ๐ง๐ ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐ž๐ฒ๐ž๐ฌ ๐๐ฎ๐ญ ๐๐ข๐ ๐ˆ... More

special chapter - yoonmin.
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.

twenty five.

149 19 40
By wangzico

A/N: lovely song added above! Enjoy reading <33


"I love you too, Hobi."

These words were enough for the elder to make his whole face bright up, the insecurity he had telling Little the feelings he has for him, is gone and is now replaced by happiness and joy.

Coming to Sunroadtown was just for him to start over, to settle down for a while, to build himself something. Never did he think he would find love, on his way finding himself.

Both of them were smiling like idiots, happy idiots, before connecting their lips for another short but lovely kiss.

"I'm so lucky, being able to be with someone as wonderful, as beautiful, as smart and as kind as you." Hoseok whispers against Little lips, making the younger look into his eyes with so much admiration and love. His eyes are sparkling as they look into Hobi's dark ones. Never has anyone looked at Hoseok the way Little does. And this fact alone, makes his heart melt but at the same time jump out of joy.

The younger however feels his face heating up at Hobi's lovely words, making him feel all warm and safe. Even though it is scary to him. Somehow.

It's hard to explain, because on one hand he's extremely happy and totally in love with Hoseok, but on the other hand, it's slightly scary, being with a man, being a homosexual couple. His friends are okay with it, but what about his parents? He loves Hoseok but he also loves his parents. Telling them that's he's with a man, will disappoint them.

They will tell him that it's wrong, that two males shouldn't be dating, that it's not normal and not supposed to be. They will tell him to stop seeing Hoseok, to find himself a woman to marry and to raise children together. They will tell him that the church, that God wouldn't want him and Hoseok to be together, that their reputation as the wealthy doctors with smart and kind children will be destroyed if he comes out as gay.

But it's not wrong - love is not wrong.

Loving Hoseok is so wonderful, Little can't be any happier. Being with the elder, getting his love and affection, talking to him, going out with him, dancing with him - all of that makes Taehyung so happy. He feels like he can be himself when he's with Hoseok, like there are no limits for him. And nothing about that is wrong, even if his parents, the church or the society is telling him otherwise.

Still, it's new to Taehyung. His heart is telling him it's alright, as long as he feels good about it. His mind is telling him, that it won't be easy, if others, especially his parents, find out about it.

As beautiful as it is, it's also scary.


"Hey- hey wake up, sleepyhead!" Hoseok softly says while caressing Little's arm to wake him up. The younger blinks a few times before opening his sleepy eyes to look at the male in front of him. Hobi looks sleepy too, but even with messy hair and clothes, he is extremely handsome.

"I made breakfast." Hoseok adds, while Taehyung yawns and stretches himself, finally opening his eyes fully.

"What time is it?" The younger asks with his raspy morning voice, making Hoseok chuckle while ruffling his hair to mess it up even more.

"It's only 8am but I have to go to the practice room." The elder responds, leaning down to place a kiss on Taehyung's head, "After all I'm still a dance teacher."

A smile forms on Little's lips as he nods and slowly gets up from the bed to head to the bathroom. After freshening himself up, he approaches Hoseok who's waiting at the dining table for his partner to eat together.

"Do you want to come over later? To the dance room I mean." The dark haired male asks, while they are enjoying the breakfast Hoseok made.

"Yes, gladly. Can I bring my siblings with me?" Little responds and Hoseok's lips turn into a big smile at the mention of his siblings.

"Of course. It will be lovely having them around." Hobi answers, "You could come to the second class. You can help me lead the course and your siblings can join the group."

Taehyung thinks about the idea shortly before agreeing, it will be fun for sure. It's Saturday so the two kids have no school. They will have to be home before dinner, so there's a lot of time for Little and his siblings.

After finishing their breakfast, Little helps Hoseok wash the dishes before getting ready and heading out together.

Soon they arrive Hoseok's dance room, Little now having to head back home before his mother leaves for work.

"So see you later?" Hoseok asks one last time, his hands finding his way to Little's hip. The younger feels his cheeks getting warmer and red, sharing this kind of skinship and affection with Hobi in public.

Someone could see him, neighbors or friends of his family or maybe even people that are clients of his parents. But does it matter? Actually it doesn't. Because he loves Hobi and no stranger, no neighbor or friend of his parents can take that away from him.

So he places his arms around Hoseok's neck, making the elder widen his eyes slightly at the sudden openness of the younger.

"Of course we will see us later." Little says with a soft smirk on his lips before leaning in to kiss his lover. Hoseok immediately responds to the kiss, moving his lips against Little's soft ones, melting into every touch he shares with the younger male.

They part, only a little bit, Hoseok has his eyes still closed, just enjoying the closeness of his lover, like there's nothing more wonderful and more soothing than being with Little.

Slowly Hoseok opens his eyes, looking straight into the most beautiful ones he has ever seen.

"Then see you later, my love." Hoseok softly says, making Little smile at him charmingly, before saying goodbye and leaving the older male behind.

For a short moment, Hoseok watches Little walking away, his heart beating fast in his chest, while his whole body feels numb and warm at the same time. Oh lord, he's so in love.


"You are late" is the first thing his mother tells him as Little arrived at home.

"You didn't tell me the time I have to be at home." The light haired male responds, taking off his shoes while his mother is getting ready to leave for work. She stops in her movements to look at her oldest son, trying to figure out the tone in his voice. Looking back at her, he just slightly raises his brows, "What?"

She frowns, grabbing her bag and opening the front door, "We will talk tonight." With that she closes the door behind her, leaving Taehyung with his siblings who are playing in the living room. When they spotted Little they immediately run up to him, to hug him and tell them what they did yesterday.

"How about we go visit Hobi later?" Taehyung suggests making the two siblings cheer in result, "But we will have to wait until his first class is over okay? We will go to the second one."

And while waiting for the second class, they decided to draw or play memory with Mirae. The two of them were listening closely when Taehyung started reading out from his favorite children's book. In the past he often read out for his siblings, in the night mostly for them to fall asleep.

Taehyung loves reading for others, he loves books and the world that they create around him whenever he reads. And secretly he loves writing on his own. Even when he was younger, he loved creating different characters, new worlds in his head and original storylines. He always had so much fun, writing his ideas down, turning them into short stories. It made him happy whenever he completed one. Maybe he will start writing again. Maybe.

A few hours passed when the three siblings made their way to Hobi, buying some drinks and snacks before arriving at the dance room. When they entered the place, the bell announcing their arrival, Hoseok is already getting ready for the next course.

His whole face lights up at the sight of the three siblings. Mirae is the first one to approach Hobi with a hug, while Jaehyun just goes for a cool high five. Taehyung is the last one to greet the dancer by pecking his cheek shortly.

"Are you excited to join my dance class?" Hoseok asks the two younger children who nod immediately in response. They really like Hobi, he treats them really nicely and being with him is a lot of fun for the two kids.

And indeed it was a lot of fun again. The other students came soon after the three siblings had arrived and the course started when everyone was there. They danced and laughed, good music was leading their steps, while Taehyung and Hoseok were showing a partner dance to the kids. It was an amazing afternoon, after the course they even went to the garage across the street, visiting the twins and Joon shortly.

Later before dinner, they went back home, being greeted by their mother who's preparing dinner for the family. Little took a shower before helping in the kitchen. Soon their father arrived and they started eating.

"So what were you doing today?" The mother asks, mostly towards the younger siblings.

"We went to Hobi!" Mirae says, making Little press his lips together. She's only 6, she doesn't understand the weight, this topic has in their family.

"Hobi? What's that?"

"It's not a 'what' it's a 'who'". Little responds, not looking at his mother who is now frowning.

"It's Little's friend." Jaehyun explains, "He's a dance teacher. He showed us so many cool dance moves today."

"Dance moves?" Little's father asks further, a frown on his face too.

"Yes! It was soo much fun!" Mirae responds, smiling brightly while talking about their day, „He's a greaaat dancer!"

"Why would you bring your siblings to that place??" Taehyung's mother asks, completely shocked about this fact.

"Because I see no reason to not bring them to Hoseok." The light haired male responds, no looking into his mothers eyes, "They really like him. And they don't judge him, just like you."

His mother takes in a sharp breath, the frown on her forehead getting stronger, "How dare you- you can't take them with you to this twit."

"He's not a twit! You don't know him." Little says immediately, anger raising inside of him. His father is now also listening to this conversation closely even though he's staying quiet.

"You can't judge him without getting to know him!" Little adds, "He's a good person. Mirae and Jaehyun had a lot of fun today, so next time I will take them with me again."

It makes him so angry, that his parents are talking about Hobi this badly without even knowing him. The dancer is the kindest, loveliest person he's ever met, he's so amazing, smart, charming and wonderful, no one should talk about him like this. Not even his parents.

The face of his mother is turning red out of anger, "No you won't! You won't be seeing him again, do you understand??"

"You can't stop me, mother." Taehyung interrupts, "Because I love him."

The whole room went silent as soon as those words left Taehyung's lips.

"You what?" The oldest member of the family breaks the silence, his question being thrown into the room but before Little gets the chance to answer, his mother interrupts him.

"Are you out of your mind?!" She says, raising her voice while hitting the table with her right fist.

"Miri, Hyunie, you should go to your rooms-"

"No. They should stay." Little says, interrupting his father, "And hear that it's normal to love whomever you want to love. Because love is never wrong. Even between two men."

"Are you crazy?!" His mother shouts, "This can't be real! There's no love between two men. God made women and men to love each other! What do you even know about love?!"

"I know a lot! Hoseok showed me what real love is." Little responds, he's angry, angry and scared at the same time. Never has he raised his voice in front of his parents before. He's always been so submissive, always listened to his parents, always doing what they want him to do.

"You are probably just confused, Little." His father says, his voice sounding calm but more like as if he's trying to suppress his anger or disappointment.

"I'm not father! I know what I feel. And I feel really good around him. It feels right. I can feel it in my heart." The light haired male responds, looking straightly into his father's eyes. Tears are slowly forming in his own ones, he doesn't want to show weakness in front of his parents, but it's so hard standing up to himself.

"No! This is wrong. This is all wrong. My son is not gay." His mother suddenly says, shaking her head.

"I'm in love with a man." Little says, before standing up, "Accept it."

"W-what- where are you going?! We are not done yet!" His mother yells, but he just shakes his head, taking one last halt.

"I'm going to my lover. I will come back, when you accept me for who I am. For being the way I am."

With that he leaves the dining room, grabbing his jacket and putting on his shoes before going out.

It started raining just before he left the house, but it didn't matter to him. It feels good. He feels good. Finally telling his parents what he feels, finally standing up for himself, feels so good. Even though it's scaring, to rebel against his parents. He loves them and doesn't want to lose them, but it goes for Hoseok too.

After what felt a long time, he arrives at Hobi's place, knocking on his door quietly. It took a while till the elder opens the door.

"Little?" He says as he notices the younger male in front of him, his cloths and whole body being soaking wet from the rain, "Why are you here?"

Before waiting for Little's response, he's already pulling the younger inside, placing one hand on Little's wet cheek.

"C-can- can I stay over?" Little says, his voice cracking, his vision turning blurry, "For a while?"

Hoseok frowns but nods, noticing the tears in his eyes. Without asking, he pulls Little into his embrace, placing his strong arms around the younger, "Of course, my love. For as long as you want to."

Little presses his lips together slowly nodding while hiding his face in the crook of Hoseok's neck, tears falling quietly as the arms around his wet body hold him together, hugging him tighter.

"It's okay, Taehyung-ah." Hoseok whispers, "It will be alright."


A/N: hellooo! How are you, my dear readers?

Hope you liked the chapter! <33

What do you think, now that Little told his parents about him and Hoseok?

Are they any wishes for this book? Recommendations, tips anything? Feedback in general?

Thank you for your support and love, don't forget to vote and comment <33

If you don't mind check out my other books, my newest Yoonmin novella „Snowman" or my older books like „Little Jimin" or „Krampus". Thank you <33

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