Adopted by Sleeping With Sire...

By blurryfacelester

244K 6.9K 3.3K

[completed] [in the middle of editing] Monica has been an orphan since birth. Her mother got pregnant in high... More

Adopted by sleeping with sirens
• prolouge •
Presant Day • uno
They Came • dos
They want to adopt me? • tres
Going With Them • cuatro
Unpacking • cinco
Sing To Me • seis
Shopping • siete
Meeting Oliver • ocho
House Party • nueve
Finding Monica • diez
Karma • once
authors note
The Question • doce
School?! • trece
Happy Birthday!! • catorce
Suprise!! • quince
Song For You • dieciseis
Bullies • diecisiete
Thunderstorms • dieciocho
Becoming Famous • diecinueve
authors note
Yes Sir Sorry Sir • veinte
q&a time?! ^0^
No Please Be Okay • veintiuno
Tears and Hospital Visits • veintidos
Back Home • veintitrés
A Day Of Thinking • veinticuatro
Date With Kellin • veinticinco
Netflix and chill • veintiséis
Meetings And Arguments • veintisiete
Thoughts And Song Lyrics • veintiocho
All Those Memories • veintinueve
Happiness and Phone Calls • treinta
Authors note
Tears and Starbucks • treinta y uno
Having Fun • treinta y dos
Iris • treinta y tres
Fireworks • trienta y cuatro
Authors note
Monicas album
Lovley note
Help authors note
Authors note :)
Authors note ideas
Watty awards

Unpublished chapter

1.6K 40 1
By blurryfacelester

This was going to be 14 but I really didn't like what I put so instead I came up with the idea of having her birthday. So this chapter does NOT effect anything that happened in the story. It's not a chapter at all its nothing it was just an idea that I never went through with and I didn't edit it at all so sorry for the cringyness Enjoy :)

So today has been actually okay except that Eli was the only person who has talked to me. I was just in a class called advisory where we do nothing. I was just on my phone texting kellin. Then the bell rang and I ran out of the room it was now lunch time. As I made a right turn I almost ran right into Eli, again. "Hey Monica." He smiled.

"H-Hi." I stumbled because I haven't completely gotten comfortable with him yet. Even though after ever class period he has waited for me and showed me the way to my next one.

"So I'm guessing you'll sit with your friends at lunch. It's okay you know." I said as we walked to the lunch room.

"Actually I was thinking I could just eat lunch with you." He smiled.

"What about your friends?"

"I d- It doesn't matter about them."

I said okay and we went into a random lunch line and got our plates. There were so many people but I tried to ovoid all gazes.

"Do you want to sit inside or outside?" He asked. I looked around I couldn't see any available seat and plus I feel so nervous I feel like everyone is starring at me.

I don't know why but I just needed to get out of there. My heart beat got faster and my palms got sweaty. My breath got heavier and I felt like I couldn't move.

"Yeah she's the new girl."

"Look at what she's wearing."

"She's a whore." I heard people say things like this around me but yet it sounded like no one was saying them at all like if I was millions of whispers in my head. My tray slipped through my hand and crashed to the floor making a loud bang and tons of people turned.

"Why is she standing there?"

"God she's a freak."

"Look at all those brackets. Those bands suck."

I felt someone put their hands on my shoulder and as they pushed me I walked along and we made our way out side behind a building where there was no one. I realized what happened and I slid down against the wall and barried my face into my knees. The person rubbed my back and said "it's okay." God it was Eli of course it was Eli, my only friend.

"N-no it's not. P-people t-think I'm a f-freak a-and y-you do t-to." I stuttered with tears about to come out. I don't like attention and now that everyone saw me just freeze up sucks.

"No I don't. It's okay I freak out too when I'm around a lot of people. I'm Claustrophobic." He smiled. I know he was trying to comfort me but I just wanted to be alone. God I just made a huge fool infront of everyone. No one will want to be my friend now.

"Hey how about we skip the next period." He said.


"Yeah. We can just sit here and chill or we can go to the mall down the block."

I thought about it. I really didn't want to go back but then again it's my first day. What if the guys find out? I'll probably get punished...

"Ummmm okay let's go." I said.

Hey if they find out I'll just deal with it then but they really haven't hurt me at all so maybe they won't. Well at least for now.

Eli's fingers interlocked with mine and we walked down the block with our hands together.


"We're here." He smiled. I looked at the big blue building and the hundreds of cars parked and the hundreds of people walking in and out of the store. I looked at Eli "So Eli? Is Eli like short for something?" I asked.

"Uhh yeah it is." He said a bit nervously.

"And what is it?" I asked.

"Uhh I'm only telling you to make you feel better but never call me it okay?" He said sounding unsure of himself. I didn't say nothing but he continued. He took a deep breath and said "Okay it's short for Elijah but never call me that."

"Why? It's a good name."

"I hate it."

"Why? And isn't Eli like the same thing. I mean like can't people guess that's short for that?"

"Well you didn't." He said.

"You have a point."

We walked past a couple stores that didn't catch my interest.

"So Is Monica short for anything?" He asked.

"Nope. Not that I know of." I said.

"So why did you move here?" He asked. Could I tell him I was adopted? Should I just say my family moved here? I don't know what to say!

"Monica?" He snapped his finger.

"Uhh my adopters live here and they said I need an education so I came here." I said.

"Oh your adopted?" He said surprised.

"Uhh yeah but don't think I'm a freak." I said quickly.

"I don't it's okay I'm adopted too. Well kind of. My aunt adopted me but I still know my mom and my dad left when I was three." He said.

"Oh that sucks. Well I never knew my parents. I lived in a adoption place all my life." I said.

"Oh that sucks. I had gone for a year as my aunt fought for custody but besides that it's not really that bad for me. I see it as my dad left because he was no good and wasn't mature enough to raise a child. He also beat my mom so I'm glad he left. As for my mom I live with her but I never see her because she's like at a bar getting drunk 24/7." Eli said.

Oh was all I could say. We continued to walk a bit. I looked around and the whole mall was basically outside.

"So what's the name of the people who adopted you?" He asked.

"Oh um Justin hills." I said.

"Oh that's cool." He said.

"Yeah actually my house is just a few blocks away." I said.

"Really? Is he home? Can we go?" He asked.

"Ummmm they're probably home but let's just go." I said. I can't believe I'm doing this. Why did I say we will go?! God I'm so stupid if I get punished for this I totally deserved it cause I'm such a dumb ass.

After a couple of minutes we arrived at my mansion of a house. I looked at Eli as he gawd at it. I guess he didn't realize that was my house because he said "I wonder who lives there. It's like a freaking mansion."

"Umm I live there." I said as I put the key in the gates lock letting ourselves in.

"You live here?! This big house just for two of you?!" He said.

"Um no it's actually five of us." I said.


"Yeah their like in a band." I said. He didn't ask anymore questions and I unlocked the front door walking in. I looked around and thankfully no one was in the main room. I close the door behind me and I heard some cough and I knew it wasn't Eli. I turned around slowly to see kellin standing there with his fist on his hips.

"Uhhhh hi." I said.

"Monica what are you doing home?! With a boy?!" He almost yelled.

"I-I'm sorry." I stumbled.

He pulled me in a hug and said "it's okay Monica but don't do it again. You could of got hurt."

"I-I was with Eli though." I said.

"I know you haven't learned how people are yet but if you're in the street unsupervised people will take you and Eli too." He said.

I nodded and mumbled "yes sir. I mean kellin."

"Hello." He smiled holding out his hand to Eli. Eli just stood there starring at kellin.

"Um Eli?" I said snapping my finger and he came back to reality.

"Oh my gosh! You're kellin Quinn! Dude I love you and your music!!" He practically yelled.

"Ha thanks Eli." He said.

"So can we watch a movie or something?" I asked.

"Sure." He said and we picked a movie and he put it on for me. He made popcorn for Eli and I and then he left the room.

"So you're adopted by sleeping with sirens?" He asked after a while of silence.


"How's that going?"

"It's okay I guess." I said then neither of us spoke again and we just watched the movie.


When the movie was over Eli said he better be getting home and then left. I was just laying on the couch on my phone.

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