The New Crewmate (Male OC Rea...

By RWBYKnight4142

73.1K 1.5K 681


The New Guy
Mom of A Croc
Whale of a Squid
Honey Seekers
Build it Beaver
Bass Class
Poachers?! Pt. 2
Mystery of the Weird looking Walrus
Eel Belts?
Elephant in the Room
Let the Rhinos Roll!
Kickin' it with the Roo's
A Huge Orange Problem
The Food Chain Game
Rescue in The Jungle
Animals On The Loose
Little Howler
Quillber's Birthday
Bats in the Brownies
Stuck on Sharks
Birds of a Feather
Tazzy (Y/n)?


2K 58 14
By RWBYKnight4142

(Y/n) POV

Back on the wild savannahs of Africa, the crew and I are having fun with a badminton tournament. Right now, it's Aviva vs me, this should be interesting, right?

Aviva: Ha!

(Y/n): Ha! Bring it on!

Aviva: Just remember, you asked for it. Hyah!

(Y/n): Oh boy. I got it! I got it- Oof! *crashes in grass*

I recover and spit out the now destroyed birdie.

Koki: That's it! Aviva 21 to (Y/n)'s 19.

(Y/n): And we officially ran out of birdies.

Aviva: *nervous laughter* Sorry guys. *gets idea* Oh! I have one more birdie.

Aviva goes into the Tortuga and scrounges around until she finds what she's looking for.

Aviva: This is a family heirloom passed down from my great-great-Abuela Evita Corcovado, who was World Badminton champion in 1882.

(Y/n): No wonder you get so competitive in this game.

Aviva then pulls out the birdie and and states that she cannot lose it, it is then decided that Chris gets first serve.

Martin: You'll need all the help you can get, bro.

Chris: I'll help you take the birdie out of your ear, after this!

(Y/n): Quit jaw-jacking and do some work!

The brothers go back and forth several times and both got a point, and Chris' next serve, a caracal jumped out of no where and jumps higher than the net and catches the birdie and runs off with it.

Martin: That was the secretive, hardly-ever,seen caracal.

Chris: With an 8' vertical leap.

(Y/n): And it got away with Aviva's family heirloom!

Without another word I take off into the grass after grabbing my Creature Power Suit and start following the caracal's tracks.

Aviva POV

I am distraught that my birdie was taken and while I was comforted that (Y/n) was the first to react and go after her, I initially don't have a lot of hope because Chris did point out that the Caracal was very elusive as well as being a great jumper.

Koki: Don't worry, Aviva.

Martin: Yeah, if anyone can find that darn cat, and get your birdie back, (Y/n) can.

(Y/n) POV

Back on the savannah, I lost the trail of the caracal.

(Y/n): Great. It had to be the most elusive cat in the world that stole the birdie. But I've gotta find it, for Aviva's family sake.

(Y/n): Hmm?

I walk through the grass and see yet another flock of guinea fowl.

(Y/n): Sheesh, guinea fowl are everywhere.

*guinea fowl alarm call*

(Y/n): *realizes* Oh duh! Only one creature makes a gaggle of guinea fowl nervous.

Suddenly, the same caracal from earlier rushes out, jumps and catches one of the guinea fowl in mid flight. Now that's incredible jumping power.

(Y/n): I can't lose you.

I rush to where the caracal caught the guinea fowl and find only feathers, she's clearly on the move.

(Y/n): Hmm? Oh, gotcha.

The caracal takes off and I'm left confused.

(Y/n): Hmm... usually caracals eat where they catch their prey..... unless, *realizes* she has kittens. So she's taken the kill back to the den to feed her kittens, but where would the den be?

Koki: *on comms* (Y/n), do you read?

I pull out my creature pod and see Koki on-screen.

(Y/n): How's Aviva holding up?

Koki looks behind her and I can see Jimmy trying to be a mime, but nothing is working.

Koki: Nothing is working, she's really broken up about losing that birdie.

(Y/n): I get it.

Martin: Any luck on your end, buddy?

(Y/n): Well, I spotted her once more, but you know how hard these cats are to find. But I figure she must have kittens and therefore a den must be somewhere nearby. I think the only way to find her is to be a caracal. I need Caracal powers.

Koki: And if Aviva gets working on a solution, that might help cheer her up. I'm on it. *ends call*

After a while, I find a spot to rest by a watering hole, because I figure after catching a birdie and a guinea fowl in the same afternoon, the caracal must be thirsty. So I sit by a rock and wait until-

(Y/n): *whispers* Yes! Half the key to finding animals is just being outside. Now we just watch. Whoa, check out those massive back legs. That's where all that jumping power comes from.

Suddenly, a crocodile erupts out of the water and snaps at the caracal, but the caracal jumps to outmaneuver the crocodile. She then hisses at the croc until the crocodile gives up and goes back into the water.

(Y/n): Wow! That caracal jumps not only as a form of attack but also as a way to dodge predators and can out hiss a crocodile- Oh man! She's gone again! *growls* I'm becoming as easily distracted as the brothers. Though, I can't blame them in this situation, we've kept up with cheetahs, lion, leopards, but Caracals are just too difficult to track. *thinks* Then why not let the caracal catch me, or better yet, use a kind of bird-mobile with a tracking device, to lure the caracal out, catch it and I follow it's signal back to it's den. *calls on Creature Pod*

Aviva POV

(Y/n): Aviva, I know you're not feeling great but I could really use an assist. I know a sure-fire way of finding your birdie.

Aviva: I'll try anything.

(Y/n): Great, I need you to make a kind-of guinea fowl disguise, a guinea fowl flapper.

Aviva: *confidant* I'm on it. Get back here fast. It'll be ready.

(Y/n): That's my girl! Over and out!

(Y/n) POV

I start booking it back to the Tortuga but then hear a familiar alarm call.

(Y/n): An nervous guinea fowl times 4 equals a hunting caracal.

I stop and wait to see what happens, and sure enough, the caracal I've been tracking leaps out of the grass and manages to grab two guinea fowl in one leap.

(Y/n): Now that's one really good bird catcher.

*cheetah growl*

(Y/n): Uh-oh, that cheetah wants a piece of the action. Cheetah's don't steal food very often, but in this competitive landscape anything must be done for survival. Oh! The caracal got away again. *looks at cheetah* But at least I have a quick way home.

I slip a Cheetah power disc into my suit and sneak up to the cheetah, touch it, and...

(Y/n): Activate Cheetah powers!

I max out the speed of 70 miles per hour all the way back to the Tortuga.

(Y/n): Oh geez! Koki! Look out!

Koki: Whoa!

I race past Koki but can't slow down in time to not crash into the HQ room.

(Y/n): *groans* *deactivates suit*

Koki: Was that really necessary?!

(Y/n): Aviva said get here fast. *recovers*

Aviva: Did you find my birdie?

(Y/n): Not yet. But I do have good idea for the general area the caracal could be hiding in. But that's why I need the bird-mobile, to lure in the crafty caracal.

Aviva: It's done. *shows off invention*

(Y/n): Ha! The Guinea-Fowl Flapper! Perfect.

Aviva sets up the miniaturizer and I shrink down and climb into the Guinea-Fowl Flapper.

Aviva: Please get my birdie back, it's really important to me.

(Y/n): Just like you're important to all of us, I'll get back.

Aviva: *blushes*

I do a quick systems check and then take off into the air.

(Y/n): To the Badminton rescue.

The controls take a little getting used to, but eventually I'm flying like a pro bird.

(Y/n): Okay, let's see. How about another guinea-fowl call.

I press a button to let out an alarm call.

(Y/n): Could've fooled me. *looks back outside* Uh-oh. Spotted Eagle Owl! Evasive manuevers!

Martin: *on-screen* Not bad, dude.

Chris: *on-screen* Just don't miss the caracal.

(Y/n): I don't think I can! Hello Hang-time. Whoa!

The caracal catches the Flapper and starts carrying me away with it.

(Y/n): Yes! Caught by a caracal! Now she'll take me right to her den and to Aviva's birdie.

Koki: He can be a little weird sometimes.

Aviva: At least he found the caracal that took my birdie.

A little while later, the caracal seems to be taking to...

(Y/n): An aardvark hole? Why would she bring me here?

The caracal then drops me into the hole and I tumble around in the flapper.

(Y/n): *groans*

Aviva: You okay?

(Y/n): Yeah, just getting a little old for this. Turning on external lights and using Bird Beam.

I use the light to search around the burrow until-

(Y/n): Aha! Found Aviva's birdie!

I am about to open the hatch but then realize something.

(Y/n): The only reason a caracal would bring me here, would be to feed- *sees* two hungry kittens! Ah!

The two kittens tackle the flapper sending it, with me inside, tumbling across the den.

(Y/n): Great, now what?

Aviva POV

*creature pod ringtone*

(Y/n): Aviva! I'm in trouble! The guineafowl Flapper worked too well.

Aviva: *unenthisiastic* Did you at least find my birdie?

(Y/n): I did but- Ahhhh!

Hearing that yell triggered something in me and I immediately went into emergency work mode.

Aviva: What happened?!

(Y/n): I know where the birdie is, but I need caracal powers now before I become their lunch!

Aviva: Coming right up!

(Y/n) POV

I am basically stuck in a metal cage just waiting to be eaten.

(Y/n): Whoa! *knocked around various times* Ah! Whoa! Eek! Ahhh! *holds back puke*

Suddenly the main hatch is torn open and one of the caracal kittens reaches in and tries to grab me.

(Y/n): Aviva! I am going to die!

Aviva: Done! Send it Jimmy!

Jimmy: Energize!

(Y/n): *disc appears* Awesome! *touches paw* Activate Caracal powers!

The suit increases my size to the size of an adult male caracal and I make a quick grab for the birdie while also dodging the two kittens. I finally make it outside, but the kittens had followed me out and another spotted eagle owl grabbed one of the kittens.

(Y/n): Not on my watch!

I leap hard and manage to grab onto the owl, I then shake hard enough and because the kitten and I were too heavy, the owl finally let go. We both land on the ground safely.

(Y/n): Whew, that was almost really bad Pounce-More. *looks around* But now I need to get us back to your den.

I decide to leap above the gras and I manage to spot the aardvark hole.

(Y/n): Found home, this way!

Pounce-More follows me through the tall grass, until he stops and moves his ears about, I do the same and hear footsteps getting closer, I then spot the danger.

(Y/n): Spotted Hyena!

Pounce-More runs past me, I am quick to follow, thank goodness kittens are so fast too. An adult can reach young cheetah speeds.

(Y/n): *stops* Whew, I think we lost him.

Suddenly, rustling us heard in front of, I think it's another hyena, but Pounce-More runs towards the noise.

(Y/n): Pounce-More, no!

I am relieved though when his mother Hang-Time appears from the grass.

(Y/n): Whew that was close.

I follow the two back to the aardvark burrow.

(Y/n): Nice to see Pounce-More reunited with his sister, *sees object* and I have Aviva's birdie. *looks around* Now, which way home?

I decide to climb a nearby rock and to my surprise and joy-

(Y/n): Ha! The most elusive cat made her den no more than 50 yards from the Tortuga. Imagine that.

I make it back to the Tortuga and rush into the HQ.

(Y/n): Aviva! *Aviva looks at me* I've got your birdie!

Aviva: Oh, (Y/n)! Thank you! Muchos gracias!

(Y/n): Deactivate.

I am returned to full size and Aviva has gotten back to her usual self and while the brother finished off the tournament in their game of Caracal-minton, I just rested on the steps of the Tortuga. Aviva then came and sat next to me.

Aviva: (Y/n), you did a lot for me today, even though I was not being very helpful today.

(Y/n): That birdie is important to your family and it also happens to contribute to you being the next caracal-minton champion of 2022.

Aviva: *giggles* You just did so much today and all because you wanted to help me. Thank you.

Chris: All right, Aviva! It's down to you and me!

Aviva surprised me with a quick kiss on my cheek before donning Martin's Creature Power Suit, activates Caracal powers and totally trounces Chris, all the while I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. I'm just glad Aviva's family heritage is preserved and she can keep her smile.

(A/N): Cut! Great take everyone! Take the rest of the day and we'll get back to it tomorrow.

Hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you all in the next one. Have a great rest of your day/night. PEACE OUT!!!

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