Coincidental Husbands - 2 : H...

By MyInvisibleButterfly

157K 8.1K 1.8K

A promise between two business partners results in a gay marriage between two straight archenemies making the... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - It's a boy!!!
Chapter 2 - A Deal is a Deal
Chapter 3 - The Crush
Chapter 4 - Between Love and War
Chapter 5 - Archenemy
Chapter 6 - The Announcement
Chapter 7 - A Drunken Mistake
Chapter 8 - I am Straight, Mostly
Chapter 9 - I Treat Him Differently
Chapter 10 - We Are Engaged
Chapter 11 - The Challenge
Chapter 12 - The Arrangement
Chapter 13 - Pretence
Chapter 14 - D-Day
Chapter 15 - About The Kiss
Chapter 16 - Step By Step
Chapter 17 - First Day of Office
Chapter 18 - Five Stages of Love
Chapter 19 - I Care for You
Chapter 20 - I Am Doomed
Chapter 21 - Not Running Away Anymore
Chapter 22- The Game is On
Chapter 23 - Mental Conflict
Chapter 24 - Confession
Chapter 25 - Sexual Tension
Chapter 26 - Surrendering To Desire
Chapter 28 - Love
Chapter 29 - Lovers Quarrel
Chapter 30 - My Sexy Evil Husband!
Chapter 31 - The Trip
Chapter 32 - (Un)Friendly Encounter
Chapter 33 - It's My Turn
Chapter 34 - The News
Chapter 35 - We Belong Together (Finale)
Check Out For More

Chapter 27 - Embracing Sexuality

5K 190 75
By MyInvisibleButterfly

Hey Guys, 😍

Let's stay positive and not lose our faith in OhmNanon. They are humans too. It happens with everyone at times. ❤️💚

With the context in this chapter I was skeptical of publishing it after the said incident but then I thought I shouldn't hold back and finish what I have started. 😎

I hope and wish to see our dear OhmNanon together cheerful and happy like before soon. 🤞

And with that hope intact, I am going to continue and finish my story as well. 😊

Also my next update will be next week now. I am a bit busy this weekend. Please bear with me. 😇🙏

XOXO ❤️🤗

--- Nanon ---

Knowing your sexuality is a different thing. While exploring it and accepting it is another.

Since the time I have realized my feelings for Ohm, everything has changed. It's not like I find women less attractive. It's just that I find men as attractive as women. But either way, I don't find anyone more attractive than Ohm.

I am not sure if I'll ever be able to look at any other male this way though. With Ohm it is completely different. With Ohm I am myself. My truest... Honest... Most sincere form of me.

When we are together, we are mostly arguing over small things like what will we order for dinner or where we will go for our next weekend trip.

And the rest of the time we are embracing each other and making love like crazy. It's been more than two months and we haven't gotten tired of each other. Instead the urge keeps increasing more like fine aged wine.

We are devouring each other almost every day. On holidays we even go for multiple rounds depending on our mood.

Every flavor of condom... every type of innerwear... every kind of position... and every way of kissing and touching and licking and sucking each other.

Except for swallowing the discharge and going for BDSM, we both have been crazy absorbing each other's soul and body all the time.

Our friends and siblings are tired of us because we usually excuse ourselves even in the gatherings for a quickie. Especially when he gives me that sultry look and gestures to follow him out.

Jimmy's mom was so flustered once when she found us in her bathroom when we forgot to lock the door properly.

I am not in pain anymore. I love it when he is in me. I love his scent, his warmth... him... I love him. I have realized it long ago. But I don't say it to him. I don't want him to become arrogant and ride the high horse. For him just knowing that I like him is enough for now.

I won't tell him about my deeper feelings for him till the time comes. And then it will be grand and pure and magical.

These past two months have been our honeymoon period. We have spent almost all the days together.

In office we discuss about work and coordinate perfectly.

Our teams are in sync and we divide important projects equally that satisfies our team members as well.

At home we eat together, bathe together, sleep together and spend a lot of time knowing each other.

We realized we know each other too well as we both have been spying on each other a lot since childhood.

Be it curiosity or jealousy. We both have always followed up on the updates of our lives more than anyone else.

But still it is good to talk about such things face to face.

Like when he told me he actually liked to play soccer and stopped playing when I chose to be in the university team.

I had the similar story behind choosing to stick to soccer instead of basketball.

We both share so many interests in common and the most common is the love for street food. At nights we roam around on bike snuggling and munching on streets.

Sometimes we just sit on the side of the road and score others appearances till we get jealous of each other and start bickering and in the end back at home our bodies assure each other that no matter whom we rated a 10 outside, we are 100/10 for each other.

Crazy right? Yes, that's how we are for each other. Like right now when he is wearing the new flavored condom I bought... licking his lips while looking at me... I am giggling while trying to hide my shyness from my horny husband.

I am as horny as him who loves to see him naked in front of me. No matter how sexy he is in his classic dressing sense, I'd rather see him without any clothes on. That view is mine and mine only. Am too possessive to share it with others.

He thrusted once in me with full force... "Non... Aahh..." moaning so loud that my core twitched and he cursed. "Fuck! Insane..."

My insides are used to accumulate him now. But when I twitch and it tightens I know Ohm feels more pleasure.

I like the spot it hits and it makes me blush and flex at the same time. He knows that too and he hits the same spot repeatedly till I am crazy whimpering beneath.

I would have never been able to feel it with any woman. That's the main difference.

And what I used to feel with a woman that his hand and mouth makes me feel a lot better. I don't think I will be able to do it with any woman ever again.

In fact, Ohm pleasures me more. And the way his body sways and he moans, I guess I am able to give him the same pleasure.

"Ohm..." I moaned when he thrusted again harder and moved in a beat sequence. His abs glistening with sweat on the open terrace is making me bite my lips to keep myself from drooling.

I am so blessed to see this divine figure in front of me daily and I am never tired. In fact, sometimes, I love to disturb his shower time and knowingly get into the bathroom which he too keeps unlocked for the same reason while bathing.

Our workouts have been the same though.

Nowadays I work out with him in the home gym which ends up in us being handsy with each other once after getting excited looking at bodies flexing and moving in rhythm with various equipments.

We are both dorks as Ohm says but who cares. We are married. And we are together. That's all that matters.

I don't know if Ohm feels the same way about me as I do, but his actions never make me feel insecure.

Some days, I am even more convinced that he is crazier for me than I am.

Like how he is dead tired right now but still not giving up thrusting in me coz I haven't released myself yet.

"Ah... Sexy... Fuck...." He keeps saying these things to me while thrusting holding my hips up while I kneel down on my knees and try to look back to him and his godly face behind me.

It's even more ecstatic when we both release together. Like right now it's a euphoria of syncing in this thing together and be max satisfied. He turned me to lie on my back and snuggled himself beside holding me tight not disgusted about our damp bodies. We are never disgusted with each other. And that's crazier. Coz for two men who started being with a man just now, it should be alot difficult to accept. But we love it. Our faces say the same.

"Love." He mumbled and kissed my cheek once.

"What did you say?" I turned to ask him.

He looked at me and smiled once and kissed me on my lips fully.

"Hey... What did you say?" I asked once again pulling myself back from him.

But he just snuggled closer again and kept kissing my whole face till I got irritated and gave up asking him anymore.


--- Ohm ---

"Good morning Sir." Niran greeted me handling the file that I asked him to fetch in the morning before leaving the house.

"Morning." I greeted taking the file and looking at it.

"Sir, this proposal that you gave is much better than the last time."

"I know right? I am a fast learner huh?" I smirked and Niran nodded with a grin. Actually it is Rith and Niran's hard work that Nanon and I have been able to improve in a lot of things.

But there are a few things that we have learnt from our fathers as well. One can say that it runs in our bloodline. We are naturally business minded.

Marketing, sales and strategy requires one to be productive, proactive and creative at the same time. But along with it, it also requires us to be ahead of the market trend.

Nanon and I have been able to prove ourselves in the organization with successful campaigns in last three-four months of joining till now.

Between us it is not about competing or proving to be the best. It is about expanding our business together to new horizons.

Nanon and I usually plan and work together along with inputs from Rith and Niran alongside.

To be honest, dads did a great job making them our assistants. Apart from the personal help and advises, they are a great support on the professional front as well.

I cannot imagine working without Niran anymore now. I am so dependent on him for so many things already.

"Sir, but we need to crosscheck on our bid figures. I feel this is too low."

"I thought about it too. But I think we should confirm with dad once. What say?"

"I agree. But Sir... Are you really going to ask your dad on this?"

"If not my dad, then the other dad. Dad-In-law. I am more comfortable asking him anyway."

Niran chuckled at me and I rolled my eyes.

"If you see Non, tell him that I will meet him for lunch directly. I need to sort this bid today as we need to submit tomorrow." I said and Niran bowed in acceptance before leaving my cube. I walked up to the elevator.

As soon as I was about to enter the elevator Nanon came out smiling at me. Rith followed him out, smiled at me, bowed once and left us alone to give us some privacy.

"What's up?" Nanon asked and walked out of the elevator. He must have sensed the mood from my expression. His smile dimmed a bit as he walked to face me out of elevator.

"I need to crosscheck my proposal for the bid with dad. I am not satisfied with it. I am afraid we will lose the tender with these figures." I said.

Nanon pressed his lips and patted my arm and gave it a quick squeeze before drawing his hand back hesitantly. At office we try to restrict PDA to be more professional. Even if everybody knows our status, we very well know not everyone is ok with homosexuality.

"It's ok to ask for help at times. Why are you stressed?" Nanon asked me slowly looking at me with concern.

"I... don't want dad to be mad thinking I still need his guidance." Dad always has high hopes from me. He wants me to be the best no matter what.

"I consult my dad too. What's so wrong in that? We are all working for the same organization after all. It is everyone's responsibility to guide each other." Nanon furrowed his brows and muttered. I love it when he is mad for me on my behalf. It's like I am not alone in anything anymore till he is by my side.

"Yeah but you know how my dad is." I said and pressed my lips.

Nanon walked a step closer to me and whispered, "He is cute... Just like his son." He winked at me flashing his dimpled smile and I couldn't help smile back.

I walked another step closer to him to hug him but he pulled back and brushed me away lightly. "We are in office." He whispered.

I looked around and realized I was dazed by my husband's cuteness without thinking about the position we are in.

"Ok-Ok... I'll see you at lunch?" I asked him.

"See you at lunch!" he smiled and replied before walking away to his wing.

I pressed the elevator button again and turned to look at Nanon one last time before entering the elevator. He too turned before entering his cube to look at me and gave me a warm smile which was enough to give me the courage to face my dad.

"Sir..." Niran called me from behind and rushed to the elevator door.

"What is it?" I asked him but he pushed me into the elevator and closed the door after entering inside.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked him annoyed.

"Sir, you need to see this before meeting your dad." He said and gave me his iPad to look into.

What I read after gave me goosebumps. I looked at Niran wide eyed and he looked back at me concerned.


"What is it Ohm? You asked to meet me alone that too outside office?" Dad asked me curiously while taking a seat on the sofa at my parents' home.

"I wanted to have a word with you." I said taking a seat in front of him.

He looked at me once and then his gaze turned to the tender file in my hand.

"I see you still need my guidance on a certain things." His expressions turned tired. "I don't know when you will be ready to take the lead." He said.

"I am ready dad." I said and looked up at me confused.

I smirked at him and threw the files on the table. "I conquered his heart. Now it will be a matter of time when he will himself vote for me to be the next CEO. I will be able to fulfil your long lost dream of conquering KP tech and making it ours alone."

"Ohm!" dad looked at me shocked.

I smiled and raised my brow at him. "I am saying, in next week's board meeting, Nanon will vote for me to be the CEO." I said.

My dad looked at me with same expression for a while before his tensed face turned into a grin and he stood up to expand his arms calling me in for a hug.

I hugged my dad back feeling happiness in his warm embrace which I hardly receive and which I have been longing for.

"Sorry son. I made you go out of the line of your sexuality just to take back what that old man tried to take away from my family by binding me to marry my son off to that family." My dad said referring to Nanon's granddad and his contract.

"It's ok dad. Anything to prove it to you that you can rely on me." I said reassuring my dad about what he expects from me since childhood.

He always used to say that Dad Ae has two sons and so he is at advantage while I will have to work hard to beat both of them to win over KP tech. Or else we will lose to them big time.

Today he seems to be happy with me. Not for my capability but my ability to fool someone into surrendering himself to me.

My dad happily held me from my shoulder once, patted me and then went back to his room leaving me there when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

I took it out and read the text that I had just received.

'He Hubby... All good? Did Dad say anything rude? Let's have lunch together. I'll make up for your bad mood. ;-)'

I squeezed my phone tight in my hand and looked at the picture in front of me hanging on the wall of our living room of the two families standing side by side of the grooms who were holding each other's hand on their wedding day. A wedding that was planned in so many ways for so many reasons unrelated to the wedding relationship at all.

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