Where do broken hearts go

By Elizabeth11222

666 57 8

A lot of things change in four years, people change, they grow up and move on. No matter how hard you try thi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Twelve

22 2 0
By Elizabeth11222

"Get off me" I coughed out, moving away from Niall who had just pulled me out of the water.

I gritted my teeth, and glared at him "I was fine!" I lied. I probably would have died if he wasn't there, to save my stupid ass.

I knew I shouldn't have gone into the water but because I was pissed off and did it anyways.

"You were drowning!" He yelled back, I rolled my eyes. "Screw you Niall!" I pushed him away from me, he stumbled back but stayed up.

"What is your problem!?" He yelled grabbing both my arms roughly, I tried to pull free but he was stronger than me. "You're my problem!" I yelled trying not to cry, his expression was blank.

"You can't kiss people, then ignore them!" I said offended, he dropped his grip and watched the ground.

Niall picked my sweater up off the ground and offered it to me, I pulled it away from him harshly and pulled it on, still waiting for an answer.

"I'm sorry" I rolled my eyes and walked past him grabbing my things on the way "you can shove that crap apology up your ass Horan" I said storming away from him.

**Niall's POV:**

I'm such a dumb ass, of course she hates me she has every right to I just kissed her, and then freaked out.

I thought it weirded her out, and I was worried it would screw up our friendship, I'm in love with her, I'm honestly in love with my best friend but I have no clue what to do about it.

And now she's mad at me for being a class A douche bag which she has every right to be but like, does she like me back that why she's getting all up tit over this?

What makes it worse is Simon won't stop hounding me about her, I received a call from him yesterday and he was talking about convincing her to "fake date" me.

Something about it being really good publicity, and what not considering my last girlfriend was a nut job who screwed every guy besides my friend Jason, in the apartment building she was staying in.

While we were dating, she was such a whore, honestly I should have listened to Alison sooner, I was an idiot.

Tomorrow Simons going to call Sarah and offer her five million dollars to pretend to date me, and on top of that he's offered to pay off her school loans, I mean how could she turn that down?

Part of me actually wants her to say yes to this whole stupid deal, but on the other hand I don't want to fake date her. My feelings are real.

**Sarah's POV:**

I picked at my plate of pancakes, while I listened to everybody talk about what they wanted to do today, thankfully we're moving to Jacksons beach house so I'll no longer need to share my living space with Niall the jackass.

Niall tensed in his seat when my phone rang, I shrugged it off and answered my phone walking away from the noisy table I made my way outside.

"Hello" I answered when I was clear of all the noise "Sarah Coal?" The deep British man asked, I leaned against the brick wall.

"Yes?" I said slowly "my names Simon Cowell, I'm not sure if you know this but I'm the man that put one direction together" he said.

"I've been in touch with Niall, and of course I've been paying attention to all the newspaper articles about you two, and I have a proposition for you" he started.

"Alright?" I waited for him to speak again. what kind of proposition?

"I'm prepared to offer you 5 million dollars, plus I will pay off your student loans. On one condition" my jaw dropped, and I started to smile. "You and Niall come out to the public and tell them that you guys are together, not only will it be really good for you, but it'll really help him"

I rolled my eyes, of course I should have known that this was all about Niall.

"You wanna pay me to fake date my best friend?" I asked again "yes."

Even if I am mad at Niall he's still my best friend, and I would still do anything for him. Besides 5 million dollars to fake date someone I'm in love with, why would I ever turn that down.

"So will you do it?" He asked, I sighed. "Yeah, fine" I mumbled.

"Perfect, that's amazing. I'll give Niall a call and he'll have the instructions on what you guys are to do" I hummed a yes.

"We'll be in touch" he hung up the phone and I walked back inside, Niall looked at him and I looked at him and nodded.

I know he knew what that phone call was about he may as well know that I said yes.

"Ready to go?" Jackson looked at me, I looked over to Niall who was now on the phone with Simon figuring out what we were supposed to do.

You know now that we're fake dating and all.

I wish it wasn't fake.

"Yeah" I mumbled walking towards Niall.

"What did Simon say?" I asked, Niall shoved his phone away.

"He said he just wants us to start with some public hand holding, and he wants me to post on twitter that we're official."

I nodded.

"Everybody listen up" Niall said getting out attention.

"Liv and I have agreed with Simon, and we've decided to go ahead with the fake dating thing"

Everybody looked shocked and confused, Jackson looked a little hurt.

"Let's just go" I mumbled linking hands with Niall.

He gave me an apologetic look and walked beside me.

"Hey Jackson are you sure about us staying at your place?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulder.

He smiled at me "no I don't mind, I'm happy to have you guys"

I gave him a thankful smile and we continued our walk down to the cars.

I'm getting a little annoyed with all the paparazzi taking pictures of Niall and I like what have they never seem a couple before?

Move on people, get over it.

Niall opened the car door for me and I got in pulling him behind me.

I waited until the paparazzi couldn't see us anymore before unlinking hands.

"Just so we're clear" I gave him a dirty look. "This doesn't change how I'm feeling"

I felt a hand in my back and when I peaked over my shoulder I saw that it was Jackson's, I smiled weakly and turned back around.

My life just got a whole lot more complicated.


I'm currently looking for someone to create for me a new cover for this story, cause as you can tell the one I have now kind of sucks, haha.

If you could for me that would be amazing, comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote.

•Stay lovely•

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