My American Nightmare (Cody R...

By RachelHallowell53

17.2K 281 17

You've been friends with Cody Rhodes since 2009 but he became Star Dust 2014 then vanished 2 years later then... More

The beginning
Best team
Lossing streak
Star of victory
Lost in the stars
Failing Star
Star erased from the sky
Never forgot
Missed you
Return to Raw

Fall of the fallen

1.5K 28 0
By RachelHallowell53

Me and Cody have been teaming up for a while now. We even won the tag team championship. Golddust would join us to when we would do three on three matches. Me and him have became closer friends. Plus a few months Cody asked me out and now we are dating. We told Dusty and Golddust and they seemed pretty happy about it. He was one of the best boyfriends you could ever have. It's currently April 2014 and Me and Cody had a match against The Usos. It was for the tag team titles. I was confident that we would win. We've beaten them before and we can do it again. Golddust decided to joined at ringside. We where to to be at the gorilla in 5 minutes. "Hey babe are you ready for our match." "Hell yeah let's go kick some ass!" Cody thought I was cute how pumped up I would be before matches. The crowd was happy to see us as usual. And when we weren't teaming with Golddust we would just Cody's theme.

I high fived some people in the crowd and I still always give someone my bracelet. I've just have always done it and never stop . It made me so happy to see the little kids smile every time. Then the Usos came out with the face paint.

They got in the ring and the match started. It was me and Jimmy how started off. We circled the ring before going at each other. I will admit the Usos are really skilled so I knew I needed to stay focused. I locked up with Jimmy and threw him into the corner and hit him over and over again. Eventually he got out and I grabbed his hair then slammed him into the ground. I dragged him over to my corner and tagged in Cody in. Cody got on Jimmy and punched him in the face repeatedly. Jimmy quickly grabbed and yang to Cody's like causing him to fall over onto the mat. Jimmy quickly got to his corner and tagged in Jey. Jey instantly stomped on Cody's leg. Then he ran at me and knocked me off the side of the Ring. I hit the back of my head weird off the side of the barricade and Goldust came over to check on me. " Hey y/n are you okay? That didn't look like a good landing." "Yeah I'm fine."but I was so dizzy and fell back down. I kept trying to get back up but I couldn't. Goldust got some doctors and they took me to the back.

Cody's POV:

Jey kept stomping on my leg then he ran at y / n knocking her off the side of the ring. That landing looked painful and even my brother noticed because he ran over to her. I couldn't hear what they were saying but y/n kept trying to get up and falling down. Jey wasn't paying any attention to that and came over kicking my midsection repeatedly. I caught one of the kicks and got up holding his leg. I spun him around and hit him with a boot to the face I looked over and saw a few doctors taking y / n out of here. It must have been pretty bad. I'm worried about her but I need to focus on the Usos for now. Jey had rolled out of the ring. Jimmy was on the corner so I knocked him off. Both of them were getting up so I ran and flew over the top rope landing on both of them. I grabbed Jay and rolled him in the ring. I walked over to the corner I turned my back to face him and ran and hit him with a super kick then a Cross Rhodes. I tried to pin him but the referee didn't count. Then I got kicked in the back. Turns out when my back was turned Jimmy tagged himself in. Jey rolled out and Jimmy went to the top rope and hit me with a splash and just like that Jimmy pinned me for the three count and I lost our titles. I left while the Usos celebrated. I needed to see if why/end was okay. When I got to the back I went straight to the doctor and they said that y/n had a concussion and need to stay there for a bit. They let me stay in the room for a bit. When I went in there Y/n was asleep. I pulled up a chair and eventually fell asleep at the end of the bed.


I woke up and looked at the clock and it was 4 in the morning. The whole night went by. I saw Cody sleeping at the end of the bed. I decided not to wake him sense it was so early. A doctor came in. She was seeing if everyone was alright. She asked me how I was feeling. I told her I was feeling better after the ibuprofen and so sleep. She help me see if I could stand. I was a little bit wobbly but I should be able to leave tomorrow. I laid back down and sleep till 8am. When I woke up I saw Cody half awake. "Hey handsome." I said. "Oh h-hey y/n. I'm sorry." He sounded upset "What for babe?" "I lost our titles. It's my fault." He looked like he was about to cry "Hey listen you did your best. Plus it was basically a 2 on 1 match. Don't even worry about it." He hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Goldust came in soon after. "Hey are you too ok?" "Yeah man we're good I should be able to leave today." I said. "Ok good and Cody are you feeling ok after that match. I saw what happened." "Yeah I'm fine. I'm just glad Y/n is ok." They soon let me leave. A few days later I could tell Cody was still sad about the whole title thing so I called and got us a rematch. Cody seemed so happy. We went to the gym and got ready for our rematch tomorrow.

A/n :wow this was a long chapter but I hope you all enjoyed it. Thanks for all of your support and I will see you next time. Ily bye <3

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