Twilight plus one

By fluffymeowcat

142K 3.8K 389

❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 I'm in what century now?
chapter 3 Home sweet home
Chapter 4 different era and chapter 5 combined
Chapter 7 Yeah I have a new sister sarcastic much?
Chapter 8 Fist hunt....Joy
Chapter 10 My big teddy bear brother!!!!!
Chapter 11 Emmett my brother... what can I say
Chapter 12 Big brother bear.
Chapter 13 Jealous
Read please :)
Chapter 14 Meeting the Quileutes
Chapter 15 Alice and Jasper
Chapter 16 Meeting the Denali coven
Chapter 17 Twilight. (Baised on the book and the movie)
Chapter 18 Biology
Chapter 19 Brothers got a crush
Chapter 21 Take a chance, make a change and breakaway
Chapter 22 First meeting
Chapter 23 Emmett and the bear (short chapter)
Chapter 24 Willie
25 Hey batter, Batter swing! NOT AT ME!
Chapter 26, showing my true self.
chapter 27 Crazy,psycho, tracker.
Chapter 28 We lost a human in a airport
New moon: New begging's.
Chapter 29 He Changes His Attitude Like The Weather.
Chapter 30. Put The Gun Down.
Chapter 31 Black heart.
Chapter 32 Say something.
Chapter 33 My Last Breath.
Chapter 34 Heaven Knows. (Re-written.)
Chapter 35 Going home
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37 Were not all suicidal. . . well at least i'm not.
Chapter 38 "Here we go."
Chapter 39 "Adding it to my collection."
Chapter 40 "Bella, the Caffeine Junky."
Chapter 41 "Welcome to the Family."
Chapter 42. Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 43 Eclipse: Letting the Spectrum In.
Chapter 44 Dig Up His Bones
Chapter 45. Surprise surprise.
Chapter 46. The Race.
Chapter 47 The Argument.
Chapter 48 The Truth.
Chapter 49. The miscommunication.
Chapter 50. Through The Valley
Chapter 51. When I Was Younger.
chapter 52 Medicine Man
Chapter 53. Cloaked Figures.

chapter 6 Why is Carlisle carrying a limp body.

4.1K 106 5
By fluffymeowcat

I do not own anything The great Stephine Meyer does.

But I do own Emily boo ya


Emilys P.O.V

He snarled in my face, and tried to pry my hand off of his neck. He tried slapping me but I smashed his hand in the wall. The force of the pressure put a whole in the wall. Im so getting yelled at later. Mom's going to be livid.Damn it.

"Are you done?" I asked Edward. I took a deep breath and relaxed. I felt my face turning back to normal. He kept struggling. I groand. "Will you quit it"

"Who are you? What are you in doing in my house?" Still upset clearly.

"One im Emily, pleased to met you. Two Carlisle and Esme took me in and three this is no way to treat a women." I told him. "Now I will let you go, but you have to promise me, well not to kill me" I slowly released my grip and took a step back. He stood all the way up. He opened his mouth to say something but the door opened revealing mom and dad. They froze when there gaze landed on Edward. I waved my hand towards Edward and then back to me. "Edward and I just met". I smirked. Edward glared at me. He went up to my.....our parents, and gave them a hug.

"Im so sorry" He said. Knowing that he meant that to our parents i wanted to be sarcastic.

"Apology accepted" I said smirking. Edward Ignored me. I smiled. I know I just met him. But I feel like smacking him in the back of the head. Dad and mom probaly wouldnt like that. Mom released him. She looked at me, then the room, and then towards my brother. She put her hands on her hips.She had an angry expression on her face. Uh-oh hide lock the door dig a whole.

"What happened here?" she yelled. I gazed at the room. A table was smached, the couch was flipped over and huge whole was in the wall were I had pinned Edward.

"Like I said Edward and I just met" I told them. Edward looked ashamed. 'You should be ashamnd buster' I thought towards him. He snarled at me. Mom swatted him arm with her hand. She pointed to the both on us.

"Both of you clean this up, and talk, then all of us will talk." Mom said. I looked at dad and raised an eyebrow. He looked amused by the situation. But happy his son was back. "NOW" She raised her voice a little. She took dads hand and went upstairs. Edward turned around and looked at me. He wasnt glaring. He was just...stairing.

'Hi' I thought. He had a small smile on his face. I looked into his eyes. I froze. They were red. All at once. The memories of my past came back to me. I saw Edward froze and saw pitty and sorrow in his eyes. ' We should start cleaing up' I thought towards him. I turned around and headed towards the couch. I picked it up with ease. Edward looked shocked.

"Im sorry" He whispered I was confused. "Your confused?"

"Your good" I smirked. "Theres no keeping secerts in this house anymore is there?" I asked him. He had a real smile on his face. "Why are you sorry?"

"Your memories. The Voulturi,Your mother. The full moon. Things that happened since I left" He said with remorse. "You probaly that im a monster"

"Okay one its okay. So far lifes been really good. Two you should know what I think, and I dont think your a monster. You just had to experence something." I sighed. "Why did you kill people?" I asked him. He looked away ashamed. "Im sorry Edward I did not mean to pry. Forgive me?" He looked at me with a sad expression.

"Why are you sorry? im the one that attacked you. Im the one that killed many people!" He screamed. I was going to interupt him, but desided to let him get it all out. "Im the one that left Carlisle and Esme. Im the one that watched the light go out of the mens eyes. " He breathed.

'Why only men?' I thought towards him.

" I heared there thoughts. They were going to rape, murder, and torture women" He said looking at me.

"So you saved lives. Edward think about it. Those women probaly had husbands, childeren, family, and friends. You saved generations of bloodlines. You saved more lives than you took. Im not saying what you did was good. But you did save women. What matters now is that your home, and mom and dad are happy to see you" I walked over to him and put my hands on his forearms. " I also have a new brother" I smiled at him. He sighed and closed his eyes. He opened them again.

"Big brother." He corrected with a smile. I rolled my eyes.

"I was born in the 1580's" I stated. His eyes widen.

"Your older than Carlisle?" He asked.

"Your not supposed to talk about a womens age Edward. Its rude." I told him. He smiled. I sat down on the couch, he soon followed after. That night we talked to each other. To me I felt as if I knew him my hole life! We were in a comfortable silence, when I remembered something.

"That piano over there is that yours?" I asked my brother.

"Yes it is" He said " Do you play?"

"No but I would love to lear. Could you teach me?" I asked him jumping up and down.

"Of course"


"Yes. Follow me." I followed him and we both sat down on the bench. For two hours he taught me how to play. I mastered it. YA. When we were about to do another song. Mom and and dad came down stairs. Dads hair was every were. I smirked at Edward.

'Did they do what I think they did?' I asked him in my thoughts. He noded his head.UGH!

'They had better been doing it in there room' I yelled at him in his thought. He chuckled.

"What?" Mom asked amued.

"Nothing. By the way dad nice hair" I complimented him. He looked at me and Edward and in a blur he was gone. Esme put her hands on her hips.

"Emily do not embarrassed your father" She saod sternly but giggled. I heared a groan upstairs and a bang.

"Edward made me do it!" I pointed at Edwards shock face.

"How did I make you say something?" He asked. We all laughed we were a family.

1932: So far lifes good. Edward and I are close. Like real brother and sister cant wait to see what happens next.

1933: Its been two days since Rosalie is here in our home. Edward doesnt like it. To me I think its cool that dad saved a life. That girl should probaly thank him, before she goes hunting. Im hoping her and I will get along hopefully. Her screams are giving me a headache. I cant even sleep. Ugh. Sometimes I walk into the room and talk to her. It calms her down. So maybe we will be okay as sisters. Ah sisters. My attatude has also change. Im more bubbly more fun. Playful. Today is the last day off the change. I hope she's not a crazy newborn. Or a braty one. Heres to hoppen.

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