A Court of Trust and Enemies

بواسطة mymymoon

1K 39 0

Book 3 Love has been found, Family reunited, Shame has been battled, and Allies secured. But who can Nyx trus... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 11

30 1 0
بواسطة mymymoon

Do you wish to fly? He asked out. Do you hate to be the only one in your family to not fly? To not feel the wind? I think you do Luna, they have always held you back, so why not come here? Be with me. Work with me. She heard his voice coming from the darkness, she didn't answer. She sat still high above the camp, seeing how the fires started to burn, casting the camp in a yellow and red light. She could feel his presents through the darkness, his mind like a beacon of light in the black mass. Never her father, never her mother. But him...

Clever... His tone had changed. And she saw a memory of Isa standing next to Tamlin on that day in the office. I know how to find you, and bring you home. Luna grined at his words. If he only knew.

Too late. I am with Nyx, with my family. This is coming to an end. He may think she was with Tamlin right now, but he was wrong. So, so wrong.

I talked to your mother today. Luna's head started to spin. She is still quite unharmed, unlike your father... Tell me, how does an Illyrian live without his wings? She got up from the place where she had been sitting, her chest moving at a fast pace. She had seen Eris' memory, she knew... But to hear it again...

Fuck you, and the rest of your brothers. Luna tried to sound strong, but tears had started to fall from her eyes.

You already have. Luna's stomach twisted at his words. She knew it wasn't the truth, but still... Your mother told me everything. The panic turned to surprise.

No. Everything about what? She asked herself. About her and Nyx? The Illyrians? Her family?

Yes she did, I know everything about Evalyns secret. Luna looked down at the camp, sensing how her brother just left Evalyns tent. Why? WHY?

She would never... her mother knew... But none of them had the time to tell her about Hope, about Evalyn's decision... She couldn't know...

Not even to see her mate? Luna took off flying, her head spinning faster and faster. She told me everything, crying and begging to be close to him.

She can't have... She can't have known that she kept her... She had just given birth... Luna searched for her brother, she needed to talk to him now.

But she did, we will come for her, for both of them. Luna stopped.

You wouldn't dare. Anger took over.

But I will. Or you can trade. You come and live here, and I will spare Evalyn. His mind was brighter than the sun in the darkness now and Luna started to reach out for it, the distance was a challenge, but he was so easy to find.

Never... Her claws started to dig into his mind.

Then you are responsible for their deaths. He found her hand and slowly the light faded, making it harder and harder for her to keep a grip on his mind. The distance made it impossible in the end and Luna dove down to find her brother.

He was standing on the field, practising with his sword. A traditional Illyrian blade, She knew the pattern, the same one Nesta and Gwyn had engraved in her mind. Luna stood and watched her brother train. A bit jealous over the clean technique he showed. The argument from just hours before came to mind as she watched him. But right now that felt like a child's play, like nothing of importance.

"Do you need to scream?" He asked, his back against her, sword still moving.

"To talk." Luna said, removing her wings. "I have a lot of things to say."

"So do I." Nyx stopped, resting his sword against the ground.

"And with that Cassian and dad would have scolded you for letting your blade become dull." Luna said and walked so she faced her brother. "Hand me a sword."

"I don't have yours-"

"It is lost in Hewn." Luna stated and held out her hand. "Give me one so we can spar and talk."

"Okay..." Nyx did as she said and the two siblings started to move around one another. "Talk."

"I can hear Axios in the Darkness." Luna said as their blades collided. "I feel his mind all the time."

"Why?" Nyx took a step back, a swirl of embers in his hand. The dark band of the Tattoo melted into his long sleeved shirt.

"I don't know. But I sometimes hear him talk..." Luna dodged his attack and the embers faded. "Or... we talk to each other."

"What!" Nyx exclaimed.

"He tried to threaten me to come back to him." She nodded his sword with his. "There is more." Three rapid hits followed.

"Tell me."

"He said that he talked to mom." They ended up in a deadlock. Neater of them moving to break the position. "And that she told him about Evalyn." Nyx dropped his sword and Luna walked back.
"And Hope."

"She doesn't know... How?"

"I have no idea... Hearing rumours, getting some information... guessing." Luna picked up his sword. "You won't kill anyone with a dull blade."

"I don't care..." Nyx sighed. "I was awful to you earlier."

"Thanks for noticing." Luna said back. "I don't care anymore. We all have our disagreements."

"No, it is not just that. What I said to you hurt Evalyn, and you."

"I feared what everyone would say, you, uncle Cass, Azriel. Nesta... I feared what any one of you would think and say. I put my head down and pretended to not see anything. So yes, I did hide, because hiding was easier than facing the truth. But I never liked it, not once did I enjoy myself when I was there." Luna sounded far more calm then she had anticipated. "But you were right. I did hide."

"I still shouldn't have said it like that."

"I forgive you." Luna took her brother's hand. Eyeing the tattoo. "If you can forgive me for what I have to say now."

"How bad?"

"They are planning to kill Evalyn and Hope." Nyx's whole body stilled. "Unless I go back to him."

The wind made the field move around them. The night air was filled with the songs of crickets and animals running around. But the silence only made things worse. Nyx's face paled in front of her. His powers started to escape his hold and soon the sound disappeared. Luna stood still, ready to defend herself if she needed to. Then the powers eased, and Nyx fell to his knees. Luna ran forward to her brother.

"Nyx?" She tried to reach him. "Talk to me.'' The look he gave her scared Luna more than anything else. He looked dead, no light existed in his midnight blue eyes, no feelings, nothing... Dead.

"I can't do this anymore." He whispered. "I can't keep on fighting like this..." The two siblings sat still in the night.

"You are not alone Nyx, you never were and will never be." Luna said, kneeling down in front of him.

"Noel told me the same." He closed her eyes and tears started to fall. "It is too much, the bond with Evalyn, the duties to our home, you going to live with him again, the Darkbringers, Noel's death, politics... Now this..."

"The bond?" Luna asked.

"I am not ready for any of it. Not by far." Nyx sighed. "My training is not complete, Azriel helps but there is a limit to what he knows and can do. Then there is Evalyn and Hope. I just want them to be safe, secure and happy, and right now I have made them feel unsafe..."

"You know that it takes time to build a strong mating bond. Years even." Luna tried to reassure him. "You are doing all that you can."

"But it is not enough..."

"Now you sound like dad."


"You have given more of yourself to this, to our people then anyone was expecting of you, and you still sit here claiming that it wasn't enough." A hint of a smile grew on her lips. "We are two now, we can share."

"No this is my mess-"

"No, it is mine too." Luna took his hands. "Me going back to Tamlin to play Isa is not me fleeing, it is me doing my part. And I know you don't see it like that, but that is what it is. Nothing more, nothing les"

"I can't ask that of you."

"You are not asking, and last time I checked, you were quite mad over the suggestion of me going back there." Luna tried to smile, but failed. "And if it all fails, I will go to Axios to save Evalyn and Hope. You deserve happiness Nyx."

"I won't let it happen."

"He said once that in our family, giving anything less than your life is a mandatory thing." Luna told her brother. "Mom, dad, you have all done it. It is my turn now."

"They did it to ensure a safe world. And I was dead from the start."

"Then I will do it to make sure my brother's Mate and daughter are safe." Luna looked up at the dull stars. "I drank my head off on starfall." She changed the subjekt.


"On Nysar, I was so gods damned miserable that I drank myself to oblivion and woke up with a headache to rival Cassians on Solstice."

"No way?"

"Yes... That I didn't say anything to give away my identity is a miracle." Luna started to laugh for real now. "I was a mess in the Spring Court, I got sunburned, the food tasted like nothing! It is so tasteless!"


"Really." Luna saw the hint of realife on her brother's face. "But I will go back there to help us."

"I don't want you too..."

"But I will." Luna squeezed his hands. "You have given all that you can, it is my turn now."

"I will kill him if he hurts you."

"No need, I will do it myself." Luna smirked. "And I will fight to make sure Evalyn and Hope will be safe, she is my friend."

"Thank you..." The two siblings hugged as the night took over around them. It was Nyx who broke the embrace. "You... You can hear his mind." he said it like he just had realised something.


"Have you heard mom or dad?" Hope, it filled his words and face as he spoke. Luna bit her tugn.

"I haven't tried..." She looked back at the compakt darkness. "I just assumed that it was impossible..."

"Try." Nyx got up. "We must try..." The hope made Luna's chest contrakt. Why hadn't she tried before?

"I can try..." Nyx spread his wings and Luna did the same.

"We can cirkel the outskirts of Hewn City... If you need to get closer..."

"Yes... But Nyx, don't expect too much..."

"I won't." The two of them took off. Flying high over the Darkness. Luna started to search with her powers, Her brother's mind a clear star to her right. And further away in the Darkness she could feel Axios' mind. A gleaming light, far away, shielded, but there. They flew further and further in over the darkness. And soon smaller weaker lights started to appear. Hundreds of them. Whispers of their thoughts came over her. And Luna stopped, holding her head as the voices grew.

"Luna?" Nyx came closer to her side, careful to not disturb her as she howerd in the sky.

"I hear them all... Ever sigel one of them..." She tried to hold herself together, tried to focus on only two minds in the mix of them all. Slowly the other voices faded out, leaving only two dots of light. Stronger than the others, weaker than they should.

Mom... Dad? She tried. Nyx was still looking at her in worry. I am back... I am home...

The green fields of the spring court appeared in front of her once more. The drums in the distans and the faint smell of smoke reminded her of where she was. The two males walked up to her, once more getting ready to end her life too early.

"There you are. I have been looking for you." A male entered the scene. "Thank you for finding her for me.

Luna saw the memory of her parents first meeting. And maybe that was all she could do, but Luna smiled and let the memory play out. Allowing her parents' story to go on without any changes. She let go of her mothers memory and looked back at Nyx.

"She is dreaming." She said, wiping away a tear. "Both of them are."

"No..." Nyx said and gasped. "They are dying..." The memory changed, and she saw how an assassin from the continent found them in their sleep. Slitting their throats before walking over to the crib where a baby Nyx was sound asleep. The memory reset, back to the green spring fields. "Over and over..." 


Luna and Nyx talking! What did you think? 

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