The 7D: Adventures In Jollywo...

By PrincessRainbow121

971 22 10

(Contains oneshots, short stories, incorrect quotes, shitposts, parodies, songshots, sometimes modern AUs, an... More

incorrect quotes #1
The Super 7D - Trailer
incorrect quotes #2

incorrect quotes #3

179 4 1
By PrincessRainbow121

I am so sorry


[At dinner]

Sneezy: Hey fellas, did you know I was once told I was a good kisser?

Sleepy: [Opens mouth, then shuts it]

Sneezy: What is it, Sleepy?

Sleepy, blushing: I.. I was gonna say 'Prove it'.



Sneezy: [gets up from his chair]


Sleepy: The best part of an oreo is the black cookie, not the frosting. Deal with it.

Happy: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.

Sleepy: Yo Socrates, it's a fucking cookie.


Doc: If you do that again, I swear I will throw you out the window and- what are you doing?

Grumpy, looking out the window: Checking how high the drop is to see if it's worth it.


Kidnapper, on the phone: If you can bring me $10,000 in 24 hours, I'll give you your little friend back.


Kidnapper: uh-




Happy: Good morning fellas!

Bashful: Good morning

Doc: Good morning!!!

Sleepy: [yawns] Good morning..

Grumpy: Please you guys sound like robots, spice it up a bit.

Sneezy, sliding downstairs: MORNING MOTHERFLOOMERS!!


Sneezy: So do you have a crush on anyone?

Bashful: The only crush I have is this crushing anxiety.


Queen Delightful: I'm scared for Lord Starchbottom.

Doc: Why?

Queen Delightful: He has no survivor skills. His need to surpass me at absolutely everything completely replaces them.

7D: what

Queen Delightful: Here, watch this.


Starchy: [proceeds to throw himself out the window]



Dopey: Treat insects the way you wanna be treated!

Bashful: Killed without hesitation.


Police: You are under arrest for carrying four people on your motorcycle.

Sneezy, with Sleepy, Bashful and Dopey behind him: Four?

Police: Yes, four


Sneezy: [turns around] WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS TELL ME HAPPY FELL OFF?!?


Doc: Please, when have I led all of us into dangerous, life-threatening situations?

Grumpy: [unrolls a list]

Sneezy: We have a list.

Sleepy: Double sided, in alphabetical order.



Kidnapper, on the phone: I have your best friend.

Sleepy, on the other line: My best frie-

Sleepy: [gasps] Sneezy! Don't kill him!

Kidnapper: I won't do anything to him if you do everything I say-

Sleepy: Bro I wasn't talking to you.

Sleepy: Sneezy, don't kill him!

Kidnapper: wha-


Happy: Ah, it's team moments like this that I'll never forget!

Grumpy: With a good therapist, hopefully I will.


Bashful: Awww, somebody's in love!!!

Sleepy: Pfft, yeah right! I just think Sneezy's really cool is all! I mean, it's not like I stay up all night thinking about him!

[Later that night]

Sleepy: [lies in bed, wide awake]

Sleepy: winkers

Alt. Version

Happy: Aww, somebody's in love!!!

Starchy: Pfft, yeah right! I just think Queen Delightful is really cool and admirable as a queen. I mean, it's not like I stay up all night thinking about her!

[That night]

Starchy: [lies in bed, wide awake, staring at the ceiling]

Starchy: uh oh


Sneezy: I would die for you

Sleepy: I would die for you first

Doc, from across the room: No one here is dying!


Doc: I never brag.

Sleepy: You once called your intelligence the proof of God's existence.


Sneezy: What are you gonna bring to the Queen Delightful's Jollyday dinner?

Grumpy: My negative attitude and sparkling personality.


Sneezy: Are you flirting with me?

Sleepy: Have been since we first became the 7D but thanks for noticing


[When the youngest trio gets in trouble]

Dopey: What do we do, Bash??

Bashful: Wh- I don't know!! Why are you asking me?!




[Hildy the Good in a nutshell]

Queen Delightful: You know what? Underneath it all, you're actually quite nice.

Hildy, taking off her disguise: Repeat that disgusting slander again and you'll be hearing from my lawyer.


Bashful: I will do a lot of things.

Bashful: But admitting to Doc that I'm cold after he told me to bring a jacket is not and never will be one of them.


Happy: Just be yourself and say something nice!

Grumpy: Which one? I can't do both.


Superpowered Grumpy: I've got this completely under control!

Doc: Is that why everything is on fire?


Bashful: Synonyms are so weird. Because if I invite you to my cottage in the forest, that sounds so nice, but if I invite you to my cabin in the woods, you're going to die.

Happy: My favorite is "butt dial" versus "booty call".

Sleepy, winking at Sneezy: Also, "forgive me, Father, for I have sinned," versus "sorry, Daddy, I've been naughty!"

Doc: Good news everyone; language has been cancelled!


Happy: Thanks

Sleepy: Don't mention it.

Happy: No really, I appre-

Sleepy: Ever.


Doc: Uhh, why are we all laying on the ground?

Sneezy: You got knocked out so we laid next to you so everyone would just think we're chillin'.


Grumpy: Why is Dopey on the counter?

Doc: He likes to feel tall


Doc: Grumpy, you're in charge while I'm gone.

Grumpy: Alrighty I'm your man.

Doc: Don't do anything stupid

Grumpy: Okay I'm kinda your man

Doc: And of course, keep the others out of trouble

Grumpy: You need another man


Bashful: (about Sneezy) Come on, go tell him he's cute, what's the worst that could happen?

Sleepy: He could hear me


Happy: If we can see water but not air, does that mean that fish can see air but not water???

Doc: Happy it's four in the morning, go to bed.


Bashful: [starts crying]

Sleepy: What's wrong???

Bashful: [sniffling] Oh nothing, this just happens sometimes


Doc: I trust Grumpy

Sneezy: You think he knows what he's doing?

Doc: I'm not sure i'd go that far


Bashful: This is horrible! This the most humiliating thing that's ever happened to me!!

Sleepy: Even more humiliating than the time you-

Bashful: Can you not.


Starchy: I drink coffee when i'm having a bad day.

Sneezy: But you're always drinking coffee

Starchy: well look who's catching on


Bashful: You have no idea what i'm capable of!

Hildy: Don't take this personally, but i feel like i'm being threatened by a cupcake


Doc: Sneezy, gather the others. We need to have another Grumpy-is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-them-before-he-hurts-someone convention.


Happy: Who wants to go out of the country on a road trip?
Doc: Yea, I could drink legally!
Sleepy: I could hang out with the boys!
Bashful: I could hide from the consequences of my actions.


Bashful: Doc taught me to think before I act.
Bashful: ...So if I smack the shit out of you, rest assured that I thought about it and am confident in my decision.


[When there's a spider and Sleepy, Sneezy and Bashful are left home]

*outside the cottage*

Sleepy: Where's the spider?

Bashful, crying: Over there, in the front yard

Sleepy: How big is it??

Bashful: Really big *cries* It's over there, right there, it's crawling

Sleepy and Sneezy: Where??

Bashful: Be careful! Watch your step, it's dangerous!

Sneezy: Where is it??

Bashful: It's over there!

Sleepy: Where??

Bashful: Right there!

Sleepy: W H E R E??

Bashful: Right tHERE!!

Sneezy: Oh, that!

*sees the spider*

Sneezy: Oh whoa, that actually is kinda huge

*Bashful cries again and hides behind Sneezy*

Sleepy: *tries to hit it with a bat but it moves out of the way*

*Bashful screams*

Sneezy: Hit it again! Hit it! Do it, hit it!

*spider moves farther, Bashful screams again*

Sneezy, taking the bat from Sleepy: THAT'S IT!! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!! *tries to hit it* GO!!

Sleepy: Hit it! Like actually hit it!!

Bashful: It's not dead-

*Sleepy hits it, but spider babies come pouring out*

Sneezy: What?!

Bashful: Oh my god!!


Sleepy: Dude no!


Sleepy, running away down the hill with Bashful: OH MY GOD!!

Sneezy: IT GAVE BIRTH!! *looks at the spider babies* AAAAGHHHHH!!! *runs away* IT GAVE BIRTH!! IT GAVE BIRTH!! OH MY GOD!!

*they stop in the middle of town*

Sleepy: Get out of my house!!

Sneezy: W-Wait i got that on video!

*Sneezy takes out his phone, Sleepy laughs in delight*



i'm alive but not on the inside

being a high school student is something else these days yk

anyways happy spooky season


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