Intricate (Akame Ga Kill Fanf...

De AshidaTsukimiya

4K 95 16

The capital, despite being flourished through out the years, is currently unexpectedly rotten to the core. Wi... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 3

227 7 0
De AshidaTsukimiya

Chapter 3


As the big man holding the axe swinging his deadly weapon around, I ran to him and protected a soldier from being killed by crossing my swords and blocking him. I gave the soldier behind me a chance to escape and advance once again as I crossed swords with this big guy.

"What?" He exclaimed surprisedly, seeing me.

"I'll be the one to kill you." I said as I pushed him away by kicking him on his stomach.

He was pushed a few meters away and I dashed towards him. I crossed my swords and decided to slice him using that pattern but, he was able to block it using his axe and quick reflexes?

"Bastard.." I mumbled, gritting my teeth in anger.

He jerked me away by swinging his huge axe and I was pushed back. With a menacing smirk, he pulled his weapon into two.

"Prepare to be amazed, boy." He said, smirking boastfully.

He threw the two axes, circling at me but, I easily dodged them. But suddenly, I heard its presence throwing back at me again. Failing to react immediately, it gave me small cut on my cheek and a big one on my back.

He caught it with both of his hands and arrogantly smirked.

"Ugh.." I exclaimed, wincing in pain. "What the hell is this..?"

"Hehehe. Good reaction, kid. You must be the one killing our pawns one by one." He said while chuckling. "You make a great punching bag."

"Shut up!" I yelled, lunging into him and aiming the sword on his chest.

"Woah, kid." He exclaimed, dodging my attack.


I need more speed!

Feeling agitated, I increased the speed of my movements, the power exploding in every motion I make. As we clashed on each other's weapons, I was able to find an opening. I strike through and made a laceration on his stomach. The blood gushed out from him, splashing on my cheek.

"Not bad, boy. But, not good enough to kill me yet." He said while chuckling.

That attack just now devoured my energy. My chest was rising and falling rapidly as I try to catch my breath. With meters apart, he threw the axes at me so, I dodged it quickly. But to my surprise, it was still following me.

"Sh*t!" I exclaimed, looking behind me to try to evade it.

I ran towards him and tried to make sure that the axes will hit him. He stood still with a remarkable evil grin on his face. But, I was wrong.. It grazed my shoulder and my arm. The blood oozed out as I grimaced in pain.

"Dammit!" I exclaimed, annoyed.

"You were wrong, kid. Wrong!" He mocked with a loud laugh.

"Damn you--"


"Argh! Help!!!"

"Nooo! Help me!!"

As I heard their screams, I turned to where they were coming from and realized that it was from my comrades. Those were Garu and the others..!! Garu and Rick were being strangled by the man with long silver hair.

"Garu!! Rick!!"

"Ugh!! Stop it!!"

Caine and Minko were holding their ears and rolling on the ground. Their faces showed great suffering and agony. The little boy stood before them, casually playing his flute whilst gazing at the, with cruel eyes.

"Caine! Minko! Hold on, I'll get there--"

"Ugh.. Kuh..!!"

As I turned my head to that familiar cry's direction, my eyes widened and my mouth gasped in shock as I saw Numa, covered in wounds, all mercilessly beaten up, kneeling on the ground while the blue haired woman stomped on his head.

"Numa!!!" I yelled in agony.

I got on my feet and ran towards him with fear of him being killed by that horrendous general.

No way! No way! No way! This can't be happening!

"Hey, your opponent's here!" The big man called from behind.

I felt the axes' presence and immediately blocked them with my swords, making the axes fly back to its owner. Then, the big man grabbed my foot, making me fall on the ground, thus making a loud thud.

"Numa!!" I called out to him, in the verge of tears while reaching put my hand.

I kicked him away and got on my feet as fast as I can.

"You're not getting away!" He yelled as he threw his axes at me.

I felt my head clear with the intent to kill. I was so irritated by this nuisance who prevented me from getting to my destination. Mustering my speed, I quickly got behind him and struck his back with my sword but, he caught it with his hand.

"Oh man, this hurts a lot." He complained but, he never winced nor let out a cry.

I raised my arm high and elbowed him on his nape, knocking him unconscious. The axes flew towards me and I blocked it using my swords, giving me a few incisions on my body. They finally fell down as I head towards my brother.

Just a little further..!!!

I jumped high and attempted an attack on the blue haired woman.

"Uraaaaahh!!!" I yelled crossing my swords at her.

She reacted fast and blocked my attack, pushing me away. I stood on my feet firmly and glared at her with an intent to kill.

"Who is this little rat?" She said, turning to me with a frown.

"Get away from Numa!!" I angrily yelled.

With rage filling inside of me, I dashed towards her, aiming for a single kill attack. To my surprise, the moment I was about to hit her, my swords froze up in her hands.

I quickly let go of them, knowing the danger imposing by it.

What's that?! Ice?!

"Hoh.. Impressive, your speed is definitely better than this little sh*t." She said, pertaining to Numa.

"How dare you call him sh*t?!" I yelled, lunging at her.

If I have no weapons to spare then, all I have to do is engage in hand to hand combat!

I aimed my fist at her face but she evaded it. I threw my other fist at her but, she moved too quickly that she dodged it cleanly. She suddenly disappeared from my sight. I felt a chill behind my back so I moved to the side then, I was shocked to see her blade grazing my right cheek.

A little blood oozed out from the my new wound. I gritted my teeth as I felt vexed at her unbeatable reflexes.

Damn it, if I hadn't moved back then, I would've gotten killed! She's too fast that my eyes couldn't follow her anymore!!

"Hmm~ Nice dodge." She exclaimed with a menacing smirk. "I guess this will be fun."

All of a sudden, her murderous aura increased, making me feel overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. I couldn't help but gulp in fear as I stared at her, smirking evilly at me. My breathing began to increase in pace as bullets of sweat appeared on my forehead.

Her murderous aura mixed with excitement and lust for death was increasing each time the seconds pass by. My hand slightly shivered in fear..

For the first time, I felt scared..

The fear of losing my life and the fear of losing someone important..

But, no! I must protect Numa! My brother..!!

I clenched my fists tightly until my knuckles turned white. I must overcome my fear with anger!

"R-Raijyou.." Numa suddenly called for my name.

I looked at him through the corner of my eye and saw him shivering and struggling from his situation. He stretched out his bloody hand to me, his breathing faltered.

"Live.. and P-Protect.. R-Rena.." He tried to speak.


"L-Live..! And protect--"

The blue haired woman suddenly stomped on his head, making me hear a loud thud, her heels boring into the side of his forehead.


"The hell are you talking about, huh?" She said, mercilessly gazing at him, deepening her heels on his head.

"Ugh!" He exclaimed, grimacing in pain.

"Numa!" I cried whilst, the agitation reaching my limit.

"M-Must.. Live.. R-Raijyou.. My.. B-Brother..!" He tried to speak with tears falling from his eyes.

Seeing him trying his hardest to keep me alive brought me to tears. I felt so weak in front of him.. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists in anger. His determination forced my feet to move and live by his will for me. But, I felt so guilty and so useless.

I'm sorry, bro..

I'm sorry..

I immediately turned away and ran as fast as I could to escape from the scene.

"Hey, you!"

As I continued to flee, images of him suffering ran through my mind.

I'm angry..! I'm angry and regretful..!!

I'm angry at myself for being weak.. I'm sorry I was weak! I'm so sorry, bro!!

End of Chapter 3

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