By SammiBella

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In a story of young love, a girl named Abby is faced with the age old dilemma, 'be careful what you wish for'... More

Chapter 1 - A WISH
Chapter 2 - CHANCE
Chapter 3 - ROOMIES
Chapter 4 - THE BIG APPLE
Chapter 5 - MISHAPS
Chapter 6 - LOVE
Chapter 7 - GUILT
Chapter 10 - ABBY
Chapter 11 - BLISS
Chapter 12 - GAME OVER
Chapter 13 - HEARTACHE
Chapter 14 - REHAB
Chapter 15 - HARRY


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By SammiBella

Enough time had passed that everyone had forgotten about Rachel and the traumatic nightmare that she was. Harry explained everything to everyone he knew personally and they realized now that all of his actions made sense. Everyone was glad he was back with Abby and that they were still together after everything that had happened. It’s true what they say, real love will stand the test of time and for Harry and Abby it was nothing but absolute genuine, irrevocable love.

There was still the minor detail of all the paparazzi and press. Harry went on record to explain a bit of what happened as the public was dying to know, why his ‘ex’ Rachel had been put away for good.

He told everyone a pretty truthful story, leaving out anything people needn’t know. 

Life for One Direction, Harry and Abby and everyone else was back to normal. Whatever normal was for famous people.

Harry and Abby were now living in Harry’s flat. Harry had asked her to move in with him days after the whole Rachel fiasco. However, it had now been a month and a few weeks and Harry had another, more important question for Abby in mind.

Harry was lying in bed sleeping, as it was ten in the morning. Abby had already woken up and was sat up looking down at him, leaning in. Her wavy chestnut hair cascading down the silk white nightie she had on. She looked at him in such adoration and love. 

She had seen him without a shirt on many times but this time she really looked at him. She took in every dent, every curve and flaw that made him Harry. 

She grazed her hand over his chest, and with the lightest touch of her right middle finger, she outlined the two little birds he had tattooed on his chest. She was in a daze, which would explain why she shook when Harry awoke all of a sudden. 

His emerald eyes shot open as he smiled, dimples showing, he tousled his hair to the side as he so often did. He lay there in his boxers with a white linen sheet resting on his lower half. 

Abby had never seen anyone look and smell as amazing as he did, especially when he had just woken up a few moments ago. Abby giggled—one of his favourite sounds ever—as he grabbed hold of her right wrist, causing her tattoo tracing to come to a halt. 

Gazing into Abby's eyes—one of his favourite pastimes—he noticed the sunlight was beaming into the bedroom and onto the bed. Lighting Abby up like an angel. Harry’s heart fluttered, as he thought of the little black box in his bedside table, and decided this was the perfect moment for his question.

He sat up and with every emotion in his heart, he looked deep into Abby's gleaming hazel-brown eyes, smiled and said, “you are so beautiful Abby. I love you with all my heart.” 

He paused, taking a moment to absorb just how stunning she was, first thing in the morning as he grinned.

“Marry me,” he asked breathlessly.

Abby's eyes grew wide, then slightly brimmed with happy tears. She had the biggest smile on her face. Without a thought in her brain, but all the love in her heart, she breathed, “of course I’ll marry you.”

He reached into his bedside table drawer and pulled out the small black box. Inside was a stunning, flawless two-carat diamond on a platinum diamond band. 

He slipped it gently on her left ring finger and it was a perfect fit. 

She was simply beaming as she reached across and fisted his soft brown curls and pulled him in for a gentle, perfect kiss. It wasn’t long before she was flipped on her back by Harry and they started making the most passionate love a couple could possibly make.


The next few days were a blur. Abby was so overwhelmed by the amount of congratulations and good wishes she was receiving from everyone she knew. It was a remarkable feeling.


A year of planning had passed and it was Harry and Abby’s big day. The Styles and Stuart families were gathered together. Abby had always wanted to get married in a castle and this one was breathtaking, the way it was done up. 

There was white pixie lights and light grey silk ribbons adorning the ceiling, hanging with greeneries and ivy intertwined in a way that made it seem like an enchanting evening under the stars. It was everything Abby had wanted and more on her special day.

“I can’t breathe,” said Abby. 

She was in the back of the castle about to walk down the white carpet, blowing into a paper bag. She was hyperventilating from nerves. 

She took one look at Harry in his dashing tux, complete with bow tie. His hair half swept to the side, half quiff, as he seemed to be wearing it these days. He was the most charming, gorgeous man she’d ever laid eyes on and he was all hers, now and forever. This thought seemed to calm her as well as her mum, taking the bag from her, fanning her and telling her everything will be alright.

Abby’s white gown was that of royalty. It was strapless with the top being a sweetheart corset type, adorned with diamonds and sparkles. There was very tasteful lace that went a little lower down her torso before her dress filled out at the bottom in a semi large, silky satin skirt and train. She looked exquisite with her hair down, in loose curls with a small tiara broach in her hair to one side, with a thin long veil flowing behind her. Her bouquet was purple orchids and white roses with a light grey ribbon coiled around the stems. 

Her shoes were four inches and had diamond heels that you couldn’t see due to the dress’s length, but Abby was quite happy to show them off to those who asked.

Abby’s mum hugged and kissed her, careful not to smudge her professional make-up, which added to her striking appearance. Her mum then made her way up the isle, where Harry and his four best men and two ushers stood. They were all dressed in unison and looking quite dapper.

“This is it my darling,” said her father warmly as he kissed her cheek.

Abby took one more deep breath. Her bridesmaids—Natalie, Maureen, Perrie, Eleanor, Danielle and Kathryn—had made their way up the isle, in deep purple short and flowing dresses. All with their purple and white bouquets, they were the loveliest bridesmaids Abby had seen. 

All that was left was Abby, as she stepped onto the white carpet, ‘Pachelbel's Canon in D’ started to play by a small orchestra. The sound made Abby tear up as she walked towards Harry—her eyes locked on him, unable to look away. The moment he laid eyes on her his face held the warmth of a thousand suns. 

Neither of them had ever looked so joyful. The music was softened but never stopped playing as the ceremony began.

Then came time for the vows. First was Harry.

“From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were it for me. I knew that after you, no matter who I met, no other woman would ever compare to you. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I’m still scared I’ll wake up one day and this whole thing will have been a wonderful dream, because your beauty and our love, is much to extraordinary to be real. I promise to be with you for all the days of our lives. To honour, cherish, protect and take care of you. I love you flower, with all of my heart, forever.”

Abby’s eyes brimmed with the happiest tears as they glistened her cheeks. She was nervous and giggling through her tears as she saw that Harry’s eyes matched hers when she began.

“I’ve never been happier than the day you asked me to be your wife. I didn’t know it was possible to love someone so much, till I met you. You have changed my life in so many ways and I don’t know where I’d be without you. We’ve been through so much together and you still make my heart flutter with the simplest touch. You are my rock, my protector and my best friend. I can’t think of any other person I would want to share my life with, but you. I love you with all of my heart and soul, forever.”

Harry gazed into Abby’s eyes. His smile radiated feelings that warmed Abby’s entire body. Abby beamed back at him, having never been happier in her entire being. They were then pronounced husband and wife. Cheers and applauses were heard throughout the elegant, echoing castle.

“We did it flower,” Harry whispered right after they came together—both with glossy eyes—for their first kiss as a wedded couple. They looked at each other in utter love and affection that would last infinitely. 

“I love you Mrs. Styles,” he tilted his head to her as she leaned into him while they walked down the isle. Their hands intertwined so tightly as Harry brought hers up to his soft pink lips and kissed it as they walked out of the castle. 

“I love you more, Mr. Styles.”

When they walked out, they stepped into a horse drawn carriage that was parked in front—where they continued their journey as husband and wife off into the sunset— knowing that whatever comes at them now, they would be able to take it on together.

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