The Buddy System. *Complet...

By Caffinated_Mama

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Back to Hogwarts, Raelyn felt like she was starting all over again. No family, no friends. She was destined t... More

Cast Ideas
Return to Hogwarts
Conversing with Snakes
The Buddy System
Can't Sleep
Potions Class
Classroom antics
Meeting Her
An Unexpected Meet Up
The Broom Cupboard
Knowing You Better
Getting Out
While I was sleeping
The Makeover
Opening Up
Hanging with Snakes
The Battle talk
The Date - prt 1
The Date - prt 2
Meetings & Greetings
Leap of Faith?
The Memory
Dean Thomas
Initiations to the Snake Club
Morning After
Like Old Times
Seeing Stars
Dearest Azaleah
Dancing in the rain
Love and War
Hexing & Humour
The Party
Preparations for Arrival
Catch Ups
Trying to Understand
New styles and stories
Our Song
The Tree
The prick arrived
Vulgar Talk
Three Letters
A Letters Request
Home Truths
The Real Teeny
Sorting Out Our Issues
More truths
What Ifs
Spice Men
Good Ole Dad
What Needed To Be Said
Christmas Past
Christmas Presents
Castle Escape
Unexpected Meetings
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Getting To Know You
New Years Eve
Party Prep
Happy New Year!
Minister Visit
St. Mungo's
Plot Twist
January Blues
New Term
Hospital Wing
The Tower
You Heard Me
Read My Mind
Trouble Finding Me
Fucking Creep
Imperious Curse
Are They Always Like This?
The Answer?
Lucius Malfoy
A Book
To your health
Getting Organised
First Year
Bed Rest
Heart to Heart
Round Two
A Trip Down Memory Lane
A Trip Down Memory Lane - part II
The Tape
Unusual Proposal
Buddy Session
Future Plans
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2


18 2 0
By Caffinated_Mama

She looked up at me again. "Draco?"

I smirked. "In the flesh. Hello again Raelyn Diggory."

She smirked, "we have to stop meeting like this."

I chuckled. "I quite like it actually. Maybe not that this is the second time I'm finding you in tears."

This girl was definietly intriguing. Last time we spoke she was so...caring. she saw past all my crap and seemed genuinely interested in what i had to say. She listened. And it was easy to talk to her. I thought about that night often.

The night I almost kissed her.

"So come on, spill. It is still about your friend?"

She sighed and thought before she answered. "No. I mean I'm still worried about her but she hasn't spoken to me in months."

"That sucks."

"Yeah it does but she has Theo so she isn't on her own."

I didn't have it in me to tell her that her friend now hung out with me and I see her everyday.

"I've seen her with Theo too," I agreed. "She looks to be OK."

"She is and that's all I care about."

"So what's the new reason for the tears?"

"'s a guy."

I suddenly had a stabbing pain in my chest. I didn't want there to be a guy.

For the first time ever I was jealous of a guy over his woman.

"Oh? Trouble in paradise?"

"Em...well..." she sighed again. "You sure you want me to bore you with this?"

I honestly wasn't sure I wanted to hear but I felt something for this girl and wanted to protect her. To protect her I needed to know what or who I was facing.

"I asked didn't I? Come on you helped me last time. Its my turn to help you."

"Alright. See I was dating this older guy for over nearly two years. To be honest it's been...well it's been nice but it's been fizzing out if I'm honest."

Happy fucking days!!! "I'm sorry."

"Well it has been for me. Actually I've been thinking of breaking up with him for a while. But about a week ago. He asked me to come and meet him. When I did he asked me to come away with him. Begged me to actually."

What a loser.

"The thing is. He has become Death Eater -"

My head snapped up at her. WHAT? Any Death Eater I'd met (and I had met most of them) has been a complete waste of space and quite violent. I couldn't imagine her with any of them.

"Deal breaker?" I asked running through all the possible suspects.

"No. I mean I could cope with him being one of those. But he wanted me to join him. He wanted me to become a Death Eater."

HE FUCKING WHAT? What scumbag would try to force her into this way of life? Force her to get this disgusting mark?

"And you said no?"

She shrugged. "I don't think I could ever work for Riddle. I think he is a power hungry coward. I have no respect for him or his ideals."

Me neither love!

"Well this guy. He didn't like that. He was furious with me. He told me he had our future all planned out and I was ruining it. We argued and he...well...he hit me. Not really hard but -"

"HE HIT YOU?" I was on my feet pacing the room. "WHAT A FUCKING SCUMBAG. TELL ME WHO HE IS...I WILL KILL HIM!"

I was marching in anger. She jumped up and grabbed my arms swinging me around to face her.

"Hey, look at me. I said it wasn't hard. Anyway he messaged and he begged me to meet him tonight. I thought it was to apologise. I mean he did but then....He asked me to run away with him."

Run away? Leave? I suddenly had another pain in my heart at the thought of never seeing her again.

"We got into an argument because I told him I wouldn't. I told him I was moving on. He was angry again and
told me if I walked out the door not to bother coming back so I walked out and made sure to slam it behind me."

I still hadn't calmed down but damn i admired her courage.

"I'm fine. I'm better than fine. I was't committed to him fully. I didn't love him. I thought I did but I was wrong. So it's over and he has left...well the country I think."

"So you're not leaving?" I asked.

"No. I'm not going anywhere."

"Good...I's too dangerous a time to running anyway with Death Eaters up and down the country."

She eyed me suspiciously but said nothing.

"Yeah that's why I'm worried. He's not the smartest and I may not be in love with him but I care about him and don't want to see anything bad happen to him."

We sat back down on the sofa.

"You're too good Raelyn."

"I'm really not."

"You are. You're boyfriend tells you he is a Death Eater and your worried he will get hurt not that he is working for the darkest wizard of all time."

"He has his beliefs and I have mine. I would never tell him who he has to be.
It's his choice and I have to support it. But he should support me in my decision not to join."

"Yeah I guess."

"So why are you here? Worried about your task still?"

"Yeah." I admitted.

She scooted closer to me.

"Tell me about it. You don't have to tell me what you're not comfortable with but it may be good to talk about it."

I wasn't so sure.

"So you haven't completed it yet?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"And it's dangerous?"


"But your families at risk if you don't do it?"

I nodded.

"Are you close to finishing?"

"I think so. But I wish I wasn't."

She surprised me by taking my hand. "I'm sorry. It must be an awful task if it has you this shaken up. I wish I could help. I wish there was something to say to make you stop hurting."

I looked at her. She looked concerned. My mother was the only one who looked like that at me.

"Thank you."

"This is why I could never be a Death Eater. Look what its done to you and -"

I jumped up again. "What?"

She looked confused. "What?"

"You think I'm a Death Eater?" I asked panicking.

She smirked. "Draco, I know you are. I've known from the last time we met. I haven't told a soul if that's what you're worried about."

I wasn't. I just didn't want her to think less of me.

"I don't care what you are." She went on. "I told you. I don't judge people for their choices. And I know you didn't want to become one. You weren't given a choice."

"So all this time you've known?"

"Of course."

Wow. And yet she was still being nice and talking to me.

"And you're not disgusted or put off by me? I'm a monster."

She grabbed my face to make me look at her. She was about 5cms from my face.

"You are not a monster. You didn't want this and you are tormenting yourself over it. That proves you are a good person. I think you are very brave for doing what you have to in order to keep your family safe. I'm not disgusted or put off by you in the slightest."

I've no clue why I did it. What possessed me. But I grabbed her waist and pulled her into me and kissed her.

End of flashback

We never talked about the kiss after that night. Or the make-out session that followed after that.

Actually we left soon after to head back to the school and Draco held my hand tight up until me were back on the grounds and had to part ways.

He went back to being alone and stalking the halls and I went back to being a shell of myself without Azaleah.

I saw him once more before school ended. About a week later Harry Potter cursed him and left him in the hospital. I volunteered to work a shift in the wing to see him and I stayed the night looking after him.

"Raelyn?" He asked me after a few minutes of silence.

I turned to look at him. There was a blush on his cheeks and nose from the cold. His usual grey eyes were glowing somehow in the morning sun.

"Yeah Draco," I smiled.

He didn't talk for a few seconds. Just looked in my eyes and then leaned in and kissed me again.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you Draco. I'm yours." I smiled and kissed his nose.

"Always?" He asked.

"Always and forever."

"You're mine," he repeated. "You know all the bad bits of my life but you love me anyway."

"I always will."

"I wish I could go back and kiss you that night in the Astronomy Tower and claim you as mine from there on. Or even that night in the Skrieking Shack. I should have walked you to your dorm and picked you up there the next morning like I wanted to. Then we would have been together."

"So why didn't you?" I blurted out. I'm not going to lie, I wanted him to. Desperately. I was

He sighed. "Everything was such a mess that I didn't want to subject you to that longer than I already did. You were better off away from it. Away from me."

"So you ignored me?"

"I pretended that you weren't as amazing as I had witnessed. Told myself you were just another stupid girl who couldn't understand me and that is you knew the full extend of what I was doing you would hate me. I pretended not to know you. I'm sorry."

I took his hand in my own.

"But look at us now. I like to think we have a pretty solid relationship. Look at those who tried to keep us apart. Lucas, Sophie and Penelope. But we trust each other. We know there isn't ever going to be anyone else."

"Never. I trust you with my life."

"Dito," I smirked.

I leaned on his shoulder again and he kissed the top of my head.

"You've turned me into a complete sop." Draco chuckled. "I just to have a set of rules I followed to perfection. I never showed emotion like this."

"What were your rules?" I asked curiously.

"I never talked about my feelings like I do with you. The only girl I was friends with was Pansy because there was zero chance of anything happening...again."


"Uh well yeah." He scratched the back of his head nervously. "We kind of, well not really dated. I didn't date girls but we, hooked up once, or twice."

"Oh. I didn't know." I simply shrugged, brushing it off. "So you didn't date?"

"No way. I am a Malfoy. Girls usually fall at my feet so I didn't see the need to date. The longest relationship I had was with Sophie but even then we were never exclusive. I was never a one-woman kinda guy. Until now that is. I also never spent the night with any girl. I had sex but it was always in their room and I left right after. I never stayed or slept beside a women."

"You did with me before we were even a thing."

"The power you have over me," he smirked. "I always assumed I would marry a pure blood girl but I never expected to love her. It would have been more of a duty than anything. I had never experienced love or what that kind of a relationship was like. But now, after these past few months with you, I couldn't imagine going back to my old ways of thinking."


"Yes. You have become my partner and my best friend. I want to share everything with you. Even the smallest of things that happen to me, I find myself getting excited at the thought of telling you."

"I feel the same. You are the last person I think of going to bed and the first person that I think of when I wake up. When I am not with you, I am thinking of you."

"I'm not even ashamed of this new side of me you have brought out. I want everyone to know that you are my girl. I am immensely proud of you and this relationship means the world to me."

"Me too, Draco. I love you."

"I love you Raelyn and I plan to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I do."

We kissed again as I could hear a slight cough from below us. 

"When you two are done professing your undying love for one another, do you want to come in for breakfast?"

At the skylight in the roof stood Theo, Azaleah, Andromeda and Narcissa who had tears running down her cheek.

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