Time Travel || Harry Potter |...

By kinsweasley

174K 3.5K 2.8K

Marauders were messing with time-turner which they had stolen from Professor McGonagall's office. The Maraude... More

In This Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
The End 🥹
New Book!

Chapter 11

3.9K 100 84
By kinsweasley



"Vanya?" said Marlene "wouldn't you like to go on a date with someone?" She looked at Harry while asking. Harry on the other hand went red and looked at Vanya who was holding a muggle book

"Not really..." Vanya said in a low voice "I'm not interested at the moment" it was a half-lie

"Are you sure you're not interested?" Itan eyed the blonde girl who rolled her eyes

"I don't understand, why not?" Asked Hermione

"Well...I'm waiting for the chosen one" Vanya busted out. Everybody looked at her with a smirk on their faces. Harry opened his mouth and then closed it.

She is waiting for him?

When Vanya realized what she said she went red "are you?" Marlene smirk

"Right one," Vanya said quickly "I mean 'waiting for the right one'" She nodded and looked at Harry

"What about you Harry?" Itan put his right hand over Harry's shoulder "Why don't you date someone?" He asked

Vanya looked at Harry, waiting for him to say something "the girl I like doesn't like me back" Harry mumbled but it was loud enough for them to here

Vanya felt something inside her. Harry fancy someone? Why didn't he tell her?

At this point, everybody around them was trying not to laugh. They well knew both of them liked each other.

"She does" Itan whispered to Harry so only he could hear

Before Harry could process there was a loud sound


Sirius Black dashed into the sight from around the corner with a mad laugh contorted on his face. An explosion, a firework of some sort more than likely, sounded from behind the same wall which he had just ran out from. The loud bang was followed by two more and a series of yells from students. James Potter swiftly trailed after his best friend, and at this instance partner in crime.

"BLACK!" Mcgonagall's voice could be easily recognized over the dozens of smaller explosions, "POTTER!"

Oh, yes. Most of the people in Hogwarts know about the Marauders.

"POTTER!" yelled lily at the same moment who was running behind McGonagall. Her voice intermixed with the Professors. She bounced down the nearby staircase with a slender finger pointed towards the black-haired boy in accusation

The two subjects to her calls came to a sudden stop in front of their comrades. Wide grins were plastered onto their mischievous faces.

By now, Lily's fiery red hair matches her temper. She stood before the ground with a glare. Her black polish coated nail tapped three times on Remus's chest and gave him an I-can't-believe-you-helped-them look

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron asked, he was so impressed by James, Sirius and Remus

"Explosion in Minne's classroom," James told them

Lily pushed Sirius "I--" she hit James with her potion book "can't-" bang "believe-" bang "you-" bang "JAMES!"

"ouch! ouch! ouch!" James faked it "come on Lily- flower" he looked at angry Lily

Few students were passing by "Nice one Harry" fifth-year Hufflepuff nodded "It was SO GOOD!" another Hufflepuff said

"Thanks?" Harry looked at them, confused.

"They probably think it was you, Harry," Vanya told him "Mcgonagall was yelling 'POTTER' and they don't know about James"


CHRISTMAS WAS AROUND THE CORNER. Most of the people were going home including Vanya Greene Mckinnon. She asked Dumbledore if the Marauders can stay at her place and to her surprise, he said yes.

"Have you packed everything?" Hermione asked

"Yes I have" Vanya replied






"How can I forget my wand, Hermione?"

"Because last time you forget it on the train" Hermione pointed out

"That's because of Cho Chang" Vanya rolled her eyes

"Cho? What about Cho?" Hermione curiously asked

"She was flirting with Harry and it made me so mad. I didn't look behind, just walked out" Vanya told the truth

"Wait...so you were jealous?" Hermione asked

"I didn't say that."

"Oh My God! You were"

"Alright, maybe a little"

Hermione started laughing "Wot?" Vanya asked

"You fancy Harry don't you?" There was silence "If you deny then you're lying to yourself Vanya"

She looked at Hermione "Maybe" Vanya mumbled

"What was that?"

"Maybe Hermione. I'm not sure" said Vanya "I mean, he is my best friend and I'm not even sure if he sees me in other way"

"Are you kidding me?" Hermione walked toward the blonde girl "he fancy you and you fancy him. Everyone knows that except for you two. Even Professor McGonagall knows"

"She WHAT NOW?" Vanya blinked

"VANYA, HERMIONE EVERYONE IS WAITING" they heard Ron's voice coming from the common room

"COMING RONALD" Hermione shouted

"Not a word about it to ANYONE," Vanya told Hermione

"Your secrete is safe with me"


Hogwarts Express

"Same old Hogwarts Express," Sirius said happily

"Thank you Vanya for letting us stay at your place," Lily said with a bright smile on her face

"Oh, there's no need. You all are always welcome there" Vanya told her

"These three boys will be so much trouble" Marlene pointed at the Marauders



"We are the nicest people to ever exist"

"Sure James"

"I can't believe I married him," Lily said in a low voice which made Harry laugh

"Looks like you guys will have the best Christmas" Hermione said "I can't wait till me, Harry and Ron get there"

"It's gonna be brilliant" Ron added

"I don't think my aunt and uncle would allow me," Harry whispered. Lily and James felt bad for the poor boy. He doesn't deserve this.

"Screw them!" Vanya shouted "after a week or two I am going to pick you and even your uncle knows how crazy I can get"

"I'll be waiting" Harry chuckled


Platform 9¾

"Dad!" Vanya ran towards the man who pulled his daughter in a big hug. "I missed you"

"I missed you too honey," Karl Greene said to his daughter

"There's someone I want you to meet" Vanya steps aside. Now her father can see the others. His eyes landed on Marlene. She looks just like his daughter

"Hello, Mr Greene" Lily was the one who spoke first "My name is Lily Evans and they are my friends Sirius Black, Marlene Mckinnon, Remus Lupin and James Potter"

"Boyfriend actually" James corrected him "and hello sir"

"Call me Karl please" Karl smiled "So happy to meet you all"

Vanya had send the letter to her dad letting him know that they will be staying over and Dumbledore owled her mother informing about the marauders

"Thanks for letting us stay," said Remus

"Don't mention it. You're my daughter's friend and went to Hogwarts with my wife"

"Rachel Sparrow?" Sirius asked "She was the hottest Ravenclaw out there" but hopefully Karl didn't hear him. Marlene armed Sirius "What? It's true"

"Alright everyone pop in"


7.68k readers!! 🤩❤

- the questions of the week...

• who is your favourite writer?

• favourite YouTuber?

• if you can change one thing about this world what it would be? And why?

• last time you were angry and why?

Words- 1230

Thank youuu

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