The eyes of a thousand faces

By Bubblecorn7

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doffy... reader... okay? More


8 0 0
By Bubblecorn7

The days have gotten longer, the air has a more vibrent smell. As if the ocean has taken more of the world. What is the color, is it what people call blue? Or clear, or possibly green! The world can be so incredible it is a shame that not everybody is capable of expeirncing the boldness. That has been the only thing I have ever wanted, I want to see the ocean. The world and the beauty hidden within it. That opportunity has never seem to fallen into my lap, what a shame. A daughter of a normal family, of normal origins, normal bodies and here I am. The blind daughter with eyes of opal. Sounds beautiful doesn't it; it is with a price. I hope one day I may see something and leave this desolite place. All I ever do is sit and read my brail. Who would want to live like this? Sure I have gotten intelligent, but I can't even explore my plunders of knowledge without needing to speak. The only thing I may enjoy are how my other senses are heightened and how my memory is impecable. My parents don't belive that I can rember as much as I currently do however I do. I remeber all of my mothers 'secret' recipes that my aunt still tries to get. Maybe one holiday I will ask her if I can assist in creating those yummy treats. "(Y/n), what are you thinking about your hand stopped moving in your book." My fathers voice broke through the silence of the living room. "Not a lot father, how was your voyage? Did you find what you've been so secretive about?" The seat beside me dips down a little bit, tiliting my head slowly to the left ot let my father know I am aware of his presscense and that I am focused on him. "I had a long trip however, I have finally found it." I smile happy to hear of a succesful conquest. A box had beem placed in front of me, it had not been that big just enough to fit something the size of a tea kettle. "I am glad that you found 'it', am I allowed to finally know what 'it' is?" I hear the box creak open slowly. "Yes, I have been looking for something that would help you go on your own voyage." I feel my eyes widen in pure disbelief. "What? Are you serious!" I feel a weird texture place upon my hand, it almost feels weightless with little to no actual from. "This is the soul soul (línghún línghún) no mi. It is a devil fruit that should allow you more protection. I honestly have no idea what it is capable of but I do belive that it is going to be a very great asset to you." My face contors into pure happiness, a new opportunity. Time for a new life but why did he go through all of this trouble? "Why did you search so long for this dad?" His rough hands inveloped mine his thumbs rubbing the sides of my hands. "My daughter I have heared your prayer many of times and to listen to such a simple request I took that responsability for you to develope and become something mcuh greater then this. Now are you going to eat it?" He gently pushes my hands up to the middle of my chest.  This is the start of my journey.

~End of Prolog~

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