Miraculous Ladybug: Darkness...

By d13153152

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A shadow looms over Paris and a great threat rises its ugly head, setting its sights on The French Miraculous... More

Prologue: A chance for revenge
Chapter 1: A night out with friends
Chapter 2: Back to School and Faces both old and new
Chapter 3: Surprise Attack
Chapter 4: Crimson's past
Chapter 5: A Proposition
Chapter 6: We meet again
Chapter 7: Stopping the train and Crimson's beatdown
Chapter 8: The Break up
Chapter 9: A spider's dismay
Chapter 10: Broken Web
Chapter 11: Turmoil
Chapter 13: Isaac's shock
Chapter 14: The Reveal
Chapter 15: The Secret's out
Chapter 16: Armour-Dillo's return
Chapter 17: Scorpia vs Shocker
Chapter 18: Round 2
Chapter 19: Snapped
Chapter 20: Consolation
Epilogue: Going of The Deep End

Chapter 12: Ladrien time and eavesdropping

12 0 0
By d13153152

Adrien POV

I lay on the bed in the apartment  Sebastian bought for Lila and I when we chose our new identities, Antony and Lola. The real Antony and Lola where captured and dumped inside a cell in their Headquarters. For some time, we've been keeping an eye on The French Miraculous Superhero Team and constantly been a thorn on their side. So far, they don't know that Sebastian is Weaver and that he and Nathalie are the ones who got us out of prison.

"I'm done with the shower. Also, Nathalie gave us the ingredients to make dinner." Lila said as she stepped out of the bathroom, wearing a dressing gown and a towel on her head.

"Alright. So far, we've been doing good. Not only we've taken care of our arachnid problem, we also have Cassandra on the ropes." I replied, sitting up.

"Yeah. Can't believe she's willing to break up with Isaac just to save her own skin. What a fool." Lila chuckled.

"Can we blame her? She did it to protect her brother. Not that it matters." I said.

Lila lay next to me, snuggling in my arms.

"After getting defeated loads of times, I enjoy winning." She said.

I smirked and stroked her hair.

"You and me both." I replied and kissed her lips.

My phone rang, startling us.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Your package is here, Mr Antony Smith." Said the delivery girl.

"I'm on my way." I sighed and hung up.

"Don't leave." Lila whined.

"I'll be back soon." I said and kissed her before exiting my apartment and taking my package. I had a look the delivery girl, though her eyes are obscured by her cap.

"Have we met?" I asked.

"No, sir. I'm new here." The delivery girl replied.

I shrugged and left. I started unpacking the package and prepared dinner. Thanks to the chef, I've improved in cooking meals. 

"What are you making?" Lila asked.

"Beef lasagne and cheesy garlic bread." I replied.

"Smells good." Lila replied.

"Well, it was a good thing that we left a major blow on them. Especially Isaac. Never really liked that guy. Even as Crimson Web." I said.

"Yeah. After what he did to your father and Talon, I could say he deserved what he got. Ending his relationship with Cassandra whatever-her-last-name-is was for starters." Lila agreed.

"Using Stacy's lingering feelings for Isaac really helped us out. Not to mention she really hates Casandra due to being part of the group who caused both her and her sister much grief." I said, stirring the lasagne mixture.

"Hard to believe Stacy is capable of blackmailing and manipulation. Soon. Isaac will be defenceless against Weaver. As for his friends, we'll make short work of them." I said.

Lila sat on the chair and sighed.

"Hopefully we can keep up with the Antony and Lola disguises. Laying low is starting to bore me. And getting rid of them was the easy part." She said.

"All in good time, Lila." I replied.

Cassie POV

I switched off my listening device, which I slipped into the package, and slumped on my borrowed bike after listening to their conversation.  A wave of shock flooded my thoughts.

"So that's how she was able to blackmail me into breaking up with Isaac. Lola and Antony convinced her into doing it. Or should I say Lila and Adrien." I muttered.

 I thought posing as a delivery girl would get me caught, but it seems Adrien isn't as bright as I thought he was. And convincing Andy to give me a listening device was tough. 

After ditching my disguise, I sat up in my bike and peddled to my house.

Hopefully the others will forgive me for being secretive.

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