Hidden Love

By Yooshwin

5.8K 532 122

What if they arent just co-actors What of they have a child together but its a secret What if they are marrie... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11

Part 10

339 39 3
By Yooshwin

Dhoopar mansion

Screen shows DD and his lady love with their daughter eating their breakfast

After breakfast Shraddha went torwards the small temple in their mansion to perform a veneration for their safe travels

After a while the servants were coming down with the suitcases whereas our travellers were finishing their changing session getting ready for their flight and the upcoming media questions.

Amy was already ready downstairs waiting for her parents who were talking about where they were going

Shraddha: Dhee we are first going to Sydney then after that we can go to Rome then Maldives and our final destination can be-

Dheeraj: Paris....we will go to Paris last we can also try to go to Istanbul

Shraddha: As I was saying I chose all these places because we have branches there and in Maldives we can be free there but I am not sure about Paris

Dheeraj: When we get there you will be sure....either way tell Chris to get our farmhouse ready in Sydney

Shraddha: I already did now lets go Amy will start with her nagging before we even get to the airport.

They made their way downstairs to see their daughter having an argument with one of the servants

Amy: I told you to pack 10 chocolates in mommy's purse

Rohit: Madam you did not tell me anything.....I think it's my brother Rohan you told

Amy: Are you calling me blind

Rohit: No madam.....I don't mean to-

Amy: Then where are the chocolates

Rohit: Ma'am has her purse madam

Amy: So you were lying to me

Shraddha shook her head in disbelief looking at her daughter who seemed totally pissed off

Dheeraj: Princess leave him alone we will get late for the plane

Amy: But dadda he didn't give me my chocolates

Rohit: But madame you said you told me to pack them away

Dheeraj&Amy: Noone asked you

Shraddha: Leave him alone please.....poor Rohit always has to deal with your tantrums

Dheeraj: Poor Rohit......are you married to him

Amy: Is he your daughter mumma

Shraddha: Enough both of you we are getting late

Dheeraj&Amy(crybaby): You don't love us

Shraddha(sighing): You will find me in the car

After she went out of the mansion both father nd daughter duo shot death glares at Rohit and followed her to the car.

The drive was silent as both Amy and Dheeraj were sitting together completely ignoring Shraddhas presence knowing that affected her.

Upon reaching the airport their driver went to take their luggage whilst Dheeraj came out from his side after passing Amy to her mother. He went torwards her side and opened the door for her to come out.

She came out with any in her arms and they immediately got covered by the media.

Media: Shraddha mam and Dheeraj sir where are your spouses

Media: Who is this girl and is she your daughter

Media: Are you both shaving an affair

Dheeraj: Guys we will answer all yoir questions one by one but can you please give us some space to breathe

They backed up a bit leaving some distance and then started with their questions

Media: Good day mam sir..... it's good to see you here but where are your spouses

Dheeraj: I am sure you all saw the footage from yesterday that was aired upon what happened at the sets.....we just decided to take a break from everything and go on a vacation

Media: But what about your spouses

Shraddha: When he said every thing he meant our spouses included

Media: Shraddha mam......who is this little girl....is she your daughter

Shraddha: This is Amaira Arya Dhoopar....our adoptive daughter and she is also a new member of the KB family

Media: Mam when you say our you mean you and Dheeraj sir

Shraddha: Yes why else would she have both our last names

Media: Okay mam..... there have been rumours that the both of you are saving an affair is it true

Dheeraj: I think we both are married so why would we have an affair

Media: Sir those who saw the incident on the sets say that you both are saving an affair and that is why you are embarking on this vacation together and alone without your spouses

Dheeraj: Cant two best friends go on a vacation requested by their daughter

Media: Well sir-

Dheeraj: That's enough for today please.....let my daughter have some peace we came to go on vacation and not have an interview

Shraddha: We might miss our flight so thank you

They both escaped the media with the help of security and made tgeir way inside. Amy was still in her mothers arms with her head resting on her neck her face hidden in her mothers hairs and she did not move a muscle which surprised Shraddha

Shraddha: Dhee please check on amy she has not moved a muscle since we came out of the car

Dheeraj went to her back and slightly removed some of shraddhas hair to see their daughter sleeping with a cute pout. He slightly bent and kissed her forehead.

Shraddha feeling his breath on her neck slightly froze her movements and looked here and there to see people looking at them

Shraddha(whispering): Dhee what are you doing we are in public

Dheeraj: So what i am kissing my daughter

Shraddha: I asked you to check her....How is she

Dheeraj: Sleeping

They heard the announcement for their flight and went to board the flight. Their seats were next to each other so they made Amy sleep between them so that they can catch her in case she falls.


Their flight landed and they made their way torwards their farmhouse which was far away from the city

Upon arriving they went torwards the door and before they could knock the door was opened by Chris who was awaiting their arrival.

They settled down in the living room letting out a sigh after the long journey to freedom. It wasn't partially freedom because they only shifted to their farmhouse because that is where they could take care of their company without disturbances

Chris and another servant came with refreshments and handed them to dheeshra and Amy

Chris: Welcome sir,madam and ma'am

Dheeraj: Hello Chris, how have you been and how are my babies

Chris: Your babies are fit and fine sir.....do you want to see them

Shraddha: No not today but soon.....we are tired maybe next week

Chris: As you say ma'am

Amy: Chris I hope you were not sleeping in my room when i was not here

Chris: I would never dare madam...all I did was keep your favourite snacks and chocolates in case you came

Amy: You are the best Chris....unlike that Rohan

Shraddha: Cookie go and freshen up...I think you need a freshening up....same goes for us hon come lets go......umm Chris please prepare something to eat i am hungry

Chris: With pleasure ma'am......we missed you ma'am

Shraddha: I missed you too Chris

Saying so they went to their rooms

Amy's room

Dheeshras room

They came down after freshening up and settled down in the table and started talking about where they were going to visit in their three weeks in Sydney

After finishing with their dinner they retired to their rooms and immediately went into deep slumber waiting for the next day


Next morning

They woke up....freshened up and decided to spend the day by the pool enjoying themselves.

Few hours passing with some fun and laughter heard from the swimming pool until Shraddha heard her phone ringing

She swam torwards it and saw that it was none other than rahulla....She turned and saw Dheeraj looking at her asking who it is through his expressions.....She showed him the name on the phone and he signed her to answer it.....She did as told but put it on loud

Shraddha: What happened.....lost your eye

Rahulla(confused): No sharu I-

Shraddha: You lost a finger

Rahulla: No i-

Shraddha: Lost your leg

Rahulla: No sharu i-

Shraddha:You lost your toe


Shraddha: Lost an arm....ear....nose

Rahulla: No i did not lose anything

Shraddha: Good now why did you call me if you lost nothing

Rahulla: I just wanted to talk to you

Shraddha: Well it was nice talking to you too...bye

Rahulla: Shraddha...wait please

Shraddha(annoyed): What is it....are you hungry

Rahulla:No I just want to talk to you

Shraddha( not caring): We just talked now please let me enjoy my holiday in peace since when i am with you i get none of it...and yeah dont bother calling....it will go to voicemail

Saying that she cut the call and went back to her family and they spent the rest of their day relaxing together.

It had been three days since they had been in Sydney and today they decided to go for horse riding

They got ready and went to the horse stable that was at the back of their farm

Amy went for her training since she was still too young and her parents made their way torwards their babies.

Upon arriving they went torwards their horses....admiring them........ caressing them and fed them some grass

Shraddha: I missed Sofia so much dhee....look at how much she has grown

Dheeraj: I knew you would love her when she was still young that's why i took special care of her until you met

Shraddha: She is beautiful and calm.....I really missed riding her you know

Dheeraj(smirking): I know after all you had something else to do right

Shraddha(rolling her eyes): Pervert

Dheeraj: I just said you had something else to do why are you hurting me and my feelings

Shraddha: I know very well what that something to do is and you know very well what you meant

Dheeraj: Nevermind..... I really missed  John I bet he is still the same speed loving horse he is

Shraddha: Yeah....he is the animal version of you....but I'm wondering about cookie.....who will she chose Casey or Nick

Dheeraj: Let's let her have both of them because she might want both of them

Shraddha: Yeah come lets ride a little and then we can check on how her training is going

They sat on their horses and went for a ride checking on the grape trees and the flowers at the far back of their farm.

After an hour they returned back from their ride and went to check on their baby who was once again shaving an argument with Chris

Amy: I said I want another chocolate Chris not hot chocolate

Chris: Madam you are impossible must I provide all sorts of chocolates when you finished them all

Amy: But dadda bought them yesterday

Chris: Well believe it or not you finished them all

Dheeraj (lifting her in his arms) : Enough you cake.....come lets get you fresh and you need a nap then before we leave you have to choose your own partner okay

Amy(hugging him): Thank you dadda you are the best

Dheeraj(kissing her cheek): Anything for my cake

Shraddha: Enoughof your praises....let's get fresh and then we can rest a little then movie night....anyone up for it

Dheeraj &Amy: We in!

They made their way into their farmhouse and the rest followed


They visited places such as the Sea Life Sydney Aquarium

The Art gallery of NewSouth Wales

Sydney Opera House

And Sydney Harbour Bridge

They spent their two weeks visiting more beautiful places and spent the last week in their farmhouse doing activities but for dheeshra most of their activities were virtual meetings with their employees and the board of their company.

There were certain problems that required them to go to the company but they informed all employees and the board that they were coming in between one of the three months.

After their three weeks in Sydney they bid bye to Chris and the others and made their way to board tgeir flight to Rome

To be continued....

Signing off

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