I'll Always Choose You #Watty...

By arabella_tomlinson

204K 8.3K 618

Giovani 'Gio' D'Angelo, Mafia Leader of The Greeks is known for his ruthlessness, his infamous glare that cou... More

1. Nico
2. Gio
3. Nico
4. Gio
5. Nico
6. Gio
7. Nico
8. Gio
9. Nico
10. Gio
11. Nico
12. Gio
13. Nico
14. Gio
15. Nico
16. Gio
17. Nico
18. Gio
19. Nico
20. Gio
21. Nico
22. Gio
23. Nico
24. Gio
25. Nico
27. Nico
28. Gio
29. Nico
30. Gio
31. Nico
32. Gio
33. Nico
34. Gio
35. Nico
36. Gio
37. Nico
38. Gio
39. Nico
40. Gio
41. Nico
42. Gio
43. Nico
44. Gio
45. Nico
46. Gio
47. Nico
48. Gio
49. Nico
50. Gio
51. Nico
52. Gio
53. Nico
54. Gio
55. Nico
56. Gio
57. Nico
58. Gio
59. Nico
60. Gio
61. Nico
62. Gio
63. Nico
64. Gio
65. Nico
66. Gio
67. Nico
68. Gio
69. Nico
Epilogue. Gio

26. Gio

2.9K 123 6
By arabella_tomlinson

I stood in front of the male that had been the leader in child trafficking. He had his head down as blood spilled from a cut on his stomach. He wasn't dead.

Not yet anyway.

I knew that because I could hear and see his chest rising and falling with each ragged breath he took.

"Ju-just," he struggled to say before going into a coughing fit making me stare at him, "just kill me already." He finally managed to say but it was so soft it sounded like a whisper.

"Sorry, what was that?" I asked feigning interest, "I didn't understand."

He raised his head and glared—as best as he could with two swollen eyes, "you—you."

"You-you." I mocked before pushing away from the wall I had been leaning on and pulled a chair along the cement making it screech which had him wincing. I turned it around and sat down with the back to him and rested my arms on the back of the chair and played with my knife.

I left Nico and the boys upstairs in our apartment there hours ago after we ate lunch. Cameron had messaged me during lunch that he and Arrow had found the ring leader and had brought him here.

"You brought that man here?!" Nico whispered yelled when I told him.

"Cameron and Arrow found and brought him here," I replied, he clenched his jaw and I cupped his cheeks, "I will get rid of him and then we can focus on moving on from this. Tanner can finally be free from the man that ruined him."

He pursed his lips before sighing and nodding, "Just promise me that he won't get away and come here and take him,"

"He'll be dead before he takes a step out of the door,"
I said and he nodded. I gave him a kiss on the forehead before leaving the apartment and meeting Cameron and Arrow in the red room. They and the bastard tied to a chair with a bag over his head.

He as still conscious and in one piece then. His white shirt spotless. Both Cam and Arrow stood on each side of the chair before Arrow pulled the bag off of the bastard's head making him sneer at him but Arrow gave him a deadpanned look.

"Where the fuck am I?" He asked but they didn't reply making him angry, "I said where the fuck am I?"

Cameron and Arrow looked at him before looking away, their eyes sparkling with amusement as they looked at me. The male still didn't see me standing by the door.

"Once I get free from here I'll have you both begging for mercy," he spat

"I'd like to see you try," Arrow replied as he grabbed a handful of the male's hair and pulled it back making him hiss at the pain, "I'd like to see you make me fall to my knees and beg."

"You would love that wouldn't you?" Arrow asked turning to Cameron who smiled that sick smile of his that I knew meant trouble. My cousin despite his size was far more than a submissive.

"I'd like to see him on his hands and knees begging." Cameron replied looking at the male who gave him a disgusted look, "Oh don't look so mad." He cooed making me roll my eyes. "You'll be begging to be killed sooner or later."

"I don't beg, I make people beg," He said making Cameron and Arrow laugh before Arrow sucker punched him making the bastard spit up blood.

"Is that what you made little children do?" He snarled making his head snap back as he grabbed him by the hair again,

"Did you make small boys and girls beg?"Cameron asked as he walked around and stood in front of him.  I just stood back and watched as they got a few punches in. I wanted to see how far they'll go before the bastard starts begging. Which I know will happen because one thing you don't mess with, is children. As ruthless as my gang and I were, children are never touched regardless of who their families are. They are innocent and deserve to be protected at all costs.

"You fucked up innocent children's lives and that doesn't sit well with me," Cameron said as he took out a knife from his pocket making the male's eyes widen before he made a small cut on his neck.

"Beg for mercy," Arrow whispered, "though you won't get it. Our boss won't let you live once we're done with you."

"Fuck you," The male spat making Cam and Arrow exchange looks and had a silent conversation

"That's enough from the both of you," I said cutting them off from whatever retort either of them had, and they looked over with puppy dog eyes, "I rather you two don't catch anything this bastard may be carrying. That wouldn't be good. I don't want to lose my sniper and hacker."

They huffed but stood behind the male, "Now tell me your name," I said as I took my jacket off before rolling the sleeves of my black button down shirt up towards my elbows putting my tattoos on display, "I can start if you want."

He just glared at me but he didn't look intimidating as his eyes held fear in them as they stared at my arms that were covered in ink.

"Oh?" I asked as I looked down at the many tattoos that littered my arms, "I'm guessing you recognize me or heard of me?"

"You're Giovani 'Gio' D'Angelo, Mafia Leader of The Greeks," he said, his voice wavering as he said my name.

"Ding ding," Arrow said making Cameron chuckle and I rolled my eyes, "We have a winner ladies and gentlemen."

"So you have heard of me," I said nodding my head as I pulled a chair from the corner making it scrape against the floor making him wince, "Since you already know my name I think that it's fitting that you tell me yours."

"Screw you," he spat making me raise a brow as I sat on the chair, arms resting on the back of the seat.

"I can always let these two have their way with you but they tend to get a little rough," I said making my cousin and friend walk around to stand beside me all the while giving the male sinister smiles. Cam gave me the knife he'd used to cut the man's skin and I began playing with it. All the while the male's eyes followed my every move. "You wouldn't want them having their way with you because then you'll be begging to be killed."

"I don't beg," he repeated his earlier comments making me smile and nod, "I make my victims beg."

"Children you mean." I stated and he smiled, eyes shining with lust at just the word making my skin crawl and anger flood veins but I withheld. I'd make him suffer everything that he made my son suffer. Whatever other child suffered at his hands.

"You know," I said as I stood up and walked over to him before crouching before him and stabbing the knife on his thigh making him scream. "Bastards like you deserve to suffer the same way or maybe even worse then those children did."

That was three hours ago.

Now here I sat before Bill, who had finally told me his name, who coughed and whizzed as blood spilled through the numerous cuts littering his body. Cameron and Arrow had broken bones with a metal bat that now lay discarded somewhere in the room.

"You fucked my son's life," I said as I grabbed a hammer and brought it down on his hand making him scream, "You destroyed him."

"Please," he cried tears mixing with the blood coating his face.

"Begging?" I mocked gasped, "I thought you don't beg."

He coughed and spat blood onto the floor before looks up at me, "just kill me."

"I don't think so," I said shaking my head, "I'm just doing the same thing you did to my son. To all those children who's innocence you destroyed when you sold them to bastards as sick as you. I said it before and I'll say it again, you're going to suffer the same pain that they did."


Fire rose in the distance as Cameron and Arrow burned Bill's body. After hours of breaking his bones and cutting him, the bastard stopped begging and screaming. It was a pain to be honest. I wanted him to suffer more for what he did to Tanner and all those other children that had fallen victim to him and all those other people that are rotting in hell. I wanted him to scream and beg and cry and suffer but he was weak and died when I was just getting to the good part. Good part being putting cigarette burns in him the way that Tanner has.

I sighed and stood up from my seat and closed the folder I had been over and decided to call it a day. I opened the drawer and pulled out the small box that I and in there and placed it into my packet before leaving my office.

"Are you going to do it today?" A voice asked making me look up to see Cameron walking inside with Arrow trialing behind.

"Do what?" I asked faking being confused making him give me a deadpanned look.

"BS," he stated finally making me smirk, "you know he's going to say yes, don't you?"

I nodded, "still nerve wracking,"

"We're talking about Nico here," Arrow said as he fell into step with us, "he'll say yes to anything you ask him because he's in love with you."

"Arrow's right, Gio." Cameron said before turning to Arrow, "and you'll never hear me say that again so don't get happy,"

Arrow just grinned and threw an arm cover Cam's shoulder making my cousin curse at him, "I don't need you to repeat it because once is enough."

"Oh fuck off, you fucking bastard." Cameron growled and pushed him off of him making Arrow laugh. I rolled eyes and climbed the stairs to the first floor. Just as I stepped into the lobby, I was slammed into by a small body making me lose my balance and fall backwards and down the stairs where k landed on my back with oof.

"Fuck," I hissed making Cam and Arrow stop their bickering and look down at me and the little person clinging to me.

"Oh my god," a voice gasped from the top of the sitars and I opens my eyes to see Nico and Aros looking down with wide eyes. I heard a sniffle and looked down to see Tanner looking at me with wide watery eyes and a quivering lip.

"Are you okay?" Cam asked and I nodded as I pulled Tanner up towards my chest where I hugged him since began crying.

"I sorry, daddy" he whimpered as he buried his face in my neck as I rubbed his back

"It's alright, bud, don't cry," I whispered pressing a kiss to his head, "it's okay, I'm okay. I'm not hurt."

And it wasn't a lie. He had taken me by surprise when he tackled me. I don't think he realized it until it was to late what had happened. A hand in front of my face made me look up to see Arrow holding his hand out and I took it letting him help me up.

"Are you alright?" Nico asked as he stepped aside as I climbed the stairs with Tanner still clinging to me, his cries had long stopped.

"I'm fine," I replied giving him a kiss on the cheek, "it's nothing. Now why don't you get both Tanner and Aros' things so we can head to the beach?" He blinked but nodded as I led Aros to the car while carrying Tanner.

"Jonah and Chris will follow behind you," Cameron said and I nodded before strapping Tanner into his car seat while Nico did the same to Aros.

"Ready?" I asked as I got into the driver's seat with Nico on the passenger side.

"Yes, Daddy!" The boys exclaimed and I smiled glad that Tanner wasn't upset anymore about what happened a few moments ago.

"Then let's go,"

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