the vlive || KNJ

By SvnReads

144K 4.4K 534

One day you get a notification that Namjoon has gone live! But you seem to be the only one watching? Maybe it... More

~28 (end)~


4.6K 149 12
By SvnReads

y/n pov

"Technology is a great resource for all sides of the workforce."

Did I have any clue what was going on in this class, no. I was thinking of more important things like how only 20 minutes ago I was in the car with Namjoon holding his hand, and hugged him before I left. If you told me I would be hugging my bias and spending a few hours with BTS I would have told you to pull your head out of your ass because you're lying. I try to stay focused as much as I can but my mind drifts to earlier in the day. What sticks to me is Namjoon asking me if I have auditioned to be an idol.

It was a dream of mine since I was a kid, but some of it was forced upon me. Mom always talked to family and friends about how one day I was going to be the biggest idol Korea has ever seen. I just nodded my head and let it go. It was not something I wanted to do at first but it grew on me. I was taken to dance classes every weekday and singing lessons on the weekends. My childhood was filled with classes and lessons and not playing on the playground. It made my parents happy and if they were happy so was I. After I got rejected my mother was mad, but not at the company, at me. She started to not care as much since I disappointed her. My dad said as long as I tried my best that's all that mattered to him. I wish my mom had the same ideals.

I always found it strange how my mom seemed to care more about me becoming an idol than my grades and school. That's why after I got rejected I studied hard and got into college. I don't talk to my parents that often anymore. I heard from close friends they moved to the states, but if they didn't have the energy to tell me they moved, I won't put in energy trying to find out if they did.

"Ahh yes, y/n what the answer to 13?" the professor looks at me knowing he caught me off guard. I look at the board as I squint to read the question. "That's quite simple" and then I go on the explain the answer to his question, in fine detail I might add. "That is correct, great work." I smile knowing he did not expect me to answer it, what like it was hard. I smirk as I drift off again into thought land.

After class, I go to the library to pick up a book for a project I had to do. I go to the section and scan through all the titles, finding the one I need but with a slight obstacle. It's on the top shelf and my short ass can barely put my fingertips on it.  As I am jumping up and down to try and reach said book I feel a tall presence behind and a hand grabbing the book. "Here cutie, is this book you wanted?" I turn around to see a tall figure handing me a book. He has milky skin with dark eyes and blonde hair. "The name is Dal, what's your name sweetcheeks?" he says as he leans down putting his hand next to my head kinda trapping me with his body. What type of nickname is that?

I look at him as he smirks "Aww what's wrong cat got your tongue" I scrunch my nose at his conclusion trying to find my way out of a situation. All of a sudden I hear Go-Go play from my phone, meaning someone is calling me. I look down to see that it's Namjoon. Yes! A way out, I have the perfect plan, let's just hope he goes along with it. I answer and hear his voice on the other line. "Hey, y/n I just wanted to ask if you were out of class yet." Please, oh god please go along with my plan Joon. "Hi, baby! Oh, you're here to pick me up, what did I ever do to have such an amazing boyfriend." Dal looks at me confused and Namjoon starts to cough. "B-Boyfriend, what are you talking about?" I look at Dal and try to move away "Sorry my boyfriend is here, can you, like, move." Dal moves as I quickly walk outside.

"Are you okay, is someone bothering you? What was all that about?" Namjoon speaks up. "Yea some guy had me like body trapped and you called just at the right time." He sighs sounding like he was relieved. "To answer your question from before Yea I'm done with class, why?" I ask as I start to walk home. It's getting dark so I try to quicken my pace, not wanted to walk at night.

"I was wondering if you wanted a ride home. The driver and I are out and about because I went to go pick up some stuff from the convenience store."

Word Count: 851


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