The Girl, The Guy, and The Te...

By Hwats305

59.8K 1.9K 295

Izzy wakes up in a strange place called the Glade. She soon realizes that she is the only girl, and there is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 49

641 18 3
By Hwats305

I'd finally had it. I was done with the freaking Glade and all of this crap. It's awful. I thought for hours about what to do. People would come and ask me if I was okay and I would tell them to shuck off. They would get scared and scamper away to hide. I thought about the people here: Chuck, Minho, Thomas... Newt. I thought about how they would feel if I escaped. They might be sad, but not that sad. Newt wasn't paying much attention to me anymore. He was always too busy to talk and would never talk to me anymore. 

I finally had everything planned out. When everybody was going to get food to last them through the night, I would sneak into the Runners' weapon stash and steal some. I technically wouldn't be stealing because I am a Runner, so I have access to said weapons. After that, I would straight into the Maze before anyone could stop me. Sure, it was shaky, but it would work. It had to.

For the rest of the day, I ignored everyone. Even Newt... Especially Newt. I know it was sad, but I did it for a reason. I didn't want to chicken out just because of my feelings for him. Thomas followed me one time to my spot in the Deadheads, but I was distant. I stared at the ground like someone in a nuthouse. My brother was screaming about how he was worried about me and asking what he could do to help. He got down and started shaking my shoulders and telling me to look at him. I did nothing but keep staring at the ground until he gave up and stomped off. I felt bad for doing that to him, but he can't ruin my plans. Not after what happened.

Eventually it was time, I breathed heavily to steady my nerves which worked somehow. Everyone was getting food for yet another night of one of my friends being taken. I looked from behind a tree and nobody was in my way, so I took of in a sprint to the stash of weapons. I grabbed a bunch of daggers and knives before grabbing a long spear with a rake part to push stuff away with the other end so sharp that you could barely touch it and it'll still make you bleed. I was set all I had to do is get in the Maze to kill the Grievers and use the code.

I took off in a sprint to the Maze doors, but people started rushing out to me. I stuck the rake end of the spear out to them and yelled for them to back up. Thomas and Minho were yelling at me to stop, but the only voice I heard was Newt. 

"Izzy! What are you doing?" He asked with his watery with tears.

I looked straight at him and shook my head. "Newt, I love you.. but don't make me do something I'll regret."

Everyone looked at me in shock with silence while tears rolled down my love's face and my own too. 

"I love you, Newt... Remember that." I whispered before turning my back to them and sprinting into the Maze. I cry while running with Thomas screaming and crying while he's obviously being held back. 

I'm still running while crying when I round a corner to see Grievers. I didn't expect to not see any, but I was hoping that they would go easy on me since I was alone. But nope. There were three intimidating ones whirring and clicking in front of me. They were awful. Slimy and pale colored. I wanted to puke at seeing them up close. I took a deep breath before yelling, "Come on!"

I could somehow sense that they got angry as they approached me really fast. I lunge to the side to make all three go right past me before running with them on my tail to the cliff. I had to hit the right spot or I would reach my ultimate death falling into the black abyss around the small hole. I squint to se the little glimmer, but I can barely make it out before a Griever is right behind me. I turn my spear to the rake side and push it back forcefully. It stumbles back and falls over with its technology clicking trying to figure out what happened. I push the other two back, but it's not that easy. One of the two come at me, so I pull out my knife to get an advantage when getting its cylindrical heart. I slid under it and cut it open to grab the heart. The squishy flesh doesn't help with the fact it's trying to pull me in along with my arm. I feel the part and yank it out before quickly getting out from under it so I won't get crushed. Two down, one to go. I stare at the third one that pulls out a saw that immediately starts spinning. I have a small square of time to find the right spot. I squint again and see the glimmer of the edge. I look back to see the Griever right on my tail before running and jumping into the whole. 

I go through darkness and freezing coldness for a minute until I hit the ground really hard earning a painful groan from me. There it is. I look over to see a big, green computer-like screen with the keyboard to type in the words under it. I get up off of the slippery surface under my feet and run over to type in the words quickly. But then something horrible happens... The Griever from above dropped into the Hole and clicked in my way. I ran over to the keyboard and typed in the words as fast as I could.






I tried to type in Push, but the stupid thing didn't let me and erased the words I'd already typed. CRAP!

The Grievers only about two feet away from me, so I pull out my spear and get in position. If I don't get this right.. I'll kill myself and all of my time would be for nothing. I take a deep breath and remember that I'm fighting for my friends. My family. I aim and throw the spear to where the Griever's heart will get punctured. At first when the spear sinks in, nothing happens and I about scream from my horrible throw, but the Griever falls and shuts down. I grin to myself and type in the words again.






Then I look around to see a big red button that I guess I'm supposed to push. I smack my hand down on it and everything shuts down. I did it. I made it out of the Maze. Alive!

I look over to see a door to a long hall open and follow my instincts and turn right. Sure enough, after a couple minutes of running, there was a slide coated in goo. Normally, girls would squeal and shriek in protest, but after what I just went through, I didn't give a crap. I got down and crossed my arms across my chest while I shot down the slide. It was fun, but the smell was horrid. I felt as if my puke was going to be added to the goo on the side. It took all I had not to spew barf everywhere. Weird image.. I know.

Time starts to stretch out like it did in the Box, which seemed like eons ago. Eventually, the slide turns into a tunnel that twists and turns, which doesn't help with my sickness. I was always really motion sick. I know.. weird.

Eventually, I reach straight ground and run over to puke. It was an awful experience. I was all sweaty and clammy.. and to make matters worse... My clothes were covered in putrid goo from the not-your-average-playground slide. I didn't dare try to wipe my mouth off because the goo would just be left in its place.

I looked around at the gigantic space I was standing in with a pale blue light giving the only source to which my eyes can see. I look to the source and my blood turns cold.

There are a bunch of people behind windows observing me.. It was creepy. Then, I felt embarrassed that they'd seen me puke everywhere. I went right up to one of the windows to get a closer look. The man was pale and writing stuff on his notepad calmly as if I wasn't right in front of him. He had a straight look on his face, which made him look even more like a ghost. I wanted to yell at him because he was a Creator. I could tell because sewed on his right breast patch were the blue letters: WCKD.

I actually was about to scream when a shrill beeping started, making me cover my ears. After a few minutes of that and having all of these people studying my every action, a door opened on the other side of the room beckoning for me to enter. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked quickly over to it. A person bursts through the door with a face that showed no emotion whatsoever, which creeped me out. Then I realized who it was. My blood boiled as she walks as if she owns me. It's her. It's the Ava Paige herself. I wanted to walk right up to her and smack some human emotion into her robotic brain.

"Congratulations, Isabella. You've completed the Maze Trial. Though, I would've preferred that you brought the others with you." Ava said in her robotic voice.

"Excuse me?" I asked angrily.

"Your cooperation in this was what we hoping for. We thought that you would stay with your friends, your brother... Your boyfriend." She replied without the slightest hint of emotion in her voice.

My heart hardened. She has no right to judge me or control my mind. I clenched my jaw. "I couldn't take it anymore, alright? You can't blame me for being overwhelmed with all the klunk you force on all of us! It's not like anyone was paying attention to me anyway! You made my brother and Teresa the stars of the Glade! Nobody would listen to me anymore. I knew the way out, I knew what to do, but they only took orders from Thomas!"

Her face remained still. "We do what we have to do. It's not our fault that nobody would listen to you, Isabella."

"Stop calling me that!" I snapped while trying to restrain myself from choking the woman to death.

"Your safe now. Just follow me, and you'll be completely fine." She said in an attempt to calm me.

"Ha! Sure! I'll follow the woman who ruined my life! I'll be haunted my whole life because of the stuff you made me witness. What I had to do!" I screamed at her with tears of anger making my vision fuzzy.

"Oh, Isabella." She tisk-tisked. "Stop being so selfish for once in your life."

My jaw dropped at what she just said to me. Me? Selfish! I don't think so. That was the final straw. I lunged at her and held my hands on her throat trying to choke her for what she did to us all. She tried to yell for help, but nothing could get out. After about ten seconds, I felt a prick in my side, and my vision blurred before I fell over. I laid there wondering what the shuck just happened when everything went black.

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