Are You Afraid? (One Directio...

By xxJadeStylesxx

2.5M 53.5K 8.3K

Everyone has a secret, right? A secret no one is supposed to know about? But what if somebody does? Take Jade... More

Are You Afraid? (One Direction Fanfic)
Chapter 1: Screams
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10: Are You Afraid?
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: "I am afraid."
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Movie Trailer
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40: The Perilous Plan
♥ Epilogue ♥

Chapter 9

62K 1.4K 145
By xxJadeStylesxx

**Jade's POV**

As I watched the red liquid trickle down my arm and onto the ground, all I could think about was what am I going to do? What are they going to do? I had to act fast. I looked around frantically, and waiting for an idea to pop into my head. Thank God one did. I had it! The perfect plan! If I was going to escape, I needed to trick them. Obviously it was going to be hard, but I can try, right? I pressed my left index finger onto my right arm where the cut is, and lightly got some on my finger. I looked around and decided to go in the opposite direction of the way I am going to escape. Instead of going right where the lake and the road and exit are from when I saw when I was up in the tree, I went left. I went to the closest tree, and pressed my index finger with the blood on the trunk of the tree, and smeared it. Then, I lightly squeezed some more out of my right arm, and took my left index finger and got some on it. Then, I ran to another tree, and smeared the blood on it. I did this to a few more, until I reached a dead end. I turned around and ran as fast as I could, back to where I started hoping not to get caught. I was running and running, and I noticed it got lighter out, but the sky was still gray and the clouds were moving fast, and they were dark. It was probably going to storm. I continued running, the breeze going through me as I ran making me feel free. I felt like I was flying! Just then, I heard a very familiar sound.


I stopped dead in my tracks, and hid behind the closest tree I could find which, trees were everywhere, thank God. My breathing was very heavy from running extremely fast. I leaned against the tree, and then I heard voices.

"See?" One I recognized Zayn saying.

"Blood," Niall said.

"Yeah.. She's somewhere around here... But I can smell her.. She's in this direction. Follow," Zayn said and I heard that same sound. Swoosh.

I came from behind the tree, looking around. They're following my blood trail.. My plan's working! I thought and mentally smiled. I decided to hurry up before they figure out it's just a trap, if they haven't already from their speed... I ran towards the lake and road exit. I ran and ran and felt so tired, but couldn't give up. I ran until there were two directions to go. Left was the lake. Right was the road. I looked side to side. Which way? I thought. Think... Always go.. The right direction. I thought. But then I realized, the road was still close to the woods, whereas the lake was open, and the only way was there and back. And across was away from the woods. I choose left. I ran and quickly dunk in the lake. I realized it was deep. I couldn't touch the bottom. This is going to be hard.. I began to swim, as fast as I could. All of a sudden, I felt drops on my head.

Drop. Drop drop drop. Drop drop. Dr-drop. D-dro-drop drop dr-op.

I looked up to see the sky dark, and thunder erupted. The rain fell harder. Well, I'm already wet so, I don't see the difference. I continued to swim, and the sound of the thunder and the lightning I must admit, scared me. Especially since I'm in water, and surrounded by trees. Plus, once I'm out, I have no where to go! Couldn't get any better, right? I kept swimming, until I reached the edge. I kept my head down, pulling my arms on each side of me, and trying to pull myself up, but I heard something in front of me. I looked straight and saw two feet standing right in front of my blue eyes. I followed up the legs, clenched fists, arms, stomach, to the face. As I looked up into his eyes, they weren't their normal color, bright green. They were golden, and his jaw was tightened together, obviously mad. Just then, as I saw him, lightning and thunder crashed right above him, making everything seem ever more scarier. He knelt down and grabbed my forearms pulling me up as if I weighed nothing. I stood on my feet, awkwardly looking down.

"Look at me," He growled and I was frightened. I looked up at him, his taller frame towering over my little one. I looked into his golden eyes, and felt my heart beat increasing. "Why'd you leave?" He asked his voice deeper than normal. I looked down and he forcefully grabbed my chin, making me look up at him. I must admit, it did hurt and it was very frightening. "Why?!" He asked his tone obvious to annoyance.

"I-I'm s-sorr-sorry," I stuttered trying to look anywhere but into his adnormal eyes.

"You can't leave us..." He said and in a blink of an eye, I was against a tree leaning up it, his body dangerously close to mine. "You can't leave me," He said and clenched his jaw, still holding my forearms. His voice was so deep, it sounded like it was the devil. I winced and closed my eyes. He pressed his lips up to my left ear, his cold soft lips barely touching my ear, "You're never, ever going to leave me," He said and pecked my neck lightly up and down, to my love bite which I brought my hands up to his shoulders and lightly pushed him.

"Ow, stop!" I said. I looked at him and he tightened his grip on my forearms and clenched his jaw.

"Don't tell me what to do," He said low and in that same devilish voice. His eyes were still golden.

"W-who are you?" I asked and widened my eyes, making it believable.

"Stop it.. You know who I am," He said pressing his forehead to mine, looking in my eyes. My blue ones looking into his golden ones.

"Seriously.. Who are you? Get off me!" I said trying to wiggle free but he wouldn't buldge. He pressed me harder against the tree, and put his legs in between mine coming closer to my body, our bodies almost all the way touching. Our chests only centimeters apart.

"You know who I am.. Don't act like you don't.. You can't forget me," He said.

"Stop! Let me go! I don't know you-" I said but couldn't finish. He dipped his head in the left side of my neck, and lightly kissed my love bite making me wince.

"That means I have to remind you of what happened," He said deep and in his husky accent thicker since his voice was so deep. He opened his mouth just in the exact place he left his little teeth marks, not fully in my skin last time, and lightly grazed them over the sensitive part making me gasp.

"Stop," I said and held onto his shoulders. He continued, now lightly nibbling making me wince.

"Stop.. H-Harry stop!" I said and he stopped, and looked at me in the eyes.

"I told you.. You can never forget me," He said smirking, he eyes now turning back to their normal green... But they weren't as light. They were a darker shade of green, as he still smirked.

15 VOTES& 15 COMMENTS TIL NEXT CHAPPIE! LOVEYOUALL! please check out my other fanfic Bullied (Harry Styles Fanfic)


"So he calls me up & he's like, "I still love you," and I'm like, I'm too busy opening up the Grammy's like we are never getting back together.. like ever!" UGHHHH! GRRR. & SHE SAID "I still love you " IN A BRITISH ACCENT (bad btw...just sayin...) TO MOCK HARRY! UGH. Anyway.... VOTE, COMMENT, TELL OTHERS & CHECK OUT MY OTHER FANFICTION! LOVEYOUUUU. Xx


p.s. >> i really like this song... & the pic is harry with gold eyes. ;) hope you enjoyed! xx


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