Salvation Night (K/DA x Male...

By SeveralPpl

188K 5.4K 1.6K

In the modern magical world, all beings have the potential and power to be and achieve whatever they desire... More

0 | Prologue
2 | The Concert
3 | Remembrances of the Diva
4 | Punishment & Salvation
5 | The Aftermath
6 | Dealing with the Present
7 | Dealing with the Recorded Past
8 | The Hospital
9 | The Hotel
10 | Scandalous Secret Revealed
11 | Good Morning...?
12 | Projected Memories
13 | History Lesson
14 | The Mansion
15 | The Talk
16 | Peace and Quiet
17 | Somewhere Nowhere
18 | Not So Troublesome Morning
19 | Job Offer & Doctor's Visit
20 | Goodbye Nowhere, Goodbye Tanya
21 | The Mall
22 | First Day on the Job
23 | A Gift...
24 | ... And a Mission
25 | Fighting a Looming Threat
26 | Tell Her Yourself
27 | Failure
28 | Rescue
29 | Rest
30 | Her Speech
31 | Kai'sa's Conflict
32 | Spa Day Surprises
33 | Healing Bonds
34 | Breaking Barriers
35 | The First
36 | Ahri's Secret

1 | "I Won..?"

7.6K 207 60
By SeveralPpl


Narrator Notes:

This first chapter will still be written in mostly third-person, from chapter 2 onward, first-person writing from the perspective of the characters will be more prevalent



Y/N: 'I WON?!?!? I WON! I ACTUALLY WON THIS RAFFLE HAHAHA!' Y/N thought to himself, but this feeling of happiness was suddenly interrupted, as Y/N continue thinking about what all of this meant.

Y/N: 'How... how will I even explain to mother and father that I will have to go out for a few hours? I haven't lied to them in years, I know from experience what happens when I lie, what is this feeling pushing me towards doing it? Is it hope...? God damn it...'

Y/N kept pondering the whole thing, his mind was scared, beyond scared, with each passing second he felt more and more hesitation, his body had other plans, however, without even realizing what he was doing he was already pressing on the glowing part of the ticket to 'activate it and verify the winner', whatever that meant.

Y/N: 'I... Well then, fuck it I guess!? I already work every single day, I can probably get away with saying I got a few extra hours at the factory?', the glowing of the ticket stopped, where the glowing once was, a small but readable text appeared that read:

'Congratulations! Your ticket has been verified as the winning raffle ticket! Please push your thumb onto the marked spot under this text so we can keep your fingerprint and make sure the ticket isn't stolen! This raffle ticket will serve as the actual Premium VIP ticket, do not fret, however, with your fingerprint scanned you will be able to use it to enter the concert in the case you lose the ticket! Remember, be at the stadium at 21:00 (9 PM) tomorrow, with your ticket ready! See you there!'

Y/N is very surprised at how high-tech the ticket was, it did seem like a normal raffle ticket from the outside. 'How does this even work?' Y/N thinks while pressing his finger on the spot that supposedly scanned his fingerprint, with that done, the ticket began to change in color, even in shape and size, turning into the beautiful palette of the KDA colors.

Y/N: 'Yeah, now this looks Premium to me'

The ticket then displayed a text that confirmed his scanning. Y/N stared at it in disbelief for a few seconds, genuinely wondering whether this was high-tech or just magic. these thoughts were quickly interrupted, however, since he noticed his 5 minute break was nearly over, he quickly stored the ticket as deep as he could in his pocket, and continued doing whatever work was needed around the house, after most of it was done, Y/N decided it was time for him to attempt to lie to his parents.

Y/N walks to the living room, where they were currently located.

Y/N: "Father, mother, I will be home late tomorrow, I was able to get more hours at the factory, I want to take this chance to compensate for the lack of money I made today."

Father: "How many hours?" his father questioned, not a single emotion could be felt in those words.

Y/N: "Three entire hours, from 21:00 to 00:00 (9 PM to Midnight)"

Mother: "Only? Couldn't even get 4, maybe 5? Can't you ask to just work there during the night and continue when everyone comes back in the morning? Lazy fucking worker."

Y/N knows that no matter what he does, what he said, they would always insult and look down upon whatever he achieved and got, this usually affects him, as he always had hope that someday, his loving parents would come back and hug him again, but this time he had to focus his energy on making it through this lie.

Y/N: 'She's too focused on undervaluing me right now to think too much into it, good, good. I've got this' Y/N thought, "I cannot do that, the factory owner doesn't allow me to do that, I've tried it before as per your suggestion mother, I'm sorry."

Father: "Maybe if you did any good work the owner would let you." Y/N's father says as he gets up from his chair. "Maybe, if you were actually worth even a damn penny, he would actually pay you more, and these extra hours you are going to work tomorrow would be worth more!" he shouts.

Mother: "Now now, that's not true, he's worth something! I did forget to tell you but earlier today I contacted a nearby brothel, some people wouldn't mind spending a few minutes, or even hours with Y/N here, and they are willing to pay some good money!"

Father: "Ah, what a good joke, what mentally sane person would even want to touch Y/N? Especially since he's powerless."

Mother: "People with torture kinks, people who hate the powerless and want to have a few hours to make one bleed, whoever the fuck is willing to pay really, I don't judge and honestly I don't care. People like these aren't that hard to come by, and it's quite the varied clientele you know! Man and women alike looking for exactly this kind of experience."

Father: "Ohoh! I like the sound of that, you hear that, Y/N? You're finally becoming more useful!"

Y/N: "T-thank you for the opportunity, mother, father." Y/N said in a monotone, dead voice, he was extremely scared inside, he only prayed to whatever gods existed and were willing to listen to 'Please, please give me a new opportunity tomorrow, I hope these KDA people are willing to give advice.'

Father: "Now then, onto more important business." having finished saying that, he quickly went towards Y/N, grabbed him by the neck, and began using his ability to slowly remove some the iron from Y/Ns bloodstream, effectively chocking him as his blood was no longer able to transport oxygen properly.

Y/N began to choke, physically he was in pain, crying, and there was blood forcing its way out of his nose, mentally, however, he felt barely a thing. 'It's ok, I've endured worse, he's tired from beating me up a bit earlier, this is good, this is fine.' Suddenly Y/N felt a cold object enter his body, glancing down as well as he could, he saw a small pocket knife being inserted into his chest... It was no longer fine, the small armor of motivation his mind had made quickly broke, he tried to cry out, yell, scream.

Y/N: "stOP! STOP, PLEASE!" he said loudly, his father reacted badly at this display.

Father: "You have no rights, NO RIGHTS to make requests like that, YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS BY NOW, JUST ACCEPT IT! LIVE WITH IT GOD DAMNIT." as he said this, he took advantage of the rush of anger to draw more iron from Y/Ns body, this time as painfully as possible, rupturing his skin in various points in the process.

Y/N: "sto-........." no more words were able to come out of Y/Ns mouth, only gasps, short, ugly, stuttering gasps, as his body was DESPERATE to find oxygen, so he could plead for his father to stop, just for that oxygen to be wasted again, creating a cycle of torture.

Y/N's father eventually stopped, returning Y/N all of his iron, Y/N gasped uncontrollably, his body was basically overdosing on iron and oxygen at this point, from the sudden rush of 'life' that was given to him.

 Father:"Alright honey, he's all yours, my part of the daily punishment is dealt, I would have done more but I'm a bit tired, I'll be in bed."

Y/N's mother then slowly walks up to him, kneels next to him and hovers her hand above the knife wound his father made.

Mother: "You know, I don't think I've told you this story before, but me and your father hate powerless like you, back in high school and college, we would go out in our free time, find a powerless, then torture them just to then kill them." She paused, only to look at Y/Ns face, looking for a reaction.

Y/N looked terrified at his mothers' words, she continued.

Mother: "You see, we both believe from the bottom of our hearts, that the powerless are cursed, they don't deserve the life they live, poor things, lost, sinful souls, who have committed so many sins in past lives that whatever gods are out there have decided that the only proper punishment is to be completely useless and weak in a world where the overwhelming majority of people have powers to some extent. How sad is that? But it's good at the same time you know? Because it allows for me and your father to help lost souls like you, to bring you happiness and peace in death, so you can go atone for your sins in hell.

She paused for a brief moment, not looking at Y/N, who was still terrified, thinking.

Y/N: 'She must be right... It's not human to suffer like this, therefore I'm not human, I must be full of sinful acts, this is all deserved.'

Mother: "We couldn't bring ourselves to kill you, we failed in that department, we allowed our good memories of you to stop us, but those have loooong been buried, now you're just serving as an excuse for extra money to come into the house, and also because having our own little powerless slave that we can mess with at any time is just... fun."

Y/N had no reaction to give other than a terrified look directly at her, as he felt something rip in his chest.

Mother: "When you wake up, clean the fucking mess you're about to make"

As Y/N's mother says this, she uses her power to slowly open the knife wound left in Y/N's chest, the blood spills out fast, he tries to hold it closed, to no avail, only covering his hands in his own blood as the wound was being forced open by his mother's power.

Y/N: "AAAARGH" was all he could muster, as he was already weak.

The wound suddenly stopped expanding, Y/N saw his mother concentrating, then all of a sudden, in a burst of red light, his wound RIPPED massively, what was once a small but expanding wound was now large enough that it covered most of his chest, as Y/N went to try and scream in pain, her mother quickly made two precise cuts in his neck, making it effectively impossible for him to even speak without it hurting massively, forget screaming.

Mother: "Now now, go to sleep, you have work tomorrow."

Y/N: 'Fuck....Why me... Please....', there were the last thoughts of this day before Y/N began falling unconscious, to which his mother reacted to by beginning to heal him of the wounds.

Mother: "Tomorrow you'll wake up in pain, but with no visible wounds and or bruises, remember to clean this mess you made, and go straight to work, if you come back with good pay I'll consider giving you dinner, since the last time you ate was yesterday."


Y/N could only dream nightmares this night, nothing unusual for him, but he hated it nonetheless, as he woke up, there he was in the middle of the living room, with dried blood surrounding him and his staining his clothes, he quickly got up, began to clean everything up, and then went to take an extremely quick shower when the cleaning was done.

Y/N: 'Shower. Fast. Rinse fast, no soap, not allowed to, remember what happened in the past, don't touch it again.'

Y/N quickly finishes his shower, if you can even call it that, it's more like he rinsed his body in water for 3 minutes while scrubbing himself with his own hands.

Y/N: 'A-at least the factory has a locker room with a shower, I can use that during my lunch break'

The day slowly begins to pass, Y/N, already at the factory, kept working like he always would, this time with hope and happiness in his mind since he was going to a concert and he had won the Premium VIP ticket! Whatever that meant, he didn't even know why it was Premium at all!

Y/N: 'An hour until the concert, took a shower during lunch break, that's good, had the time since I don't bring food anyways. There was no soap though... I hope the extra time I spent under the water managed to rinse out the smell of dried blood... God imagine if it doesn't, that would be embarrassing... Well, time to make my way to the stadium.'

Y/N then leaves the factory with the small payment he was given, this time a bit higher than yesterday, since he did force himself to work even harder and actually took up the tasks of other coworkers, just so he had extra "proof" to back up his lie when he came back home later at night.

And so Y/N makes his way towards the stadium, and after a lengthy walk towards it, he finally reaches it, with a good 10 minutes to spare, he gazes upon the entrance, has he had never seen it before, after staying there dumbfounded for a minute, he noticed a large man in a suit, which he assumed was security staff, and walked towards him.

Y/N: "Hey uhm, h-hi?"

Security: "Hm? Yes?"

Y/N: "I've got this ticket here that I won, h-how do I enter exactly? I'm sorry if I sound lost It's just that I've never been to a concert, or an event of this scale to be honest, and don't really know the process..."

Security: "Ah so you're the lucky raffle winner uh? Thumb fingerprint please?"

Y/N: "Oh, sure, sure!"

The scan was quick, no more than 5 seconds, but Y/N noticed the many gazes of the people on the line at the entrance, people that wanted to be in his place, some looked like they would outright kill Y/N if there wasn't security.

Security: "Alright Mr..?"

Y/N: "Y/N, Y/N L/N"

Security: "Alright then Mr. Y/N, you can enter through this door here, our team will escort you to the VIP room, enjoy the show!" he said with a bright smile on his face, this man irradiated confidence and overall wellbeing, it made Y/N inspired and motivated, he seemed like such a friendly person!

Y/N: "Thank you! Have a good rest of shift, sir! Hope no crazy person tries anything tonight!"

Security: "Haha! I hope so as well, I like you already young man!"

Y/N was then escorted towards the VIP room, and there he was at the entrance, he only had to open the door now.

Y/N: 'Ok... here we go!'

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