neon lights || boy group surv...

By Shipping_til_death

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ηєση ℓιgнтѕ is a boy group survival show apply fic where 15 trainees sign up for what they think is a normal... More

〝neon ℓιgнтѕ。
✦ ⇢ rules
✧ ✐ slots
✦ ✎ adoption center
✦ ✎ form
✉︎➵ noticeboard
➚❛ profiles
# zero one
# zero two
# zero three
# zero four
# zero five
# zero six
# zero seven
# zero eight
# zero nine
# one zero
# one one
# one two
# one three
# one four
# one five
# one six
➚❛ missions
╵⇢ mission one
╵⇢ mission two
╵⇢ mission three
➚❛ episodes
╵⇢ ONE
‣ 1.1
‣ 1.2
‣ 1.3
‣ 1.4
‣ 1.5
‣ 1.6
‣ 1.7
‣ 1.8
╵⇢ TWO
‣ 2.1
‣ 2.3
‣ 2.4
‣ 2.5
‣ 2.6
‣ 3.1
‣ 3.2 (imaginary final)
➚❛ extras
⇢ lights @ night #1
🌟 meet N3ON !

‣ 2.2

63 6 57
By Shipping_til_death

✧。theme song

┌── ◦✧◦ ──┐

└── ◦✧◦ ──┘

and after a nice relaxing night

16 little lights and little neons

woke up to a nice bright light

or rather a nice blaring song

[ now playing: a loud chipmunk
version of into the i-land ]

KWAN BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ;; is this into the i-land?

KWAN BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ;; reusing theme songs?

DANIEL CHOI [ #09 / LIGHTS ] ;; dude it's too early for thoughts. let alone unreasonable ones

KWAN BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ;; how is it unreasonable???

KWAN BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ;; why would the show use a copyrighted song just as an alarm???

DANIEL CHOI [ #09 / LIGHTS ] ;; now, what station is making this show?

too long of a pause

KWAN BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ;; oh... i'm not awake yet

BAE MINHYUK [ #08 / LIGHTS ] ;; don't worry you just need some brain juice !

KWAN BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ;; just to be clear, is that like juice juice or coffee?

SONG NARUU [ #06 / LIGHTS ] ;; *yawns* i thought he meant tea

just as the group was about to
lug themselves about the door in
their pajamas, a loud knock sounded


byulyi opens the door

KWON MYUNGJOON [ #04 / LIGHTS ] ;; *sleepy finger guns* pew pew


BAE MINHYUK [ #08 / LIGHTS ] ;; already? it's like *looks* 7?

YOON JINU [ #01 / LIGHTS ] ;; we went to sleep early, which probably would've been a good idea for you

KWAN BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ;; how long did you stay up after we went to sleep?

BAE MINHYUK [ #08 / LIGHTS ] ;; uh... may i refrain from answering?


LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; are you awake?!

[ could've sworn haru went to sleep only 3-4 hours ago, why is he already awake ? ]

qingyu peaks out of his eyelids

XIA QINGYU [ #11 / NEON ] ;; *dry throat* who are you..?

LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; oh me! i'm-


LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; Hello! It's your bunny detective with an outgoing nature, Haru-imnida!

STAFF ;; how do you feel about joining late?

LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; i'm just glad i got to join at all!

LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; there are pieces of me that have been missing since JaCKs disbanded

LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; and although I have great skills ! i haven't gotten to the point where i was able to fix them myself

LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; but now i'm here ! killing two birds with one stone !

LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; one, i get to see someone i missed and two, i get to once again create smiles on people's faces !

◦ ✧ ◦

LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; lee haru ! nice to meet you !

haru enthusiastically shakes
qingyu's hand,which was still
laying lifelessly seconds ago

qingyu stared at him,
still a little tired and rather
concerned that this guy
was going to take his arm off

XIA QINGYU [ #11 / NEON ] ;; ...

however, qingyu was too
afraid to actually tell him to stop

thankfully, haru knows the appropriate
amount of time to shake a hand

JACKIE CHOI [ #05 / NEON ] ;; watch it there or else his arm will turn into a knife

JEON RYUHWAN [ #07 / NEON ] ;; please don't make jokes so early in the morning

JEON RYUHWAN [ #07 / NEON ] ;; they're generally worse than normal

LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; *laughs* i'd have to be shaking his hand at 225 rpm to do that

LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; last time I checked... i'm extremely far off from that

JEON RYUHWAN [ #07 / NEON ] ;; *under breath* thankfully

JACKIE CHOI [ #05 / NEON ] ;; he's actually playing into my joke ?! omg!

ROMAN HWANG [ #03 / NEON ] ;; i think he was fact checking it

NAKAMURA TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ;; why did you guys leave to stand around the doorway?

NAKAMURA TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ;; i mean it doesn't really matter-you do you- but mikael told me that we can't eat before you guys come back because it's "rude to the chef" or something like that.

[ really following that huh? i guess i won't
acknowledge the toast you're holding ]

takumi finally gets a look past the group

NAKAMURA TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ;; oh! is that the *deepens voice* "midnight visitor"

LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; wait! that's what they called me? how cool!

NAKAMURA TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ;; it is! except they really drained the life out of me with the explanation length

LEE HYEON [ #12 / NEON ] ;; speaking of length, um... please refrain from falling into a rant on why pokémon is actually connected to the marvel universe when i'm trying to fall asleep

ROMAN HWANG [ #03 / NEON ] ;; when did you get over here?

LEE HYEON [ #12 / NEON ] ;; like a second ago

LEE HYEON [ #12 / NEON ] ;; also mikael told me to drag you over to the table or else he's going to come over and hit you with his stick

JEON RYUHWAN [ #07 / NEON ] ;; that genuinely sounds out of character

LEE HYEON [ #12 / NEON ] ;; okay he didn't say that... but he's is stabbing his waffle while muttering that it's getting soggy so...

JACKIE CHOI [ #05 / NEON ] ;; *claps* alright alright! let's not leave him hanging then

the group starts shuffling back
to the table while haru glances
around for his roommate who suddenly
appears dressed in everyday attire

LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; roomie! ... when did you get dressed? and why?! your dino pants were adorable

XIA QINGYU [ #11 / NEON ] ;; while everyone was talking *mutters* dino pants aren't suitable for this environment

LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; oh nonsense! i bet this 'mikael' character is wearing some

[ update: he wasn't, but he
was wearing fluffy pajama pants ]

◦ ✧ ◦

timed separately for the groups
in reference to when they finished
eating, an alert blared from the tv

{ a/n imagine the circle alerts
if you've ever watched that show }

YOON JINU [ #01 / LIGHTS ] ;; they should look into some nice calm intercom announcements

JACKIE CHOI [ #06 / NEON ] ;; dear producers, please stop causing this boy to
flinch all the time and look into some nice alternatives, thankkkss

[ you heard him ]

KWAN BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ;; looks like they're getting the show on the road

JEONG HYUNJIN [ #13 / LIGHTS ] ;; OH YES! must be the theme song mission!

KWAN BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ;; my bet's on mnet reusing into the i-land

DANIEL CHOI [ #09 / LIGHTS ] ;; please stop with that idea

KORAIN SEONG [ #10 / LIGHTS ] ;; that doesn't sound too bad, but rather boring

KORAIN SEONG [ #10 / LIGHTS ] ;; although it may include a duet version with an artist

KORAIN SEONG [ #10 / LIGHTS ] ;; like maybe haein per chance *quirks eyebrow*

BAE MINHYUK [ #08 / LIGHTS ] ;; WAiT! is that actually a possibility? like is it actually on the table??

YOON JINU [ #01 / LIGHTS ] ;; anything's a possibility, but wouldn't that mean that we *motions with his hand* won't get lines in said performance

SONG NARUU [ #06 / LIGHTS ] ;; oh no, really..?

KWON MYUNGJOON [ #04 / LIGHTS ] ;; i don't think we should worry too much because i bet we'll have a chance to move up and get lines

JEONG HYUNJIN [ #13 / LIGHTS ] ;; yeah guys! there'll probably be a re-evaluation, so we'll just have to do and show our best!

[ positive thoughts guys! good job!
now how are neon feeling? ]

NAKAMURA TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ;; hey mikael, you're a great vocalist. can you reach chipmunk frequencies?

MIKAEL KWON [ #15 / NEON ] ;; wha-?

NAKAMURA TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ;; you know like in the case our morning alarm portrays the theme song demo

ROMAN HWANG [ #03 / NEON ] ;; oh please no i can't handle that for over 2 minutes

JEON RYUHWAN [ #07 / NEON ] ;; *nervous laugh* even 2 minutes sounds too much

qingyu is quietly checking to
see if his voice can go that high

when haru simply butts in

LEE HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ;; i think it'd be higher than that. more like this *insert sudden loud copying of this morning's alarm*

JACKIE CHOI [ #05 / NEON ] ;; i feel forced to do this *proceeds to also attempt to copy the alarm*

LEE HYEON [ #12 / NEON ] ;; guys? is there a fire?

JEON RYUHWAN [ #07 / NEON ] ;; oh, you're back from the bathroom. please come sit down so this video might play. *mutters* and so they don't end up fighting chipmunk style...

◦ ✧ ◦

once everyone was settled in
front of the screen in the lounge,
a familiar face appeared on the screen

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; hello trainees ! have you settled in nicely?

BAE MINHYUK [ #08 / LIGHTS ] ;; very!

BAE MINHYUK [ #08 / LIGHTS ] ;; oh! guys! is this a sign that rain hyung is right?!

YOON JINU [ #01 / LIGHTS ] ;; hyuk, she's the mc.

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; i'm glad !

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; now, i'm sorry to disturb--what i assume is a very nice morning-- but i'm required to get this show on the road!

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; so let me ask, are you satisfied with your spot?


YOON JINU [ #01 / LIGHTS ] ;; is this total drama island? why are we filming this in a closet?

STAFF ;; for privacy.

STAFF ;; please tell me how haein's question made you feel?

YOON JINU [ #01 / LIGHTS ] ;; well, considering i was ranked as 14th out of 15, it kinda just pushed me down?

YOON JINU [ #01 / LIGHTS ] ;; *frowns* i already know what i need to work on, but it's almost hard to get myself to actually fix it when a small part of me doesn't believe i can?

YOON JINU [ #01 / LIGHTS ] ;; i don't want to be get emotional right now...

YOON JINU [ #01 / LIGHTS ] ;; can i go back to practice?

◦ ✧ ◦

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; do you feel safe?


LEE HYEON [ #12 / NEON ] ;; i made it into NEON with 1 point more

LEE HYEON [ #12 / NEON ] ;; so it's implied that i can also fall down due to just 1 point right?

LEE HYEON [ #12 / NEON ] ;; *empty laughter* i guess i just have to be ready for everything right?

the scene lingers on for a
moment while hyeon looks at
his fingers and bites his lip

◦ ✧ ◦

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; well don't worry because now's your chance to change that!

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; are you ready for your 2nd to last NEON LIGHTS split?

NAKAMURA TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ;; wait ! already? we don't get to hang and perform with this group first?

JUNG TAEWOO [ vocal mentor ] ;; don't get ahead of yourself

NAKAMURA TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ;; taewoo?!

taewoo quietly shushes
him by placing a finger
in front of his mouth

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; our producers have conducted a two in one mission

haein gestures this by bringing two fingers together

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; first is our individual test: the theme song mission

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; where you will compete for lines and the most important part, the center

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; please remember that anyone can be the center even if you're not in NEON after re-evaluation

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; as it will be finalized before the process is completed

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; before i explain the second part, would you like to listen to the theme song? *cups ear*

TRAINEES ;; yes !

{will be the show version, just there's not an audio only video for that so-}


JACKIE CHOI [ #05 / NEON ] ;; oh! there's high notes at the end!

JEON RYUHWAN [ #07 / NEON ] ;; it's quite vocal heavy...

ROMAN HWANG [ #03 / NEON ] ;; yeah...

NAKAMURA TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ;; new segment coming up called mikael's vocal workshop

in the other room, 3 specific trainees stare at the screen looking nervous in their own ways

BAE MINHYUK [ #08 / LIGHTS ] ;; i'm starting to feel doomed...

KWAN BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ;; don't start sounding so hopeless! we can all practice and help each other

SONG NARUU [ #06 / LIGHTS ] ;; the song's nice.


JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; do you like the song?

TRAINEES ;; yes!

[ some faces didn't match this answer... ]

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; *chuckles* i hope so because you'll be performing it in 2 weeks

ROMAN HWANG [ #03 / NEON ] ;; that seems like a lot of time for a survival show?

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; as i said, this re-evaluation includes 2 parts

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; but don't let me get ahead of myself

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; NEON trainees, your theme song test/tryouts will be in 3 days

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; LIGHTS, you have 5 days

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; now onto our team evaluation

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; you will be submitting a dance practice video with your team, except live vocals can be included

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; you will each receive 4 days to do so, unless you decide to submit early

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; afterwards, your re-evaluation will be conducted and your final theme song lines distributed

JEON HAEIN [ MC ] ;; I'll be logging off now, but here's your dance practice song. enjoy!



[ after the reveal of the 2nd part, most that were upset before had brightened up ]

KWON MYUNGJOON [ #04 / LIGHTS ] ;; oh, so they really are emphasizing teamwork

JEONG HYUNJIN [ #13 / LIGHTS ] ;; GUYS THE CONCEPT DIFFERENCE! i mean i can pull off anything but i'm surprised they didn't give us the same concept

KWAN BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ;; i'm surprised they didn't give us a stray kids song, you know, for the rapper count

KORAIN SEONG [ #10 / LIGHTS ] ;; it was probably based on vibe

YOON JINU [ #01 / LIGHTS ] ;; in that case, NEON's in story mode

JACKIE CHOI [ #05 / NEON ] ;; ow my back... the floorwork

JEON RYUHWAN [ #07 / NEON ] ;; calm down. you're not that old

JACKIE CHOI [ #05 / NEON ] ;; no no, remember the last time our choreographers gave us floorwork?

JEON RYUHWAN [ #07 / NEON ] ;; *grimaces* oh yeah

XIA QINGYU [ #11 / NEON ] ;; floorwork is fun

LEE HYEON [ #12 / NEON ] ;; yeah it's not too bad, but i haven't done any in awhile


a/n yes i'm ending it abruptly :)

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