Encanto: Le Charme

Od TheDaleyFlames

19K 213 35

Disney's Encanto tells the story of a magical Colombian family. However, in this version of the story, Y/n is... Více

What to expect.
What else you need to know.
The Oc
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Gift update
Chapter 5
Honest opinion
New opinion
Y/n's new design
Y/n's voice

Chapter 1

2.4K 29 4
Od TheDaleyFlames

In the heart of France, amidst the cobblestone streets and quaint cafes, lived a young man named Y/n. He was a unique blend of cultures, a vibrant mix of Jamaican and French heritage, which added to his charm and charisma. His life was about to take a dramatic turn, for it was the day he was to receive his gift, a tradition that had been passed down through generations in his family.

Father: "Y/n, my son, the time has come. This is a moment that has been anticipated by our family for centuries. It's your turn now. Close your eyes and embrace the moment."

Y/n obeyed, his heart pounding with anticipation. His parents guided him to the center of the room, where a small crowd had gathered to witness the event. The air was thick with suspense, and the only sound was the steady ticking of the ornate clock on the wall.

As Y/n stood there, eyes tightly shut, he felt an inexplicable warmth envelop him. It was as if he was being embraced by a multitude of unseen hands. The sensation was comforting, yet unfamiliar. He could feel the presence of people who were not physically there, but their presence was undeniable.

Suddenly, he found himself face to face with figures from the past. His great uncle, a man he had only seen in old photographs, stood before him, a warm smile on his face.

Great Uncle: "Ah, Y/n, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. You've grown into a fine young man, a perfect blend of your father's strength and your mother's grace."

Next to him, his great aunt appeared, her eyes twinkling with warmth and wisdom.

Great Aunt: "My dear boy, we may not have had the chance to meet while we were alive, but we're here now. We're here to guide you, to support you, whenever you need us."

One by one, his deceased relatives approached him, each offering words of love and encouragement. Even his late grandmother, a woman whose stories he had grown up hearing, was there, her spirit as vibrant as ever.

But this wasn't just a reunion with his ancestors. With this gift, Y/n found himself imbued with an extraordinary intellect. His fascination with technology, which had always been a part of him, was now amplified. He found himself able to envision and create intricate machines, inspired by the steampunk aesthetic that he had always admired.

In the days that followed, Y/n could be found in his workshop, surrounded by blueprints and gears. His hands moved with a newfound precision, assembling complex devices with an ease that left others in awe. His creations were a testament to his gift, a blend of the past and the future, powered by steam and imagination.

His gift had not only connected him with his past but also opened up a world of possibilities for his future. His journey was just beginning, a journey filled with innovation, discovery, and the guiding presence of his ancestors.

Grandma: "You were just a tiny bundle of joy when I first laid eyes on you. It's a pity I couldn't watch you grow, but now I see that you have a long and promising journey ahead of you."

Y/n: "Grandma, where's grandpa?"

A shadow of worry crossed her face, hinting at the complexity of the topic she was about to discuss.

Grandma: "Oh, Y/n, your grandpa is a very busy man. I'm afraid he might not have the time right now. But I'm certain that one day, he would be thrilled to see his kind and hardworking grandson."

As the ethereal encounter with his deceased relatives concluded, Y/n was gently pulled back into reality. The crowd around him remained oblivious to the extraordinary event that had unfolded, as they were unable to perceive what Y/n had experienced.

Father: "Son, is everything alright?"

Y/n, still reeling from the encounter, replied, "I could see them... my great-aunt and uncle, I could see them all. I could feel their presence all around me."

His father looked puzzled, struggling to comprehend his son's words. But as Y/n continued to describe his experience, realization dawned on his father. He turned to the crowd, announcing, "Let's celebrate! My son has received his gift!"

The room erupted in cheers and applause. As the celebrations ensued, Y/n's father hoisted him onto his shoulders, beaming with pride. Amidst the joyous chaos, father and son found a quiet moment to discuss their ancestors and the origins of their gifts.

Father: "Now, my son, let me tell you about our late ancestor and how it all began. She was a compassionate soul, always caring for her people and the less fortunate. She would go to great lengths to feed the sick and the poor, even if it meant breaking the rules. She was a beloved figure in our community, and her love for life was infectious. One fateful day, her village was attacked, and everyone was forced to flee. But she stayed behind, determined to protect her people. They were vastly outnumbered, and all hope seemed lost. But then, a miracle happened. The gods, moved by her selflessness and kindness, bestowed upon her a gift. And so, she and her people were saved. She would later pass down this gift from generation to generation. And now, it's your turn. You have received your gift."

Y/n: "Father, why can't I talk to grandpa?"

His father wore a worried expression for a brief moment before responding.

Father: "Well, Y/n, your grandpa is a man of great responsibility. He's not to be disturbed when he's busy. But I believe that one day, you will get to meet him."

Y/n: "I hope so."

He hugged his parents, grateful for the gift he had received. As the celebrations wound down, Y/n returned to his workshop, eager to continue his work. His newfound intellect had given him a clearer vision of his creations. He could see the intricate workings of his machines in his mind's eye, each gear and lever fitting perfectly into place.

Over the next few days, Y/n was consumed by his work. He built machines of all shapes and sizes, each one a testament to his extraordinary gift. His creations were a blend of the past and the future, powered by steam and infused with a touch of magic. His workshop was a symphony of whirring gears and hissing steam, a place where technology and the supernatural coexisted in perfect harmony.

His parents watched in awe as their son worked, his hands moving with a precision and speed that was almost inhuman. They could see the concentration on his face, the determination in his eyes. They knew that he was destined for great things, that his gift would change not only his life but also the lives of those around him.

And so, in the heart of France, amidst the cobblestone streets and quaint cafes, a young Jamaican-French man named Y/n embarked on a journey. A journey filled with innovation, discovery, and the guiding presence of his ancestors. His story was just beginning, a tale of technology and tradition, of the past and the future, of a gift that transcended time and space.

Next scene.

In the cozy corner of a charming old house, a little girl named Mirabel sat with her grandmother, her eyes tightly shut.

Abuela: "Open your eyes, mi vida."

Mirabel obeyed, her eyes widening in awe at the sight before her. She was witnessing something extraordinary - the essence of magic.

Little girl: "Is this where magic comes from?"

Abuela: "Yes, it is."

Abuela pointed towards a candle flickering gently nearby, its flame dancing in the soft breeze.

Abuela: "This candle holds the miracle that was bestowed upon our family."

Mirabel: "How did we get a miracle?"

Abuela pulled her granddaughter closer, preparing to share a story that had been passed down through generations.

Abuela: "When my three babies were just born, your Abuelo and I were forced to leave our home. Many others joined us, all hoping to find a new place to call home. We were in grave danger, and your Abuelo... he was lost. But in our darkest hour, we were granted a miracle. The candle's flame became magical, burning eternally. It blessed us with a safe haven, a place filled with wonder."

Mirabel: "An Encanto?"

Abuela: "Yes, an Encanto. The miracle grew, and our house... our casita came to life to protect us. When my children came of age, the miracle bestowed upon each of them a magical gift to aid us. And when their children came of age..."

Mirabel: "They received magic too. And our family's gifts together have turned our new home into a paradise."

Abuela: "Tonight, this candle will grant you your gift, Mirabel. Use it to strengthen our community, our home. Make your family proud."

Mirabel: "I will make my family proud."

Outside their house, the night sky was illuminated with fireworks, indicating that the entire town was eagerly waiting for Mirabel to receive her gift. The casita had brought a clock to them, its hands ticking away, signaling that the moment was near. Abuela was brimming with excitement for her granddaughter.

Abuela: "Yes, yes, casita, we're coming!"

Mirabel jumped off the bed, her slippers presented to her by the casita. She tugged at her grandmother's arm, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Mirabel: "What do you think my gift will be?"

Abuela: "You are a marvel, Mirabel Madrigal. Whatever gift awaits you... it will be just as extraordinary as you are."

With newfound confidence, Mirabel made her way towards the door that would reveal her gift. Her Abuela watched as she reached for the doorknob, the moment of truth finally arriving. The entire town was waiting, their hearts filled with excitement and wonder, to see what miracle was in store for Mirabel.

Next scene cut to years later.

Y/n had been sleeping a bit later than usual, but thankfully, his loved ones were there to wake him up. His grandmother gently nudged him awake.

Grandma: "Wake up, my sleeping lion."

Y/n yawned deeply, still groggy from sleep but with a spark of youthful energy within him. He turned to his grandmother, who was smiling warmly at him.

Y/n: "Thank you, Grandmother."

Grandmother: "Remember, today is a special day. Make sure you're on your best behavior."

Y/n: "I know, but I wish I could have slept in a little longer. You know how I feel about early mornings."

Grandmother: "Well, the early bird catches the worm, my dear."

He gave her a warm smile before getting dressed, making sure to wear his best clothes for the day. As he left his room, he glanced at the portrait of his grandparents. He wished he could talk to his grandfather, a man he had heard was fun-loving and caring. He hoped to meet him soon.

As he hurried down the hallway, he collided with his older brother, Nicolás, knocking him to the ground. Nicolás rubbed his head as he got up.

Nicolás: "Whoa, take it easy, bro. You trying to give me a concussion or something?"

Y/n: "No, I'm just excited to go out and meet people."

Nicolás: "We all get excited, but remember to take a deep breath and relax. You don't want to have a heart attack or something."

Y/n: "They're not here yet. What do you suggest we do until they arrive?"

Nicolás: "Well, we could play some ball in the house. It won't hurt."

Y/n: "Nicolás, aren't you too old for that habit?"

Nicolás: "Come on, it's a fun habit, and I don't want to give it up."

Y/n saw the pleading look in his brother's eyes and sighed before agreeing to play ball in the house. He moved back to get a good angle for the throw.

Y/n: "Alright, here goes."

Nicolás: "Hurry up, bro. I'm getting hyped up, and I'm starting to get bored."

Y/n took a deep breath and threw the ball with all his might. The ball flew into the living room, and crashing sounds were heard from the kitchen. Y/n and Nicolás rushed to see what had happened. They found their brother, Louis, having breakfast with a vase teetering on the edge of the table. The vase crashed down onto Louis's head, but he didn't seem bothered, thanks to his gift of super strength. He looked up at his worried brothers and shrugged.

Feeling a bit guilty for the chaos, Y/n decided to distract his brothers by showing them his latest invention. He led them to his workshop, where a large contraption sat in the corner.

Y/n: "Check this out, guys. It's my latest invention."

Nicolás: "What does it do?"

Y/n: "It's a steam-powered machine that can help with household chores. I call it the 'Auto-Maid.'"

Louis: "That's impressive, Y/n."

Y/n smiled, feeling proud of his creation. He spent the rest of the morning showing his brothers his other inventions, each one more impressive than the last. The time flew by as they marveled at Y/n's creations, and before they knew it, the guests had arrived. Y/n, feeling more confident than ever, was ready to face the day and make his family proud.

Louis: "If you don't mind, I'm trying to enjoy my breakfast. And I know you two have been up to something. Y/n, I can tell you're a bit nervous, as usual."

Y/n: "I'm not afraid of you, Louis... anymore."

Louis: "But you still have that youthful spirit inside of you, and that's what I love about you. My little brother, always eager and never afraid to show his enthusiasm to others."

Another piece of glass fell onto Louis's head, but he didn't seem to mind. Y/n's spiritual relatives gathered around him.

Great-aunt: "Now, I want you to be on your best behavior and make a good impression on the rest of the family, alright?"

Their parents entered the kitchen.

Father: "It's good to see my boys all dressed up and ready for the day."

His mother approached Y/n and gently pinched his chin, as if he was still her little baby.

Mother: "It warms my heart to see my energetic young man all dressed up and ready to meet new people."

Y/n: "Please don't call me that, ma. I'm not so little anymore, and it would be nice if you started treating me like an adult."

Mother: "I know, I know. It's just hard for me to see my little tiger all grown up."

Y/n: "I know you'll always be the loving mother I need."

His two brothers came up and teased him a bit, which annoyed him slightly before they all headed outside. Their mother and father watched them leave and hugged each other, happy to see their children so full of life.

Mother: "You know they get their energy and good looks from you."

Father: "And they got their kindness from you."

They watched their children play, proud of their Jamaican-French heritage and the family they had built together.

Next scene.

She got out of her bed, the Casita assisting her by fetching her glasses and dress, then slippers. She opened her closet and tossed everything into a basket that the Casita moved around for her. She headed towards the door with a confident look on her face, taking a deep breath. She was determined to make her family proud.

Mirabel: "Make your family proud."

She opened the door and descended the stairs, passing a portrait of her late Abuelo.

Mirabel: "Good morning, Abuelo!"

Three kids ran towards the house. The Casita moved some dishes for her to place on the table as she entered the kitchen. She managed to grab a dish that nearly slipped away. The kids approached the house.

Boy: "Hey! When's the magic gift happening?"

Mirabel: "My cousin's ceremony is tonight."

Girl: "What's his gift?"

Mirabel: "We're going to find out."

Boy: "What's your gift?"

Mirabel: "Who wants to know?"

Kids: "We do!"

Mirabel: "Well, 'we' I can't just talk about myself. I'm only part of the amazing Madrigals."

She pointed to the family board on the wall.

Kids: "Who are all the amazing Madrigals?"

Mirabel: "Ah, you're not going to leave me alone, are you? Casita, help me out. Drawers!(The drawers open and close) Floors!(The floors move) Doors!(The doors glow) Let's go."

Mirabel began moving across the glowing doors, singing.

Mirabel:🎶 "This is our home, with every generation, so full of music and rhythm of its own design."🎶

She entered Isabela's room, where Isabela was just waking up.

Mirabel:🎶 "This is my family, a perfect constellation, so many stars and everybody gets to shine."🎶

She then went to her sister Luisa, who was working out with dumbbells and a treadmill. Abuela then emerged from her room.

Mirabel:🎶 "But let's be clear, Abuela runs this show. She led us here so many years ago, and every year our family blessing grows."🎶

It then cuts to her family getting some fresh coffee before it cuts to Mirabel about to open the door.

Mirabel:🎶 "There's just a lot you simply got to know, so (opens the door) welcome to the family Madrigal, the home of the family Madrigal. We're on our way, where all the people are fantastical and magical. I'm part of the family Madrigal."🎶

The family walked by the kids from before, who were also being watched by the L/n family.

Kids: "Oh my gosh, it's them! What are the gifts? I can't remember all the gifts! But I don't know who's who."

Mirabel: "All right, all right, relax."

Girl: "It's physically impossible to relax!"

Girl 2: "Tell us everything! What are your powers?"

Boy: "Just tell us what everyone can do!"

Mirabel took the coffee cup from him, which was making him jittery.

Mirabel: "And that's why coffee's for grown-ups."

Mirabel then went to a wall with a drawing of her relatives, and the music continued.

Mirabel:🎶 "My tia Pepa, her mood affects the weather. When she's unhappy, well, the temperature gets all weird."🎶

Her Tia's cloud was shown to be happy, but then it became unhappy, and the clouds began to rain.

Mirabel:🎶 "My Tio Bruno..."🎶

Town folks: "We don't talk about Bruno."

Mirabel:🎶 "They say he saw the future. One day he disappeared. And that's mom Julieta, here's her deal. Whoa, the truth is she can heal you with a meal."🎶

Her mother was shown healing people with her food.

Mirabel:🎶 Whoa, her recipes are remedies for real. If you're impressed, imagine how I feel. (Her mom kisses her cheeks) Mom, welcome to the family Madrigal.

She began dancing in the town.

Mirabel:🎶 The home of the family Madrigal. Coming through! I know it sounds a bit fantastical and magical, but I'm part of the family Madrigal. Two Gus fell in love with the family Madrigal.

Her father and uncle joined her, dancing along.

Mirabel: And now they're part of the family Madrigal. Sweet, yeah, Tio Felix married Pepa, and my dad married Julieta. That's how Abuela became an Abuela Madrigal. Let's go.

Abuela walked into town, singing.

Abuela:🎶 We swear to always help those around us, and earn the miracle that somehow found us. The town keeps growing, the world keeps turning, but work and dedication will keep the miracle burning. And each new generation must keep the miracle burning.🎶

As she sang, the Madrigals were all helping people in need. Mirabel spoke with the children from before.

Little girl: Wait, who's the sister and who's the cousin?

Little girl2: There are so many people!

Little boy: How do you keep them all straight?

Mirabel: Okay, okay, okay. So many kids in our house. So, let's turn the sound up.

She went over to the wall painted with her family.

Mirabel: You know why? I think it's time for a grandkid round-up!

Towns-people: Grandkids round-up.

Mirabel:🎶 Cousin Dolores can hear a pin drop (drops a pin, and Dolores comes by to prove her point), Camilo's a shapeshifter (cuts to Camilo helping a woman with her child and shapeshifting in the process), Antonio gets his gift today (cuts to Antonio, who is yet to receive his gift), my older sister Isabela, and Luisa.

Chorus: Isabela and Luisa.

Mirabel:🎶 One strong, one graceful, perfect in every way.

Isabela began to bloom the ground below as her love, Mariano, looked down at her lovingly.

Chorus: 🎶Isabela.🎶

Mirabel:🎶 Grows a flower, and the town goes wild, she's the perfect golden child.

Luisa lifts the ground that Mirabel and the kids were standing on.

Mirabel:🎶 And Luisa's super strong, the beauty and the brawn, doing no wrong.

Luisa then placed the ground down as a bridge.

Abuela: Let's get ready!

Luisa: Coming, Abuela!

Luisa ran to Abuela.

Mirabel:🎶 That's life in the family Madrigal. Now you know the family Madrigal, where all the people are fantastical and magical. That's who we are in the family Madrigal. Adios.🎶

Mirabel began to leave but was stopped by the kids in front of her.

Little girl: But what's your gift?

Before Mirabel could answer, she was tossed an instrument to sing about her gift.

Mirabel:🎶 Well, I gotta go, the life of a Madrigal. But now you all know the family Madrigal. I never meant for this to be autobiographical.🎶

Everywhere she went, she was followed by the kids.

Mirabel:🎶 It was just to review the family Madrigal. Let's go! And remember, each and every one of us has a role to play in keeping our miracle alive. So, let's make our family proud and keep our legacy alive!

Kids:🎶 But what about Mirabel?🎶

Mirabel:🎶 It starts with Abuela, and then Tia Pepa, she handles the weather.🎶

Kids:🎶 But what about Mirabel?🎶

Mirabel:🎶 My mom Julieta can make you feel better, just one arepa will do the trick.🎶

Kids:🎶 But what about Mirabel?🎶

Mirabel:🎶 My dad Agustin, well, he's accident-prone, but he always means well.🎶

Kids:🎶 But what about Mirabel?🎶

Mirabel:🎶 Hey, you said you wanted to know what everyone does. I've got sisters and cousins and...🎶

Kids:🎶 Mirabel!🎶

Mirabel:🎶 My primo Camilo won't stop until he makes you smile today.🎶

Kids:🎶 Mirabel!🎶

Mirabel:🎶 My cousin Dolores could hear this chorus from miles away.🎶

Kids:🎶 Mirabel!🎶

Mirabel suddenly pulled Mariano into the conversation as Isabela approached.

Mirabel:🎶 Look, it's Mr. Mariano. (Hey, you can talk to my sister if you want, but between you and me, she's kind of a prima donna. Oh, I said too much.) And thank you, but I really gotta go. My family's amazing, and I'm in my family, so... well, you get the picture.

As she continued singing, the kids kept shouting her name until Abuela called for her.

Abuela: Mirabel!

Mirabel turned to see Abuela holding a vase full of flowers.

Abuela: What are you doing?

Mirabel quickly tried to think of a response.

Mirabel: Uh, they were just asking about the family, and...

Little girl: She was about to tell us about her super awesome gift!

Mirabel looked worried as the little girl spoke.

Dolores suddenly appeared, looking puzzled.

Dolores: Oh, Mirabel didn't get one.

Dolores left, followed by Abuela. The kids turned to Mirabel, looking disappointed.

Little girl: You didn't get a gift?

Mirabel: Um...

Before she could respond, a man called out to her.

Man: Mirabel! Delivery!

He handed her a basket full of various items.

Man: I gave you the special since you're the only Madrigal kid with no gift. I call it the "Not-so-special special."

Mirabel forced a smile. The man returned as soon as he left.

Man: Oh, and tell Antonio good luck. The last gift ceremony was a bummer. Yours being the one that didn't work out.

Little girl: If I were you, I'd be really sad.

Mirabel: Well, my little friend, I'm not. Because the truth is, gift or no gift, I am just as special as the rest of my family.

Little girl: Maybe your gift is being in denial.

Inside the house, Y/n and his family were having a great time. Although, Y/n wouldn't say he was enjoying himself too much, as his older brother Louis was being quite childish and it was embarrassing for Y/n to claim him as his sibling.

Great-aunt: Oh, I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself here, Y/n. I want you to give us the biggest smile you can, as we're in the company of people who are just as gifted as us.

Y/n: Well, I'll tell you that I am as excited as you expect me to be, but it's just that sometimes I can't handle Louis. Look at him, trying to balance a piece of cake on his nose.

Great-uncle: Well, he's quite the character, and I mean that in a good way. Why don't you go check in with your siblings and see how they're doing? It might brighten your mood.

Y/n: Alright, I guess that's something I could do, but I don't think I'll enjoy talking to Louis much.

He still looked annoyed as he walked over to his brothers. The first one he approached was Louis.

Y/n: So, Louis, how are you finding it here so far?

Louis: I'd say I'm enjoying myself immensely. We're in a house full of people just like us, and I think we're going to get along great with them.

Y/n: What did you say about being excited?

Louis: Yeah, I know what I said, but it's just so cool that there are people as gifted as us. I still think it's worth getting excited over.

Nicolás was seen talking to some of the guests, showing them his latest invention. Y/n approached him next.

Y/n: Hey, Nicolás, how's it going?

Nicolás: Great! I was just showing some of the guests my latest invention. They seem really impressed.

Y/n: That's great to hear.

It wasn't long before their mother and father joined them.

Father: Ah, my boys, I'm so happy to see you all enjoying yourselves.

Y/n: Great, you and mom are here. I was beginning to wonder where you two were.

Father: We had to make a few stops to get some food for the ceremony.

Y/n: Well, it's nice that we're all here and having a good time.

Father: And I want you to be nice and make us proud.

Nicolás then came back with a handmade necklace.

Nicolás: Here, dad, I made it myself. It's for you.

Father: Wow, I can see you've really put a lot of creativity into this.

He put the necklace on, even though it was a bit uncomfortable, to make Nicolás feel happy.

Louis then came back with a giant sculpture of their father.

Louis: And I made this for you, dad.

Father: It's lovely, Louis.

Louis: And I got something for you too, mom.

He handed her a box of chocolates he made himself.

Louis: I made them extra sweet, just like you.

Mother: Thank you, Louis.

Y/n: Oh, and I got something for both of you.

He showed them a drawing he made of both of his parents hugging each other.

Father: You're such a talented young man, Y/n. You should be proud of yourself.

Y/n shared a smile with his father before he took center stage to address the crowd.

Father: Thank you all for coming. It is an honor to be in this house, surrounded by people like us, who have been blessed with unique abilities. We must never take our gifts for granted and should only use them when necessary and to help others. Our gifts have been passed down from generation to generation, starting with our great ancestor. I am fortunate to have met a wonderful woman, and together we have three incredible sons, each with their own impressive gifts. They are eager to share their abilities with you all. Our family and the Madrigals are truly special. That's all for now.

The crowd cheered and applauded as he left the stage. Y/n and his brothers were soon surrounded by people eager to learn more about their gifts. A little girl approached Y/n.

Little girl: What is your power?

Y/n: Well, you might not be able to see it, but I can communicate with my loved ones who have passed away.

Little girl: Really?

Y/n: Yes, really.

Little girl: What is your grandma saying right now?

Grandma: She's quite the curious one.

Y/n: She says that you're quite the curious one.

Little girl: Wow, that's so cool!

Y/n: Yes, it is.

The little girl walked away, amazed by Y/n's gift. He felt a tug on his arm and turned to see Nicolás standing there.

Nicolás: Watch this, I'm about to make my move.

He walked over to a nearby woman and began to act foolishly, trying to impress her. The woman slapped him, and Nicolás used his gift to show her how he felt. She immediately comforted him, and Y/n rolled his eyes before walking away. He marveled at the amazing sights around him and tried to get a closer look at the doors, but the stairs slid him back down.

Y/n: I suppose it doesn't want me to go up there. I wonder what else I can discover about this place.

Y/n ignored Nicolás as he walked by, eager to explore further. He approached a group of people admiring one of his inventions, a steam-powered machine that could help with household chores.

Y/n: Hello, everyone. I'm Y/n, the creator of this machine. It's called the Auto-Maid.

The crowd was impressed and asked Y/n questions about how it worked. He happily explained the mechanics of the machine and demonstrated its capabilities. People were amazed by Y/n's ingenuity and praised him for his work. Y/n felt proud of his gift and grateful for the opportunity to share it with others. He continued to showcase his other inventions, each one more impressive than the last, and the crowd grew more and more amazed by his talents. Y/n was in his element, surrounded by people who appreciated his gift and recognized his potential. He felt like he belonged, and it was a feeling he never wanted to let go of.

Finally got done writing this the first chapter. Let me tell you the musical part was kind of a pain to write but it was fun and all worth and I just hope you like the first chapter so far. So please stay tune for what I have for you.

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