Damaged and Lost

By Unique_Frexa

2.7K 92 34

Book 2 This is a sequel to Hydras Weapon so if you haven't read that, I do recommend reading it first. At the... More

Time to start again
The beginning of the end
Memories lost
Fresh start
Do you know who I am?
Secret meetings never go well
Which side will you choose?
Third time lucky

The outside world is a scary place

234 10 4
By Unique_Frexa

A few days later
Peter had gotten used to the Avengers tower in the past few days. He hadn't had any new memory spurts since the one in the bedroom and he was enjoying himself. Even without his memories he didn't feel empty or if he was missing anything. All he wanted was to stay with the Avengers. They had all been so nice to him and even though they knew him before everything they were kind and didn't say anything from the past in which he didn't remember. Peter felt truly happy.

The alarm woke Tony up.
"Urgh" Tony complained "Alarm off".
"Tony you need to get up. This is the third time your alarm has gone off. You can't just keep silencing it".
"Yes I can" Tony flung a pillow at Strange and put the covers back over his head.
"Oh no up you get" Strange grabbed the edge of the covers and pulled them off Tony.
"Strraannggee" Tony complained.
"Up now" Strange threw a pair of clean boxers at Tony's head and left the room.
"I thought you loved me" Tony moaned and got up.
After he was dressed Tony headed down to get breakfast. Everyone was already there including Peter who was munching through some toast.
"Morning" Tony said and poured himself a coffee.
"Morning" Peter said finishing the last bite of toast "Can I go out today?".
"What do you mean?" Tony asked taking a large swig of coffee.
"Just like outside to look at the shops and stuff" Peter asked interested in seeing New York for his 'first time' well since he remembers.
"Sure but keep the phone I gave you on at all times and if you get lost call me immediately" Tony said.
"Yes and remember to take your jacket, you don't want to get cold" Bucky stood on the other side of the room mocking Tony's voice while sounding like an overprotective parent.
"Shut up metal arm" Tony shouted across the room. Bucky let out a little smile and got whacked on the head by Steve for it.
"Owww" Bucky complained.
"Stop being an arse" Steve said.
"Says the one with 'americas ass'" Bucky replied dodging Steve's other hand and walked quickly out of the room Steve following closely behind.
"Those two really are something" Peter chuckled and pulled on his black jacket which he had found in his room earlier and went to put his shoes on. After that he made sure he had some money in case of emergency and his phone then left in a hurry to go out of the avengers tower.

As he left the elevator he opened the door and onto the pavement. He looked left and right then crossed the road away from the tower and towards the heaps of shops.
People bustled about busily. Some on their phones, some with friends and some eating food and benches. Peter looked happy with delight and spent the next 30 minutes walking around and looking in shops while making sure he knew where he was and how to get back to the avengers tower.
Peter had bought himself a pair of sunglasses and was in a queue to buy himself a hot chocolate. When he got to the front he spoke his order and waited for it to be complete.
"That will be £2:60" the cashier said punching the numbers into the machine.
Peter got his wallet out and grabbed the Change he had. Scooping it up he counted up his coins and realised he was a little short.
"I'm sorry, I'm 20p short" Peter said
"Sorry you can't have it" the cashier said sympathetically.
Peter was about to leave when someone chirped up from behind him.
"I'll pay for him".
Peter turned around to see a lady who had just been served from the other cash point. She pulled out a 20p coin handing it to the cashier who put it in the machine with Peters coins and handed him his hot chocolate then began speaking to the next in line.
"Thank you for this, how can I repay you" Peter thanked the woman.
"You don't owe me anything I'm lending a helping hand to a friends but if you do want to help could you help me carry one of these bags to my car" she looked down at her feet where three different bag of different colours sat there.
"Of course" Peter wondered why she had said friend but ignored it and picked up one of them and the woman put her coffee then put both other bags on her right arm before picking the coffee back up with her left.
Peter then walked the woman down the pavement towards the car park.
"So Peter how have you been?" She asked.
Peter nearly choked on his hot chocolate.
"You know me?" Peter asked.
The woman looked slightly confused at the question.
"Yes" she sounded as confused as she looked.
"I'm sorry I've...Erm....I've lost my memory I don't know who you are" Peter said.
"Oh no Peter. I'm sorry" she suddenly sounded really sympathetic and her eyes showed sorrow.
"It's not your fault. Do you mind me asking how I know you?" Peter asked.
"Oh of course, I'm your Aunt. We've only met a couple times though" she said.
"Your my family?" Peter asked.
"Yes I suppose so" she smiled as she reached for her car keys in her pocket.
Peter realised that since he woke up on the avengers lab table he hadn't thought about his family at all.
"Do I have any other family?" Peter asked.
"No unfortunately I'm all you have left your parents tragically died when you were younger" she said.
Suddenly a bunch of images flashed before Peters eyes.
He saw two people. The man was lying on the floor on his side. They seemed to be in some sort of alley and the woman was on the ground looking up at him.
"I love you Peter" she said and Peter was thrown back into reality.

"Are you okay?" the woman asked.
"Hmm what" Peter replied.
"You spaced out".
"Sorry no I'm fine".
The two reached the car and Peter helped his 'aunt' put the items into the boot of the car.
"Thank you Peter. If you ever have any problems just call me" she handed him a piece of paper with her number on it.
"Thanks I will. I can't wait to tell Mr Stark about this, you should meet him some time" Peter sounded happy.
"Tony Stark?" She said.
"Yeah, I'm staying with him" Peter said.
"No you shouldn't tell Mr Stark about me. We have a history and don't really get along" she explained.
"Why what happened?" Peter asked.
"I'd prefer not to say. Promise me you won't tell him" she asked.
"I promise" Peter genuinely said as she was his last remaining relative.
"Well thank you again for your help Peter and I hope to see you again" she said as she closed her boot and got inside the car waving to Peter as he turned and walked away from the car park in the direction of the avengers tower.

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