Widow Sisters and Friends (Re...

By SimWoman2002

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A collection of fanfiction for the Black Widow movie. There are going to be some spoilers, so if you're all g... More

My Reason
Snowy Surprises
Never Too Big
Defending Honor
Just Wanna Stay
Please Don't Close Your Eyes
I'm Here for You
Carry Me
Returning the Favor
Tracing My Love
You Will Always Be Mine
Let Me Take Care of You
Prank Wars
Breaking My Heart
Fanny Longbottom
Keep You Safe
Gonna Stay with You
Miss American Pie
Even If It Takes Forever
Unexpectedly Impressive
Opening Her Heart
Visions in the Night
Queens of Game Night
Little Peter's Girl Troubles
The Greatest Treasure
With Your Hand in Mine
Dynamite Comes in Small Packages
For the Best Poser
You, My Darling You
The Great Walmart Escapade
Budapest with a Sh
Living in Our Own Little World
My Little Koala
Trust Yourself: Part 1
Trust Yourself: Part 2
Cuddles and Camping
The Coolest Way to Die
Let the Thunder Roll
I've Got You
Sugar Rush
Meet the Family
The Smallest Roadtrip with the Biggest Poser
War of the Widows
Don't Touch Her
My Entire World: Part 1
My Entire World: Part 2
Rediscovering Sisterhood
Cold, Hard Fear
Terrifying Discoveries
Hidden Talent
The Most Gorgeous Sound
Chase the Demons Away
I Can't Lose You: Part 1
I Can't Lose You: Part 2
Easy as Breathing
My Precious Gift
My Hero
My Sweet Girl
Here, Kitty, Kitty
Fake It 'Til You Make It
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Perfect to Me
Serving Revenge
Family Weekend: Part 1
Family Weekend: Part 2
Family Weekend: Part 3
Family Weekend: Part 4
Family Weekend: Part 5
Family Weekend: Part 6
Family Weekend: Part 7
Together Forevermore
Big Sister's Birthday
Shut Up and Drive
Don't Hide from Me
Might as Well Jump
A Surprise Around Every Corner
Truth Cuts Deeper Than Any Knife
I'll Always Stay
Paging My Poser
I'll Protect You
Follow You Anywhere
The New and Improved Toilet Fountain
Sledding with the Bartons
Talent Show
Junk Food Junkie
Sleep, Moya Sestra
Detka, It's Cold Outside
Detka, It's Cold Outside: Part 2
What Once was Mine
Day Off
Show Yourself
As the World Caves In: Part 1
As the World Caves In: Part 2
As the World Caves In: Part 3
As the World Caves In: Part 4
Opposite Day
Under the Influence
Cutting A Little Too Deep
No Touchy
These Cheaters Prosper
What You Need
Sing for Me
The Quiet Game
Anything for You
Don't Mess with Him
Be Mine, Valentine
I Just Need You
Gun Show Gone Wrong
On My Knees
Meaner than a Hornet
Vexing Vest Situation
Just My Natashka
When We've No Place to Go
Katie Strikes Back
Katie Strikes Back: Part 2
Katie Strikes Back: Part 3
Tickle Monster
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 1
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 2
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 3
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 4
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 5
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 6
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 7
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 8
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 9
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 10
First in My World
Prank Heist
Anniversary of A Nightmare
Minor Flesh Wounds
Heartbreaking Heat
This Has Been a Gas
Don't Break Me Like This: Part 1
Don't Break Me Like This: Part 2
Number One
Submerged in Fear
Gorgeous Inside and Out
I Heal by Your Touch
Spoiled Little Brat
The Worst Plans Are Actually Planned
All is Gone
The Sister Instruction Manual
The Breaking Point
Outrageous Egg Hunt
Listen to Me: Part 1
Listen to Me: Part 2
Listen to Me: Part 3
Listen to Me: Part 4
Listen to Me: Part 5
Listen to Me: Part 6
Listen to Me: Part 7
Listen to Me: Part 8
With You in Spirit
Scooby Dooby Darcy
Sisters in Arms (But in Nothing Else)
From the Start
Come to Me
Standing on the Edge
You are Ours Now
Reunion: Part 1
Reunion: Part 2
Reunion: Part 3
Reunion: Part 4
Reunion: Part 5
Reunion: Part 6
Reunion: Part 7
What About Me?
The Art of Transportation
Two Sides of the Heart: Part 1
Two Sides of the Heart: Part 2
Elevators Are Never a Good Thing
Setting Up the Captains
Parental Introduction and Swine Maliciousness
It's About You, Too
Revenge is a Dish Best Served While Sleeping
We are NOT Sisters

The Flour Queen

473 7 0
By SimWoman2002

Summary: Yelena and Peter go to the fair one day when it is in town, leaving Natasha alone at the compound. However, she quickly goes to Kate, hoping to spend some quality time with her, and Kate suggests that they try to bake cupcakes. Naturally, Kate Bishop and Natasha Romanoff together in the kitchen spells trouble.

   "You two have fun, okay? Don't cut in line in front of kids, and don't drink or eat anything before getting on the rides," Natasha expressed, and Yelena rolled her eyes heavily with Peter just looking a little embarrassed at Natasha's fond mother-henning.

"You make us out like we're a threat to everyone including ourselves," Yelena pointed out with far too much innocence in her voice. Natasha quirked an eyebrow as she crossed her arms and looked at her adorable baby sister.

"I've just got to look after you," Natasha told her, and Yelena huffed. Peter just looked between the both of them, uncertain of whether it would be best to laugh or just mind his own business.

Natasha was currently waving Yelena and Peter off to go to the fair that had come to town for the week. Natasha had already gone with Yelena three times, and after Yelena had thrown up all over her on one of the faster moving rides on their most recent trip, Natasha was not sure if she was up for more fair visits just yet.

Therefore, Yelena begrudgingly yet immediately moved to her other favorite person to aggravate and go places with, which was the one and only Peter Parker. Of course, Yelena was not entirely upset that Natasha was not coming. Yelena actually seemed to be pretty excited to have a new unsuspecting victim—ahem, excited participant— to come with her to the fair.

"Such a mom," Yelena complained loudly, but she wasted no time in coming over to Natasha and lifting her hand up to hold the side of Natasha's neck. Natasha grinned softly, leaning forward and meeting the younger woman's forehead as she cupped the back of Yelena's neck and drew her nearer.

"Look, you're my baby sister. I have to make sure you're okay," Natasha whispered, and Yelena huffed lightly. However, her eyes were practically glowing with adoration. Natasha could not help a small chuckle as she eyed her baby sister.

"And besides... You remember last time," Natasha told her softly, and Yelena let out an unhappy groan as she pulled away from Natasha softly.

"That was one time. And the look on your face was hilarious," Yelena pointed at her as she started mimicking what she remembered Natasha's face to look like. Natasha just rolled her eyes good-naturedly, playfully yet gently swatting at Yelena's shoulder.

"Get out of here, you little turd," Natasha scolded, and Yelena cackled as she jumped away from Natasha's hand. She smirked widely, grabbing Peter by the collar of his shirt as she gave him a firm tug.

"C'mon, Peter Tingle. Let's head out. We know when we're not wanted," Yelena dramatically declared with a far too self-satisfied grin, and Natasha just narrowed her eyes at her, completely unimpressed with the blonde's attempts at aggravating her.

"Bye, Miss Romanoff!" he waved to her, and Natasha offered him a wave in reply, smiling at him calmly as she watched the two start to leave.

"Ooh, maybe we'll see the MJ when we get there!" Natasha could hear Yelena excitedly declare as they walked off. Peter looked positively horrified as he looked back at Natasha helplessly. Natasha laughed, offering them one last wave before turning and heading back toward the compound.

She let out a deep breath, thinking of what she would do without Yelena there to spend her time with. She could get a variety of things done that needed to be taken care of, she could work out... Her options were pretty much limitless in a way that shook her deeply. Any time that Yelena was not there with her, she felt so lost.

However, as she thought of someone in particular, she could feel her heart swelling and a sense of direction filling her once again. She grinned in spite of herself, hope and happiness filling her as she made a beeline for one of her favorite people ever.

Before long, Natasha was approaching the door to Kate's apartment. She took in a small breath before raising her hand to knock at the door, hoping that the girl was there and hoping even more greatly that the girl would actually want to spend time with her. They had such fun together not too long ago when Yelena had been gone for several days on that mission. Natasha felt a genuine connection to the younger girl, and she felt an overwhelming need to take the girl under her wing despite the fact that she was Clint's protégée.

Just as she raised her fist, the door suddenly started to open, the archer in question starting out the door as she spoke to the dog just inside and looked down at him as she tried to keep him inside.

"I'll be back, buddy! Mama's just heading out to go get some goodies—"

Kate froze as she suddenly raised her gaze and found herself staring at Natasha. Natasha lowered her fist, offering a small smile to the girl as she felt the inevitable affection rising within her. Kate's eyes widened and she grinned goofily, pulling her door almost all the way shut.

"Oh, my gosh, Natasha! What a surprise!" Kate excitedly cried. She stepped forward instinctively but paused for just a moment, looking uncertain of herself for a quick moment. However, when Natasha opened her arms for a hug, Kate brightened considerably, her face splitting in a huge grin as she moved into Natasha's arms.

"Hey, shchenok," Natasha greeted gently. She squeezed Kate tightly, rubbing the girl's back affectionately. Kate positively melted into her, her larger form hunched over somewhat to wrap around the shorter woman.

Natasha could not help her giant grin, and she was honestly somewhat surprised at herself for how much that she had missed hugging Kate, the big goofball draped over her in such an oddly comforting and endearing manner. She was truly excited for the opportunity to spend time with her just one-on-one.

Natasha finally let her go, and Kate was so ridiculously pleased that she almost could not stand herself as she shifted just a little in place, a big, silly grin on her face. However, after just a moment, she seemed to come back at herself just enough to realize precisely where they were and the circumstances. She looked a little nervous, glancing back in the direction of her room.

"Umm... Just give me a sec, let me clean up my room really fast, it's a huge mess in there—"

"It's okay, sweetheart. I already know about the posters," Natasha told her, barely keeping the enormous grin off of her face as she eyed the younger girl.

Kate's eyes went wide as she gaped at the redhead blankly for a moment. Natasha could not help the slightest beginnings of a smirk coming onto her face. Kate finally just let out a small sigh, looking terribly guilty indeed.

"Yelena told you, didn't she?" Kate finally questioned, her voice somewhat weary.

"You question my ability to find it out on my own? Kate, many have called me the greatest spy in the world, or did you forget?" Natasha teased her, tilting her head playfully as she eyed Kate fondly. Kate just shook her head, still seeming rather embarrassed.

Yelena, of course, had told Natasha about the many Hawkeye posters that Kate had plastered in various parts of her apartment. However, Natasha was not about to expose her baby sister like that. Even if she was extremely tempted to.

"So what brings you here?" Kate asked, and Natasha shrugged.

"Well... Yelena and Peter are off to go endanger themselves and small children, so I thought that we might could spend some time together if you wanted," Natasha made sure to add on the last three words rather quickly so that Kate would not feel pressured to have to spend time with her.

However, it was as if Kate had received the best gift in the world, because her face somehow brightened even more and she was practically glowing as she happily puffed up with pride and excitement.

"That's awesome, Tasha, I'd love to!" Kate expressed before looking just the smallest bit nervous about calling Natasha the nickname. Natasha raised an eyebrow, gazing at Kate lovingly yet knowingly. Kate just swallowed a tiny bit, offering a sheepish grin.

Natasha knew that the brunette was obviously feeling a little awkward about things since they had not really had an opportunity to spend time together with just the two of them since Yelena had that multi-day mission. Kate likely did not know if Natasha was still comfortable with her or was entirely wanting to keep her around still.

However, Natasha wanted to make it her mission that very day to ensure that Kate knew that she could always be comfortable with her and that Kate would always have her place with Natasha no matter what.

"What were you about to do when you were coming out of here?" Natasha asked, and Kate immediately loosened up a little, grinning slightly.

"Well, I was kinda in the mood for something sweet, so I was going to try to bake some cupcakes," Kate told her happily, and Natasha smiled back at her.

"Mind if I come along? I'm not too good at cooking or baking, but I can give it a try," Natasha offered and Kate nodded eagerly.

"Of course! I'd love to bake with you," Kate expressed, shutting her door more fully behind her to keep Lucky inside her apartment where he belonged while she could not watch him closely.

"I'm not good at it either, to be honest, but I can teach you what I know," Kate told her with that glimmering optimism that made Natasha's heart melt every time she saw it from the girl. Natasha nodded to her, happiness swelling in her chest.

"Let's do it," Natasha told her as she reached an arm out, wrapping it around Kate affectionately as they started down the hall. Kate quickly returned the side-hug, the both of them instinctively falling back into at least some semblance of the bond that they had developed during the time that Yelena had left for those several days not so long ago.

Natasha felt some manner of fullness within her as she walked with Kate. She had truly missed being able to be with the young archer and she was very excited to spend time with her.


"We ready to go?" Natasha asked, and Kate nodded as she finished tying her apron on.

"Yeah," Kate replied, and Natasha raised an eyebrow as Kate faced her.

"What are you wearing?" Natasha inquired incredulously, a chuckle in her voice as she eyed the girl's ridiculous attire.

"Umm... an apron?" Kate answered, her voice coming out as more of a question as she grinned slightly and fixed her apron. Natasha huffed in reply to her, reaching out and gently touching the large cartoon bear on the apron across Kate's torso. Her hand made contact with its paws on Kate's stomach and she looked up at the brunette.

"Y'know, you better not let Yelena see you wearing that. You'll never hear the end of Katie-Bear then," Natasha smirked just barely, and Kate smiled goofily, waggling her eyebrows playfully.

"That's why it's making its grand debut in front of you and not her," Kate pointed two finger-guns in Natasha's direction before starting to scroll her phone and try to find the recipe for the both of them to use. Natasha huffed, rolling her eyes fondly as headed over to grab one of the plainer aprons that were stored in such nice order in the kitchen closet.

She put it on, and Kate snorted lightly. Natasha raised an eyebrow, looking over at her. She caught the girl looking at her for a split second before Kate's eyes returned to the screen.

"What?" Natasha asked, approaching the younger girl, and Kate just shrugged, glancing barely in Natasha's direction and trying her best to remain as serious as she could. Natasha just kept her gaze resolutely trained on Kate. Kate's lips wobbled a little as she tried desperately not to laugh.

"What's so funny, you little turkey?" Natasha questioned playfully, poking Kate's side. Kate jumped as if she had been shot, trying her best to stay away from Natasha's finger. Natasha grinned, watching her carefully. Kate finally moved her head in a noncommittal gesture.

"That's kind of an old lady apron," Kate commented, and Natasha was immediately taken back to their time together when Yelena had been gone. Kate had finally thought of an annoying nickname for Natasha, and while Natasha was proud of her for getting her courage back to pick on her, another part of her knew she was going to grow very tired of being called old.

"Hmm. Old ladies cook better than young grasshoppers, y'know," Natasha told her, putting a tone of mock wisdom in her voice. Kate huffed in reply.

"We'll see, Tasha," Kate shot back with a smirk as she started to name ingredients and look for them alongside Natasha.

"Okay... So it looks like we need butter... eggs... baking powder... salt... Ew... Salt?" Kate raised her eyebrows uncertainly, seeming rather disgusted indeed.

"I hear it's supposed to go well in sweet stuff," Natasha stated, and Kate pursed her lips.

"Oh... Guess that explains Yelena. She needs a little more sugar in her, though," Kate commented before looking a little uncertain of herself for her joke at Yelena's expense as she gazed at Natasha to try to gauge her reaction. Natasha just laughed easily in response, shrugging a little.

"You'd be surprised how much sugar she actually has in her," Natasha admitted as she withdrew the ingredients Kate named off, placing them there on the counter. Kate came over to meet her with the ingredients she herself had collected.

"Well... Maybe one day I'll get to see it," Kate optimistically stated, and Natasha squeezed the girl's arm affectionately before examining the ingredients. Kate looked at the list, calling off the measurements that they were going to need so that Natasha could pick out the appropriate measuring cups and whatnot.

They soon had them all out, and Natasha examined Kate's instructions as Kate withdrew a large bowl and a muffin pan.

"Okay... so from what I understand, we measure each ingredient and just throw it in the bowl and mix it together. Then we pour the mix evenly in the muffin pan slots," Natasha explained, and Kate nodded before looking at Natasha hopefully.

"What do you think about making two batches?" Kate asked, and Natasha easily nodded, deciding she was perfectly up to the challenge. After all, getting all of this ready was not so bad and it did not look too hard to make the cupcakes themselves according to the recipe.

"Sure. Let's just get this pan started and then we can get going on the other one," Natasha replied somewhat absently, examining the recipe before placing Kate's phone between them as they started trying to pour stuff in their bowl.

Kate examined the measurement of baking powder she was trying to gingerly pour into the teaspoon measurer before her. However, to her surprise, the baking powder suddenly came out in a giant clump, overflowing the teaspoon and spilling into the bowl. Kate's eyes went wide as she gaped at the amount she had dropped.

Natasha almost laughed as she looked at the girl. Kate looked a little embarrassed as she glanced between the bowl, Natasha, and the teaspoon.

"You have that under control, shchenok?" Natasha questioned, raising an eyebrow as she finally chuckled heartily. Kate let out a small breath before dumping her teaspoon in with the clump.

"Of course. Besides... What's a little bit too much baking powder going to do?"

"I don't know, but it can't be good," Natasha shook her head.

"Surely it can't be that bad. It should just help it bake better. It's in the name, right?" Kate questioned, and Natasha just shrugged with a wicked grin.

"I thought you said that you could teach me," Natasha swiftly pointed out, and Kate did not miss a beat as she grabbed the salt.

"Didn't you say that old people know how to cook better than us young people?" Kate asked, and Natasha shot her a lighthearted glare.

"Watch out, little girl. You're walking on thin ice," Natasha warned playfully, and Kate huffed with a smirk growing that was almost too genuine to truly be any expression of mischief. Kate then focused her attention on the salt in her hand and the teaspoon measurer.

"Hm... How am I going to know when this thing fills up halfway?" Kate spoke up.


"Like I need half a teaspoon... And this measurer is a full teaspoon," Kate told her, and Natasha turned to face Kate, grabbing the salt container from her hand and helping to steady Kate's hand that was grasping the measurer.

"Don't worry... We just do it like this," Natasha murmured under her breath as she watched the salt pouring into the measurer over the mixing bowl. However, similarly to the problem Kate had a few moments ago, the salt suddenly filled up way too much, spilling into the bowl. Natasha let out a deep sigh, and Kate was smiling far too widely.

"Just like that?" Kate asked, and Natasha shook her head slowly.

"Just like that," Natasha sighed somewhat defeatedly in reply as she dumped just a little of the salt in her teaspoon into the bowl. She poured the rest of it back into the salt container.

They then proceeded to try to measure the rest of the ingredients with a similar success rate. Once the ingredients were all inside of the container, Natasha offered them to Kate to mix together. After she had accomplished that, Natasha carefully poured the mix into the muffin pan. Natasha narrowed her eyes a little as she noted tiny bits of eggshell in the holes.

"Hmm... Not sure it's supposed to look like that," Natasha pointed to them with a sigh, readying herself to redo them. However, Kate quickly moved forward, bending over the counter. Natasha stepped back as she watched her curiously. Kate then turned back to face Natasha, her finger covered in mix.

"There. Nobody will ever know," Kate declared happily before sticking her finger in her mouth to lick it off. However, as the mix met her tongue, she winced hard.

"That bad?" Natasha questioned with a slight wince.

"Maybe it'll taste better baked... Nothing's good raw, right?" Kate inquired, and Natasha moved her head to the side slightly in a noncommittal gesture.

"Everything except baked stuff."

"Well, either way, it'll be fine!" Kate laughed nervously as she started to put on her oven mitts. Natasha eyed the cupcake mix as Kate placed it inside the oven. Miraculously, the eggshells had somehow disappeared.

"How'd you get rid of the shells?" Natasha asked her, and Kate laughed somewhat guiltily as she slid the pan in and shut the stove.

"Well... I didn't exactly get rid of them perse..." Natasha immediately scowled a little as she realized what the kid meant by the words.

"Kate, that is so disgusting—"

"No, look it's not that bad! It's extra calcium! And the heat will kill all the germs!" Kate tried to defend herself and Natasha could not help her laughter at the goofy look on Kate's face as she attempted desperately to excuse her actions. Kate pouted just a little, looking positively adorable as she embarrassedly eyed Natasha.

"You're a mess," Natasha told her, wiping her currently flour-covered thumb over Kate's nose. Kate wrinkled her nose in response to Natasha's action, and Natasha smirked just a tiny bit as she started to reach to set the timer.

However, Kate's hand suddenly darted out and she wiped her whole hand across Natasha's cheek. Natasha froze, shifting her gaze over to Kate as she took in the fact that Kate's hand was covered in flour and the bag of the stuff was opened nearby the younger girl. Kate looked a little worried for a moment, obviously concerned that she had gone too far.

"I'm sorry, look, I didn't mean to do that—"

Natasha quickly interrupted her by sticking her hand in the flour and smearing it across Kate's face. Kate squinted her eyes, letting out a sharp breath through her nose as she tried to keep the flour from getting in her nostrils. Natasha chuckled a little, taking in the nice handprint she had left behind.

"There," Natasha chuckled, and started to turn on the timer. However, she was suddenly bombarded by some flour flying in her direction. Natasha immediately turned to face Kate, gaping at the kid. Kate looked sheepish but also somehow resolved in an odd way.

But as soon as Natasha's eyes narrowed with the challenge, Kate looked very nervous indeed.

"You wanna play, little girl?" Natasha asked, her voice lowered slightly in the face of the war that was doubtlessly about to ensue.

"Only if you're ready for me, old lady," Kate challenged before swiftly dumping part of the flour in a bowl and running away, hiding behind the counter island with it. Natasha grabbed the flour bag quickly, throwing flour after Kate and managing to get her in the back before she dove down behind the counter.

Kate yelped, and Natasha just climbed onto the counter, bending over the edge and throwing flour at Kate's head repeatedly. Kate yelped and started scooting away as quickly as she could, chucking the stuff at Natasha in return.

Natasha got a good handful of it in her face, and she coughed hard.

"Call me John because you can't Cena me!" Kate victoriously claimed, and even though it was one of the worst jokes Natasha had ever heard, she could not help her laughter in spite of herself as she continued to throw flour at Kate.

"That was horrible!" Natasha told her, and Kate's hearty laughter rung out through the kitchen adorably, and Natasha felt her heart warming as she continued to throw the flour on the girl.

"It makes sense!" Kate argued in the midst of trying to dodge flour from where she was crawling backwards, desperately attempting to avoid Natasha's assault from the countertop.

"Who is John?!"

"A pro wrestler! And he pulls moves like this!" Kate cried as she scrambled to her feet and made a grab for Natasha's legs. Natasha quickly threw flour on Kate's head, and she jumped back.

It was at that moment that Kate decided to make an escape or at least find better cover. However, that was when Natasha launched her attack, sliding off the counter and launching herself onto Kate. The combined force of both of them moving sent them to the floor.

Kate hit the ground with a grunt, and Natasha tried her best to take the brunt of the fall. As soon as she realized it had not hurt Kate, Natasha clambered over on top of her, fighting the girl's limbs as she grabbed her firmly, sitting the flour bag next to her and looking down at the brunette.

For a split second, Natasha felt a bit of trepidation at her position, not sure if the girl was quite comfortable enough with her to be all-out wrestling with her like this outside of training. However, Kate was grinning widely and gleefully despite the slight nervousness for what could come next, and her hair was practically the color of snow from all of the flour that had covered her head. Natasha felt her insecurities and worries melting away as she looked down at the girl, and she allowed herself a smirk.

"Well, well... Just like that?" Natasha echoed Kate's question to her earlier with just as much teasing in her voice as Kate had. Kate let out a slight breath, a face-splitting smile still on her face.

"Just like that," Kate replied, not even sounding disappointed that it did not work. Natasha grinned down at her before squeezing Kate's arms slightly in her hands as she leaned down near Kate's face.

She felt the strongest urge to tickle the girl at least a little to get her back for all of the flour that she had managed to get on her. However, she did not really know if Kate was entirely alright with it, so she held off on that for the moment.

"So... Do you admit defeat?" Natasha questioned, extending the olive branch to allow the girl to give up now if she wanted. Kate let out a defeated sigh.

"Yeah... I can't beat you, Tasha... You're the flour queen," Kate conceded victory to her tiredly, and Natasha's lips curved upward as she released Kate's wrists. Kate just smiled at her, holding her gaze, and Natasha felt her heart swelling with affection for the kid.

"And every queen needs a crown," Kate expressed, and Natasha caught sight of the mischievous grin on her face just a moment too late. She suddenly found her entire head and face being covered in flour as the flour bag's contents were dumped all over her. Natasha shut her eyes, waiting for the last bits of flour to leave the bag as she remained sitting on top of Kate.

Once it finally emptied itself, she risked opening her eyes, blinking just a little and squinting through the snowy powder coating her eyelashes. Kate was giggling like a madwoman, and Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"You done?" Natasha asked calmly. Kate nodded happily, her eyes glowing with satisfaction as she gazed up at the redhead.

"Yep," Kate replied, and even though Natasha could hear in her voice that she was indeed out of tricks, Natasha still could not let her off the hook that easily.

"Good. My turn," Natasha spoke up, before rapidly skittering her fingers along Kate's sides. Kate quickly squealed helplessly, and Natasha laughed at the girl as Kate fell apart into giggles. At this point, she decided that since Kate seemed to be fully comfortable and not showing signs of anything less, she was going to tickle Kate to death.

"Wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry!!! I'm really done!!!" Kate cried out in the midst of loud laughter, snorts resounding as she did her best to contain herself. However, she was somehow even more ticklish than Yelena was, and she was unable to hardly make any sense as she cackled.

"What was that?" Natasha pretended not to fully understand, and Kate wheezed as Natasha jabbed her fingers under her arms and tickled her relentlessly.

"I'm done pranking you! I'm done!" Kate screeched, and Natasha continued in her assault, grinning widely. However, when Kate was almost at the point that she could not breathe from laughing so hard, Natasha finally took some pity on her, releasing the kid.

Kate took in huge breaths, trying to regain air in her lungs. However, she ended up just sneezing adorably as she accidentally snorted a bit of flour into her nose. Natasha smiled widely in spite of herself, looking down at the girl with love filling her. Kate was grinning up at her from her place in the flour-covered floor, her gunmetal blues filled with only the most adoration.

However, as she truly slowed down enough to take in a breath of the air around her, she suddenly realized that something smelled like it was burning. Natasha's eyes went wide, and she quickly moved off of Kate.

"The cupcakes!" Natasha told her as she dashed to the stove. She grabbed a nearby oven mitt, opening the oven as she fanned away the slight tinges of smoke. Kate quickly hurried behind her, looking over her shoulder as Natasha sat the pan out on top of the stove. Natasha waved away the smoke, taking in the sight of the pan.

To her relief, a few of them were coincidentally intact somehow and had survived Kate and Natasha's negligence. Natasha let out a deep sigh, and they were quiet for a moment.

"You know... I think I'm good on making cupcakes for today," Kate spoke up, and Natasha paused for a moment. They both quickly chuckled, laughing together as they looked at the pathetic cupcakes they made.

"Well, let's get the frosting on the good ones and see how they look," Natasha told her, and Kate took two butterknives from a drawer while Natasha grabbed the icing. Kate handed one of the knives to Natasha, and the both of them carefully frosted the cupcakes.

Once they finally finished, they took a step back to look at their handiwork. Natasha looked over at Kate from where they both had their back to the counter island, and Kate returned her gaze. Natasha could not help a fond grin as she took in how Kate was positively covered in flour. Natasha reached out to her, pausing for just a moment before her face.

To her surprise, Kate actually moved toward the touch a little, pausing just before Natasha's hand to let the older woman close the distance. Natasha allowed her hand to move the rest of the way, and she cupped Kate's cheek, attempting to brush some flour off of her face with her hand despite the fact that it was a mostly fruitless endeavor considering the state of Natasha's hands.

Kate leaned into the affection, enjoying her attempts to get the flour off of her. Natasha then ran her hand up into Kate's hair, still moving a little slower than she would have with Yelena, and she ruffled Kate's hair so that the flour fell out of it a little.

Kate giggled softly, smiling at Natasha, and the redhead pulled her hand back carefully, allowing her palm to caress Kate's cheek as she withdrew. Kate then reached out carefully herself, softly brushing at the side of Natasha's neck and her shoulder.

Natasha felt her heart melting at the girl's gesture, and once Kate had finished, Natasha let out a deep breath, grinning despite the mess before them.

"Well... we probably should clean this up before we get some cupcakes."

"Yeah... And take a shower," Kate added in that goofy manner that was so simply and quintessentially Kate. Natasha laughed, nodding her head a little as she reached out her arm and wrapped it around the girl. Kate returned the side-hug, leaning into her heavily as she giggled.

They had a ton of fun, and Natasha was honestly very happy to have been able to spend time with the brunette.

And if the look on Kate's face was anything to go by, she had enjoyed it immensely as well.


It was much later, and the both of them had finally managed to clean up both the kitchen and themselves. They were now on the couch in the main room, eating their cupcakes in comfortable silence. They had even managed to save one for Yelena as well, and they had Yelena's sitting on the coffee table since the blonde would likely be home at any moment.

From where Natasha was sitting in the middle of the couch, she had draped her arm over Kate's shoulders, and Kate had sunk into Natasha's side happily despite the fact that she was taller by several inches. Natasha found it positively adorable how the girl wanted to be cuddled even though she was afraid to ask for it from Natasha.

"Thank you, Tasha... I had a lot of fun today," Kate expressed gently, and Natasha squeezed her just a bit tighter.

"Of course, shchenok. I meant what I said. I... care about you so much, and I want to spend time with you," Natasha told her, just barely hesitating before uttering the remainder of her last sentence.

Natasha was honestly terribly shocked at herself. She had been directly on the cusp of telling Kate that she loved her. She honestly did not even know where the urge had come from. Of course, as Natasha considered it, she quickly understood that she did know where it had come from. Natasha really did love the kid. Nevertheless, she hoped desperately that Kate had not picked up on her near mishap. After all, she did not want to really push the girl's comfort zone.

Kate seemed to realize that something was not entirely at ease with Natasha, but she did not say anything about it, just remaining snuggled close against her.

"I care about you, too. I'm really glad we could spend some time together today," Kate admitted, her voice so painfully honest, and Natasha felt her heart melting. She risked moving and pressing a gentle kiss to Kate's head in spite of the nervousness that was still coursing through her at her realization and at how close she had been to accidentally slipping up.

"Oh, you should've seen the look on your face when she saw you! I've never seen that many chunks fly out of somebody's mouth! Obviously, the MJ never did either!" a familiar voice cackled gleefully as the elevator started to open.

Natasha felt her heart swelling so much that she felt as if she could positively burst as she saw her baby sister come in through the elevator doors. Poor Peter looked horrible, his face some mix of bright red and sickly green, but Yelena was grinning widely and happily, her eyes sparkling brightly.

"Don't remind me," Peter mumbled, heading away quickly and no doubt making a break for either the nearest toilet or his room judging by the look on his face and how he was holding his stomach.

Yelena just smirked widely before her eyes truly settled on who was sitting there in the main room on the couch. Yelena's eyes brightened as she saw Natasha, but they quickly narrowed as they spotted Kate. Kate was just gaping at her, but as Natasha smiled adoringly at Yelena, Kate followed suit, grinning somewhat nervously.

"Hey, little one," Natasha greeted gently, and Kate offered a small wave. Yelena wasted no time in sitting on opposite side of Natasha that Kate was not on. She then grabbed Natasha's arm, tugging it around her wordlessly as she glared silently at Kate. Kate got the message quickly, releasing Natasha as she sat there somewhat awkwardly.

Yelena narrowed her eyes a little more, and Kate quickly scooted farther over so she was pressed against the arm of the couch on her side and there was a space between her and Natasha. Yelena eyed her for a moment more before letting herself snuggle in beside Natasha. Natasha squeezed her, and Yelena nuzzled her side.

"Hi, poser... What did you do today?" Yelena asked, and Natasha glanced over at Kate. As soon as they met eyes, they started to laugh. Yelena furrowed her brow, looking between the two quickly.

"What's so funny?" Yelena questioned cluelessly.

"We made cupcakes," Natasha told her, and Kate just laughed even more. Yelena was starting to look exceedingly confused as she kept glancing between them.

"We saved you one," Kate told her, reaching out and grabbing the cupcake on the coffee table before offering it to Yelena. Yelena just stared at it blankly before looking at the two of them. Kate and Natasha shared another glance and they immediately started laughing way more.

Yelena looked between them, completely dumbfounded before realizing that the both of them had eaten part of their own. Yelena shook her head slowly, letting out a deep sigh and glaring at the cupcake with skepticism.

"I think I'll pass, because you two are laughing way too much. I think you two put weed in those or something."

The both of them just laughed even more, Yelena growing even more bewildered.

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