The Buddy System. *Complet...

By Caffinated_Mama

3.7K 208 87

Back to Hogwarts, Raelyn felt like she was starting all over again. No family, no friends. She was destined t... More

Cast Ideas
Return to Hogwarts
Conversing with Snakes
The Buddy System
Can't Sleep
Potions Class
Classroom antics
Meeting Her
An Unexpected Meet Up
The Broom Cupboard
Knowing You Better
Getting Out
While I was sleeping
The Makeover
Opening Up
Hanging with Snakes
The Battle talk
The Date - prt 1
The Date - prt 2
Meetings & Greetings
Leap of Faith?
The Memory
Dean Thomas
Initiations to the Snake Club
Morning After
Like Old Times
Seeing Stars
Dearest Azaleah
Dancing in the rain
Love and War
Hexing & Humour
The Party
Preparations for Arrival
Catch Ups
Trying to Understand
New styles and stories
Our Song
The prick arrived
Vulgar Talk
Three Letters
A Letters Request
Home Truths
The Real Teeny
Sorting Out Our Issues
More truths
What Ifs
Spice Men
Good Ole Dad
What Needed To Be Said
Christmas Past
Christmas Presents
Castle Escape
Unexpected Meetings
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Getting To Know You
New Years Eve
Party Prep
Happy New Year!
Minister Visit
St. Mungo's
Plot Twist
January Blues
New Term
Hospital Wing
The Tower
You Heard Me
Read My Mind
Trouble Finding Me
Fucking Creep
Imperious Curse
Are They Always Like This?
The Answer?
Lucius Malfoy
A Book
To your health
Getting Organised
First Year
Bed Rest
Heart to Heart
Round Two
A Trip Down Memory Lane
A Trip Down Memory Lane - part II
The Tape
Unusual Proposal
Buddy Session
Future Plans
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

The Tree

33 1 0
By Caffinated_Mama

The following morning I was woken up to the sensation of kisses trailing down my arm.

I smiled as I opened one eye.

"Morning gorgeous," Draco smirks as he leans in and kisses me.

"I didn't have you pegged for a  morning person."

He chuckled sitting up in the bed. "I'm not usually. But now I have something to wake up for." He winked at me.

I laughed, sat up and looked to the door. He followed my gaze clearly thinking I had seen something and I used that moment to lift my pillow and smack him over the face.

What I hadn't banked on was him grabbing onto me as he fell back over the bed and the two of us landing in a heap on the floor.

He burst out laughing causing me to do the same.

"Well that's one way to wake up," I said catching my breath.

"Not the kind of banging I had planned for this morning." He smirked.

"Oh really?" I mused as I climbed back up straddling him.

And we proceeded with a repeat performance of last night's fun.

By the time I was showered and dressed and heading down for breakfast, leaving Draco in the shower, I met Azaleah in the kitchen with Mrs Malfoy.

"Good morning ladies," I smiled as I sat at the table with them.

"Morning," they both smiled.

"Who wants breakfast?" I asked standing.

"Oh, I think Trixie went back to Mr Shacklebolts home," Mrs Malfoy said. "I don't think she will be due back for a few hours. I was going to send for my house elf to come?"

"No need. I can cook." I began to take ingredients out of the cupboard.

"You can cook?" She asked in surprise.

"Of course. My mum taught me. Came in handy as I lived alone during the summer."

"Oh," was all she said. I could tell she wanted to ask more but she refrained.

Instead we chatted as I cooked. Nothing show stopping. Just eggs, pancakes, saugages, bacon, mushooms and my mums favourite - potato bread.

I say I cooked but I was a witch after all so I really just overseen as the pans and utensils moved and cooked by themselves.

Mrs Malfoy, sat at the table but set the knives to work chopping fruit and making tea and coffee.

Azaleah didnt have wand. She set the table by hand but she had the biggest smile on her face as she moved around the kitchen.

"Smells good," Theo smiled as he came in through the back door.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"Just out in the garden. This place is enchanting Raelyn. I can see why you chose it. Charming "

"I know. There is only three other houses in this lane. One opposite and the other two are on further down."

"I know I went for a walk and saw them."

"They are beautiful. But yours is definitely the nicest Raelyn with your flowers out the front." Azaleah added.

"I added them when I moved in." I responded as I set the last of the food on the table.

"Where is that son of mine?" Mrs Malfoy asked tapping her fingers on the table.

"Right here mother," he said coming in and sitting across from her next to me and squeezing my leg under the table.

"Dig in everyone," I say gesturing to the table.

And we did. Everything, down to the last raspberry was consumed.

"Raelyn I have missed your cooking," Azaleah sighed when she was finished.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"You are amazing!" Draco said putting his arm around me.

"I am glad you all enjoyed." I rose to my feet and reached for my wand making all the dishes and pans begin to wash and dry themselves.

"So what's on everyone's agenda today?" Theo asked leaning back on his chair.

"The Minister is coming later to see you Azaleah. After work I think."

"Really," she asked sounding a little nervous. "Did he say why?"

"Don't worry babe. I'm sure it's just to see how you are holding up." Theo smiled.

"But I'm fine. Look at me I'm fine." She wasn't convincing anyone though as she began to shift in her chair.

"Hey," I smiled and grabbed her hand. "It's OK. You are fine and nothing or no one is going to hurt you."

She gave my hand a squeeze.

"Do you want to through the paperwork now Azaleah? The others can wait in the other room."

She nodded and so Theo, Draco and I rose and sulked out of the kitchen. I'm the living room Draco took up the same seat and like last night, pulled me onto his knee.

"There are other chairs you know," Theo smirked.

"But this one is the best," I smiled. "Hey how did she sleep last night?"

The smile on his face suddenly disappeared. He looked worried now.

"She mumbled in her sleep. Something about 'You can't tell her' and 'Why did you do that?' But then she screamed 'Murder' so I woke her up.

"Why didn't we hear her?" Draco thought aloud.

"Well we put a silencing charm on the room before so we could..." He trailed off.

"Ah makes sense."

"I gave her sleeping potion after that which kind of knocked her out."

"She was the same the night before."

"I'm worried." Theo admitted.

"We have no clue what she has been through Theo. We need to give her time. She will get better." Draco assured him.

"I bloody hope so. I hate to see her in pain." Theo sniffed

"That's what we are here for."

It went quite silent after that. We waited as  Mrs Malfoy and Azaleah went through what we assumed was the same paperwork that Mrs Malfoy and Andromeda went through as well.

By the time they were done it was almost midday.

Azaleah came in and sat down. "So did you decide on what we are doing today? Bare in mind I am technically under house arrest."

"Well Christmas is in 2 days. Why don't we decorate the house? I don't even have a tree!" I exclaimed.

"It's nearly Christmas?!" Azaleah gasped. "Wow time flies when your...well locked up."

Another awkward silence.

"Right we need a tree," Draco started.

"And decorations!"

"And snacks!" Theo added as we all turned to him. "What? Snacks are always a good idea."

"Well you will get all of decorations in Diagonal Alley. Why don't you head and I will stay here with Azaleah?" Mrs Malfoy suggested.

"We will get started on the snacks," Azaleah laughed in response.

And so we bundled up and stepped in the the fireplace to heading to Magical Menagories. The owner, a stumpy little man smiled as we made our way through the shop. Theo held the basket as I began to pile in decorations. All gold and reds with a few wooden or special pieces I could find. 

I even found Hogwarts house crests and bought all four as well as a Hogwarts sign. Tiny little golden snitches which could be bewitched to float around the tree as well as little tiny candle lights about the size of your thumbnail which also floated. 

Draco, who had taken himself off down the street, came bounding into the shop after about 20minutes announcing "I found the perfect tree." 

"Excellent. Rae has enough decorations to do every tree in the Forbidden Forest."

"Quiet you. These are perfect."

As we headed back to the front of the shop and more importantly, the till, I stopped noticed something on the shelf. 

The whole shelf had a sign in front that read 'NEW RELEASES. FOR THOSE WHO WE LOST DURING THE BATTLE OF HOGWARTS 1998 AND THE WAR.' On the shelf sat little round orbs which flowed.

"You simply set the orb in this cauldron and let me know the name of the lost soul and the name will float in the orb for eternity." I turned to see a woman standing there. She looked to be in her late 50s and she had a sad smile on her face.

"What a lovely idea," I smiled.

"Yes they have been rather popular. Do you want one?"

"I want several," I smiled which seemed to brighten her smile.

"Ok well, give me the names and I will get started."

"Sure ok so there is: Ted, Nymphodora, Remus, Fred, Cedric and can I have one saying mom too?"

"My that is a long list. We're they all family?"

"Family and friends." I gave a half smile back.

"It will take about 10 minutes if that's ok?" 

"Sure. I have a few more bits I want anyway." I headed back over to the boys who were arguing about merlin knows what.

"Theo absolutely not!" Draco said defiantly. 

"Aw come on. Where is your Christmas spirit?"

"That does not define Christmas in any way."

"It will be hailarious!"

"I will be murdered. You will be murdered and you know he will get us back even worse."

I marched up to them. "What in Merlin's name is going on?" I said crossing my arms.

"He is being an ass!" They both said at once.


They both began to talk fast at once. "One at a time! Draco you first."

"Why him first?" Theo pouted. I just glared at him. "Fine ok...him first."

"Well Theo wanted to get us all Christmas jumpers which is fine but he wanted to get Blaine and Pansy one as well."


"Well Blaise is spending Christmas Day with the Parkinson's and he wants them to wear the jumpers to dinner."

"Ok." I really didn't see the problem.

"Only he wants to give Blaise this one," it was a green jumper of a rather large present. "This one is a tick jumper. It can be set to explode whenever you want and you can insert things inside it."

"That could be funny."

"Only he wants to fill it full of muggle things like condoms and...em...well sex toys."

"Theodore Nott!"

"Come on it would be hailarious!"

"No it would not! You are NOT getting that for Blaise."

"Fine. You two are no fun!"

I just glared at him again. 

"Don't do that! I hate when you do that!"

"Stop giving me reason to." I responded smirking at him.

He clearly had no response to that as he turned and walked off but he smirked as he did.

"You would make a good mother," Draco said as he wrapped an arm around my waist. 

"Na I just had to break up fights between Azaleah and Teeny or Cedric and Lucas all the time."

"I still can't believe that moron is coming over later."

"He really isn't that bad. Well not usually. He was Cedric's best friend since his first day on the Hogwarts Express."

"Cedric needed better friends."

"Lucas was always there for him when he needed him. They were inseparable. He was a big help during the tournament. And he was there for me after he...after he...well died."

"I am sorry Raelyn."

"It's ok."

At the second Theo came running up to me again. "Oh can I get this?" He held up a what looked to be a pocket watch."

"You don't need to ask my permission."

"There is a button on the side," Draco said lifting the watch out of Theo's hand and held is up to him. "Right here see," he said as I leaned in and he tilted it towards me and pressed the button.

And when he did a cloud of smoke erupted from the watch as well as what seemed to be an overly large hand, which punched me right in the eye with such force that I was thrown backwards onto the floor.

"Holy shit!" Draco said throwing the watch to Theo and helping me up. "I am so sorry love."

"I'm fine," I said as I got to my feet and patted down my clothes. "Really I am fine."

"Merlin Raelyn your eye!" Theo pointed out. "And your cheek!"


"It's getting dark. I think you are going to have a black eye."

"Oh joy. I think I have some murtlap essence at home which will help." I turned and lifted the basket heading to the counter to pay.

"Now I am definitely getting this," Theo said as he put the watch into the basket.

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