Poetry and quotes~

By Alexi_king666

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These are just my fav quotes that I wish to share, poems that others wrote and poems that I wrote! More

Poems by me!

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By Alexi_king666

Bridges Not Burned
He placed his trust in the other
But it was not returned.
He tried a fix with money
Yet no loyalty was earned.
When patience had run out
And snow had covered all
He ended it with vengeful wrath.
Now the other's turn to fall.

Honey and Glass
She lived a glory life
With hair of coffee brown.
Putting on her face
And donning lovely gowns.
But although she did this through
She suffered through the day.
The fragrant girl they knew
Would stumble on her way.
She knew that it was challenging
To live a loveless life.
But she took that pain in hand
And it walked with her through life.

Scars Cut Deep
The scars they grow and grow
They never seem to fade.
Through struggles and through pain
The answer was the blade.
Blood seeping through the cloth
Staining to this day.
When the reaper comes to call
I'll gladly go away.

Dandelions In Wonderland
Rain is falling slowly
Running through the trees.
That majestic monster calling
Its name unknown to all.
Tripping over feet
Knees are scarred and red.
She fell into the rabbit hole
Waking up in bed.
Yellow flowers all around
Suffocating dry.
Wonderland is where she fell
A home inside her mind.

Mr. Forgettable
Chemicals, Chemicals
Seeping through the skin.
Breathing going slow
The storm raging from within.
Escaping, Escaping?
Not something to be done.
Living till the end
Shedding useless tears.
No one will recall this one
You only live today.

Teachers Pet
Boys will be boys.
Girls will be shamed
Cast out of society.
He goes unnamed.
The Shirts go off
The curtains close.
Pushing and pulling
Scratching too.
No sounds escape
This empty room.
"It's all for attention."
Or so they say.
Know that soon
He'll rue the day.

Breath of fire.
Clothes of air.
Shedding utterly useless tears
Skin is dry
White with paint.
The lips are of a bloody stain.
Stares following through the halls.
Whistles, hollers, unanswered calls.
Fire walking through the rain
Off the roof,
She fell that day.

Magic Mushrooms
Looking in the mirror
She's all I ever see.
When I turn around
She goes away from me.
Pulling the trigger
Shots are fired.
When I miss
She kisses me with a smile.

Truth  Unanswered
"They only want attention."
That's what they say.
"Look at this liar."
They declare in the day.
Evidence is stacked.
Witnesses true.
"He's just being a man."
"It was only You."

On the rooftop all alone
Nobody awaits at home.
No food on the table
No bed to warm.
Taking off her shoes
Standing on the edge.
Jumping from above
Just over the hedge.

He looks through the window
Across the street
Photos and safekeeps
My hearts ever beat
Conversations and friends
Melding plans
Killing me softly
The tracks are now empty
Stained with my dreams
"It was all for you"
You're imagining things
House in the country
Gun in the walls
Jar full of evidence
Blood splattered calls
She kisses my hand
Falls to the ground
Shots ring through the air
No one is near
No one to save me
This glass cage that I'm in
No breath is escaping
I'll die from within.

Religious Trauma
"Praise him!"
"Love him!"
"If you don't you'll burn in hell!"
"Don't have sex!"
"Don't be a slut!"
"No man will want you if you're used!"
"You can't love the same sex as yourself!"
"God made you this way on purpose!"
"He doesn't make mistakes!"
"...Well except for the slavery thing.."
"Everything happens for a reason!"
"That includes your son's death!"
"It's all a part of God's plan!"

Worlds Apart
The very thing that separates us both is that,
I wouldn't hesitate to choose you in every lifetime,
But you wouldn't even choose me in this one.
And although I gave you my flesh and bones,
I know that I cannot love you into loving me.
So there you are,
Overflowing with my love and here I am,
Pleading for a droplet of yours,
Or whatever I could salvage.
But there must come a time where you recognize that
To grieve someone hurts a lot less
Then forcing them to be a part of you.
And I know that I should not beg for love.
But just once,
I wanted someone to be afraid of losing me.

Man In The Hat
He stands in the doorway
Clad in a brown coat
He calls my name but I do not answer
He is growing angry, I know this
But still I do not respond to the Man in the hat.
I know he cannot move from his spot
I know he cannot touch me
That is, without an invitation.
The only power the man in the hat possess
Is that of controlling his prey.
The one who answers his call will forever be under his command.
Never to be freed.
Like a puppet on a string
A marionette.
A plaything.
His to own and possess as he pleases.
That is why I shall never answer his unending wails.
As I wish to live in my own control.

I looked at her
Her thighs were too big
Her hair was so greasy
Her clothes looked like men's
Her fingers are too fat
Her teeth are too crooked
Her arms are too hairy
Her nose is too big
Her eyes are so ugly
She disgusts me
I wish I could just punch her
But then I remember that if I did that the mirror would break.

A knife to the back is all I remember
Where there used to be art blood covered the walls
Where the sun should have been there was rain falling down
My heart was broken in two
And for long that's how it would stay
But I mended it back and set out for revenge
Villains aren't born
They're made

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