The Greatest Astrologist

By 10J21U11L

22K 402 78

The prestigious He family was reunited with their lost-lost heir. Everybody was looking forward to the Reveng... More

Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 49
Chapter125 (END)


246 4 0
By 10J21U11L

He Jianping moved to the next room, but he didn't mean to come back for a while.

Tan Muxing tentatively asked: "Are we going to wait?"

"No, there is no show today. They have to talk for a long time." Chu Qianli picked up the snacks on the table and suggested, "Let's go eat the old hot pot."

He Jianping just said that the old hot pot opposite was delicious, and Chu Qianli couldn't help but show some interest.

Tan Muxing was stunned: "Shall we go to dinner now?"

"Yes, or are you going to wait for them?" Chu Qianli said slowly, "I just started a divination. It won't be over in four or five hours."

Tan Muxing decisively chose to leave after hearing this, and he went to say hello to He Jianping. The two exchanged a polite greeting, and He Jianping let the two children go first.

Chu Qianli and Tan Mu Xing went downstairs together, Tan Mu Xing walked behind her, and said, "Uncle Jianping also said that he would invite you to dinner another day."

He Jianping didn't believe in Chu Qianli, but he behaved quite politely. Talking about Mu Xing as an introducer, he was a bit embarrassed and didn't please either.

Chu Qianli: "That's probably going to be a while."

Tan Muxing said worriedly: "Are you okay?"

Chu Qianli was quite distressed just now, but now she was calm again, which made Tan Muxing confused.

When Chu Qianli walked out of the teahouse, she sighed: "So fortune is very important. There are some things you can't worry about. It's useless to toss before time is up."

Chu Qianli didn't stay behind to guard He Jianping, but he knew that catching up was not a business. As long as the time was not right, he couldn't convince the other party with all his tongue.

People always have regrets and regrets, and they like to say "know it early", but there are things that are not in time, and it is useless to know it earlier.

"Fortunately, I can always wait..." Chu Qianli looked around on the street. She pointed to the antique archway and asked, "Is it this old hot pot?"

In the old hot pot restaurant, the bright red soup is bubbling, the chili in the soup is tumbling, and the aroma of the broth is floating.

Chu Qianli was so hot that she gasped, and she took a sip of sour plum soup, always feeling that she couldn't even speak.

Tan Mu Xing put the meat in the pot while resuming the lost business, helplessly said: "Uncle Jianping may think we are too young, and the masters I have seen are all getting older."

"If you want to speak, I can improve it. I really can't do it at my age..." Chu Qianli hissed and inhaled, "It's funny to say, I don't necessarily see myself getting old."

Chu Qianli lost his life after two or three years. He Jianping insisted on being an elderly master, so she could only crawl out of the coffin and count it for him. She can adjust her language, but she can't control her age.

Tan Muxing heard her slurred, and said in confusion: "What did you say?"

Chu Qianli's lips were red now, she was so hot that her tears trickled down, and she began to frantically rub her eyes with a tissue.

Tan Muxing was at a loss, he greeted the waiter in a panic: "We ordered something else, it's time to choose Mandarin Duck just now."

When the two entered the store, they talked about Yuanyang Guo and Chu Qianli about Muxing, and now they cried her bitterly.

Chu Qianli held a tissue and wiped her tears, and said stiffly, "I didn't cry so hard."

Tan Muxing whispered: "You are so hot that your eyes are red."

Chu Qianli whimpered: "I didn't cry out, I was crying for the lost golden sundial!"

She must have her own golden sundial before she died, and when she was buried, He Shichen had to bury the armillary sphere and sundial next to her.

Talking about Twilight Star: "..."

Tan Muxing added a plate of brown sugar glutinous rice cakes and small crispy meat. He saw that Chu Qianli was about to throw the crispy meat into the pot, and he hurriedly stopped: "Don't leave it, don't leave it. You can't eat spicy food. Why do you still order Jiugongge?" "

Chu Qianli used chopsticks to scoop food from the pot, and she began to drink beverages violently again, and the urn sounded and said, "Because Jiugongge is like a hexagram plate, this is the dignity of a metaphysical lover."

Talking about Twilight Star: " need."

It didn't take long for Chu Qianli to eat completely, and she regained her language ability, and finally was able to communicate with Tan Muxing normally. She ate brown sugar glutinous rice cakes one after another, and the burning sensation in her lips gradually subsided.

"Did you just say that the translation into classical Chinese is true?" Tan Muxing asked, sweeping the remaining battlefield, "Replace the planet's name with ancient Chinese or something."

"It's not a simple direct translation, but the two are similar." Chu Qianli pointed to the Jiugongge hot pot in front of him, and explained, "Just like many genres of natal studies can draw hexagrams, their horizontal and vertical axes are different. , But the cosmic model is the unity of time and space."

"If you want me to make six lines or plum blossoms easy to count, then I definitely can't do it. The main coordinate axis is different. But if the axis is built based on the star system, for example, Ziwei Doushu is an arithmetic number called the horoscope."

Chu Qianli added: "My grandfather does this. We all use stars as the system, so we can talk about it. It's nothing more than the difference in details, but it's always the same."

Tan Mu Xing said in surprise: "This sounds very scientific."

Chu Qianli felt aggrieved: "It's very scientific, just like formulas or problem-solving steps are different, but there will be no errors in the answers. Some prefer to streamline the steps as long as the results, and some like to look at the process and the steps are long, but the focus is different. ."

"But outsiders all like to bluff people's names. What kind of plum blossoms are easy to count, Qimen Dunjia, Taiyi God number, don't care what the content is, the name sounds dazzling!" Chu Qianli helplessly propped his chin, "I heard that Some beginners think that the four-posted horoscope is old-fashioned, and they like that kind of bells and whistles."

Chu Qianli would occasionally become numb. She seriously informed that laymen metaphysics is a subject, but most laymen are more superstitious than insiders.

Chu Qianli: "Some people still think that fortune-telling deceives people. That is because we deliberately want to deceive. This kind of mentality of just listening to the name is easy to be deceived!"

Talking about Twilight Star: "..."

Chu Qianli and Tan Muxing went home after eating the old hot pot. The two of them didn't contact He Jianping for a while, and they stopped talking about it when they were at school.

Tan Muxing was also afraid that Chu Qianli would be upset. It would be annoying if someone at the same table likes to boast of being No. 1 in the world. However, Chu Qianli had a good mentality. He still joked about going to school every day, as if he didn't take anything to heart.

In late spring, the sky is high and the clouds are pale, and the greenery is looming.

In the class, Tan Evening Xing always felt that he was at the same table for nearly a month, and he couldn't help but curiously asked: "You haven't mentioned the golden sundial lately, don't you want to buy it?"

"Think, why don't you think it's not that there is no money in your pocket." Old God Chu Qianli was flipping through the book, "Don't worry, small scenes, you will have money soon."

Chu Qianli couldn't help but roll around, but now she has found a way, her mentality is particularly calm.

Tan Muxing didn't understand her transformation, and he was confused for a while.

Within two days, Tan Muxing suddenly understood Chu Qianli's attitude, and he actually received news from He Jianping that the other party hoped that he could bring his friends out for dinner, and he would take it as a rush to apologize last time.

Tan Muxing is not good at making friends with people, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't understand interpersonal relationships. In fact, he is sensitive to the emotions of others, and immediately realizes that it is not a simple apologize.

He Jianping really wants to make amends, there is no need for another month, this is obviously something wrong.

After Tan Muxing read the news, he began to ponder his words, and tentatively asked: "Are you free on the weekend? We didn't go to a restaurant last month. Do you remember that an uncle wanted to..."

Tan Muxing was afraid that Chu Qianli would have prejudices against He Jianping, so he planned to use euphemisms to offer the invitation.

Before he finished speaking, Chu Qianli clapped his hands excitedly: "Golden sundial! Golden sundial!"

Looking at her cheerful look, Tan Muxing immediately realized that she was thinking too much.

At the entrance of the teahouse, Chu Qianli was not serious about Tan Muxing. When she saw He Jianping, she became well-behaved and dignified, revealing the excellent professional qualities of an astrologer.

The three of them didn't mention their unhappy break up last time, as if they had no barriers, and they had always been in a happy and harmonious atmosphere.

He Jianping smiled and said, "What do you two want to eat, today you have the final say!"

Chu Qianli stood beside Tan Muxing pretending to be a lady, and she casually said that she could eat anything.

Talking about Mu Xing thinking about the anti-spicy ability of the same table, he said: "...just don't eat the old hot pot."

He Jianping took the two to a Huaiyang restaurant. The three of them looked for a private room by the window, and started talking as soon as the door closed.

Not long after He Jianping settled down, he began to talk about business matters, and said: "I didn't ask a little master to do business last time. I had to cooperate with a company when doing business, but at that time I was not sure if I could take it down, so he hesitated to stock up in advance. Materials, at that time, the raw materials were cheap and I was afraid that they would rise later..."

People in business always have some capital flow. If the two sides cooperate, He Jianping's low-cost raw materials will be consumed in one go, and the money can be turned back to continue investing; if the two parties fail to achieve cooperation, the low-cost raw materials can be slowly consumed, but the funds will be consumed in the short term. Was trapped to death.

Time is money, and the funds can't flow for a long time, in fact, they are losing money.

"Then a friend of mine came that day, and we were interrupted in the middle of the talk. Later, you didn't say to go back first." He Jianping apologized, "I feel very troubled in my heart, thinking that I must invite the little master to dinner! "

Tan Muxing didn't understand what "little master" was called, it might be that He Jianping had a generation gap with the two, so he didn't think it was right to call "master" directly, so he added another word in front.

Chu Qianli hurriedly waved his hand and smiled kindly: "It's okay, it's okay, isn't the cooperation reached in the end? As long as things are done, who is the same?"

Tan Muxing looked at her hesitantly. He didn't know that she was so considerate, unlike the unreasonable person in the class seat.

He Jianping heard this, he immediately suffered a lot and complained: "It's not done, the problem is that it's not done!"

"I just reached a cooperation with that company, and a foreign company specifically found it and wanted to cooperate with us for a long time, but the funds in the factory have been trapped."

Domestic companies consume material A to cooperate, while foreign companies consume material B to cooperate. What He Jianping hoards is A material, and now he has no funds to buy B material, even if he has B material, he has no production capacity.

If He Jianping completes the domestic company's list first, and then takes the funds and manpower to find a foreign company, maybe the daylily will be cold. Doing business pays attention to timeliness, and as the front is stretched, it changes.

Because of this, He Jianping wanted to find someone to do the math, planning to find the best solution from it, but he was still stuck in a predicament.

"You said they weren't harming people, and I asked them to reason, but I told me that there was no way!" He Jianping was annoyed, "I also paid for it in the first place, but now I turn my face and I won't admit it!"

He Jianping had torn up with his friends about this matter, and remembered that Chu Qianli once said, "Is it the same thing I wanted to ask," and then he figured out what it was like.

However, the negligence has already occurred. He Jianping really didn't believe in Chu Qianli at the beginning. She was sitting in the teahouse and was able to let her go. In the final analysis, it was her own responsibility. He was not sure to call out the two again, but it was fortunate to talk about Mu Xing and Chu Qianli's face.

Chu Qianli kindly persuaded: "Uncle He, it was not that I deliberately made you angry. The main people really did not make a mistake. What you asked at the beginning was whether cooperation can be achieved, and the results given by the six lines are correct."

The fellow Liuyao did not fail in the fortune-telling. He mainly failed to figure out the hearts of the people. It is estimated that He Jianping had been wronged. He counts whether the cooperation can be achieved, and he didn't say that he should count the following things?

Of course, that person may not be enough to learn six yaohuo, everyone's predictions are vague interpretations, and the amount of information read by each person is different. The number itself is correct, the key is to look at the person.

This is that people are not as good as heaven. There are always people who think that metaphysics can solve everything, but people who practice metaphysics have limitations.

He Jianping said in a daze: "Is there really no way then?"

Chu Qianli: "Ah, that's not the case. It's like playing cards. The wrong cards may be played at the beginning, but some things can be saved later, and you may win if you get confused."

"However, the playing time has changed, and the good cards in hand have become less. It will be more difficult to win." Chu Qianli added, "But it doesn't mean that you can't win!"

He Jianping hurriedly said, "Then can you do the math for me, is there a way to solve this problem?"

Chu Qianli smiled and said, "It can be, but I can ask first, what kind of system do you like?"

"What system?"

"Oriental or Western. You didn't seem to like Western ancient occupation last time. Otherwise, we will switch to Eastern astrology this time?"

He Jianping listened to Chu Qianli's explanation of the differences in genre, he showed a confused expression, and said quickly: "Anything is fine, as long as there are no omissions, it can solve the problem!"

Chu Qianli praised: "That's the same as me, just use whatever works."

"It's not just my problem, it's just don't have the following things, I really can't stand the stimulation..." He Jianping added quickly, he was afraid that he would miss something, that would really cause a cardiac arrest.

"I understand, I understand, Party A doesn't know what it wants. This is what we have contemplated by Party B." Chu Qianli responded casually while starting a hexagram.

He Jianping slapped his thigh, and he exclaimed happily: "Oh, it's so easy for me to talk to you! I can't tell the six-line man for a long time. It really hurts my brain in the end!"

He Jianping always talks to the six-yao guys. He doesn't understand why communication is so difficult. It takes a long time to separate things, and in the end both parties are very unhappy.

Chu Qianli sighed, "Hey, you can't blame others, he probably didn't think that fortune telling is the service industry."

The thinking of these big bosses is always different from that of ordinary people, and Liu Yao's colleagues didn't expect that they were Party B.

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