
By SPenBooks

33.7K 2.8K 354

(Book 2) *complete* The first being Alberta. (Willa is not a retelling of Alberta it is quite different with... More

Chapter One: The Beginning
Chapter Two: Am I?
Chapter Three: Prom
Chapter Four: Eighteen
Chapter Five: A Tangled Web
Chapter Six: The Party
Chapter Seven: Im Gay
Chapter Eight: Leave
Chapter Nine: Mary
Chapter Ten: Goodbyes
Chapter Eleven: The Wedding
Chapter Thirteen: Fresh Start
Chapter Fourteen: Honeymoon Period
Chapter Fifteen: Sundays
Chapter Sixteen: A First *
Chapter Seventeen: Thanksgiving *
Chapter Eighteen: Christmas
Chapter Nineteen: College for me... A labour for you
Chapter Twenty: A Little Bird is Born
Chapter Twenty One: Three years ...
Chapter Twenty Two: Returning
Chapter Twenty Three: Morgan *
Chapter Twenty Four: I cant leave here without you *
Chapter Twenty Five: Catfished
Chapter Twenty Six: A Tale of two dates *
Chapter Twenty Seven: A week *
Chapter Twenty Eight: A Nomikos baptism by fire
Chapter Twenty Nine: Road trip
Chapter Thirty: Are you real?
Chapter Thirty One: Moving in *
Chapter Thirty Two: Sunburn and Hickeys *
Chapter Thirty Three: Burning bridges
Chapter Thirty Four: Trying to make it work
Chapter Thirty Five: The end of us
Chapter Thirty Six: Alberta
Chapter Thirty Seven: Moving forward
Chapter Thirty Eight: Words
Chapter Thirty Nine: Years pass slow
Chapter Forty: I missed you, Allie.
Chapter Forty One: Summers with a little bird
Chapter Forty Two: Heaven and Hell
Chapter Forty Three: Forever
Future works

Chapter Twelve: Safe Haven

596 71 2
By SPenBooks

A day and night spent travelling by bus across state lines, and through city and towns, a landscape changing ahead of me as I gaze out of the window, with a deep ache visible in my eyes that are pained. Each hour had been spent squeezed beside a stranger, an uncomfortable closeness when I needed to be alone, suffocatingly so.

The bus would come to a stop in Portland, Oregons largest city, an hour or so from Aunty Mary's home in Astoria.

I waited until everyone had got up and retrieved their bags before I slowly followed the crowd off of the bus. I stepped out to the blinding sun and a warm breeze that felt comforting upon my cheeks.

I pushed my SnapBack up slightly to gaze upon the bus terminal, my eyes searching for the familiar face in the crowd, but the sudden sense of unfamiliar would hit me. I didn't even know these people. My aunty had been kept quite the secret my entire life and I had no idea about Mary at all, or who she even was as a person.

Helena had put me on the bus the morning of Allies wedding, with a hug she almost didn't want to end, and a kiss to the cheek "Mary will look after you" she had promised me with great certainty and comfort "she is wonderful... so don't worry okay, and write to me Willa, keep me abreast of your news. We will miss you darling girl" she had said, before letting me go and releasing me to my fated journey.

"Willa" came an unfamiliar voice.

I snapped out of my vacant stare, to the person hurrying along the platform, and I stepped down onto the concrete, hiking my bag onto my shoulder, to be met with ....

"Mom" I stutter, before the sunshine is shadowed by the figure who steps into my space

Of course it's not my mom, but my goodness they could have been twins.

"Mary" I ask.

She nods, and reaches for my arms "oh Willa" she says affectionately.

Her grey eyes sparkle "it is so nice to meet you" she adds "perhaps not the circumstances I should have liked to have met you in sweetheart, but nonetheless it is wonderful to finally meet you"

I smile for the first time in a long time, it is meek and slight, but it is still an attempt at anything other than sorrow.

"Hi" came another voice as another lady appeared beside Mary, her hand placed on her shoulder " is this our Willa"

Mary smiles "the very one" she muses.

The lady sticks out her hand "Willa. I am Erica... Mary's wife" she offers.

I smile wider this time, because, my my, they were adorable, and a revelation to me, two older gay women... a thing I had never even seen, which was bizarre, and strange to me. How had I not ever met another gay person my entire life?! Or known it was a possibility to live this way... quite happily?!

"Erica and Mary... thank you" I say releasing a breath and finally feeling like my breathing was settling to some sense of normal.

The weight that had sat on my chest for weeks, it finally loosened, and slipped away further, as both Mary and Erica took an arm each and walked me back through the terminal to their car. A safe and secure feeling finally found me, as they wrapped me in their safe haven, a place I would soon call home.

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