When a liar gets you left beh...

By Sentiwayne

145K 4.9K 401

Despite the fact that many things had changed in her class, Marinette was content-she wasn't happy, but she w... More

Chapter One: The Regret Of Putting Your Phone On Silent
Chapter Two: A Mama's Comfort
Chapter Three: A Glitch In the System
Chapter Four: Trouble with Pinocchio
Chapter Five: Horsen' Around
Chapter Six: Chloe's Redemption
Chapter Seven: A Rockin' Surprise
Chapter Eight: A Place to Stay
Chapter Nine: Enemy or Friend?
Chapter Ten: Abilities?
Chapter Eleven: Coffee is a Lifesaver
Chapter Twelve: She can Remember
Chapter Thirteen: Sleeping troubles
Chapter Fourteen: Partners and Self-Doubt
Chapter Fifteen: Picking a Trainer
Chapter Sixteen: Feeling Detached and Gaining Attention
Chapter 17: An Unexpected Turn of Events
Chapter Nineteen: Thinking and Looking Back
Chapter Twenty: Getting Attention On Twitter
Chapter Twenty-One: Ice-Cream and a Two Stubborn People
Chapter Twenty-Two: Childish Antics and a Nightly Tour
Chapter Twenty-Three: Chloe's New Chat Name
Chapter Twenty-Four : Honesty
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Plan
Chapter Twenty-Six: Tikki's Instructions and A Quick Decison
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Security Cameras and Possible Enemies
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sending Friends Off
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Learning and Sketching
Chapter-Thirty: Forgiveness and Discoveries
Chapter Thirty-One: An Explanation and Suprise Vistor
Chapter Thirty-Two: A Failed Attempt To Go To The Vet
Chapter Thirty-Three: Twice The Trouble
Chapter Thirty-Four: Waking Up and Panick
Chapter Thirty-Five: Headaches and Worries
Chapter Thirty-Six: Discovery and Paris Slow Peril
Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Speedy Recovery
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Akuma Meetings & Investigations
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Relaxtion & Anonymous
Chapter Forty: Apologies and Friends
Chapter Forty-One: Broken Trust and Plans
Chapter Forty-Two: Projects and Lack of Logic
Chapter Forty-Three: Planning and Akumas
Chapter Forty-Four: The Cuteness of Children
Chapter Forty Five: Accepting The Obvious
Chapter Forty-Six: Choosing Friendship
Chapter Forty-Seven: Comfort
Chapter Forty-Eight: Second Chance
Chapter Forty-Nine: Brother-Brother Time
Chapter Fifty: Big Brother Wisdom
Chapter Fifty-One: Smile and Gas
Chapter Fifty-Two: Helplessness
Chapter Fifty-Three: ". . . it's still normal to be scared. . ."
Chapter Fifty-Four: Secrets are meant to be Keeped
Chapter Fifty-Five: Nightmare Encounters
Chapter Fifty-Six-The Project and the Glare
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Boba, Bonding, and Billionaire Brats
Chapter Fifty Eight-Rescuing Baby Blues

Chapter Eighteen: The Glue of The Group

2.9K 99 9
By Sentiwayne



[Excerpt from: The Diary of Alya Cesaire]

Day 1

I was extremely lucky to have wandered across the perfect girl to use for my project, she was being downgraded by a rich brat, when I decided to kindly put a stop to the girl. Soon, we shared a kind moment before we silently decided to be friends. While I don't know for sure, I think it's safe to say that the move is already very much so a good thing for me.

Day 12

I have continued to try to be friends with the girl (Marinette,) and it seems I may be unfortunate enough to actually have to act as best friend for this slightly depressed girl. She is not very self-loving, (Something I intend to use against her later in life,) and is very much so selfless. While I had intended to just use her temporarily, I may stick around. She keeps insisting that she should make me my clothes and keeps bringing  me pastries from her ma's shop.

Day 121

A new girl came, and the interesting thing about her is that she is very much so a liar. The class already seemed hypnotized by her, so I quietly pushed them a little closer to her. This should be a fun experience. She lies about the tiniest of things. I don't think Marinette believes her though.

[End of excerpt of : The Diary of Alya Cesaire.]


It had all happened fairly quickly, if Alya thought about it. Marinette and Lila already had a dislike for each other so she had expected the liar to pull something like this, but the fact that her classmates and teachers actually believed her was quite remarkable.

When Marinette called her explaining she had been expelled, she was quite surprised.

After ended the call, Alya knew automatically that this was probably the only chance she had.

She waited until all the other girls left the bathroom before coming close to her ear and saying one thing.

"I know you're a liar."

The liar seemed surprised, and she actually looked a little worried.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. In fact, I'll share a secret in return," Alya said with a creepy, wide grin.

She handed Lila her Diary.

"Have a good day," ALya said kindly.

Then she walked out of the room.


The next day, Lila cornered her.

"Why would you dislike her anyway, she's your best friend," Lila said with suspicion in her voice.

"She's too good. She's too perfect."

That was when it had all really started.


  The anger the boiled through Chloe's veins had tripled with each assuring word that spilled out of her classmates mouths.

Liars, the load of them.

They never kept the words they had spoke to Marinette once, why was this any different?

"Honestly, you are all ridiculous, utterly ridiculous," Chloe muttered her line under her breath.

She had honestly thought about getting it patented. Maybe she'd get around to it.

To say Chloe was relieved when school ended was an understatement. The whole class was inane. They not only had the memory of a goldfish, but also never deserved to never so much as glance at Marinette again. Marinette had been through a lot because of them. And while Chloe wasn't someone you couldn'tsay helped the matter, she also at least apologized. These...Sheeps were too far gone to understand fantasy from reality. Anything Lila said was like clay, it was easily molded to look a certain way, but it was always, in the end, clay. The same was with Lila's lies, because, in the end, no matter how she said it, Lila's words were still lies.

Marinette was never going through that again. Not with her on watch.

It took a full hour of undisturbed meditation to fully take control of her emotions.

Polenn was nuzzled up on her neck the whole time.

"You know, Bees are normally the ones who struggle with emotions the most. Peacocks and Bees normally work very well together when both of their Miraculous holders are pure-hearted because of that. But my bees always end up letting their emotions drive them the most," She said in her small, sweet, honey-slow voice.

"Really? Why is that?" Chloe asked curiously, her eyes still closed.

"Their emotions are normally what make their attacks so brutal. My Miraculous is always in use, whether it being a temporary or permanent holder. Every group needs a glue to their circle," Polenn explained, her hands moving around.

Chloe was silent for a moment, processing the new information.

"Polenn, I'm scared for Marinette," Chloe blurted it out like it was some secret.

In reality, emotions were something that were hard for Chloe to talk about, but also hard to be open about.

"The side-effect of this Miraculous probably isn't helping either."

"What?" Chloe's eyes flew open at that statement.

"You didn't know?" Polenn giggled.

"Nope," Chloe answered quickly, expectantly waiting for an answer.

"A true Miraculous holder experiences side-effects from their Miraculous. You'll probably grow a small obsession with honey or flowers soon, as well," The bee-like kwami added more to herself then Chloe.

That was . . . Interesting to say the least.

"Tell me how you've been feeling about Adrien and Marinette lately, your small friend group?" Polenn asked.

Sometimes, Polenn was more like a therapist for Chloe. She had not only helped her through some times, but also changed her for the better.

"Honestly, I feel like they're family to me now. And after everything they've both been through, I'm always going to try my best to protect them," Chloe answered honestly.

"This is most definitely a side-effect. You've essentially created your own hive," Polenn smiled proudly. " That's a rare side-effect. Though, Marinette and Adrien most definitely helped it appear."

Chloe raised an eyebrow. That was actually really cool. She had already thought she had created her own little family, and that wasn't much different.

"Thank you for the information, Polenn," Chloe said kindly.

Polenn nodded and flew to her pillow on Chloe's bed.


MarinaraSauce:I have officially messed up.

Adrien aGRASSte: How?


  Chloe rolled her eyes at the two. She put her phone in her pocket and slipped out of her room.

She quickly slipped into her dance room.

She knew her parents weren't there.

Surprisingly, Chloe was actually a really good dancer. It was the only thing she had ever not bragged about. Dancing was her thing. She could easily forget what was happening around her and just lose herself to the intricate steps of each dance. Each beat of a dance failed to show how beautiful the song was. What showed a song's true beauty was the poetic lyrics and the underlying emotion that played through each song. She could understand a song better than people. And the good thing about songs, was that you could take it a different way then another person, sort-of like abstract art, and it wouldn't judge you for you for it.

It helped her deal with......Everything in her life, it was something that got rid of all stress for her.

After completing the dance—a rather short one— at least twenty times, Chloe turned off the music and took a quick shower.

And for the first time ever, Chloe was restless because she was worried about someone.

Chloe took out her phone, almost as soon as she did, the phone started ringing, Marinette's contact popping up.

Chloe answered instantly.

"Chloe, Jagged knows," Marinette's soft, musical voice said, edged in anxiety.

"Tell me how it happened," Chloe said in the kindest voice she could muster, she knew yelling at Marinette wasn't going to help her.

And so, Chloe listened. Not saying a word till she was done explaining. Even after she was done talking Chloe was silent.

Jagged had found out by accident, it wasn't like Marinette had told him. In the end, it was something she couldn't really control. Chloe couldn't help but feel like this was better for Marinette, as she knew she couldn't stand lying, even if it was for a good reason. If anything this would probably just help Marinette.

"Well, it isn't like there's anything you can do about it. Just talk to him about the rules, make sure your comfortable by the time you're done, because if you aren't then you need say something else," Chloe said carefully.

"Thanks for understanding, Chloe," Marinette said, relieved that she understood.

"Anytime, Maribug. Anytime . . . ," She softly, even though she knew Marinette had already hung up.


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