๐—” ๐—Ÿ๐—ผ๐˜€๐˜ ๐—ฉ๐—ผ๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐—ฒ || Mer...

By linesantique

15.5K 678 173

Meruem strives to reject his humanity, born with the premonition that he can never openly display emotion. Ma... More

Author Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 31

274 12 2
By linesantique

*Netero, Mara and Meruem, accompanied by all the chimera ants, collectively return to the palace. Unbeknownst to Meruem, Mara invited Komugi who was somewhere amongst the crowd with Hina.

As she disembarks the airship, Mara holds onto the fabric of her deep crimson gown, ensuring the cloth doesn't drag on the floor. The dress is adorned with a golden floral embroidery that acts as a corset around her chest and slowly trickles down the gown.

As she takes a look around the newly rebuilt palace, Mara is taken by surprise as her gown matches the decorations scattered around the grounds.*


"Dad, did you gift me my dress knowing the color scheme!?"

*Netero grind mischievously, Meruem only sighing as he's gotten used to Netero's antics over the last two weeks.*


"You can thank Bean for that. It's a shame he couldn't be here, but all the preparations are his doing."


"What are all the chairs on the front lawn for? And those boxes on each one?"


"All the attendees will have their own remote to vote with and a place to sit while we give our speeches. They do elections like this in a couple other small countries, isn't that neat?!"


"I can only imagine the spectacle..."

*Meruem, Netero, and Mara make their way to the second floor of the palace. They make their way to a balcony that overlooks the front lawn. On the balcony is a microphone, along with a small screen that'll be used to project the results of the vote. Across the way from the balcony a camera crew is set up, broadcasting the address to the world.

Pitou, Pouf, and Youpi have all taken their respective posts, guarding the palace while the event commences. The three stay within earshot so they too can hear the address. Morel, Knov, Knuckle, Shoot, and some of the other human allies are all glued to their televisions, eagerly awaiting the address.*


"Mara, I know you've had quite the change of pace the last couple weeks. Are you sure you're up for this?"


"Honestly, I'm not sure. It's reassuring to have you two by my side though. What I do know is that I want to aid the people of East Gorteau in any way I can, so I suppose there's no time like the present."

*Meruem takes Mara's hand.*


"We'll both have our work cut out for us, but that's a fate I'm more than willing to accept if it means atonement."

*Netero smiles, and the three watch as citizens start to arrive. Many mill about, socializing with the chimera ants on the front lawn. Once the lawn has seemingly reached its capacity, everyone starts to take their seats. With that queue, Netero steps up to the microphone.*


"Good day everyone. For those of you who do not know me, my name is Isaac Netero. I am the chairman of the Hunters Association, and I was tasked with the extermination of the chimera ant species."

"As you can tell, things did not go according to plan. Upon my arrival to this palace, I was reunited with my long-lost daughter. She was captured by the former Supreme Leader, experimented on and abused for nineteen years of her life in a bid to tap into her power: the golden resonation."

*Everyone begins to murmur but it soon quiets again.*

"My daughter, also the Queen of the chimera ants, has single-handedly awakened the humanity that was dormant within the species. As many of you might have surmised, the chimera ants are still inherently human despite their appearance. Many are in the process of recovering their human memories and many already have. Families, loved ones, and friends have been torn from each other under the presumption of death, but with this revelation people can reunite with the ones they lost! There is not reason to fight the ones we love! From this day forward, the chimera ants will be classified as a new magical beast under the condition that they remain peaceful!"

*Netero backs away from the microphone and Meruem steps up in his place. His heart beats quickly and Mara can tell he's nervous. She steps up with Meruem, silently giving him her support. With that, Meruem speaks.*


"As Netero said, many families, friends, and loved ones have been separated from each other. I cannot apologize enough for what I, and my subjects have done, but the woman next to me has graciously provided me with a second chance, one that I do not plan to waste. My Queen has spent her days patiently teaching me about human emotions, connecting me with my subconscious roots. She has done more for me, and many other ants, than we can ever thank her for. She is a natural leader and given the opportunity, I am confident that she will rule excellently."

*Meruem looks at Mara and smiles, allowing her to speak.*


"Good day to you all. My name is Mara, and I am the daughter of Isaac Netero. No offense Dad, but I'm sure it's hard for people to believe."

*Mara's comment makes the crowd laugh.*

"Anywho, I spent the majority of my life in this palace. My freedoms were stolen from me and hidden away in the hands of greed, and in return I spent the majority of my lifetime locked up in a tower wasting away. By fate's design, I was rescued by the seemingly cold-hearted King. Much like I gave him a second chance at life, he gave me my own. I would not be here speaking to you all if it wasn't for him. Although I'd love to dedicate my entire speech to thanking those who have helped me, I'll save it for another time. As you all have surmised by now, the former Supreme Leader has passed. I know all too well how he has ruled over you, and it breaks my heart to hear, and experience, just how twisted he was."

"The Hunters Association is willing to appoint me as the new leader of the East Gorteau, along with my King, but we both agreed we want to leave this decision in the hands of the people. Given the opportunity to rise as the new leader of East Gorteau, I wish to give you all a second chance at life!"

*Meruem and Netero watch Mara speak, in awe of her eloquent and charismatic demeanor.*

"First, as my father had mentioned, people have been separated from each other. I know all too well the pain of being separated from your loved ones, and I wouldn't wish that feeling upon my worst enemy. If I'm given the opportunity to lead you all, I will immediately start reuniting those who have been separated. I will not rest until everyone has been reconnected!"

"Next, I'd like to open the borders of this country. I know well that the former Supreme Leader has hoarded the wealth of this nation, and I'd like to give everyone the opportunity to find their own prosperity. That being said, I will redirect the funds that palace holds to infrastructure projects and compensation for those affected by recent events. Finally, I will do everything in my power to ensure the peaceful, and prosperous, coexistence of humans and chimera ants within this country. Together, we will be one!"

*People cheer and Mara steps aside, allowing Netero to speak again.*


"Recent events have made this country into a chaotic mess. I recognize that you all have your doubts and concerns, and together with Meruem and Mara I intend to address them all. I deeply apologize for the hasty setup of this election, but the two next to me were adamant to let you all have a say."

"As you are all aware, each chair has a remote on it. If you are willing to have these two lead you all, you will press the green button. In the case you'd like a different ruler, press the red. In the event that majority of you would like a different leader, the Hunters Association will take command of East Gorteau until it can be sorted out. Now, without further ado, please cast your votes. Once the votes are tallied the results will be displayed on the screen directly below where we stand."

*Everyone starts to cast their votes, the robotic beeping of the remotes ringing through the air. Mara and Meruem stand hand in hand, anticipating what the future holds for them. Suddenly, the little screen on the balcony lights up, displaying the results. Everyone is silent as they process what they see. Before Mara or Meruem can react, the crowd below them erupts into cheers.*


"Is this correct?"

*Netero heartily laughs and slaps Meruem on the back.*


"Seems Mara truly does have quite the way with words!"

*The three look down at the screen in front of them, staring at the big zero under the option for 'no'.

Mara collects herself and walks up to the microphone.*


"Honestly, I cannot find the words to express my gratitude to you all, but I promise this: You will not regret your decision!"

*Cheering continues, and outside of the palace walls fireworks are set off. Netero steps aside to let Meruem embrace Mara, giving the citizens a good look at the new royal couple. The three guards descend to the balcony, subtly announcing their status. Mara continues to speak.*

"I read somewhere that actions often speak louder than words. With that in mind, I would like to invite you all to celebrate. Until the sun rises, we will party! Yes, we will commemorate those who have been lost, and celebrate the life that still stands. When the sun rises, we will begin a new era! One where we can coexist, one where East Gorteau will prosper, and one with equal opportunity! Now please, enjoy yourselves!"

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