Downplay| Jordan Clarkson & Q...

By hopesashes

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downplay- to make something seem less important than it is It's a mechanism really, a defense , no one ever r... More

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•t h i r t y n i n e•
•f o r t y o n e •
•f o r t y t w o •
•f o r t y t h r e e•
•f o r t y f o u r•
• f o r t y f i v e •

• f o r t y •

204 9 88
By hopesashes

Feb 25

"Shit, Quincy did we have to, now?" Yara whispered sternly as she fixed her dress. Quincy smiled wolfishly at her as he wiped his mouth.

"When you look that good, hell yeah. Besides, Amari and Payton aren't ready yet and you planned everything as perfectly as you always do. I was just giving you a reward for your hard work."

"You're so fucking nasty." Yara rolled her eyes, but Quincy's smile only grew wider.

"You weren't saying that when I had you wide open five minutes ago. C'mon Yara you know you love that shit and I love how you taste."

He kissed the side of her face before he opened the office door to check that no one was around. Once, satisfied, he kissed Yara's lips quickly.

"We'll finish this tonight. I'm going to check on Ms. Elizabeth and Jah."

Before Yara could say anything, Quincy left. She didn't know how he'd distracted her. She'd been in her office looking over deposits and gift registries when he snuck up behind her and bent her over her desk. When his hands had made their way between her thighs, she was lost in him. The thought of her recent orgasm made her bite her lip.

She needed to do something, anything but sit and think about how his mouth although fantastic was not enough for the throbbing desire that was growing at her core.

With a sigh, Yara dragged herself up the stairs to check on the woman of honor today. She rapped on the door twice before she poked her head in and found Payton staring at herself in the mirror. She wore a beautiful satin white wedding dress with gold YSL heels. Her jet black hair was cascading down her back in curls. Her veil was trailing down in lacy waves, she looked gorgeous.

"You look beautiful Pay" Yara complimented sincerely earning a bright smile from her soon-to-be sister.

"Thank you, I shouldn't be this nervous but I am" She confided before she sat down "My mom just went down with the bridesmaids so she and Ms. Denise could walk in but she asked me some serious questions. She loves Amari like her own son but we haven't been together that long, she wonders if I know him. Like, really know him and sometimes I wonder that too. I mean we've only been engaged for two months and I have no idea how you pulled this off so quickly. Thank you for letting us use your home as well, we always wanted something small and intimate."

The tone of her voice as she rambled sent chills down Yara's spine, it was eerily familiar but this had to be different. So, she did the only thing she could do. Occupying the seat next to Payton, Yara took the young woman's hand in hers.

"Of course, Payton, you don't have to thank me for anything, we're family and your dreams were all that mattered to me. Breathe Payton." Yara squeezed her hand and watched as she inhaled and exhaled "You know, if you had asked me this question eight months ago, I would've told you that it's impossible to know everything about someone. Now, though I feel like once you know the core of who a person is, that's what matters most. People can make themselves seem like anything Payton especially during all the good times. You've seen my brother at his lowest and even then, he still put everyone including you before himself. That's who Amari is, he's not perfect but he is loyal, loving, caring and a protector. It kills him to let anyone down or put anyone in harm's way because that's not his intention. He loves people with everything in him which is why not a lot of people get that close, and he doesn't care about faults because everyone has those and to him, they give us character."

Sighing, Yara looked away for a moment before she finished her statement.

"For most of my life, Amari has been my person, my big brother, the pain in my ass, and my best friend. I didn't want to share him with anybody not even Aya his own twin. However, I think you two have always been as close to perfect as couples can get. I don't care how long you date a person; everyday you'll find out something new about them and that's why marriage is such an adventure. Besides, no matter what me or your mother has to say, do you feel like you know Amari, do you want to be with him forever?"

"I do, from the first day I saw him I just knew there was something about him. He's been everything to me ever since, but we both had so much going on when we met. I just don't want this to simply be a trauma bond."

Wedding days always brought out so many emotions and doubts. Yara could sympathize with Payton easily. However, she knew her and the woman's experiences were night and day.

"Payton, you have to make this decision for yourself, but I'll just say that I see you two interact and it reminds me of my parents, our aunt and uncle. There's something pure about it and I'm sure you feel that. Today is your day and you can either marry the man you love or pause if you need to. I walked away from a wedding before, but that man didn't love me even a third as much as you two love each other."

Payton thought on Yara's words for a moment before she rested her head on Yara's shoulders.

"I'm getting married today. Thank you Yara, I always wanted a sister and because of Amari I've got two now."


The string quartet played the instrumental of Daniel Cesar's Get You as the bridesmaids walked in. First came Payton's cousin Emily with Lucas, then Aya and Devin, Payton's best friend Mia followed with Amari's frat brother Jared. They all looked stunning in their blush satin gowns, even Aya who was heavily pregnant managed to still glow, her baby bump sizeable but not as huge as it had been her last pregnancy. Yara and Quincy who were the maid of honor and best man, followed with bright smiles on their faces. Aunt Denise nodded approvingly at the pair, snapping a quick photo while Elizabeth and Jahi waved from the seats behind her.

As soon as they'd made it to the front, the music switched to Best Part by Daniel Caesar and HER.  Payton surfaced from the decorated entrance on her uncle's arm with a surety about her. She was a stunning bride, and Yara was sure that everyone agreed based on the looks on each of their faces. One glance at her brother had her even more shocked, Amari had tears running down his face.  Her heart immediately felt like it would burst.

This was right, they were meant for each other.

The wedding was a beautiful affair, watching Amari and Payton promise themselves to each other further softened Yara's heart. She couldn't wait to do the same with Quincy.

As soon as the vows were exchanged and the couple announced as Amari & Payton Underwood, Yara cheered along with everyone else as the couple walked toward her home where they would take more pictures and get dressed for the reception that was set up at Rainbow Gardens.

The bridesmaids and groomsmen along with she and Quincy however were whisked off in private cars to the reception venue. They snapped a few photos in the gardens before Amari and Payton joined in for group shots. Then, they all danced into the beautiful reception hall and the festivities really began. The lovebirds couldn't keep their hands off each other.

"They're so cute" Yara commented to Q who nodded in agreement as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Yeah, I'm proud of them. I didn't think that when I introduced them it would come to this but I'm glad it did. In a way, they brought us back together too.'

"Yeah, they did." Yara kissed Q's cheek sweetly as they looked on at the new married couple have their first dance to Mariah Carey's My All.

"Plum, do you mind if I speak to Quincy for a moment?" Denise surfaced behind them with Jahi on her hip. Yara looked from her mother to her man before she nodded, taking Jahi from Denise.

Curiosity was gnawing at her as she walked to Ivy and Isla's table. Both women beamed as soon as they saw the chubby face of their nephew.

"Hey Jah Jah, come to Titi Isla" she cooed, earning a smile as Jahi motioned toward her. Yara allowed it as she sat down.

"I've been ushered away by my mom, so I thought I'd check in on you two." Yara explained and both women followed her eyes to the dance floor where many couples had joined Amari and Payton. Denise and Q however were talking in a corner looking serious yet still amiable.

"What's going on there?" Ivy questioned.

"No clue, but more importantly, why were you in Canada Isla?"

Focusing on her nephew, Isla thought on how she could beat around the truth of her trip, she wasn't sure if she wanted them to know yet.

"I went to see a friend." She decided that was her alibi "We'd met during one of my breaks from Adam and we'd been close since. He heard about the break up and wanted to show me a good time."

Yara surveyed her sister, and noticed something on her left hand. Almost like synergy, she realized Ivy had just noticed it too.

"Isla Inola Sioux, what is on your left ring finger?" Ivy demanded and Isla cursed internally, she thought she'd remembered to take it off but evidently she'd forgotten.

"Uhm well, I kind of... eloped."

Yara and Ivy both were speechless, all the women could do was blink at the statement. Did she just say she'd eloped?

"Wait, pause, when and who?" Yara wasn't sure if the sentence made sense but none of this did. Isla knew there was no way around this now.

"So, I was there for about two and a half weeks but he'd been down here in January and we spent almost every day together. When I went to him, we went out had a few drinks and passed this couple taking wedding pictures. He asked me to marry him later that night after we'd... well you know. I thought he was joking but the next day he planned this romantic ass hike and asked again so we got it sorted and just did it. Just us and two of our mutual friends. I came back to settle things at the salon, let you guys know and well introduce him, he's in LA right now but he's coming down soon so we can sort things out. I already know mom is going to kill me."

"She absolutely will, you're 22 Isla." was all Ivy offered before she took Jahi from her sister and held him close.

Yara still had no words.

"So everyone but me is married then?" The party planner joked before she shot a look towards Ivy "Do you have anything to tell me too?"

Ivy shook her head vehemently "Definitely not a marriage but I mean, Bryn and I have had a few dates. We're going out later tonight actually. I really like him but I'm taking my time."

"Well, congratulations Ivy and Isla. Look, you two make your own decisions. I just hope that they're right. Do you love him Isla?"

"Honestly yeah, it feels right and I know it's been a short time and I have a tendency to fall quickly but he's different."

Ivy rolled her eyes at her sister's statement, she was still trying to wrap her head around this.

"Okay" Yara reasoned "I'm not judging at all, I pray the union lasts and you make eachother happy. Today is Amari and Payton's day so we'll celebrate them and figure out a way to tell Elizabeth later, if I were you I'd just say I was moving in with a new boyfriend and pop this up on her at the end of the year so she'll actually give him a chance."

"That's dishonest" Ivy countered.

"No, that's self-preservation" Isla sided with Yara easily "I'm grown so I can make my decisions but you know how judgmental she can be."

"I do, which is why I don't understand what you were thinking. Do you know him even, his religion, his age?" Ivy pressed, the sternness in her tone even taking Jahi off guard. The little boy began to fuss prompting Yara to take him back.

"He's 29 and he's Muslim." Isla replied easily.

"Isla we're Christian, how is that going to work?" Ivy countered "What were you thinking, are you pregnant?"


Both Ivy and Yara looked exasperated now.

"You two, that's enough. What did I just say? It's my brother's wedding so we're tabling this, there's nothing we can do now except hope she made the right choice. I'm going to get something to drink, you two please behave."

With that said, Yara got up with her child and went to the refreshment table. Just as she reached for a cup, a light-skinned masculine hand beat her to it. She knew who it was, so she didn't even bother to look up, she waited for him to retrieve his cup and then she grabbed her own.

"Cute kid, he looks like you." Lucas complimented but Yara pretended he wasn't even there.

Did he forget that she'd said he was dead to her the last time they'd spoken?

"Yara, are you seriously going to ignore me after everything? This day is about Amari, not our old shit."

"You're right Lucas, it's about Amari and Payton so focus on them."

She turned to walk away from him, but he grabbed her arm.

"Yara, I'm trying to apologize, okay? I was a dick to you, always was and you never deserved that."

"You were but I don't need an apology Luke, my life is fine."

"I can see that but I still wanted to. Some of the things I did, I still think about them. I still think about our kid Yara, what they could've been."

"You didn't want them then, so don't think about them now. You were right, we didn't need to be tethered to eachother."

Yara motioned to move away again but Lucas held his grip firm on her forearm.

"Lucas, let me go."

"Shit, Yara can you stop being stubborn and just hear me out."

Before Yara could open her mouth, a familiar voice floated into the conversation.

"She doesn't want to hear you out Lucas, let her go before her fiancé walks over. No one wants that scene, as much as you deserve it. I'm sure Devin would also help."

Aya eyed her former best friend and ex coldly before she looked at her sister who had finally wriggled from his grip.

Lucas couldn't believe it, gazing between the sisters he soon huffed and retreated with his drink.

"If he wasn't Amari's childhood best friend, I'd ask why he was even in the wedding."

"Well, history counts for a lot with men. Their brothers are always their brothers."

"True, but what about sisters? I've been trying to call you Yara, I just didn't know what to say but we must be better than this with each other."

The event planner wasn't sure if she had the bandwidth for the deep conversations she'd had back to back since the day began but at this point, she wasn't sure she had a choice.

"Aya, honestly how do you fix something that's just always been the status quo? I get that you want us to be closer and at a point I wanted that too but we're so different and we always have been."

"How is this the status quo Ya? When we were growing up you used to talk to me, we didn't have huge secrets and we told each other the important stuff. Now, you didn't even bother to tell me you got engaged, I had to find out on IG. Amari and Payton were there, I overheard Isla and Ivy talking with Quincy about him making the right choice on your ring, they helped him pick it out and plan the proposal. You have this whole family going and I can't help feeling like I'm always the one that's left out."

"Aya it's not like that. I didn't know that Pay or Mari would be there and I definitely didn't know Isla and Ivy helped him with anything. That's not on me, and IG was how most people found out."

"Yeah, but I'm not most people, I'm your sister and I've been your sister for as long as both of us can remember. We've grown up in the same house since we were four so how is it that you do all these things with two women you just met last year and embrace a mother you never knew but can't pick up the phone to call me or schedule a play date or just check on your nieces and nephew?"

Looking around, Yara realized that a few eyes were on them so she shook her head before she grabbed Aya's hand and directed her towards a side room where they kept the extra utensils.

'Do we really need to do this now Aya? Our brother just got married."

Aya scoffed, exasperated at the situation.

"Of course because this is supposed to be about family and I feel like you cut me out of yours for people you just met at that."

'Isla and Ivy have nothing to do with us and they are my sisters too Aya. In fact, they understand me in ways you never could and that doesn't have to be the huge issue you're making it. This isn't the time or place for this conversation though."

"When else would we do it Yara? I leave tonight and you never would've called to fix it because for some reason you seem fine with us being like this."

"BECAUSE WE'VE ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THIS AYA!" Yara exploded in a harsh whisper "What you call sisterhood was me being everything you needed me to be, doing this and that for you. Sitting while you and Amari reminisced about your parents and you pretended like my mother never existed because she didn't fit in with what you thought our father was. Look, I know it hurt learning the truth, I know you felt for your mother and that you missed her but at least you had both your parents at a point. Our father, popped up when he could but I don't remember him and my mother was so broken that she left me with our aunt and uncle. I watched you and Grandma Mary talk about my mother horribly, you heard her call me a mistake numerous times and you never said anything Aya."

"That's not true Yara and Grandma Mary is set in her ways, what difference would that have made? She would've only said something worse or started a tirade."

"It would've made a difference to me because I tried to be your sister. I defended you and I've been there for you since we were kids. When you had Destin, I deferred a semester to help you take care of her while you sorted yourself out. When I told you Lucas was cute and you dated him two months later, I didn't say a word. When Devin called me to plan your wedding, I dropped everything. When you almost died, I cried and dropped everything again to be there for you and your family. I did all this because despite the fact that everything was always about you and how easily you disregarded my feelings, I've always loved you like a sister while you treated me like a half-sister. I texted you all the time to ask about Destin and Dior, Jahi is nine months when have you ever asked me about him?"

Aya opened her mouth to speak but then looked down as she realized that Yara was right.

"I didn't realize Yara, you were just always so private and to yourself. I just figured if you wanted to tell me you would. I would've called for Jahi, but we were in such a weird place, your IG was where I went for updates but please know you and Jahi mean the world to me. I've never seen you as a half anything Yara, you're my sister and I'm sorry if I've been selfish in the past. I want us to be better now. I feel like you hate me."

Yara sighed before she looked at her sister, Aya didn't need this stress when she was so far along, but they needed to have this conversation.

"I could never hate you Aya and you know that. However, we shouldn't pretend like we were always these two peas in a pod because we weren't and that is fine. We both love each other, and we both want to be better so let's do that because we're family. I don't have to always like you and I don't but I'm always here for you" Yara laughed, tired of the seriousness of the mood in the room as she wrapped her arm around her sister.

"You're right, I know you were always closer to Amari, and I did resent you at first. I was used to being the only princess and then you came along. Grandma Mary said your mom caused our parents to crash so I always blamed her for their deaths, and I guess I always thought of her when I saw you at first. I'm sorry because you're nothing like her, you're honestly one of the best people I know. If Isla and Ivy are better sisters to you in the few months they've been here than I've been in the years I've known you then I guess I can't blame you."

Yara always knew it but hearing it was different. It was as freeing as it was heartbreaking to hear that your sister did resent you for being born. However, she could understand Aya's perspective, at the time they were just kids and their grandmother had spun a dangerous web that managed to ensnare everyone but Amari. He really was the best of them.

"They're not better, it's just different Aya and that doesn't have to be an issue. I didn't tell you about the engagement or ask you to be in the wedding because of everything going on. You're about to pop and you were in this wedding then you've got Zolee's. It seemed like a lot, and my wedding isn't going to be huge."

"I don't care if I had to run a circus and your wedding was in a storage closet. Yara you're my baby sister and I want to be there to support you on your big day. Not even you can stop me from doing that."

Yara didn't know what to say to that so instead she rested her head on Aya's shoulder  and Jahi placed his hand on his aunt's face earning a smile.

"Is he always this quiet?" Aya queried "Dior would've screamed this place down by now."

"Nah, he's sleepy. If he was at his game he would have baby babbled us to death. I should probably hand him to Elizabeth so he can catch a nap. Are we good?"

"We're good Ya."


After the electric slide called the entire family to the floor and the clock struck 10 PM, it was clear that the reception needed to end. Yara and Quincy had just managed to get inside their home with a sleeping Jahi in tow. Quincy walked Jahi to his nursery while Yara began to undress in their room when she felt a sense of nausea come over her. Quickly, she clasped her hand over her mouth and sprinted towards their bathroom where she threw up everything, she'd eaten that day.

Groggy and still feeling ill, she flushed before slumping next to the toilet, her back supported by the cool porcelain of their bath tub.

Today was February 25th, she was late, and she now realized she didn't see her period the month before either. Amid her busy life, her cycle not coming had been seen as a blessing more than the obvious sign that everyone including Ebony and Denise may have been right,

Was she pregnant?

"Shug, why are you on the floor? Are you okay?"

Quincy rushed to her side, placing his palm on her forehead to check her temperature. She couldn't do anything for a moment but stare at him, when she opened her mouth to reply, the urge hit again and she narrowly made it back to the toilet in time to spew the last of her stomach contents.

Now, Quincy who'd immediately held her hair was worried.

"Was it something you ate? Have you been feeling sick?" He riddled off questions that she was in no position to answer.

When her stomach stopped churning, she got up , rinsed her mouth and brushed her teeth before she turned to him.

He stood with his back against the wall, his facial expression serious as he eyed her from head to toe.

"Yara" the sound of her name on his tongue made her alert because he hardly ever called her that anymore "Did you get your period these past two months?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I just realized that there haven't been pads or tampons in this house for two months, you haven't been drinking because alcohol turns your stomach and you love wine, plus now you're throwing up."

"No, I haven't had my period."

With that settled, Quincy clasped his hands together, stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed his keys.

"Where are you going Q?"

"To get a test so we know for sure, I'll be right back."

Yara only smirked before she took a seat on their bed. She knew that this could happen , in fact a huge part of her had wanted this to happen but Quincy's reaction wasn't exactly what she'd expected. She'd never seen him that serious aside from whenever they encountered Jordan.

He came back in fifteen minutes and handed her three tests. She took them all and left them on the counter before she came back out to him.

He was pacing in his white t-shirt and grey sweatpants, meanwhile she still had on just an oversized t-shirt that belonged to Quincy and her panties.

"Now we wait." She announced as she walked over to him and he hugged her close, delivering a series of kisses to her forehead.

"How do you feel?" he queried and she smirked.

"I mean, we did talk about it. I'm a bit afraid of having two under two but I'm excited to do this with you. How do you feel?"

"Like I'm getting everything I wanted, almost."


Quincy nodded at her question before he kissed her again.

"We're not sure yet and I want to marry you. Once we confirm and get down the aisle then I'll have everything I want. 2 down,4 to go."

Yara rolled her eyes at him "Boy pls, I don't know who you think is having a whole six children."

"I'm just playing shug, you know I'll take as much as you want to give me. What matters to me is that we stay together and raise them to be just as amazing as we are."

Pulling away from him with a smile, Yara walked back to the bathroom with Quincy on her heels. As soon as they took in the results, he let out a scream before he grabbed her and spun her around in his arms. She couldn't help but to chuckle at his excitement.

"My baby's having my baby!" He exclaimed as he kissed all over her face.

"Q put me down" she chuckled as she watched him take it all in.

After a moment, he placed her down and reached for his phone.

"What are you doing now Q?"

"Clearing our schedule tomorrow, we've got to get your checkups scheduled, you were taking those multivitamins and prenatals right?" He questioned and she just nodded at him, a goofy smile on her face.

"Okay" Quincy stopped to look at his phone screen before he looked up at Yara "Shug, where's your phone?"

"In my bag probably, why?"

"Because I have two missed calls from Aya and three from Devin."

Yara thought for a minute, panic settling in her gut before she dug through her purse and found it. There were 2 missed calls from her sister and 4 from Devin. As she clicked her home button to try and call back her phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hey Devin, what's going on is everything okay?"

"Yeah, uhm we just got back home an hour ago and Aya went into labor."

"Oh my gosh, congratulations! Are you at the hospital now?"

"About that, we kind of delivered him in the bathroom, we got to the hospital fifteen minutes ago. Aya's nerves were a bit shot because he's going through tests and stuff now but the doctor thinks he's fine. He's got a strong set of lungs for sure."

"She had him in your bathroom?"

Devin chuckled at Yara's confused tone.

"Yeah, I caught him myself. Never experienced anything like that before."

"What's his name?" Yara changed the subject because it was clear that Devin was still processing the birth himself.

"Devin Armani Booker Jr."

"Of course, well tell my sister to call me when you guys get the okay on everything and happy birthday to DJ. He couldn't let his uncle have all the shine today, could he?"

"Nah, he couldn't. I'll pass on the message Yara."

They hung up and Quincy was grinning from ear to ear still.

"Baby boy is here?" He queried and Yara nodded.

"Yup I've got a new nephew."

"And we've got a baby on the way."

Quincy finished before he swept her up in his arms and spun her around.

"I blame Paris."

We've got five more chapters to go loves. I hope you're enjoying the journey ❤️

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