(Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Ch...

By Senpai025

18.1K 770 1.1K

Please make sure to read (Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Choice... Before reading this please!! ~~ Osamu Dazai, a... More

Author's Note!!
What I Wish For..
Unexpected Allies...
A Tiger's Story..
Her Anger..
Beautiful Summer Day...
The Stories of a True Friend..
My Little Sunshine..
The Truth in His Words...
Us Losers..
The Secret to Love...
Take Apart...
The Right Way...
With A Stranger....
Our Stories...

Humming Bird...

638 35 9
By Senpai025

The wind started to blow softly, as I glanced down at the boy below me. 

Watch him....that was my order.

"Hey...when did my dad say he was coming back?" The boy asked, looking up at me. I glanced at my watch.

"In a few hours, master Hoshi."

The boy, Hoshi, sighed and smiled at me "You don't have to be so formal with me Odasaku." He said, with a sad smile.

I blankly stared at him and nodded, "Then...what shall I call you?" I asked.

"Just Hoshi." He chuckled.


I glanced down at the river that we were sitting by, as it showed my reflection in the water. My red hair was nice and neat, my tan coat and black undershirt had just been freshly washed so it looked brand new, but most of all...my eyes were just dark and cold...as if I was missing something...

"Hey Odasaku....is it true you don't have any memories?"

I glanced at Hoshi and shook my head, "All I remember is being in somewhere...cold....and dark. Then Fyodor found me, and now I serve under him."

Hoshi nodded as he handed me a piece of the small snack he was eating, "It must be nice.....to not have memories..." he said, glancing at his feet.

"What makes you say that?"

"H-Huh, I-I didn't mean to offend you!" Hoshi hit himself on the head, "I mean well....I've seen so many things and done so much I wish I never remembered..." he mumbled.

".....Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, as I took a bite out of the snack Hoshi gave me. Hoshi sighed, he looked like he didn't want to, but in that instant he started to speak.

"It all started....when my father found something he could never replace.."


The man walked down the beach, looking around and enjoying the view around him. In all honesty he just needed a reason to escape from the current reality he was facing..

Having to take over his father's business soon, and his father showing him no mercy...and his mother being nothing but a pain....

He never considered them his real parents....but there was one person whom he loved deeply..one that treasured him..

"Fyodor, they aren't you...you don't have to listen to them...just be the wonderful person you are..."

But she ran...she left the horrid hell he called home...he didn't even know if she was still alive anymore...but something told him, she was gone..

Why....why did he have to suffer so....

"Who...can love me now....Aunt Tane....?" He asked, as he felt himself fall onto the sand. All alone with no one there for him he decided to stay there...and wait...wait to see what this world had planned for him now...

"Oh my darling Humming Bird, don't you worry no more-as the sun begins to set...and the darkness seeps through....I know one bright day, you'll fly..again.....with me~"

The man heard a voice..it was a rather pleasant sounding voice. But his sadness had prevented him from wanting to see who exactly had sang it...


The man didn't respond to the voice..it seemed to sound like the one who was singing earlier..it was silent for a few seconds before the same voice had spoken again.

"HeeYyyOooOooo!!" The man flinched and looked behind him,a woman was standing there with a pout. She had long black hair that matched her eyes, a beautiful dress, a straw hat, and her skin was gleaming in the sunlight.

"Um....can you leave me alone, I'm having a moment.."

"Hmmm....a moment of what?"

The man sighed, "A moment of life." He spat.

"Jeez, okay then." 

The man scoffed and placed his head back on his knees, but he glanced to his side and noticed the girl was now sitting next to him.

"What're you doing.."


"Well go do your "nothing" elsewhere." The man had thought she had finally left but could almost feel her positive and happy energy flowing beside him.

"Anyways my names Satomi, what's yours?" She asked, with a smile.


"Fyodor, what a weird name! I never heard of it before." Fyodor raised an eyebrow at her, he then sat more nicely and actually placed his attention on her.

"Why are you staying around me?"

"Huh? I mean, is it a law not to?"


"Then I'm not doing anything wrong~" she giggled.

Fyodor smiled for the first time that week....no maybe it's been even longer since he last smiled...

"My turn for a question!" She raised her hand.


"Say Fyodor, why are you sitting here alone...and sad..."

"......Because I don't have anything else for me to do..."

"Hmm is that so...say Fyodor ask me something now!"

"Um....why are you here?"

"Haha, because I felt like today was a good day to go to the beach! Good thing I did cause I met you!"

Fyodor felt his face heat up as he looked away, it was quiet for a few seconds before Fyodor said, "N-Now you ask a question...." he mumbled.

Satomi smiled and leaned closer to Fyodor, "Say Fyodor what's your favorite color?"

"Umm...I don't have one...what about you?"

"Hehe, White of course! I love that it matches with almost any color of clothing~"

"I-I see..." Fyodor didn't understand her at all...but for once in his life he enjoyed talking and being around someone else..

The two of them talked for hours and hours upon end, smiling and laughing, acting as if nothing was wrong with the world. 

"Say Fyodor!" Satomi stood up and held out her hand, "Why don't you come with me, and walk around the city?" She asked.

"Huh...it's not your turn to ask a question yet." Fyodor grinned.

Satomi looked at him wide eyed and giggled, "Oh well then, I guess you don't wanna have an awesome and fun filled time with Miss Satomi~" she sang.

Fyodor stood up and looked down at Satomi with a gentle gaze, he then grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently, "Say Satomi...do you mind if I take a moment of your time...and um...what did you wanna do?" He asked, laughing in embarrassment as he forgot what he wanted to say.

"Do you wanna hang out basically?" She giggled.

"Yes....do you want to?"

Satomi nodded with a smile, she then pulled Fyodor towards her as they started running now..

"Yes Fyodor! Let's go!" She cried.

This one sight... was burned into Fyodor's memory for the rest of his life...

The smile of the woman....who had changed his life forever..

The two of them had started meeting more often, getting to know one another and seeing things from the others view...

Soon..they fell in love....a love so deep that it was such a beautiful sight. 

They were never apart, never left one another's side...their love had then brought something else to the world..a child..

It was a bright spring afternoon, as the sound of a child crying could be heard. Satomi held her son gently as a more happier Fyodor glanced at his son...something that he and Satomi had brought to the world...

"What shall we name him?" She asked in between breaths. Fyodor continued to stare at his son with a loving gaze, as he placed his finger in his sons small hand. 

"Hoshi.....your name is Hoshi..." he whispered, as his son squirmed in his mother's arms.

As the months passed Satomi took care of their son while Fyodor worked under his father. Something that he was cursed to do...but it didn't matter...for everyday he came home he would see his family. That to him, was enough to make any pain go away..

Then it was October...a wonderful bright October day....

9:30 in the morning.....it was a nice and cool morning..

Fyodor grabbed his coat and sighed, looking at himself in the mirror once more. He felt someone wrap their arms around his waist, he glanced behind him and smiled.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked, as he held Satomi's hand.

"Nothing....yet." she replied, as she buried her face into his back. Fyodor laughed under his breath and turned towards her, kissing her on the forehead before walking towards the kitchen.

"Is the sitter taking Hoshi again today?" He asked, as he started making two cups of coffee.

"Yea, I got a last minute call to go work today." She grumbled.

"Ah my poor darling has to work again..." he cried sarcastically. Satomi stuck her tongue out at him as he handed her a cup of coffee.

"Say Fyodor...."


"Why don't we...move?"

"Move? What brought this up?"

Satomi tapped her finger on her coffee cup as she seemed to be seeing something Fyodor couldn't. "Ah well...maybe we could have new adventures elsewhere." She smiled.

Fyodor nodded as he finished his coffee, "Sounds interesting." He replied.

"But what about your father?"

"What about him? He's been against our relationship from the beginning, he doesn't deserve to know anything." Fyodor glanced at Satomi and saw a expression of guilt on her face.

"Satomi..." Fyodor took her hand, "I'll tell him today, okay? Then we can plan all we want afterwards...no matter what he says you and Hoshi will always be the ones I choose, cause unlike him the both of you changed me....and made my life more worth living."  he smiled.

Satomi blinked before she nodded, "Okay....I already have tons of plan in my head already so you better be ready!" She cheered.

Fyodor made his way out of the kitchen and pulled Satomi towards him, her warm body making him feel comfortable and safe.

"I better get going now." He whispered, as he made his way to the door. "I'll pick Hoshi up so you can just tell straight home." He said, as he grabbed his keys.

But as he opened the door...he stopped...

He turned towards Satomi who was looking at him with a loving gaze.

"Hm? What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing, just wanted to get one last look at your beauty before I leave." He grinned.

Satomi laughed and waved, "Have a good day Fyodor."

"I'll see you tonight! Love you!"

"Love you more Fyodor!" She giggled, as the door closed behind them....blocking one another from seeing the other..

.....It was night..

Fyodor had just finished work and he was about to pick up his son from the sitter, he even had told his father about his and Satomi's plan earlier..

"Don't cry to me later, when you need something from me.."

Those were the last words his father had told him before he forced him to leave his office. Maybe his life was finally going to become way better then he imagined...

That's when his phone rang..

"Huh, who's this?" He sighed, and quickly answered the phone as he waited at the stoplight.

"Hello? Yes this is he..........um on my way home................huh?"

Time froze, Fyodor stopped breathing.....

"Where.........WHERE I SAID?!" He glanced up and as the light turned green he sped in the opposite direction from the sitters house...

Towards the hospital...

Everything afterwards was a blur....he ran up the walkway, ignoring the nurses who were yelling at him. To the very last room...

His entire being shook at the sight before him..Satomi was on the hospital bed...but she was injured-no not injured....she was destroyed..

She had cuts and bruises everywhere, blood seeping through the countless bandages that was wrapped around her, IV's were placed on almost her entire body....

Her arms and legs looked broken...and her face....was half covered, as one half was bleeding terribly from a cut that was covered..

"She got into an accident...." Fyodor didn't even look at the doctor beside him, "It was a hit and run...it seems she was buying something before she got attacked..." the doctor handed Fyodor a book. 

He glanced down and felt his heart sink...

It was a book of maps...of the many places in the world, and on the cover Satomi made a post it with the words..

Our New Future

He bit his lip as he walled towards a quiet and broken Satomi. He wanted to grab her hand, but he felt himself shaking....thinking he'd hurt her if he did...


Miraculously Satomi opened her right eye slowly and glanced at Fyodor. Her lips curled into a smile.

"Fy..odor..." she whispered, as she took his hand. He noticed the doctors talking outside....it was as if he knew exactly what they were saying...

She won't make it....

"Where....is H-Hoshi..?" She asked, coughing. A drip of blood falling down from her lips. 

"He's with the sitter....don't worry."

"......You need to go.."

Fyodor's eyes widened, "Huh..?" Satomi tried her best to clutch Fyodor's hand as tight as she could.

"I-I can barely talk.....you need..to go...without me.." 

"..no.....no I'm not leaving." 


"I'm not letting you go, especially not since we can finally have a future together!" He yelled.



"FYODOR!" He stopped as Satomi yelled, it took almost everything in her power to yell that loud, even though the only one who could've heard her was Fyodor.

"Please don't...worry...."

Her heart rate had started to go down slowly...

"I need you...to promise me something...."

Her eyes started to look more and more lifeless....

"No....please wait Satomi-,"

Satomi gently placed a hand on Fyodor's face, "You need.....to keep living..." she cried, in a soft and kind tone. Fyodor didn't move, he just couldn't. Why did he have to loose her?! What did he do to deserve this!?

What did Satomi do......to deserve this....?

"N-No....please no I can't..." he trembled, as he placed his head gently on Satomi's lap. "I don't want you to go....." he whimpered.

He then felt a hand on his head, slowly petting him..

Then a voice had started to sing....

"Oh my darling Humming Bird.....don't you worry no more.....as the sun begins to set...and the darkness seeps through....I know one bright day....you'll fly..again.....with me..."

Fyodor shook his head, "No....please......stop....." he said.

It was the song she sung when he had first saw her...

A song he loved with all of his heart...

"I love you so much...my Humming Bird......" she said, as she bent down to kiss him on the head....

Then there was the sound-a long beeping sound was heard.....as her heart rate had stopped. 

"Satomi...?" Fyodor sat up and looked at the machine then back at Satomi. If she wasn't wrapped and broken like she was now...you would assume she was asleep, smiling at a wonderful dream she was having..

It was silent .. Fyodor didn't understand why...but his chest felt sore...something wet dripped down his cheeks...

When his senses returned he realized he was crying....he wouldn't budge when the doctors tried to lift him up. He was clenching Satomi's lifeless hand screaming...like a child...

No, don't go.

You can't leave yet..


I still need you...

"Sir please, I need you to leave.." he finally looked away from Satomi, his expressions changed to one that made it looked like he hasn't slept in ages. The nurse looked...familiar?

".....You...aren't you..." then he paused, suddenly thinking of something that he knew was possible. But he just couldn't believe it.

The nurse giggled in a nervous tone, "H-Huh, you must be-,"

Fyodor then launched towards the woman in front of him, grabbing the gun she hid on her side and shot her in an instant. Her eyes looked up at the fresh hole in her head as she fell to the ground.

Of course it was loud, which was why the sounds of footsteps running down the hall echoed as it got closer to the room. Of course he knew how to use a gun...it was his life before he met Satomi..

Always killing and covering for his fathers mistake...a shadow behind his father...to protect him...that's how he was raised. It seems his father didn't want to let him go just yet...

"Satomi...I'm sorry...maybe when I see you again." he glanced at his lover with a smile....the last smile he ever made for years..

"I'll be able to smile again..." he then leaned out of the window and with one last glance at Satomi he fell...down and down...hidden in the depths of the darkness.


The man sat there with nothing but a glass of wine on his table. He patiently waited as he glanced at the door. It should be soon...oh so soon...

That's when he heard it, the sound of a gunshot echoing. He heard his guard grunt as blood seeped from under the door. It then opened to reveal a young man...his violet eyes colored with a hint of red.

"Fyodor, my son-,"

But he didn't finish, Fyodor shot him directly on the shoulder, causing him to jerk backwards with his chair. Fyodor then started walking towards him as blood trickled down his shoulder.

"Disgusting..." he spat, as he grabbed the wine glass from his father's desk and drank it all.

"So....I assume...she's d-dead?" he laughed, as he clenched his shoulder.

"....You know I've always hated the moon." Fyodor glanced at the huge window behind his fathers chair, showing the entire city from 30 floors up, the moon glistening down upon him. He shot the part of the glass that the moon was near, the glass falling down towards the city streets and leaving a huge opening in the window.

"It's too big for it's own good." he said, as he broke the win glass in half. He then took the other half and stabbed it into his fathers shoulder, making him howl in pain.


"I honestly don't know...why I didn't do this sooner." He then used the glass piece to push his father near the hole he just created.

"Because my son....you didn't want your precious Satomi to see the monster you are...but now that she's dead...there's no reason to hide it!" he cackled, "It was amusing to see her face as the car rammed right towards her, foolish girl tried to save an old woman before herself-pitiful!" he laughed.

Fyodor's eye twitched slightly before he took the other glass piece and throwing it right into his fathers right eye socket.


"So...it was you, I recognized that nurse whore of yours..." he spat, as he released his grip on the glass and grabbed his fathers neck instead.

"As much as I hated my mother, I know you're the reason she committed suicide all those years ago...and you're the reason that Aunt Tate disappeared...." he lifted his father closer and closer to the edge.

"Now you're the reason..." he then stopped as the last wheel of his father's chair was the only thing remaining in the building, "my life won't ever be the same.." he said.

Surprisingly throughout this whole thing, his father just continued to smile at him, as if looking at an adorable baby. 

"Ah my son, you know that once you kill me....you'll never be the same?" he reached and gently grabbed his son's arm that was holding him by the neck, "You'll just be a killer and nothing more...nothing less.." he sighed happily.

"So it seems..." Fyodor then smiled, but it wasn't a beautiful smile....it was one full of evil...one that made his father shiver with excitement at the sight of it.

"Goodbye father...see you one day...in hell."

He then released his grip on his father, and continued to watch as he fell down and down....below the clouds..

He glanced around the office, it smelt disgusting.

"What a damn pigsty." he grumbled, before smiling again. He took his gun and changed...

He was no longer the Fyodor that Satomi had known and loved...he was someone...entirely different....

He was the Devil himself...


Hoshi continued to walk as I followed, it was a rather sad story about his father. To think that such a thing had happened when he was so young...


Huh...? I placed a hand on my head, as it started to pound. What was that voice just now?


I turned to my right, a cherry blossom tree stood alone in the middle of a park, it's beautiful blossoms shining in the sunlight. It somehow felt so special to me...but I didn't know why...

"Ahahaha-please no need for formalities! Just call me ......"

Call you...who?

"We're all humans trying to get through our lives. We don't need titles to label us as different for we are all the same no matter what. We all breath and wake up everyday to do what we have to do to survive."

Who...told me this..?

"Then I-I don't think I'll be able to see you again...I won't have someone to talk to about work....to talk to when I'm lost....cause out of everyone I met I knew you the longest....and because of that....to me...you're the greatest friend I could ever have asked for." 



It hurt-the voice just didn't want to stop..!

"Hey Odasaku!" 

Who are you..?!

So thank you....thank you...thank you Odasaku for being someone I can count on.

"Oi.....Oi Odasaku!" in an instant the headache disappeared and the voice was gone. I glanced back at the cherry blossom tree but...it's blossoms were gone, the tree was only branches now. Was I hallucinating.....or...

"Come on Odasaku, you good?" Hoshi asked, as I shook my head and walk towards him.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it.."

I had decided to ignore it...the tree...and the voice. Although the person's voice...made me feel a sense of...relief...that I couldn't understand..


(Hey guys! It's me back with another chapter! I feel like my writing has been getting bad since I've started writing again, but hopefully not HAHA. But as always thank you guys for waiting and reading! Have an amazing rest of your day/evening and thank you guys again!! Bye Bye <3)

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