Luck And Poetry (Nagito X Rea...

由 Miss_Nagitonista

78.7K 2.4K 5.1K

Contains smut/lemon/triggering situations and dialogues/mild LGBTQ content. Please read only if 16+. This is... 更多

Chapter 1- Love All Over Again
Chapter 2- No, That's Wrong!
Chapter 3- Scum and Hope
Chapter 4- An Incomplete Lullaby
Chapter 5- Divided Despair
Chapter 6- The Children we used to be
Chapter 7- I love you too
Chapter 9- Beautiful Chaos
Chapter 10- The Funhouse
Chapter 11- My Lie
Chapter 12- Blood and Dread
Chapter 13- My first day
Chapter 14- My mother's indifference
Chapter 15- Her
Chapter 16- The Day You Really Left Us
Chapter 17- Goodbye, Yet Another Friend.
Chapter 18- Sugar-Dusted Manipulation
Chapter 19- The Lady Who Started It All
Chapter 20- You Can't Hide From Me
Chapter 21- Your Suffering In Silence
Chapter 22- Threat and Thunder
Chapter 23- The Person I Used to Love
Chapter 24- Lull Before the Storm
Chapter 25- Melancholy
Chapter 26- The Ultimate Talent
Chapter 27- A Bullet of Desolation
Chapter 28- The Biggest, Most Tragic Event in Human History
Chapter 29- What Despair Feels Like
Chapter 30- Our Last Class Trial
Chapter 31- Just a Little Human
Chapter 32- I Reject Your Utopia
Chapter 33- I Absolutely Resent You.
Chapter 34- To Be Content
Bonus Story- White Amaryllis
Story Finale- Chapter 35: Luck and Poetry

Chapter 8- An old friend

2.4K 73 160
由 Miss_Nagitonista

Engrossed in searching for what Monokuma had in store, you pushed away some branches from the mangrove trees.

Staring back at you, was a huge, six feet tall metallic creature, a ferocious smile on its frightful face. You fell over, letting out a scream.

"Fancy seein' you here, Y/N!" It boomed, its voice echoing across the beachside. "But keep it down, will ya? You're rather loud!"

"I-" you found yourself at a loss of words, your eyes wide open, lips quivering while trying to find words. "I'm loud?! Your voice was probably heard by everyone on the island!"

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Nagito came running along with the others, hearing loud voices. Miss Sonia pulled you back on your feet, kindly brushing off the dust.

"Who- what the hell is this thing?!" Fuyuhiko exclaimed, taking a step back after seeing what had made you lose your balance.

"Did Monokuma send you here?" demanded Tanaka, wrapping his scarf around his neck.
"If you intend on hurting us, I will not let that happen! My four dark devas of destruction shall fight along side me!"

But yet there was something eerily familiar about this robot. You couldn't say why...but his voice, his body, his ferocious, noisy demeanor was exactly like-


Hajime gasped, his eyes enlarging in utter shock. No one had heard of Nidai since Monokuma had attacked him with his bazooka and later had rushed him to the hospital.

"Finally recognised me, have ya? I'm back, good as new!"

"Is it really you, Nekomaru? What happened to your body?"

"Soooo, do you all like it?" Monokuma came into view, grinning ear to ear.
"It took quite a while to fix him up, because many parts of his body were critically damaged and beyond repair, so I decided to give him a whole new body instead! Amazing, aren't I?"

"Neko...maru?" Akane walked upto the giant creature, disbelief plastered on her face.
"I thought I'd never see you again...after what happened I thought you..." She couldn't finish, but her face broke into a watery smile.

"Good to have you back, Nekomaru!" Soda grinned, patting his hands all over Nidai's body. He looked uncomfortable, even for a robot.

"Your new body really is you mind letting me take it apart sometime?"

"I don't mind, provided you can put it together again. By the way, sorry for startling you there, Y/N," he said apologetically

"It's fine," you said, your heart somewhat light at the reunion. Everyone seemed so happy after a long time. It stirred some hope inside you, too. "I'm just pleased to see you again."

"Heh...right back atcha."

Suddenly a bruised and bleeding Monomi stumbled into view, her body knocked out of breath but her face happy and upbeat.

"Hello, children!" She chimed, smiling "I've just defeated another Monobeast! Now you all have another island for yourselves to explore! Isn't that amazing? And I managed to do it without my Magic stick..." She said, her voice becoming reproachful, "because big bad Monokuma broke it..."

"Are you alright?" Nanami said, looking slightly concerned at Monomi's bleeding head. "Those wounds look kinda bad..."

"Who cares about her?" Monokuma said, annoyed at not being the centre of attention. "You kids have a whole Island to explore! Stop worrying about my dumb pig sister!"

"P-pig sister?"

Leaving Monokuma and Monomi bickering, you approached Nagito.

"Do you want to explore the island with me?"

"You're asking me? I thought you'd already be off with Miss princess!"

"Don't be stupid...I literally only just talked to her for about fifteen minutes for the first time today..."

"Okay then!" He said, his grey eyes lighting up. "This could be like our first date!"

"It's an abandoned unknown island with ruins all over the place...not much of a dating site now, is it?"
Contrary to what you presumed, Nagito's words seem to have refuted it. The new island wasn't like the rest of the island at all. It was something like straight out of a carnival in a fairy tale, minus the huge crowds of adults and children.

There were dozens of rides and rollercoasters and game arcades all about, complete with food stalls of cotton candy and chocolate fountains.
"Quite the dating site, isn't it?" Nagito said smugly, having proven you wrong.

"...I guess you were correct after all."

"Well then," he smiled, offering his arm to you. "Shall we?"

"Here?" You said looking around. "Someone could see us..."

"Nope." He said "The others were really tired with the whole reunion with Nekomaru so they decided to check out the island tomorrow morning. Since it's 8 PM now."

You took his arm, assured. You both walked towards the closest ride, a huge Monokuma-themed rollercoaster.

"Yoo-hoo, lovebirds!" Monokuma popped into view and grinned notoriously. "Just the both of you then? Didn't know you'd have a girlfriend, of all people, Nagito!"

"Can we just get in please?"

"Of course! Hop right in!"

Having climbed into it and strapping yourself securely in, double checking if Nagito was locked in too, (he might not have been, thanks to his luck), the roller coaster started to move slowly at first. Then it revolved faster and faster, until your surroundings were a spinning blur, the wind pressure crashing into your face, whipping your hair madly around.

You let out a small cry, the thrill pumping your adrenaline furiously. You laughed as it became even faster and Nagito's grip on your hand tightened.

You could barely hear him as he mumbled, overwhelmed by the massive velocity.

"Ah...this is fun." He mumbled weakly, his usual happy face calm despite of the chaotic ride.

"I know, right!"

Once your turn was over, your head spun slightly, making you stumble.

"I feel dizzy after that," he remarked, taking your hand again. "I don't remember the last time I rode a rollercoaster."

"This is my first time riding one," you replied. "Mother did not have time for all that with me..."

"You've never told me about your family or friends," he said. "After we do some more...less extreme rides, you must tell me everything about yourself."

"Talking about me would be boring. We would be better off riding that rollercoaster again."

"I think you would have to really persuade me into riding that thing again, Y/N..." He said, his eyes still unfocused because of how dizzy he was.

"How must I persuade you?"

"Hmmm, since I'm feeling generous, a kiss on the-"

You stood on the tip of your toes and pecked him on the cheek, catching him off guard.

His eyes widened, and a hint of red crept into his face.
"I was going to ask for one on the lips...but yeah, that works too..."

"Cotton candy is so good!" You exclaimed, eyes bulging. "It tastes like sweetened clouds and marshmallows..."

"Let's go there! How do you play dart?"

"Can we ride that Ferris wheel next, Nagito?"

"Will you win me a prize? My hands are full of candy, so-'

"Geez, Y/N!" Nagito laughed.
"It's like you want to be at every single place at the funfair simultaneosly...who knew you could could be such a child?"

" I being childish?" You asked, realising you were way too excited at your age for being in a funfair. "I'm sor-"

"No, no I didn't mean it like that at all." Nagito said, walking over to a stall to pick up a dart to win a prize displayed on the shelf.
"It's nice to see you like this...I can feel you overflowing with so much elates me, too."

He aimed carefully, squinting one of his eyes, shooting the dart right into the bullseye in the very first attempt.
"You're amazing, Nagito!"

"I'm flattered, but it's just my luck working the right way you see..."

"Do quit giving your luck credit for everything," you demanded, plucking a small stuffed toy off the shelf, the prize Nagito had won.

"Where do you want to go next? A food stall?"

Having eaten so many pastries and cakes and candy floss and probably every single piece of confectionery in your sight, you had no more room to eat at all.

"I really don't think I can eat anymore...I am upto my neck with food..."

"Hahahaha! Turns out you're even more of a glutton than Akane! I would have eaten some too, even if I prefer salty things more...but I'll make an exception for you."

"What do you mean?"

"You know, since..." He leaned down closer to your face. "Since you're so sweet and you let me devour you whenever I want to."

"'re incorrigible."

"I can see you blushing~"

Once you had crossed over to the other island, it was past twelve. Everyone was asleep, hopefully.
"Hey Y/N," Nagito said, "Who do you think the traitor is?"

"What? What traitor?"

"You don't know? Monokuma mentioned a traitor being among us just a few weeks ago. Oh, now if I recall correctly..." He said, still going on about something you had no idea about.
"You weren't there with us when he mentioned the traitor! You were in the bathroom or something!"

"I was? What did he say?"

"Well...he said there is a traitor among us. Whoever is forcing us to play this killing game...that traitor is supposed to belong to that organisation, pretending to be our friend.
"We are all classmates, right? Well, there was supposed to be just fifteen of us. But there are seventeen. There are two extra people." He said, deep in thought.

"So I would assume there are two traitors. Either that, or one extra person has been dragged into this.
"Someone innocent. Someone who didn't belong to our class."

"But who is it? Do you think the traitor might have been killed in the game already?"

"No." He said. "I'm pretty sure the traitor cannot participate in this killing game themselves. They're here to observe, I would say.
"Moniter us."

"Why didn't you tell all this to me before? It is a serious matter. How could you have forgotten?"

"I'm slipped my mind. But don't let it worry you. I'll find out who it is, soon enough."

"How are you planning on doing that?"

"That's..." It felt like he was smiling. You could make out, even in the dark. He faced you, and winked.
"That's a secret."

Nagito wouldn't elaborate on the traitor subject, no matter how much you asked him to. It felt like he had been keeping this from you on purpose.
"Just don't try to start a killing again, okay?" You said, giving up on making him tell you.
"You aren't the traitor, I'm not the traitor, let's leave it at that."

"Well, we're here!" He said brightly, when you had finally reached your cabin. "It was really fun spending time with you, Y/N," he said, solemnly. "We'll do this again...if my luck permits it."

"Why wouldn't it? We can go there again tomorrow. Along with the others. It would be more fun that way."

"Okay then." He said, turning to leave. "Sleep well."

For a brief moment, you considered calling after him, to ask him to come in with you. Would it seem like you were too needy?
But the finality of being told 'sleep well.' made you withdraw your outstretched fingers.

"You too!" You whisper-yelled, being careful to not be too loud.

You turned back into your cottage, and went to sleep after slipping off your shoes.
Your eyes began to shut by themselves after the long day. Just then, someone knocked three times.

You got off your bed and peeked through the crack to see who it could be at this time of the night.

You opened the door, and there stood the white haired man, a pillow stuffed under one of his arms.

"Hey...sorry if you were sleeping." He said in a low voice. "Could I spend the night here? I wanted to ask you before but thought I would be a burden."

"Why? Are you scared sleeping by yourself?" You said, your little laugh stiffling your yawn. "I'm joking, I'm joking."

"Well? May I come in? Miss Sonia would behead me if I forget to ask for permission again."

"Alright." You smiled, getting out of the way. "let's just go to bed."
A.N: Writing about spending time with Nagito sure is a lot of fun! Vote and comment if you liked this chapter. Thanks for reading!


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