By -platinumcopyshare

18.4K 456 23

⚠︎This is not mine, for offline purpose only to satisfy my need and i also want to share it with all of you i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

1.7K 50 4
By -platinumcopyshare

Chapter Three: Dried Yellow Mangoes Warm, it was warm.

Rich almond colored curtains hanged over the tapestry overlooking the grand garden of the Baron's mansion. Golden kissed blonde locks draped over the dark chocolate pillow covers and serene pale face pressed closer to the warm fabric, Draco awoke to the mild heat of the sun gently touching his bare back. His limbs tangled and intertwined with the haplessly thrown sheets.

His lashes blinking once, twice and thrice to reveal his captivating silver-eyes, his orbs lightened in color as they were greeted by the sunlight dimmed by the light curtains. There was a pleasurable pain mixed with tingling soreness that surrounded his whole body, as he carefully tested his slightly frozen muscles to sit up.

He raised his beautifully long slender arms high above his head with a none- too-comfortable yawn, just as he stretched the entire length of his body. It was a warm day accompanied by cool breezes entering from the half open window and fair weather in the sky. He let his lips form into a small contented smile as he leaned over the set of pillows next him where his mystery partner's heated body nestled beside him the night before.

Draco let himself be engulfed in the soft lush cotton beneath him. His pale face contrastingly complementing the velvety dark chocolate covers of his lover's pillow. He sighed musingly allowing for his pink lips to curve once more into a smile. It amused him, the thought. God forbid himself for thinking that he would even for a single moment feel truly happy! Alas it was all because a handsome young emerald-eyed gentleman had come to his aid last night.

Moments passed. The quiet peace brought Draco calm, but as the afterglow began to dim out and the serenity of a quiet sanctuary began to fade away, he soon found himself wondering where had his Adonis gone to? Adrenaline was pumped into his veins as he immediately rose up and looked around in search, and hopes, to find that mysterious stranger somewhere still in the boundaries of the room, but he found only an empty space.

He was alone. There was no one accompanying him.

Draco's throat dried and his lips hardened into a scowl. All his fantasies of the man who made tender passionate love to him under the moonlight faded into mist and disappeared. He gathered all thoughts of love and set them aside as he tightened his hold on the thick caramel sheets, wrapped it around his pale skin and proceeded to gather his clothes. How stupid was he to fall for a complete stranger overnight?

Harry Potter

In his mind was nothing but the beautiful blonde being he slept with last night. He was haunted by images of pale skin on his and silver eyes blazing with overflowing lust gazing into his own. In his ears echoed the delicious moans from yesterday evening's pleasurable encounter, and on his skin was etched with the feeling of smooth flesh grinding against his own. This was currently his own private hell as the feisty god-blessed nobleman haunted him through his memories of last night's occurrences.

Harry ungracefully stood up from his bed and lazily entered bathroom-- frustrated once again. Clothes carelessly shrugged and nonchalantly dropped on the cool tiled floor. His feet dragged below knees and he sluggishly walked underneath the stainless steel shower. He released a bothered breath of air and gave a heavy sigh as strong hands came to roughly brush falling strand of hair away from his face. It was the seventh time today that he had to postpone meeting with his friends and it was all to fix a small little problem below the belt.

It was becoming tiring, this minor but rather annoying problem of his. Continuously increasing the strain on his patience and peaceful state of mind; it was repetitively testing his self-control. His tan palm made contact with the shinny chilly steel of the shower knob as smoothly twisted it to open the freezing cold shower in one swift and easy momentum. Water flooded out of the nozzle above him and water droplets hit his skin large and hard. It was almost painfully pounding firmly on his skin, numbing his sense of touch and feeling. Strange, it was somehow comforting.

He let his hands drag over his face, pretending that the simple action would remove all of his current frustrations, namely the gorgeous blonde he has slept with last night. Another deep sigh was released from his lips. It was definitely not going to be easy for him to forget at any moment in the near future. That enchanting silver-eyed stranger he has taken to bed was hindering him from putting to rest the previous night's events.

Punching the tiled shower wall; damn that blonde, he cursed.


Busy streets, busy people walking around and about. Everyone too wrapped up in their own worlds to notice their neighbors walking by. Nestled between tall buildings and crowded streets, through a barely noticeable alley, was small shop. It felt like home to the few people that knew about it. Its plush couches could engulf a person in a warm hug on rainy days. The aroma that filled the tiny café was almonds and chocolate, drifting in the air. It calmed most people and relaxed others. It was almost empty again today, except for the small group of four that was nested on the farthest wall near that back.

Casually scanning the small area as he passes through the doorway, Harry smiled as Gizelle greeted him with her warm summery smile; she was the daughter of the café's owner and had been running around the cozy shop wince she was a toddler. He, along with his friends, met her when they first discovered the small coffee house during a rainy day when they wanted shelter. They are amazed how as why this humble little shop became much to their fancy. Harry grinned back at her, as he walked towards the counter to order.

"good day Harry" she welcomed him warmly with a gentle smile. Her cherry blond hair pulled back into a two long braids passing her shoulders. He returned the gesture with one of his signature smiles.

Gizelle laughed. "Harry dear, that trick has stopped working on me when I was seventeen!" she jittered, turning around to reach for a mug from the cupboard behind her. Harry's smile never faltered.

"What would you be having today?" she inquired as she took the mug in her well-cared for hands.

"Oh since when has my charms relinquish their value, Gizelle?" he jested back, as his eyes playfully scanned the display board on the counter. "The usual by the way" he said moments later.

"I'm not quite sure dear" her voice softened as she mockingly looked at him jokingly. Harry let his hands drift over the glass refrigerator, still looking up at her with a smile.

"I'll get one of those dark chocolate cheesecakes to go with that" he said pointing to the deep chocolate colored cake on the second level presented between a the café's famous strawberry cream sponge cake and vanilla triple layers.

"Here you go Harry" Gizelle smiled as she presented him with a tempting tray of Harry's favorite sweet biscuits along with his order , soothing blend of white chocolate mocha coffee paired with a slice of heavenly dark chocolate cheesecake. "the biscuits are on the house dear" she finished with a humorous compliment "my little "sorry for breaking your heart"

Harry leisurely walked to their usual far corner table near the back of the small cafe, where his friends all sat in soft bulky plush couches around a two small round coffee tables. Behind them the walls were painted with warm orange hues, accenting the furniture with color and texture given by the well-chosen painting. Blaise was the first to notice the brunette out of the trio.

"Well, well, well... look who's risen from the dead and decided to join us" he mocked, setting the mug of steamy hot peppermint chocolate coffee onto the table. "take a seat Harry" he motioned for the brunette to sit in the place adjacent to him.

"Where's Seamus?" Harry inquired, placing the tray in his hands on the table, hunching his gray sleeves half- way to his elbow and made himself comfortable as he was engulfed by the lush couch. "surely, he's arrived"

He followed as the three sitting across him all directed their eyes into one direction--the bathroom behind him with smirks on their lips. "Is he not feeling well?" His question was interrupted by a loud thud on the door quickly followed by a deep male groan of pleasure. Harry shook his head in humor.

"what is it this time?"

"you see Harry" Hermione began "there was this gorgeous chestnut lad when we arrived in the shop this morning... and we bet Seamus that the boy was definitely gay. We wondered whether or not her would let Seamus get into his pants before we leave" she explained just as yet another moan was heard emanating from behind the bathroom doors. The four broke out into boisterous laughter.

"I'm sure we know who's won that bet" Ron quipped up as he almost choked out coffee from his nose with a gagging sound.

"Ronald you pig!" Hermione scolded him along with a playful slap before carefully taking a sip of her white truffle chocolate treat, her well polished fingers wrapping delicately around her gingerbread man mug. The group laughed again, only this time excluding one Mr. Ronald Weaseley, who was whipping away his embarrassment with a complimentary napkin.

"On the topic of wagers, how did it go with the seductive little blonde you rescued at the ball last night?" Hermione asked him casually.

"what blonde?" Blaise protested, with a frown. "you haven't slept with any pretty girls while my back was turned, right Harry?" he jested, lifting one of his eyebrows.

Ron laughed. "not a girl, a guys actually. Personally, I'm not quite fond of the lad he danced with last night. Bloody Malfoy. I bet they were only trying to cash in on Harry's fortunes!" he roughly stated, downing a large gulp of his warm drink, and burning his tongue in the process. "bloody hell!"

Not putting any at all attention to their injured friend, Hermione immediately answered Blaise's earlier query. "Harry and I have made a bet you see, to see if his little secret to get any person into bed would actually work"

The man nodded in return "and?" he implied for her to continue as he turned to her, and she in return looked as at Harry's direction.

Harry gave his signature smile. "Let's just say that Mr. Granger is presenting me with a luxurious house in London for the holidays." He said smugly as he pulled out deep cotton blue underpants which Draco had worn last night.

"Harry when will you learn your lesson?"

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