The Officer and the Princess:...

By Americangun17

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It has been five Years since the Hundred Years war has ended, the Avatar bringing balance to a once broken wo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Authors Notes

Chapter 6

253 11 0
By Americangun17

A low thunder rumbled across the sky, rain fell like Snow as Sung slowly creeped his way through a tall Oak Forest. The Smell of Salt in the air confirmed that the Ocean was close. As he and his troops moved forward Sung couldn't help but think back to his Days as a Ranger, moving through Forests just like this. In the Rangers Stalking and tracking were Key components of their contribution to the war.

Though more often than not Generals put them on the frontlines of Conventional Battles, Using Scouts as Shock troops. Training to be a Ranger was a brutal process that broke a Candidate and built them back up, they were taught how to live off the land, how to gather water when no rivers or lakes could be found, which plants were edible and which ones could be used for medicine.

Rangers were also taught to be experts in Non Conventional Warfare. Which areas were the best places to set up Ambushes, how to use the terrain against your opponent. How to stealthy move so as not to be spotted. It was an Art form that Sung had perfected During the hundred year War. He had participated and personally lead more Raids than he could count.  This combat Action now was no different, it was a slow March through uneven terrain, in less than ideal elements, with low visibility knowing any minute you could come in contact with the enemy.

Sung had spilt his Detachment into a wide Arch perfect for encirclement with him being at the Center. Not by his choice however, if he had things his way he would of been at the front. But June and his Troop leaders had insisted on it, they said he was too important to be directly in harms way. That without him to lead the attack would fall apart quickly.

That was a lie however, the Detachment had a strict chain of Command if he fell then June would take command, if she fell then the most Senior Troop Commander would take her place as so on. Sung suspected they thought he was more of a liability than anything else. In many ways after the war ended Sung had lost his taste for battle, all the bloodshed all the killing it hadn't been worth it. But at the same time he longed for the taste of battle again for it was all he had known for a long time, in some ways he wanted to fight again, finally find the opponent who would end his suffering.

Sungs train of thought was cut short by a raised hand from the lead Scout of the Detachment. In unison the group of forty dropped to their knees silently. He strained his ears to listen, the Only sounds he heard being the wet taps of rain drops as they hit leaves or the ground below. The Scout held up Four fingers on one hand then with all fingers outstretched he pointed to his left. Narrowing his Eyes Sung could just make out a group of three men in ragged red clothes that looked more akin to rags walking through the underbrush away from them, each carried a Dao on their hips, something else Sung noticed was that each wore a blood Red piece of cloth around their wrists, some kind of insignia Sung imagined.

One of the men at the back of the line held a rope which was attached to the wrists of a young woman. Her once elegant red robes were torn and covered with dirt and grime. Her hair messy. That woman was undoubtedly one of the women from the island who had been taken, They were on the right path. Taking a moment Sung pointed to three of his Subordinates, and then pointed to the three men, he then ran a thumb across his own throat. Lastly he pointed to himself and then he pointed to the woman.

The three Warriors nodded, reaching into their cloaks and pulling out Daggers. The Four then silently moved forward, creeping towards them men. Now Closer Sung begin to make out what they were saying to each other. "Man this Damn rain won't let up." One said to his companions.

"Can't last too much longer, isn't as heavy as it was last night." Another said.

"Yeah that's exactly what you said last night." The first said annoyance clear in his voice.

"Han is just upset he won't have a pretty lady to warm his cot tonight, ain't that right." The third said pulling on the rope and causing the woman to stumble forward with a shrek of fear and surprise. "This one will keep me nice and warm won't you?" The Woman didn't speak, her sobs being the only sound omitted.

"Leave the girl alone for Agnis sake. This ain't right." The first one said stopping and turning to his companions. "Listen I'm all for getting a ransom from them but we shouldn't stoop this."

Sung and his group stuck to a series of bushes lining a well worn animal trail, their bodies concealed thankfully. He gave each a look making sure they were ready for what was to come, they were. "You're soft Shun, this here is real man's wor-" all together the four stood up. Sung wrapping a hand around the woman's mouth as his three subordinates dug their daggers into the Pirates throats, each letting out a sickly gurgling sound and each one's eyes going wide with surprise as blood pooled from their fatal wounds. The Woman tried to scream, her voice muffled by Sungs hand. She thrashed her whole body trying to get away.

"Calm down." Sung whispered in her ear putting all his effort into keeping her from breaking free. "We're with the Sun Dao Defense Forces, were here to help you." The Woman stopped thrashing for a moment, Turing her head sideways to get a better look at sung, her ember eyes were red and puffy from crying, her voice shaky.

"I'm going to take my hand off your mouth, promise me you won't scream." The Woman nodded in understanding. Slowly Sung removed his hand, the Woman's lower lip shaking as he did so. "W-Who are you?" She asked between quiet sobs.

"Sung Yang." He responded, neglecting to give her his title.

it made little difference however, upon hearing his name her eyes went wide in surprise. "T-Thank you My Lord, I-I thought...." The woman trailed off as she buried her face in her hands, the tears flowing freely now. The Sight of one of his subjects in such pain after an encounter with cut throats and thieves on his island made his blood boil with rage.

"It's okay." Sung soothes. "Where are you from?"

"G-Gobi Village, A few miles from here." The Woman said. "T-the came in the middle of the night, Oh my Parents must be so worried."  The Woman started crying again as she spoke. "I-I tried to escape but they caught me, I was so scared!"

"Listen, how many captives do they have with them?" Sung asked using the opportunity to gain some vital intelligence.

The woman looked at him. "I don't know, it's more than a few...the things they did to us,the things they wanted us to do...kill them all my lord."

"I intended to." Sung said forcing a friendly smile. "Did you happen to get a look at how many Pirates there were, what their defenses look like?"

"There are no defenses My Lord, they spend all day drinking and eating. I'm sorry I can't say how many there are."

Sung nodded "it's okay, we are going to take you home now." Sung turned to his three Subordinates. "Take her back to our camp and make sure she is given warm clothes and fed. Once we have rounded up the others taken we will help them return to their homes."

"At once my lord." One spoke gently placing a hand on the Woman's arm and leading her back the way they had come.

As they group walked away June walked up beside him. "What did she say?" Sung took a moment to explain to her what the Woman had to him, that the Pirates spent their days drinking and eating. This information brought a smile to her face. "A bunch of Drunk fools this should be a walk in the park."

While Sung agreed with the sediment Experience taught him that things were not always what they seemed. "Don't count you Eggs before they have hatched. Get the Column moving, we still have a ways to go."


The rain had let up slightly, becoming less of a downpour and more of a light drizzle. Since the Run in with the Woman Sung's Warriors had dispatched and additional two Pirates, one who had seemed to be hunting for food and another who had been looking for a private place to relive himself. The now thirty seven strong detachment had reached the tree line over looking a white sandy beach. The roar of waves chars hung against the shore could be heard. Part ways between the the shoreline and the tree line were a series of Rock formations that had hollowed out to form the cave system.

Around this Men in raggedy clothes moved back and forth, some trying to get fires going, others carrying around glass bottles of some liquid which they drank from, others simply stood around in groups talking to one another. But each carried a weapon, Swords, spears, knifes, clubs, whatever they could get their hands on they turned into a weapon weather it was the items intended purpose or not. "I count twenty." June said in a whisper. "I don't see the Civilians."

"They must have them inside the cave." Said Sung scanning over the beach. "I hope so anyway, I don't see a ship in the water."

"Could be the runner were mistaken and these are just bandits."

"It doesn't matter, if need be we'll hunt them to the ends of the Earth, bring up the archers." Sung said.

June waved a hand and fifteenth Warriors, both men and women crouched forwards. On their backs they wore quivers of arrows on their backs and half bows in their left hands. Without being told each Warrior drew an arrow from their quiver and notched them to the bowstring, the blades of which were hooked on the ends so they couldn't be pulled out easily without dragging flesh with it. Sung raised a hand and the Warriors pulled back on the strings. Then throwing his hand forward each released and the arrows flew true, six of the fifteen fired finding their targets and screams of pain erupted as all six hit fell to the ground. Their companions now alerted looked from one to the other. "Again!" Sung said and another volley was fired this time only three arrows found their marks.

"Were under attack!" One of the Pirates shouted as swords began to leave scabbards, axes began to be hoisted. As Sung had guessed an additional group of pirates began to emerge from the cave already armed.

"First Group move!" Sung Commanded, the Archers placed the Bows over their chests and drew Jians and charged forward out of the tree line. The Pirates were caught off guard by such an attack and another three of their companions fell. The sound of clanging metal erupted across the field. "Second group move!" Another Ten of Sung Warriors rushed by him to join the battle, these ones Firebenders. It became clear early on that many of the Pirates had little to no combat experience, Sung's Warriors overpowering them quickly.

Though what the Pirates lacked in skill they made up for with numbers, another group of Pirates were rushing out of the cave to join the melee. This was it, this had to be the vast majority of the enemy force. Sung reached down, pulling his Jian from its Scabbard. "WARRIORS OF SUN DAO, WITH ME!" those still with Sung let out a fierce battle cry and with that he and those with him charged into the battle.


Zukos mind was racing after his conversation with Naomi. Could she be right? Could Sung be completely innocent and he was preparing to punish the wrong man? And what about Nikkō? Was he capable of denying her from seeing her brother ever again if what Zuko feared was true?Could he even defeat Sung in combat if it came down to it? With the Avatar and his friends by his side most likely, Sung was a powerful Firebender and a capable tactician but even he couldn't beat a full fledged Avatar.

"Zuko, are you alright?" Katara asked.

"Y-yeah." Zuko responded quickly, he then let out a sigh. "'s just I've known Sung for a long time. I've known him since we were children. If he is behinds all of this I don't know if I can face him... I just want to do what's best, not just for the Fire Nation but for the world. The War is still fresh in many peoples minds and I know if my Father is restored to the throne the war will start right back up again."

Katara gave a sympathetic smile. "You Won't have to face this alone Zuko, we'll be with you all the way."

"Yeah!" Sokka shouted bringing up a closed fist. "We beat Ozai once we can beat him again!" The Water Tribe Warrior gave a confident smirk. "It'll be easier this time, for one he doesn't have his Bending and two we won't have to be hiding constantly. We can hunt for him openly."

Zuko Sighed. "I'm not so sure..." he didn't specify exactly what he meant by that.

"Down there." Aang called out pointing off to the left. Zuko looked over the side of Appas saddle to see rows of Red tents in a clearing of trees.

"I-I don't see any people." Katara called out, scanning down below.

"Maybe they're sleeping in." Sokka called back though by the tone of his voice he wasn't to sure of that. Even if that were the case Sung would of at least had sentry's on Guard duty. He wouldn't be careless enough to let his entire detachment sleep without someone keeping watch.

"No wait." Ty Lee spoke pointing to the tree line. "Right there." Sure enough a group of four figures could be seen coming out of the trees.

"Take us down Aang." Zuko said.

"Yipp yipp." Aang called and the massive Bison let out a groan as he lowered to the ground.

Now closer Zuko could make out that there were three men in Armor, and one women who looked to be wearing dirty clothes. As Appa landed all four let out a gasp of surprise. The men seemed to be going for weapons and circling around the women to protect her until they realized who had just appeared before them. "Firelord Zuko!" One of the Solider's said with a gasp. "Avatar's an Honor!" All three men gave a respectful bow.

"I'm here to speak with Lord Sung." Zuko said skipping the pleasantries and getting down to business.

"Here not here Sir." The Solider said in a matter of fact tone. "He is leading an Assault on a outlaw Stronghold on the coast a few miles from're welcome to wait here for-"

Zuko cut the Warrior off. "I don't have time to wait, we're going to him."

"S-sir" the Solider said in a pleading tone. "You're  safety cannot be guarantee if you go down there. At least wait until the beach is secured."

"Your concern is noted." Zuko said looking to Aang. "Let's go."

"Maybe they're Right's too dangerous to just go charging in there."

Zuko did his best to keep his composure, in such a short time they had come so far, and now they were so close to their first objective, they would be one step closer to finding Ozai and stopping him before he started. "Fine I'll go on foot from here." The Young Firelord said jumping down from the saddle.

"Zuko, think about this for a moment. Katara pleaded.

"I've thought long enough Katara, I don't have time to sit and wait. You can wait if you want here I'll be back."

"No way you're going alone." Sokka said jumping off to join Zuko. "If you're going to do this you need someone watching your back.

"Sokka you don't have to."

The Water Tribe Warrior gave a kind smile "you're not going alone."

"I'm going too." Ty Lee said. Hopping down from the Bisons saddle.

On of the Solider's stepped forward. "I will lead you to the field." he then looked to his Comrades. "Make sure she gets some food in her, and begin to gather up all the medical supplies we have and get ready for the wounded." He then looked back to Zuko. "If you'll follow me."

With that the man turned and started walking into the forest Zuko, Ty Lee and Sokka following behind him. "Be careful you guys." Katara said to them as she jumped off the saddle and made her way over to the sacred woman the four soldiers had been protecting.


A gentle rain had begun to fall over them as Zuko walked behind the Solider who escorted them. Like with what happened at Castle Yang the Soldiers here were just as surprised to see him. It made Zuko wonder if his suspicions were incorrect, though he indeed hoped that was the case it was still far to early to tell. "I was told there were Pirates here." Zuko spoke up.

The Solider nodded as he brought his hand up to move a low hanging branch out of his way. "Yes Sir, they landed on Sun Dao about a week ago. A few of the outlying villages were hit first, the men slaughtered and the women and children missing...mostly the women. The Lord has been sending out roving patrols since that time and he deployed his Forces to protect the more vulnerable Villages. Two days ago one of our Patrols picked up a woman wearing nothing but her undergarments who said she had just escaped from the coast." The man said something in a strange language that Zuko couldn't identify before speaking normal again. "I will not repeat what she told us but it wasn't pleasant."

Zuko cursed under his breath. He knew one of the first things on his agenda when he got back to the Capital would be to have a long talk with his so called "chancellor."

They continued forward until they reached a section of the forest where three dead bodies laid. They wore worn out red clothing and had red arm bands wrapped around their arms, Zuko tensed up when he saw them, Ty Lee letting out a gasp as her hand drifted to the Katana that hung on her side, Sokka doing the same with his own sword. "This is where we picked up that girl you saw with us." The Soldier said not even paying the bodies a glance. "Only wish I could have killed that one twice."

"Do you know how many Pirates their are?" Zuko then asked.

"Three less then their were." The Soldier replied with a dark chuckle. "But no we don't know the exact number, they are held up in a cave system on Sun Dao beach, using it as an enclave. We will have an exact count after their dead. Lord Yang ain't to keen on taking prisoners and I can't say I blame him."

They continued on until the sound of swords clashing, shouts, and the distinctive sound of Firebending could be heard growing closer by the minute. Hearing this the Soldier escorting then reached down and drew his sword. Ty Lee and Sokka doing the same with their weapons.

They had reached the outskirts of the tree line where about six Sun Dao soldiers stood, turning upon hearing the group approaching. A woman in the group let out a Curse "damnit Shinobu you scared..." she trailed off as she saw Zuko. "Sir...forgive my outburst." She said giving a small bow.

"I'm looking for Lord Yang." Zuko asked, skipping the pleasantries. "Where is he."

The woman pointed behind herself. "He's out there, leading a detachment into the cave." Zuko stepped closer and saw spread out across the beach men and women engaged in combat, bodies wearing the same red armbands littered the ground, Turing the sand under them red. Those in Armor clearly had more skill than those without seeing as not a single armored soldier had yet to fall. Zuko grimaced at that just another sign pointing towards Sung.

Speaking of Sung, Zuko caught sight of him in the middle of the field, he had just stabbed his sword through the Abdomen of one of the Pirates as another was coming up behind him with twin daggers. Sung had noticed this too and kicked his blade free from the first man who fell backwards and spun himself around to meet the second.

The man with Daggers began slashing at Sung wildly, Sung taking a step backward and turning the left edge of his sword to face the man, sliding the edge across the man's stomach and turning his body before keeling. Sung then thrusted upwards and stabbed the man through his ribs, letting go of his sword as the man fell on his side.

By now the rest of the fighting had begun to die down somewhat, what had been mostly one on one fights had quickly become one on threes or two on fours, the Pirates still standing trying to block attacks from multiple directions before soon becoming overwhelmed.

Zuko watched as Sung looked over the field for a moment before pulling his sword free from its fleshy Prison and looking over his troops. "Section three with me!" Zuko heard him shout. "The rest of you hold the beach!"

Sung then turned and started walking towards the cave, fifteen Soldiers following behind him. The closer he got to the cave Sung brought up his free hand and conjured a red flame that he used to light the way, a few of his fellow soldiers doing the same with their free hands. The group soon vanished into the caves mouth, the light of their fires reflecting off of the walls.

Soon the sound of metal on metal echoed out of the cave and the sound of a stream of fire could be heard but then...silence followed. The silence held like that for what felt like an eternity before a voice could be heard. "Coming out!"

The Solider's all relaxed now as a stream of women and children raging in ages from four to thirteen  began to file out of the Cave, Solider's rushing over to aid the evacuation, directing the women towards the tree line. Then Sung appeared again, holding a small boy in his arms, a Solider running over to him and taking the boy from him.

The woman who was standing behind Zuko looked at him. "Follow me Sir." She said before walking towards Sung. Zuko prepared himself for the worst.


Sung let out a gasp as fresh air filled his lungs, the fighting down in the caves hadn't been as rough as expected, only a few Pirates still inside trying to hide, Sung and his troops had made quick work of them, successfully securing the hostages and getting them to safety. Not a bad days work, especially since the rain had finally stopped.  Sung reached up and removed his helmet, tucking it under his arm. "Lord Yang." He heard June call out and he turned, his ribs suddenly hurt and his left arm began to tingle as he saw June with Zuko approaching, along with the Water Tribe boy who had cut his line when he had been helping Azula hunt the Avatar. He can hear the boys annoying joke as clear as day now and it set him on edge.

But someone else was with the two, a woman wearing Kyoshi Warriors Armor that brought back its own set of memories of sneaking into Ba Sing Se, the promise Sung had made as he walked those roads alone...a promise that burned him in the end.

Sung strained his eyes at the woman before gasping. "Ty Lee?" He asked. "Is that you?"

The woman smiled at him. "It's me Sung." She said. Oh goddess it was good to see a friendly face. Sung practically dropped his helmet and rushed over to her, hugging the girl, she returning it.

Sung held that position for a moment before breaking contact with her, taking a step back and looking her up and down. "What are you doing in that get up?" He asked with a genuine laugh. Then he wondered something, how long had it been since he last laughed. A genuine laugh, not one of those fake laughs he had become so used to handing out. "Did you come all this way to ask me to help you sneak into Ba Sing Se again?" Sung then held up a hand blocking his mouth from view, does Water Tribe boy know?"It brought a small amount of joy to see the Water Tribe boy get annoyed at his question

She giggled, Goddess he didn't know he had missed the sound of her laugh. It reminded him of simpler times. "No...I'm a Kyoshi Warrior now, for real this time. I met them while I was in pri..." Ty Lees Smile vanished in a flash, Sung's doing the same.

"I'm...sorry for the part I played in that...." Sung Replied, what little joy he had found suddenly vanishing.

Ty Lee reached out and put a hand on his arm. "I don't blame you for that Sung...I never did."

He flashed her a smile dark smile as he looked to Zuko. "Did you finally get my Messages?" Sung asked changing the Subject.

"No." Zuko replied as if embarrassed. "I'm here on another matter."

Another matter? Somehow Sung doubted it was something extremely important for him to come all the way to Sun Dao, the presence of one of the Avatars Companions telling Sung that the Avatar had to be somewhere close by. That caused his blood to suddenly have a chill to it that he had not felt since the North Pole...and again at the Drill. Two of a long list of the worst experiences of his life. "I see..." Sung said as he turned his attention away from Zuko and looked to June. "Have a detachment stay here and collect the dead to burn, and have that cave collapsed...I don't want to have to come back here in a year and clear out another group of raiders."

June bowed. "Yes Lord Yang." She said before turning and beginning to shout his instructions out to the troops.

With a Sigh Sung walked over and picked up his helmet off the sand, tucking it under his helmet. "We can talk at my camp, right now I need to get the Civilians out of here."

Zuko seemed hesitant, but nodded. "You do that...but then we really do need to talk."


As Sung had suspected as he and his Troop made it back to the camp, there waiting for him was the Avatar, some strange monkey thing on his shoulder. He hadn't come alone either, some Earthbender was with them as well as the Water Tribe girl was with him, the two of them sharing an uneasy glance. Again the end of the war replayed in his mind...Sung removing his sword from his belt and handing it over to her in Surrender, Azulas screams filling his ears again.

"My tents in the center." Sung said to Zuko. As he walked he started shouting to his troops. "Look over the Civilian's and make sure they are all fed, treat their wounds and get ready to transport them back to the city!"

Sung then walked through his camp, the others following behind him. He soon after reached his tent and stepped inside, the others following him. "Can I offer any of you something to drink?" He asked.

An array of no's followed his question and he shrugged as he sat down at a small folding chair in his tent and reached into a pouch on his belt, removing his flask, unscrewing the cap and taking a long swig of his "medicine". With a cough and a shake of his head he looked up at Zuko. "Now...tell me, what has brought you all this way, if it wasn't about the Pirates which I have been sending messages about for over a week I might add..." he paused taking another sip of his drink. "What is it?"

Zuko straightened up at that. "I swear I didn't know about the raids Sung, my Chancellor for whatever reason didn't tell me."

Sung Shrugged as he leaned back in his chair. "Doesn't really matter now, Sun Dao is good at one thing...standing alone." He sighed. "But I digress, why are you here?"

Zuko paused for a moment. "Ozai has escaped." He spoke so plainly Sung thought it akin to giving a friend a recipe for miso soup.

Sung's eye twitched at that ever so slightly, a tinge of rage building up inside him. "I see..." Sung said, swirling his flask. "I'm sorry for your troubles but I fail to see why this involves me. I left the Military, if you want me to send out my troops to see if he's hiding here I will but that's as far as my involvement will go."

They all seemed to look at the Blind Earthbender girl for some reason. As if they were waiting for something. "He's telling the far."

Quite an odd response, why would he lie about something so trivial? Zuko looked back to Sung. "It involves you because of who was involved...the Prison was attacked by at most forty highly trained Warriors." Zuko then pointed as Sung, more specifically the Phoenix on his Pauldron. "They wore your Colors, one of them mentioned your Goddess by name."

Sungs Heart suddenly dropped to his stomach. "I knew that was going to come back to bite me someday..." Sung said as he threw his head back and took a large swig of his brew. "Yes that was my Sigil..." Sung replied as he stood up. He noticed the tone had suddenly shifted, the Avatar and his Companions suddenly tensed up as if preparing for battle. "But they were not of my least not anymore."

"What do you mean?" The Avatar spoke up. It was strange, for some reason the Avatar who had killed Fire Nation Solider's at the North Pole would of had a deeper voice. He supposed not all killers sounded like monsters.

"It wasn't long after I returned from the Capital after the War ended." Sung began as he put his flask away. "When the people started returning from overseas...a man in particular came with them. His name is Kurn, he was a Colonel in the Army...commanded a Regiment under General Bujing. He and my Father were friends as youths but that doesn't matter to the story." Sung paused as he looked up at the roof of the tent. "When he saw I had removed my Top Knot he...called me a disgrace to my family lineage. Though nothing more came of that comment...until about a year later...a man came to me, said he was building an Army to fight you, called it the New Ozai Society or some such nonsense."

Sung looked back to the group, all of them seeming to recognize the name, can't say he was too surprised everyone had heard of that group by now. Though they had some victories being as they were made up mostly of young kids who didn't know what they were getting into they were swiftly defeated. "I told the man flat out that I would not contribute to his cause, and if any of his followers even so much as blinked in Sun Daos direction I would kill them swiftly." He took another pause, swallowing deeply. "The night after he left, Kurn came to me and said that I was no longer fit to rule Sun Dao, over a hundred of "my" Army agreed with him...Kurn challenged me to an Agni Kai for the Honor dictated I accepted...when I won that duel I didn't kill him as I should have, I banished him and his followers from Sun Dao. My only guess is Kurn decided to join the Society...or some other group and used his training to assault the prison...once again my kindness was mistaken for weakness."

They all looked to the Earthbender again. "He's telling the truth."

"Why do you all keep looking at her?" Sung asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "How could she possibly know wether I am telling the truth or not?"

"Because I can read your heartbeat through the ground Fire Boy!" The Girl shot back. "You're either a good liar or telling the truth, and I don't think you're smart enough to fool me."

Sung cracked a smile at that. "I like that one." He said looking back to Zuko.

"Do you have any idea where Kurn may go to hide?" Zuko asked. "Somewhere he might feel safe?"

" not sure." Sung replied. "Kurn isn't delicate he can take punishment about as good as I can." At that Sung held up his left hand, red streaks running over his hand and up his arm where he had been struck by his own lightning. "You can't live the life of a Warrior and be soft." Zuko had a hint of sadness across his face upon seeing the scars that ran up Sung's arm. He lowered his hand and pondered the question for a moment, realization suddenly appearing on his face...he needed to do something he swore he would never do if he didn't have to, in this situation he thought he had to. "He may have gone to Yamagishi." Sung said.

"There's nothing in Yamagishi." Zuko replied.

"There used to be nothing, now it's home to a logging camp, but that's mostly a front, thugs, low life's  and anyone who wants to hide in the Fire Nation have moved into the area, that Island is supposed to be under Lord Sekimoto but he doesn't really pay close attention to what happens under his rule so long as he gets to skim some profit."

Zuko narrowed his eyes as if skeptical. "How do you know that?"

Sung gave a cocky smirk. "I told you once Zuko I watch and listen. Some habits die hard." He then stepped by them. "Well come along, we've got a Country to save."

"Wait!" The Water Tribe boy said, suddenly becoming slack jawed. "You're coming?"

"Of course I'm coming, Kurn is out their using my Sigil and giving my  House a Bad name, around here we take care of our own." He said rather coldly.

"I don't think that means what you think it does." The Avatar said with a grimace.

"In this case it does..." Sung said just as cold. As he exited his tent he let out a sigh, he was about to go see someone who said they never wanted to see him again...he was going to do what he had done countless times Azula.

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Aelita had never believed that Zuko would find the Avatar alive and well. Zuko dreamed that airbender wouldn't be alone. Aelita Kenshin never had muc...
38.6K 861 25
Katara is becoming Queen of the Southern Water Tribe and needs to find a husband so her father puts on a challenge for the princesses hand. Things ha...