The Secret

By readergeekgirl

273 15 3

Trinity is the mystery girl! She always is in the back of the room you can say she's a freak! Even though the... More

Chapter 1: Trinity's POV
Chapter 2: Drake's POV
Chapter 3: Trinity's POV
Chapter 4: Drake's POV
Chapter 5: Trinity's POV
Chapter 6: Drake's POV
Chapter 7: Trinity's POV
Chapter 8: Drake's POV
Chapter 10: Drake's POV
Chapter 11: Trinity's POV
Chapter 12: Drake's POV

Chapter 9: Trinity's POV

16 0 0
By readergeekgirl

Drake and I stood in front of his front door looking at the garbage on the floor. It was mostly red solo cups and other crap that would take any one several hours to clean up. I looked at Drake and he looked at me. He held up a black garbage bag because he insisted he wanted to clean up by hand. That was until he saw every one clear out. I offered him to use my powers but he wanted to clean up. So I leaned in front of the door and watched Drake pick up red cups and put them in the garbage bag. He looked at me and I smiled.

"Are you sure you don't want me to use my power." My hand lit on fire and he widened his eyes.

"You'll set my whole entire house on fire!"

"Do you really think I would do that? Do you trust me?"

"Yes, of course I trust you. How are you going to put the fire out?"

"Water!" Then my hand was filled with water.

"Okay I trust you."

I smiled and then I snapped my fingers. In a blink of an eye the house was filled with fire and then with water. The furniture was still in tack and all the garbage was gone. I looked at Drake and he smiled.

"There now we can go upstairs!" I walked closer to Drake and threw my arms behind his neck. He pulled me close by my waist and he kissed me. Uh, his kisses never got old! He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his upper body. He carried me to his room while we were still kissing. When we got in his room he closed the door behind me and laid me on the bed. Then things took a turn for the better and let's just say there was moans, groans, laughs, creaks, and sighs.


I lay on a beach towel my stomach facing down. My earphones were in my ears blasting music while my back was tanning. Drake was in the lake with his friends and here I was laying on a beach towel. I didn't want to act like a bitch and I didn't want Drake to think I didn't want to be here but I just didn't fit in with his friends. Plus, Stephanie was here and I didn't want to start any trouble. I was so zoned in on the blasting music in my ears that I didn't even feel Drake's hand on my back until he pulled one of my ear buds out.

"Hey, are you ever going to join me?"

I lifted my black sunglasses to the top of my head and looked at Drake. "Yeah, I'll go now." I took my other ear bud out of my ear and turned off my music and put my phone near Drake's and my clothes. I stood up and Drake took my hand and interlaced his fingers through mine. We walked closer and closer to his friends and now we were right by them.

"Hey Trinity," Stephanie said.

"Hi," I replied.

"What a surprise to see you here! You never accompany Drake any where! You're like a hermit crab, you stay inside your shell all day!"

I really hated Stephanie if I were allowed to I would totally kill her but that wouldn't go so well over the witch community, we're suppose to be harmless. I knew I was getting angry and loosing control when Drake let go of my hand and I realized my body temperature was rising.

"Well if you could  excuse me I'm going to go swim in the lake!" Then I walked into the lake and closed my eyes. I got in the lake water consuming me and I stood under water. I could breathe and see under this murky water just fine. I stayed under water for what seemed like eternity. I tried to push the whole entire world away. I knew I couldn't but I wanted to so bad. I felt strong hands wrap around my waist and I came up to face Drake.

"Hey, you were under there for a while."

"Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"I'm fine, I'm not dead, am I?"

"No, can I see your hand?"

Drake held out his hand and there was a big red mark. I gasped and looked at Drake.

"I'm fine, I'll live it's not the end of the world!"

"Will you let me heal it?"

"What, you can do that?"

"Yeah, it's another thing I found out I can do!"

"Oh," Drake said smiling. I took his hand and I closed my eyes and thought about heeling his wound that I created. Then I opened my eyes and the mark was gone.

"There," I said.

"Thanks! Where were you when I sprained my ankle last year during football season?"

I laughed and replied, " I was there, just never noticed!"

"Trust me, you were noticeable! Every guy thought you were hot but the girls we hang out with would kill us if we came near you!"

"Now why is that!?"

"They are totally jealous of you! You're hot and they can't get over that!"

"Right," I replied smiling.

"I love you Trin!"

"I love you too! Trin, that's a new one!"

"Something new!" I smiled and just realized how close Drake and I were in the water. Our bodies were close that not even the water was separating us. Drake's strong arms were still tightly wrapped around my waist. My hands were wrapped behind Drake's neck and we were just talking. I could tell that his friends were starring and I didn't care. I leaned into Drake and I kissed him like nobody was watching. Drake's hands worked his way up my bare back and he intertwined his fingers through my wet black hair.

"HEY GUYS," one of Drake's friends shouted, "LUNCH IS READY, YOU THINK YOU GUYS COULD UM DETACH AND COME OUT AND EAT?" Drake and I pulled away and looked at the crowd of jocks.


''COOL," Tyler yelled back.

"After I do this though," Drake whispered to me and he kissed me again.

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