Unspoken Legacy (Unspoken Tri...

By mcblobby

181 26 38

After the events of Multiplex and Black Swan, Leah poses a new threat. It's her senior year and she just want... More

be better
they said you would be here
another family dinner, another disaster
trouble in paradise
you like having me around?
be enlightened
she is everywhere I go
you're just a kid
beautiful but dangerous thing
falling for him
i love you
you could never hurt me
just good?
both worlds
the best thing for now
i've really missed you
no cheating
everything was my fault
people like us shouldn't be alone
sunshine and rainbows
dead flu
all this time, you were her
you are my parents
we can't be scared to live forever
stop telling lies

no more mistakes

3 1 0
By mcblobby

 Today we decided to do a family lunch with just us kids with mom and dad. We didn't invite anyone and it was nice for it to just be us again.

That and it was going to be one of the last nice days for a while before it got cold so we wanted to make the most of it.

Winter was coming and we decided since we were all over at the house already to just have lunch outside.

Mom sat down plates of sandwiches and a fruit and vegetable tray. We all took our seats and grabbed sandwiches.

I poured a glass of lemonade and that's when I felt a vibration.

"Did you guys feel that?" I asked.

They all looked around like I was crazy.

I looked around and stood up feeling another one. "That. Do you not feel it?"

They all stopped eating when I heard something start to head towards Landon's head. I caught it before it went into his head. I looked at it and it was an arrow.

I looked to see where it came from and I threw it back with my hand.

"Get down," I whispered to them and I stepped off the porch.

They all got underneath the table and I walked around and looked back. Where did it come from?

I looked up to see someone jump from our roof and slam down on our glass table. I took my power and launched her to the right. She rolled and curled over.

She extended her crossbow and sent an arrow to me. I slid on the ground catching it before my eyes. I stood back up running to her.

I extended my own bow that I hadn't used in forever and sent my own arrow to the side of his shoulder. She sent a crossbow arrow whizzing by my head but I leaned my head back missing it.

I sent another arrow to her foot and he doubled down. When I got close to her I used my power and grabbed a hold of her crossbow and crumpled it with my hand and threw it to the side.

She sent a dagger flying to my chest and I caught it in between my fingers bending it with my hands. She was getting ready to throw another one when I took my power and held her hands together moving her near me.

I had gotten really dependent on that power, and I found it more useful than the others.

The girl groaned when I took my power and snapped her leg breaking it so I knew she wouldn't be able to run away.

I picked him up by his shirt and Landon came running over. He disconnected his weapons belt and Victoria came running with alien cuffs in her hand.

She probably got them out of Landon's bag as he was heading to work later. She snapped them onto the girl.

"Who sent you?" I pulled her close and he spit at me. I drew a dagger with my offhand and raised it to her neck drawing a dot of blood. I wiped the spit off. "I asked who sent you?"

She still didn't answer so I stuck the dagger in his good shoulder and he yelled, "Omega! He sent me! He wanted me to kill them!"

"What else?" I asked.


She was lying. I dug the dagger deeper. He wouldn't answer. "That's fine I have someone who can get you to tell me."

I pressed my ring hoping Odessa would answer quickly. She portaled behind Landon immediately.

Odessa was scarier than I was, even though she said I had villain in me I don't think I could do it. But I know she can.

She backed away and Asher started running near her. Landon put a gun to her and Odessa backed up.

"Stop! I told you she is good!" I yelled grabbing at Landon. Instead I knocked his gun out of his hand to the side.

"Hi North family. Long time no see," she smiled and stepped around Landon near me. "Now when I said you could contact me I didn't mean around your family who is supposed to know I'm dead!"

"Sorry, do you mind taking her back to your planet and trying to get information out of him. You might be able to, he is lying and knows something I want to know."

Odessa sighed, "You are killing. If Atlas asks you asked me, I am not trying to get into trouble."

I handed the girl off to her, "Just let me know."

"You owe me!" She opened a portal and stepped through.

"Honestly I thought you were kidding when you said Odessa was alive," Victoria cackled laughing to herself.

Landon picked up his gun, "So did I."

"I told you guys no more lies. We need to go," I brushed the grass off my pants.

"Where are we going?" Asher asked.

"The safe house," I answered.


Marshall opened the door to us, "North family, what do I owe the pleasure."

"We were attacked," Victoria said and pushed him aside.

"Oh, you guys okay?" He asked.

"Fine, I just need to make sure they stay safe. I'm going to call Paige and Becca and tell them to come here too. Could you call Addy and Kayla to tell them to be careful?"

Marshall pulled out his phone already on it.

Mom and Dad were looking throughout the house. Landon and Victoria already made themselves at home on the couch.

Asher and Marshall were making phone calls for me.

Mom walked over to me, "Were you hurt at all?"

"Not this time," I managed to smile.

She rubbed my arm, "We are all fine, don't worry."

Marshall and Asher walked back, "Phone calls were made. Becca and Paige are on their way."

Marshall and I met Becca and Paige outside the safe house and let them in. The house was crowded. I never thought all of them would be in the same room together.

We were waiting in Odessa to get back to us. Mom found old photo albums and was looking through them with dad.

A portal hissed and Atlas and Odessa both stepped through.

"Party?" Atlas asked, smiling at me.

I didn't realize he was coming back with Odessa. We both ran to each other and gave a small hug, "Why are you here?"

"When I saw my sister trying to get information out of a guy. She said you asked her and I was intrigued."

"What did you find out?" Landon asked Odessa.

"He said in about two hours Omega plans on killing the whole city. He wanted to kill off your family and then friends so you would be preoccupied while he did it," Odessa explained.

Everyone is immediately on their feet.

"That's an hour from now then," Victoria pointed out.

"We have to work fast then," I said. "Thank you Odessa."

"Want our help?" Atlas offered.

"We saw how your help was last time. I got this," I said.

Atlas covered his heart, "That hurts. Truly.

"Stick it where it hurts," Odessa said to me.

I turned to my family and Atlas and ODessa took their leave. "You are all staying here."

"No we aren't-" Landon started.

"I don't want any of you near him!" I exclaimed.

"We have weapons here they can use," Marshall offered.

I turned to look at him and he raised his hands backing down.

"Whatever he is going to do we can help. Besides, it's literally my job to be there during a crisis," Landon said.

"I will also have to help wounded people," Mom spoke up.

I really didn't like this but I need to stop worrying so much. "Fine, each one of you takes a weapon. And stay away from where we both are."

It was finally happening and I was going to stop Omega once and for all. No more deaths and no more mistakes. 

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