By maiapv81

10.4K 224 204

Dream and George have been friends for years. What'll happen when all the "jokes" catch up with them? ❥Discl... More

Chapter 1 • Attention
Chapter 2 • Record
Chapter 3 • Mask
Chapter 4 • Eyes
Chapter 5 • Night
Chapter 6 • Struggles
Chapter 7 • Worry
Chapter 8 • Pain
Chapter 9 • Don't
Chapter 10 • Confession
Chapter 11 • Surprises
Chapter 12 • Truth
Chapter 13 • Forest
Chapter 14 • Ashamed
Chapter 15 • Reveal
Chapter 16 • Nightmare
Chapter 17 • Olivia
Chapter 18 • Rain
Chapter 19 • Skater
Chapter 20 • Switch
Chapter 21 • Threat
Chapter 22 • Hope
Chapter 23 • Guilt
Chapter 24 • Hardships
Chapter 25 • Care
Chapter 26 • Tape
Chapter 27 • Justice
Chapter 28 • Twice
Chapter 29 • Reunion
Chapter 30 • What-If's
Chapter 31 • Here
Chapter 32 • Ready
Chapter 33 • After
Chapter 34 • Stream
Chapter 35 • Dinner
Chapter 36 • Backseat
Chapter 37 • Friendship
Chapter 38 • Re-Live
Chapter 39 • ILY
Chapter 40 • Protecting
Chapter 41 • Stress
Chapter 42 • Lies
Chapter 43 • Together
Chapter 44 • Close
Chapter 45 • Triggers
Chapter 46 • Broken
Chapter 47 • Defense
Chapter 48 • Anger
Chapter 49 • Photo
Chapter 50 • Scar
Chapter 51• Session
Chapter 52 • Alone
Chapter 53 • Tension
Chapter 54 • Memories
Chapter 55 • Letter
Chapter 56 • POV
Chapter 57 • Secret
Chapter 58 • Closure
Chapter 59 • Okay
Chapter 60 • Cooking
Chapter 61 • Return
Chapter 62 • Courage
Chapter 63 • Forgiveness
Chapter 64 • Powerful
Chapter 65 • Safe
Chapter 66 • Regret
Chapter 67 • Apart
Chapter 68 • Calls
Chapter 69 • Goodbye
Chapter 70 • Heal
Chapter 71 • Rough
Chapter 72 • Distance
Chapter 73 • Demons
Chapter 74 • Quiz
Chapter 76 • Worthy
Chapter 77 • Why
Chapter 78 • Gone
Chapter 79 • Finale
Sequel (Sorta) :)

Chapter 75 • Explanation

85 2 1
By maiapv81

Includes strong language.

I drove George and I to the hospital as fast as I could, not caring if I got a ticket.

"What happened?" He asked quietly.

I sighed angrily as I clenched my jaw.

"I don't know...my sister didn't tell me anything. She just said something happened and I needed to get down there fast..." I spoke lowly.

While I was focused on the road, George set his palm on my thigh. My eyes widened a little at it. My head turned to him, he was giving me a look, telling me silently that everything would be okay. I hoped it would be.

We arrived at the hospital 15 minutes later. Once we did, I ran up to the front desk, setting my hands on the counter.

"H—hi. My mom—I—I need to see her." I stuttered.

"Okay, the name?"

"Ashley Evans." I said quickly.

The lady typed on her computer then after a few moments, she looked up at me.

"Room 201. But family only." Her gaze shot to George.

"He is." I quickly said.

The lady nodded then I ran down the hall while George followed behind. When I made it to the room, I swung the door open. Seeing my sister, Courtney holding my mom's hand as she laid unconscious.

"Clay—" she stood up.

"What happened??" I immediately ask while George shut the door.

"I don't know. I was at the house talking to her when she collapsed." She frowned, "The doctors still haven't told me anything."

I sighed nervously, looking at my mom's weak state. Her face was pale and her eye bags were heavy. It hurt my heart to see such a loving person this way, knowing she didn't deserve it.

"Who're you?" She looked at George, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"This is George my—" I stopped myself, "This is George..."

"I can leave if you want me to." He stepped back when I grabbed his hand.

"No, please stay." I frowned as slight tears started to form in my eyes.

He nodded, looking relieved I said that as he squeezed my hand lightly. A few moments later, my mom opened her eyes slowly. Courtney was the first to notice.

"Mom!" She went closer to her.

"Hi dear." She said weakly with a smile then she noticed me, "Clay..."

"Hey mom." I lightly smiled.

Her eyes fell to George. She instantly smiled wider.


He chuckled lightly.

"H—hi, Ms. Evans."

"Please, call me Ashley."

George nodded while smiling.

"It's nice to meet you. I wish we could've met sooner..."

"Well you always made excuses for whatever reason." I raised my eyebrows.

Her smile slightly faded.

"This is the reason..." she spoke quietly.


My mom swallowed hard as she sighed.

"I've been sick for a while..."

My heart dropped as my grip on George's hand loosened. Courtney gasped.

"What?? Why didn't you tell us?? We could've helped you sooner—"

"You two are adults...I wanted you to live your lives instead of worrying about mine..."

"Mom...what you have is treatable...right?" I clenched my jaw.

"I'm sorry..." she frowned as tears formed her eyes, "I don't think I have much time left..."

I felt my world collapse as it became harder to breathe.

"Y—you're giving up??" I snapped.

"I've done everything I can dear...this is my time...I've learned to accept it..."

"Well I won't. I can't—you—" My breathing quickened as I barely felt George squeeze my hand, "You..."

My eyes fluttered as I felt myself about to explode in tears. I shook my head as I detached mine and George's hands, running out of there.

I didn't make it far before George grabbed my wrist, stopping me. Once he did, I held him tightly as I let out my sobs, burying my eyes on his shoulder.

I patted his back lightly as I held him tightly.

"I'm here, I'm here..." I whispered.

Now it explained why I never met Dream's parents. I knew he had issues with his dad since he wasn't in the picture but I always hoped I could meet his mom. She always seemed so loving and nurturing.

This isn't the way I wanted us to meet though. Especially since it's causing Dream so much pain that I couldn't take away.

"This is how he must've felt about Hunter. How he couldn't protect me, how he felt so powerless to help me. No wonder why me leaving made such a big dent in his life." I thought.

"But I'm here now. I'm never leaving him again."

After his cries died down, the two of us sat in the waiting room chairs, holding hands as he leaned his head on my shoulder. I moved my thumb around in small circles on his.

Suddenly, an older man wearing a bow-tie walked up to us with a face of disgust.

"Why're you two men holding hands??"

"Cause we can."

"It's unnatural and disgusting." He cringed.

"So is your 2 inch dick. Now leave us the fuck alone." I snapped.

His eyes widened slightly as he shook his head, leaving through the front entrance. Dream lightly smiled as he sniffled.

"Ignore that idiot. He's worthless."

"2 inch." He huffed out a smile.

"That was being generous. His 2 inch is probably a vagina cause it's so small." I joked which made Dream wheeze.

I smiled hearing his laugh I missed so much. That didn't last for long since he sighed.

"This isn't how I wanted you to meet her..." he messed with my fingers.

"Me either...but I love her already." I smiled while looking down at him.

He tilted his head up as he met my eyes, immediately smiling with tears in his eyes.

"I know this is hard for you...I'm sorry I can't make it better..." I frowned.

"You being here is enough..." he lightly smiled.

I smiled back with a relieved sigh but my smile didn't last long.

"I think you should talk to her..." I frowned.

His smile faded as he looked down at the floor.

"She'd wanna see you."

Dream swallowed hard then took a deep breath.

"Can you..." he started but stopped.

"Come with you?"

He looked up at me.

"How'd you know?"

"Well someone told me a while back that we have the same thoughts and mindset. Something like that." I grinned.

Dream smiled as he sniffled. I stood up, holding out my hands for him to grab. Once he did, we walked hand in hand to room 201.

When we arrived, Dream opened the door as Courtney stood up. She wiped her tears as she sighed.

"I'm gonna get her some food."

"Take Clay with you." She said weakly.

Their eyebrows squished together.

"But—" he started.

"C'mon, you're not gonna starve your own mother are you?" She joked.

Dream scoffed then we were all about to walk out when his mom spoke.


I turned around with Dream.

"Stay for a moment, please."

Anxieties rose to my chest as did a million thoughts.

"Shit. She totally knows I left Dream and broke his heart. She's gonna go off on me, God."

"O—okay..." I split apart from Dream's grasp.

He frowned at me then left, shutting the door behind him.

"You still love him." She smiled.

My eyes widened a little as I nervously laughed.

"Well, it's easy to."

She nodded slowly.

"He still loves you too. I can tell. You two look at each other like me and his father used to..." she lightly smiled.

I returned the light smile.

"Can you...do me a favor, dear?"

"Of course." I nodded.

"Take care of him for me...after I'm gone, please..." she lightly smiled as the tears formed in her eyes fast.

I swallowed hard.

"I will..." My eyes trailed down to my feet as slight tears formed in my eyes too, "This isn't how I wanted us meeting..."

She kept her light smile as she squinted at me.

"I don't know how much Dream's told you about my parents but..." I sighed, "I was looking forward to having a good parent in my life..."

I looked up at her with a frown.

"I always hoped it'd be you..."

Her tears collapsed down her cheeks as she swallowed hard.

"I'll do my best with the time I have left..." she smiled while reaching out to hold my hand.

I smiled back as I held her hand.

"I wish I could be at the wedding." She lightly smiled.

My eyes widened a little as my thoughts took over.

My sister and I came back to room 201 about 5 minutes later with a tray of food to see George and my mom laughing.

"Everything okay in here?"

"Of course, dear..." She smiled, "Clay, you should go home and get some sleep. You can visit me tomorrow."

"No way. I'm not leaving you." I shook my head.

"I can stay here with her tonight, Clay." She frowned while setting the tray down on the table, "I'll call you if anything changes."

I looked over at George who nodded with a reassuring smile. I sighed nervously.

"Okay..." I walked over to my mom and hugged her lightly so I wouldn't hurt her, "I love you, mom..."

"I love you more, dear." She smiled.

Tears formed in my eyes immediately after she said that, I savored her warm hug until she let go. After that, George and I walked out of the room after I got one last look at her for the night.

The two of us walked back to the main entrance as I felt an elephant on my chest. I took a shaky breath out as the tears threatened to spill from my eyes as George and I made it to the parking lot.

"I don't want her to leave..." I said quietly, that thought resulting in my tears hitting the cold concrete.

George frowned at me as he intertwined our fingers. I swallowed hard as we continued walking.

"All this time, she's been lying. When in reality, I could've spent more time with her...I get it—she didn't want me to worry but I..." I sighed angrily, "I just want more time with her..."

My lip quivered as my nose scrunched. My vision was blurred as I stared at my shoes walking farther away.

"Her and Court are all I have left of my family basically...I'm not ready to lose her, George—" my voice cracked.

Once it did, he wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me into a tight hug. My hands shook against his back as I shut my eyes tightly.

I let out more cries and by accident, we eventually made our way to our special place, the forest. The two of us looked around as I sniffled, remembering the last time we were here.

In the moonlight, George cupped my cheeks and forced me to look in his eyes. The light bounced off his skin perfectly.

"I have to ask you something."

My eyebrows squished together as I frowned.

"If it's bad...don't say it. I really don't think I could take anymore bad news tonight..." I mumbled.

He lightly smiled as he lowered his palms to squeeze my hands.

"I wanna marry you."

My eyes widened as my expression dropped.

"And I don't just mean in general...I mean...I wanna marry you, tomorrow..."

My eyebrows squished together.

"I don't wanna be just George...I don't wanna be your friend or your boyfriend...I wanna be the one you can count on again...the one you feel safe with..." he messed with my collar, "And the one to take your last name."

My lips curled up into a big smile along with a blush.

"And...I want our mom to be there..." he sadly smiled, "She really wants to be there too..."

Tears formed in my eyes again as I pouted.

"That's what you two talked about...?"

He nodded.

"I asked her for her blessing and she said yes...so...what do you say...? Can we start over? As husbands?" He nervously laughed.

I sniffled as my lips curled up farther. My hands made their way up to cup his cheeks, making them immediately heat up.

"I wanted to be the one to propose to you..." I tilted my head with a smile.

"Well you took too long." He joked which made me wheeze, "So...w—what's your answer?"

The elephant on my chest faded away as I took a deep breath in, inhaling the cold air as I smiled.

"Yes...I'll marry you, George."

George's eyes lit up as he smiled widely. My eyes fell to his lips then back up to his eyes. He did the same.

"Can...Can I kiss you...?" He asked quietly.

I grinned with a nod. He bit his lip with a smile as he leaned into me. Our lips crashed together in a soft kiss that we melted into, the moonlight gleaming on our faces, making it the best ending to the shitty 6 months.

❥Thanks for reading!
Final word count: 2290

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