Midnight Dragon

By Knight1193

46 3 0

Kimmy Evans just wants to get through her High School Years without any drama, and to go unnoticed. However w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Exclusive Peak

Chapter 7

1 0 0
By Knight1193

As Kimmy slept Sean felt happier now, as he was beginning to get back to normal with the girl he loves. It was all coming together once more. He felt like he made amends for the terrible oath he made back home. He only hoped that Kimmy would grow to love him one day.

A cold breeze caught the back of Sean's neck, he froze to the spot, and he knew something was wrong. He knew someone else was in the flat with him, he took a guess that it was Shadow Stalker, after the last visit she took to his flat. "Why are you here again?" he asked exhausted. "You know I can't keep away from you. It's like we are connected by something," the soft voice responded. "What by anger, disgust or even repulsion," Sean snapped back. He had enough of her manipulative words. Sean turned around and saw Shadow Stalker smiling at him.

Shadow Stalker moved closer to him, he suddenlyfelt paralyzed by her once more. For some disturbing reason,Sean, didn't want to move away, but closer. Shadow Stalker smiled as she stood in front of him. She pressed her lips on his, surprisingly Sean responded to the kiss, pursuing it further, making it more passionate.

A small white tablet slipped from underneath Shadow Stalker's tongue. The tablet forced its way down Sean's throat. It didn't take it long for Sean to realise what was happening. He pushed with all the power within his system, which sent Shadow Stalker flying across the room. Panic rushed through his system, he tried to make it to the bathroom. But, the tablet had dissolved quicker than her thought, he dropped to the floor. Sean's eyes closed as he dropped to the floor. Shadow Stalker laughed as she pulled herself off the floor. "I didn't want to do this, but I need to know how she feels about you. Don't worry though, if she doesn't come for you, I might be back. If not you will have a pain free end," Shadow Stalker explained, before leaving the room. Sean tried to roll over, but he couldn't.

A cool breeze rolled over Kimmy's skin, she knew that the window wasn't open when she went to sleep. Her eyes shot open, still she couldn't see anyone. Thoughts went back to her relationship with Paul, and with the conversations that she had with Sean that day. Also how she rejected Blood Shot the other night, she still felt bad about it. She desperately wanted to sort out her relationship with Paul. He was too important to her, for their relationship to fall apart.

Blood Shot appeared in her room. Kimmy was shocked,and taken back to see him again after rejecting his offer. "Iknow you need time, and many questions that need answering. I thought you should know Sean doesn't have much time, his life hangs in the balance," he breathlessly told her.

Kimmy felt confused about what to do, but, she didn't need anyone's blood or life on her hands. Blood Shot gave off a strange energy, which pulled Kimmy to him. Hearing that Sean was in danger, made her want to go to him. As she got up to leave, she went to Blood Shot, and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for telling me, but I do need to go to him," she thanked him before leaving. Blood Shot sighed, he sat on her bed as soon as he was alone. Very quickly he gathered himself before leaving. He needed to remain strong and composed, especially now. He needed to gain her trust even more. Acting jealous of Sean wouldn't work around Kimmy.

Kimmy crept down the stairs avoiding Paul, she knew how he felt about Sean. She managed to get out of the house, without being noticed. As soon as she was outside, she ran straight to Sean's. Her heart was beating like a kettle drum.

As she neared his door, she noticed that it waswide open. She knew something terrible had happened here. She lunged into hisplace, she found Sean lying on the floor barely moving. Being very careful sheturned Sean over on to his back. Very slowly Sean opened his eyes. "K...Kimmy youcame," he stammered. Blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth; tears builtup in his and Kimmy's eyes. Kimmypulled out her phone, and called 911. "Hold on Sean," she begged him. "I'll try," Sean gasped for breath.

It wasn't long until the ambulance arrived, and transported Sean and Kimmy to the hospital. Sean and Kimmy were informed that Sean had been poisoned. The toxin was so powerful that it causes internal bleeding, which can kill you in half an hour and cause so much pain. He needed urgent attention. An operation was scheduled for him immediately. Whilst Sean was in surgery Kimmy rang Paul, to let him know what was happening. Kimmy also left to go and collect some of Sean's belongings.

While she was gathering Sean's belongings she felt a weird energy coming from inside. It out her on edge, she hunted through his chest of drawers and wardrobe for clothes. As she was leaving his flat she could have sworn that she saw a figure in his flat. But, she didn't have time to see if anyone was there. The door slammed with a force behind Kimmy. She hadn't been wrong there was a figure in his flat. Once more Shadow Stalker was there, watching Kimmy's every move.

It didn't take the doctors long to remove the toxin from his system, and move Sean into recovery. Once settled the nurse let Kimmy into his room. Kimmy placed an ice-cold flannel on his forehead. He didn't stir at all, he had a fever that had settled in from his surgery, he was under observation for awhile. It wasn't long until Kimmy had fallen asleep in the chair beside his bed. Her dreams and thoughts were twisted with death and destruction.It was half-past nine when Sean woke up from his slow journey of recovery. He saw Kimmy asleep in the chair next to his bed. "She's been through so much, but it's not over yet," he thought. Kimmy woke up from her slumber a few minutes later. Tears built up in her eyes. "Hey Kimmy it's ok, I'm fine thanks to you. How did you know that something was wrong with me?" he asked her. "Well Blood Shot appeared and said that you were in trouble. I wasn't sure if that was true, I just needed to know. I couldn't afford to have anymore guilt on my conscious," Kimmy explained. Sean felt uncomfortable to hear that Blood Shot has been around Kimmy. However, he knew that he couldn't say anything, it wasn't like Kimmy was his girlfriend. "I think it would be best if we both try and get some sleep. Then we can get some things sorted, once we've slept," Sean softly told her. Kimmy rested her head back on the seat; while she slept, her dreams weren't happy ones. Sean watched as she drifted off to sleep, before he too fell asleep.

As Kimmy slept Blood Shot watched over her, in the hospital. "Well looks like my plan didn't work, but she did have some help," the sinister voice of Shadow Stalker appeared next to Blood Shot. "She needed to know for your plan to work, or fail. Next time put a bit more thought into your plans," Blood Shot said as a matter of fact. The pair hung around for a little while longer, before leaving together.

As Kimmy slept her dreams were disturbing. She saw her dad lying on the stone, cold floor. Blood spraying out of hisneck, his eyes darkening every second. His body also changed, it became discolored, moldy and rotten. Soon enough all that was left of him, was a skeleton. Blood was trickling out of his right eye socket, Paul was staring at her.

Kimmy woke from her sleep gasping for air, she turned to see if Sean was still asleep. But, he wasn't there. Sweat broke out on her forehead, panic flooded through her. She ran to the door, and opened it. Paul's skeleton was staring back at her, his eye sockets had red lights glowing in them. Kimmy screamed. Pitch black darkness surrounded her. The bone fingers gripped her throat. "It's started, you will be like me soon!" the skeleton boomed at her.

Two soft hands lightly started to shake Kimmy's shoulders, this time she did wake up. Sean was kneeling beside her, staring at her with relief, and worry at the same time. "We need to get you out of here," he whispered. Sean held out his hand to Kimmy. When Kimmy realised that she was no longer asleep, she took his hand. Sean rubbed his thumb up and down her hand; a small smile appeared on her face. "Have you been discharged Sean?" she asked softly. Sean just nodded his head and motioned that they should leave the room. Kimmy's hand was still in Sean's, as they walked back to his. She seemed to have forgotten that her hand was in his. Her mind wasn't thinking about that, it played over and over the dream she just had. Why had things got so messed up, in her life? Thoughts like this kept playing around and around in her mind.As they both got back to Sean's flat, Kimmy had offered to stay over and keep an eye on him. Sean didn't seem too pleased with this idea. "You sure that you want to stay over Kimmy? I'm fine now you don't need to watch me tonight," Sean asked her. His voice didn't sound like that he wanted her in his flat. This made Kimmy feel uncomfortable. "If you don't need me then I will go. I was only offering some support like you gave me the other night, but I get it you don't want it. See you later, I guess," Kimmy said bluntly. Before Kimmy left, Sean pulled Kimmy towards him, and kissed her. The kiss confused Kimmy; it wasn't like Blood Shot's kiss, it felt wrong but somehow right. She pushed him off her, it felt wrong that he kissed her. She had a confused look on her face as she went out the door. Sean couldn't shake the look that Kimmy given after he kissed her. He didn't understand why she reacted the way she did. She didn't have that reaction the first or last time he kissed her, he didn't know what had changed now. The kiss felt natural to Sean, maybe he needed to take things slower, he just didn't know. Sean laid down on his sofa, he rubbed his temples, while he thinks things over. A ghostly figured looked from his bedroom right at Sean. Sean felt draw into his bedroom, he got up like a possessed man, and entered his bedroom. He slammed the door.

Kimmy walked back to hers thinking "Why doeseveryone think that they have the right to kiss me?" Guilt flooded throughKimmy thoughts of Blood Shot came into her head. His face was always in herhead, her feelings werebecoming clouded. She didn't know who she wanted or should be with. She shook her head on the way back, not knowing what to think of the situation.

Kimmy was in even more trouble with Paul, he didn't shout at her, but he had look of disappointment on his face again, she went straight to her room. And she thought about the kiss. She was still unsure who to trust, and even possibly who to be with. If she even wants to be with anyone at all. But, what she wanted the most was to have Paul's trust again, she didn't want to disappoint him again. Her heart couldn't take anymore disappointment from him. She hugged her pillow, as she thought over how to mend the relationship. All she wanted was to have her family back together, even if he wasn't her real father. In her heart he was still her dad, and now more than ever she needed to fix this situation. She wanted to be Paul's daughter once again.

Nothing else mattered to her. Not even Blood Shot. 

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